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Topic: Conference Call with Michael and Nebadonia

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael, Nebadonia

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



PRAYER: Thank you, Mother and Father, for this time today to be with you, to share in the joys of being members of a universe family and to receive your words and your presence within our hearts, within our bodies and minds. We come to you today because we have great needs: needs for healing, for peace, for hope, strength, courage and compassion to steady us during these turbulent times. We open ourselves to you now. We thank you so much for helping us receive your love that we may grow in it and be ever more focused on doing your will. Thank you.


MICHAEL: Good day, my beautiful children. Peace be upon you! This is your Father Michael. Yes, your world is indeed going through a turbulent time, but this is not so much different than in times past. Urantia, as you know, has a very turbulent history, that being a part of the legacy of rebellion. There is so much to hope for, look to the future—the light that is now pervading the planet and stimulating this rugged course of progression that is now underway.

As we have said to you many times, you do not walk this path of transformation alone. We are with you—underneath, above, surrounding you. We are here. But, it is up to you to take yourself away from the din of your culture and renew yourself in spirit. No one can do this for you. It is your freewill choice, and yet, there is a well spring of refreshment and renewal. You will indeed perceive as you receive what we wish to share with you. Remember this is a co-creative process. Remember that you hold fifty percent of the responsibility. Your Mother and I delight in helping you open what you have access to, but you must step up and come to us and receive as a child of faith.

Today as your Mother and I minister in your circuits, ask your Father Fragment to reveal to your conscious mind those attributes of Spirit that you need right now in this present moment. Do you need strength? Do you need understanding? Do you need compassion or faith? Spend a few moments communing with the Father Within asking that question. Know that your Mother and I will nourish you with those qualities that are revealed upon your soul. Take your time as you do this. Feel your need for these attributes as we move in you now, my beloved children. (Pause)

The spiritual vitality you are now accessing is ever present. The human stream of consciousness pervades your thoughts, bathes your cells, and is opening to higher streams of Spirit to which you are connected through your Mother. MOTHER’S LOVE expands you, filling that environment of your interior spaces to contain more of my PEACE, that you may truly be refreshed and renewed in the various spiritual attributes that you seek, you need to embody this more and more in your daily lives. (Pause)

Now I invite you to ask this spiritual current to make contact with the streams of energy conduction throughout your physical body. Your body may benefit from LOVE in its various attenuations at the physical level. Your innate need for LOVE, not only an emotional need, is also a physical need. So few of my children truly get all of their needs met—the love that you so eagerly and earnestly seek and desire. So while I am here with you in this manner, it is certainly acceptable for you to feel your need for love in your body. Permeate those cells, communicating to them the core need: what it means to be a human. Drink in my LOVE, my children. Let the cells in your body be bathed in my LOVE. (Pause)

LOVE at the physical level, consists of tiny particles and waves that stream in from the higher realms into the physical dimensions, into the vehicles you inhabit on this terrestrial experience. As your bodies open to Father’s LOVE I am sharing with you, allow your hearts to open to receive this outpouring; not only in your heart center but in your heart organ. These particles and waves communicate with your heart organ to help you become more calibrated in the energies you need to live here on the earth plane in a more healthful manner. If it helps you to focus in receiving this LOVE, center your gaze over your heart organ. Simply envision the word LOVE over your heart organ as they gently beat together in a rhythmic dance of LIFE. (Pause)

Let these energies of LOVE, these particles and waves circulate throughout your system. Relax and drink in deeply of these nourishing energies for your body: new places within your being would be more receptive; all of these energies you have access to heal and repair of all that is out of alignment. (Pause)

As these circuits open and respond to Father’s LOVE, I invite you to center your gaze now on your heart centers. Simply receive the words MICHAEL’S PEACE. Move over and into your hearts, in the center of your heart over into your heart organ. Receive my PEACE, my children. Let it circulate throughout your system. (Pause)

My children, I leave you in my PEACE. As your Mother steps in to speak to you, you will continue to receive this outpouring of my PEACE. Remember to return to this place when you are in need. Recognize your need. Do not judge it. Do not try to repress it. Simply say, “Father, I need your PEACE. I need your LOVE for my own human emotions are taking me into a place of unloveliness, and I need your TRUTH, GOODNESS, and BEAUTY to renew and refresh me and to stimulate me with potentials I have to accomplish more of the Father’s WILL in my life.” And know that I will meet you in that place. As I take my leave of you in this manner, turn to your Mother, focus on her, and ask that you be sewn into more of the circuits of LIFE that Her daughters, your sisters, wish to provide to you. Good day, my beautiful children.

