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Topic: Q & A with Michael

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



PRAYER: Mother and Father, thank you for your presence today in our lives that we may receive you and the words of counsel and guidance that you provide to us. We open ourselves to you now that we may receive. We thank you so much for giving us your love, your peace, helping us to be ever more mindful and aware of your will. Thank you.


MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children. This is Michael. I come to you today not only as your Father, but as one who truly knows the experience of what is it like to be a human living on an evolving world. My Spirit of Truth discloses into your being a type of awareness that points you in the direction of TRUTH—the way of Spirit. But it is in my experience of being human that I delight in sharing with my children the path of finding the Father for yourselves through the experience I had as your elder brother Jesus.

There is an energy in my human life that you are able to partake of. Today, I wish to help you partake of this that you would find more comfort and joy in your own experience of being human to help you withstand some of the spiritual and social pressures of the energies of change that are now engulfing the world.

It is through living faith these energies would become more enhanced or known to you. So before we open the forum to your questions, simply receive me now, and feel your own desire for the humanity that I experienced as Jesus to resonate within your own being, to enhance your own humanity. Set that intention in your own mind and heart, and allow your Mother and me to move in and through you. Receive us, my beloved children. (Pause)

The human condition is an experience to be enjoyed. So many of my children of this world seek escape from their innate nature. Yet I lived to ennoble human life—to show a different way of being to help humanity into a different understanding of what it means to be an evolving will child of the Paradise Father. So today as you formulate the questions within your minds to bring forward to me, I encourage you to keep that idea of savoring your human experience in the forefront of your question. Continue to receive as we move into now this period of dialogue and discussion. You may bring your questions to me when you feel ready to speak.


Student: Hello, Michael, this is B. I have been reading a series of articles from the anthroposophical perspective on autism, especially in children. What disturbs me is the staggering fact that in a mere 10 years our country alone with be faced with 500,000 adults with autism with these children growing up. The jury is still out from the human mind perspective as to what causes autism. I was heartened from these articles because the idea they were trying to convey is that these children who are born with autism - and autism has been with us for longer than people think - are here to teach us something. We have come - especially in the West - so far away from love, so entrenched in materialism. Learning how to love them and live with them will help us to get back on the right path. My question today is twofold: your thoughts on autism, your comments; and then taking what you just spoke to us about that human perspective, how best can we help children people with autism and in turn help ourselves? Thank you.

Michael: Thank you for your question, my daughter Bonnie. Autism is a form of ,what you may call, a disorder or malfunction of the biochemistry within the central nervous system and the way which the neurons fire within the brain. While I won't necessarily comment on its origins, because this is an area in which your modern day scientists will need to apply themselves, I would point them in the direction of looking at the stream of consciousness energies therein and how they interplay within the human anatomy and physiology.

To answer the second part of your question, the answer is quite simple: to love that which you do not understand takes great courage and faith, and what you might call a far-seeing perspective, for these individuals truly are loved by the Father. They have an eternal destiny and journey. Irrespective of the anomalies of the functioning of the brain, the Adjuster is able to perceive spiritual capacity and receptivity of any individual. So it requires human society to have an attitude of compassion for people whose mode of operation falls outside of the realm of what is perceived to be normal functioning.

Again, it is coming from this spiritual perspective of recognizing that these individuals are loved by the Father. So it is a matter of spiritual growth on the part of any individual and in the collective society as a whole. For the most part you are moving ahead in your understanding of what it means to be compassionate for those who have what you might call difficulties in physiology and in their anatomical structure. Much will be corrected once they leave the confines of the physical body and move on their spiritual careers.

It is good that your society is working toward developing systems of support to help them have quality of life so the society as a whole functions at a higher spiritual level. You have continued to struggle with these issues and problems, and here again lies a conundrum—spiritual growth in any particular culture is predicated upon the development of the individual. So we look to those who are awakened and aware to help your brothers and sisters to open up their spiritual perspective, and to help people recognize that it is in within the realm of Spirit that this can be perceived and human understanding can grow so these problems can be solved at the material level. Does this answer your question, my daughter?

Student: Yes, it does. Thank you, Michael. Thank you very much for this very thorough answer.

Michael: Be in my peace, my daughter.

Student: Hello, Michael. This is H. I like to ask if you could give me some words or comments on the teachings of R. Steiner; maybe something that could help me to get a deeper understanding of him and his lifetime and his teachings, especially relating to your life as Jesus and other things that relate to geomancy, because most of the people I am involved with in geomancy have some of their background in anthroposophical teachings. And I like to get a more open path to meet with their belief-system. Thank you.

Michael: H, my son, I do understand your question, and I do wish to address to your satisfaction, but herein I would ask for you to be more focused in the area of your heart and allow the love that your brother Rudolf Steiner had for this world and for his understanding to come into your own being.

Belief systems are very, the word I would use here is, quivering or wavering within the human mind. By that I am referring to the degree to which a person is rooted with any particular belief. It is changeable, and what changes that is the emotional energy of that belief system to the degree which that person invests their own feeling energy into it. Where you would benefit from our brothers and sisters who are involved in the work of healing the planet is to simply come from that shared intention of love for the earth, love for life, and to speak from your heart about what it is that you truly value, the belief that you hold dear to your heart.

Now when it comes to the topic of Jesus and my humanity, I again, encourage you to look to your heart. Some individuals have certainly rejected this notion of the Christian concept of Jesus and some people are unclear about what they believe. But when you, and I am speaking of you individually H my son, simply focus on me as your brother and the love that exists between us and set up an energy field, and you convey that energy that can speak to the heart of another individual. And so you might call this the geomancy of the Jesus connection or spirit. This is one of the endowments of today’s call to help you to become stronger in that perception that when you are engaging with your brothers and sisters you are strong in this energy field and you share it with them.

Ask them questions about what they think about Jesus, what they think about Christianity, and allow their energies that they are conveying from the words they speak and from their heart to come forward, that you may share your energy with them and allow the truth come into the circuit that it may create a new impression in both you and the other person with whom you are engaging.

As you are learning the field of geomancy for the earth plane, you may also use this for this circuit of the human experience of Jesus that you have access to, we are helping you receive. So as you consider this answer, focus on the word "Jesus." Simply invite your heart to open to the higher truth, this energy circuit to convey into your being. I hope this somewhat satisfies you, so if you have a further question I will be most happy to address that for you as well.

Student: No. Thank you. That is very helpful and this is something I can work on for a while. Thank you.

Michael: You are most welcome, my son, and be in my peace.


My children, whether or not you truly realize this, human life is very short in terms of your entire ascension progression. Yet it is so fundamental to your understanding of the ways of the universe and certain appropriations of the Father’s WILL that you only get through direct living experience. I know this particular time is very challenging to so many of you. Some of you are surrounded by people who do not know how to truly love, and their hearts are full of skepticism and disbelief. So I always extend my love and patience for you to receive; to help you through any of the experiences that you find difficult or troubling to you to learn to appreciate these experiences as the fertile soil for your minds and hearts to open to something better. In coming to me as your brother Jesus I will share with you my faith and how I was able to develop that unswerving loyal devotion of seeking the Father’s will in all of the experiences I encountered. There are many who will benefit through your spiritual growth, whether or not you consciously recognize how your lives impact others.

So grow and gain in the experience of being an evolving human. Savor each moment to the best of your ability, and then you will find more joy and enhancement of Spirit coming your way. This is my desire for you: You would truly embrace this experience to the fullness of your heart and live each day faithfully as a beautiful and noble son and daughter of the living God. My peace is upon you, my children, and my love dwells within you. Good day.