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Topic: Conference Call with Michael and Nebadonia

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael, Nebadonia

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



PRAYER: Mother and Father, thank you for this time together. Thank you for helping us to receive more of your presence into our beings that we may grow and become more like you. You know what we need, and we thank you for providing us with those heavenly helpers to weave us in your circuits of love, light and life, that we may be ever more receptive to the leadings of our Father Fragments and aligned in your will. Thank you.


NEBADONIA: My precious children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. Breathe deeply into your bodies. Let the currents of life which pour forth from my bosom energize you. Take deep breaths. Envision this energy circulating through your system. Let your gaze fall upon your heart centers as you let your minds become very relaxed, open, yielding, and receptive to my embrace. This is a period for you to revel in pure experience. There is nothing for you to think, simply to experience as I move in you and embrace you. Receive me, my beloved children. (Pause)

Spirit is all around you, pervading every place of your being—from the densest and lowest vibrations of your physical body to the highest reaches of the super consciousness level of your minds. Yet so many of my children of this world are so divorced from the nurturing energies of LIFE! It requires this time of reception through pure experience through the desire to make contact with spirit that allows you to truly receive, furthering your perception of spirit reality. Let these energies move deeply in you and through you. Let my presence in you gain greater momentum and breadth of expression. Feel your need for your Mother—the need of a child to be in a safe and loving environment in order to grow and prosper. For this is what I am to you. I am the womb of LIFE and in me you live. (Pause)

Yes, my children! My dear beloved children, drink deeply of my love. In a few moments your Father Michael will speak into you with His mighty presence and fill you with His LOVE that you may grow in Him and embody Him more and more. Drink deeply. Simply be! (Pause)

All is well, my children, as Urantia takes Her rightful place in the divine circuits of Nebadon. The quarantine is now over and you are now awakening to the truth of who you are. Never more important is the understanding and awareness than this period of the Correcting Time in its early stages, for there is a major outworking now evolving as you leave behind the misguided ways of planetary rebellion, and ascend into the light and the truth of the Father’s GOODNESS, and the creative plans for the evolution of your culture into Light and Life. We are helping you to gain greater composure in these new circuits to move you beyond fear—from chaos into order, from death into life, and to help you become more aware of the beauty that exists in your evolving souls, and to help you identify yourself as an evolving soul undergoing a very rigorous training in the adventure of life on this physical sphere.

Continue to feed upon me. Let us minister to you to prepare you to receive your Father Michael as you are enhanced in Him: in His BEAUTY, in His MAJESTY, in His GLORY, in which He delights sharing with you. You have yet to fully appreciate how loved you are, how valuable you are to us! So it is desired that in this infusion from my heart to yours that more glimmers of understanding would be gleaned within your perception and both your emotions and in your body. Continue to drink. Continue to breath. Continue to grow. (Pause)

Now, my children, I leave you in Michael’s hands as He embraces you. Trust your Father! His love for you is beyond human measure and human limitation. You grow incrementally in your ability to perceive and receive it. During this time of planetary need, you are in more favorable positions to receive an enhancement of His power presence and His LOVE. So enjoy this time with your Father, as I take my leave of you in this manner. You will continue to receive my ministry as your Father Michael speaks into your being His words of LOVE and His words of HOPE, PEACE and the of the GLORY OF THE FATHER’S WILL being made manifest in the lives of His children. Good day, my children. I love you.

MICHAEL: Peace be upon you, my children! This is your Father Michael. As your Mother has spoken, you are indeed being upstepped and raised. You will soon experience. For now, it is my delight to speak words of encouragement and hope into your beings. You may receive my presence uniquely and individually, for you all have gifts that are being developed, and your souls are growing, gaining strength to be of service to me during this time of correction. I know the desires of your hearts. I know the potential of your souls.

Your Mother and I are making every provision available for you to activate this potential to live more soul-fully. But it is you who must take the helm and to truly spend time with your Father Fragments, communing and conversing of how to best bring your potential out to this material realm where you can do much good to support the plans of correction and to help your brothers and sisters awaken to a new reality. This is your choice. We try to make many provisions available to you through information and experience. The final decision must be yours.

Drink in my love to help you with the decision making process. It truly is this simple, my children. LOVE is the greatest power, the greatest force in all creation, and you can drink deeply of this cup of LOVE through the personality circuit we share together. So, if it is your desire now to receive my LOVE to grow in your potential, simply state that intention in your heart and mind, and ask for my LOVE to uplift you. Do you see how simple this is, my children? This is all it takes. This is all that is necessary for your decision through your faith to receive my LOVE. Receive my LOVE, my precious children, and drink deeply. (Pause)

It will take age upon age to bring this planet into the era of Light and Life. The journey has begun through the Correcting Time. The first step is to make contact with the Spirit within, through the practice of quieting your mind you may perceive another reality—it is of the higher nature of the Father’s creative plan. You are still in the early stages of step one, you might say, and yet so much growth and gain can be had from this preliminary step. The reverberations from the still and aligned mind can create a construct of reality so powerful and potent it has the capacity and ability to change hearts, alter perceptions of concepts and beliefs long held as sacred.

So, be aware of the importance of your times of communion, and recognize that they have an impact on the collective consciousness. Perhaps this will give you more incentive to practice more regularly, and be more devoted and dedicated doing this, as you know it is helping your brothers and sisters by developing that pool of spiritual awareness that changes lives and hearts.

You see, you have lived in this sense of isolation so long you do not always appreciate nor understand what your actions do on a collective basis. It is my desire that you would become more unified in mind and body, in heart and soul of the ONENESS of the Father in which we all take origin. Let this energy of ONENESS now be a focus, not only for conceptual understanding, but for soul nourishment. Feel your desire for heart’s need for ONENESS as I continue to feed you with my presence, with my personality, with my love. ONENESS…ONENESS…ONENESS. (Pause)

Feel your need for this energy to permeate into all the particles of your cells. More light may be activated in and through your bodies that the presence of the Father indwelling you may be perceived more clearly and directly. There is light in ONENESS. There is life, buoyancy and joy! Drink deeply my children, drink..drink! Drink in the ONENESS. Drink in the LIFE. Drink in the LOVE. (Pause)


A powerful storm is coming, my children; its energies super-charged with CHANGE and LIFE. I will steer you safely through this storm. You are being prepared for this time of change. Stay close to me and commune with the Father within. Know you will be given every opportunity to share your light with your brothers and sisters whose lives may be dashed upon the rocks of the age of materialism as the universe shares a new reality with this world. For some, this change will be difficult. For others, it will be a time of great jubilation and opportunity to build the ways of LOVE, LIGHT and PEACE upon Urantia.

How will you move through this period? You have been given so much to support you, to energize you, to uplift and hearten you through this time of change. So go boldly forth into the new era and know that I am with you. I walk with you. I prepared the way for you. Love this world with all of your heart and soul. Love your brothers and sisters as best you can, and know that my hand is steering Urantia toward Her destiny as my beautiful jewel in the diadem, in the crown that is my universe. Good day, my beloved children.