NEBADONIA: Greetings dear ones, this is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. Michael’s PEACE is all around you, and through the ministry of your celestial sisters, you can receive more of this, which is especially necessary during this time of such rugged transformation upon Urantia. Spirit is striving to break through many places of resistance. Many of you who are opening to the presence of Spirit within your lives feel this resistance and wish to surmount it. One of the best ways to surmount this is by coming to your Father and me and relaxing and receiving what we share with you, what we provide you—we help you achieve through your receptive state.

It is not a matter of striving to figure out what it is you need, engaging the reasoning part of your mind to obtain this deep peace and love. It is your mind of faith—that trusting childlike nature—that receptive state of asking for help and knowing that it is granted. You will receive. So receive this now. Invite your celestial sisters to come closer to you, weaving into you new strands of LIGHT, LIFE, of LOVE, that the upstepping process that you need right now would gain strength and stature within your entire system of consciousness, penetrating even to the densest cells of your body, coursing life through your veins. (Pause)

This LIFE energy is renewing. It is a commodity that your world needs in great supply, all levels of life here. The humans of this world have not been wise and compassionate caretakers of life. While we understand the plight of Urantia, we do encourage you, as our children who are aware, to renew yourselves in LIFE, in LOVE, in LIGHT that the life force will grow stronger here—the renewal energies would go deeper—and benefit all, not just human life but all life. So ask for this LIFE to penetrate deeper into your being. When you do this you have greater capacity to receive me as your Mother, and that the bridge between spirit and physical energies would be built to connect the two realms in a seamless stream of LIFE, and your Father’s PEACE will resonate more deeply in your physical bodies. (Pause)

Now, my children, I invite you to feel your need for more of Father’s WILL to come into your being. This is the rhythm and the way of LIFE. It is a calibration of your awareness of LIFE to that which the Father Within wishes to disclose into your being. There is much to be shared with you, much for you to learn and grow, and it behooves you well to truly desire the WILL of your Father to course through your being. It is all GOOD. It is all LOVE. There is nothing to fear, even though there are places of resistance within your being to being aligned in His WILL. But, you have power over this through your conscious consent, to associate your need with the Father’s WILL with more TRUTH, BEAUTY and GOODNESS.

So as these words settle in, I invite you to feel this need for Father’s WILL to become more operative and dominant throughout your being. Let it go into deeper places of resistance, that you may gain a liberation from the fetters of fear—fear not only of the animal nature that is part of your evolutionary makeup, but also the fear that you received as part of your conditioning. Let Father’s WILL speak to you of a new reality of liberation, of gaining greater capacity for PEACE and LOVE within your own circuits of functioning. If it helps to focus, simply envision FATHER’ S WILL. See it in your mind’s eye, and breathe that in, setting that intention for it to go into every fiber of your being, every cell, every thought, every feeling. FATHER AND I ARE ONE. I AM ALIGNED IN HIS WILL IN THOUGHT, WORD AND DEED, IN MIND, BODY AND SPIRIT. (Pause)

Father’s GLORY is a most wondrous, benevolent energy to receive. It is His gift to you, His children of evolutionary status to attain through your earnest and sincere efforts to be like Him. Allow yourselves to be bathed in this energy of GLORY. If it helps you to receive and perceive this, simply focus on the word’s FATHER’S GLORY. Feel your need. Draw that line of focus from your heart into those words. Say, “Yes, Father, thank you for filling me with your GLORY. I am your child and this is my divine birthright.” (Pause)

The human experience is part of the Father’s GLORY. The plan hailing from Paradise is perfect in its conception. Its implementation, however, is given to you to enjoy. So in the coming days, invite this GLORY energy to permeate you, to fill you, to help you truly appreciate the a great privilege you have of being a son or daughter of high destiny evolving to the very center of Paradise perfection. Your human minds begin to perceive true relevance of what this means. The Father’s GLORY may truly illuminate your heart and mind and all the spiritual attributes of Michael and myself that you need to make this journey increasingly expand within you, filling you with great stamina, courage, faith, hope, strength and vitality, in not only this age, but in all ages to come. Let this Earth life experience be your wonderful training ground of all that is to come in the future.


I will leave you with that thought for consideration, my children. In the coming days speak to your angelic helpers and celestial teachers that you may come into a fuller awareness, both in thought and feeling what it means to be an evolving son and daughter during this time of transition and transformation on Urantia, throughout the day as your thoughts center on the attributes that you have sought and received, and let the GLORY grow within you. Good day, my precious children.