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Topic: Q and A with Michael

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



Prayer: Mother and Father, thank you for lifting us up into that presence of love and light that we may continue to imprint upon you and grow in your peace. We open our hearts to receive what you share with us today, that your will may be further achieve through our efforts. Thank you so much.


Michael: Greetings, my children! This is Michael. This a small gathering today, and I invite you to come close to me now. Let my proverbial arms embrace you, holding you close to my bosom. The spirit presence wraps around you, weaving you in a fabric of love that will gain greater dominance in your being as the Correcting Time continues to make its presence known upon Urantia. But irrespective of how your planetary culture relates to this time of change and growth, you are always able and invited to come to me—to feel my embrace and to perceive with deeper clarity of thought and feelings of love of my presence in you.

Before I address your questions or concerns today, let us spend some time together as Father and child. Let those bonds of love grow and wrap you tighter in this fabric. Come to me now and allow me to move within you. (Pause)

That which is growing within you needs no explanation for it is my love. But your bodies do need to release those bands of emotional instability that deter you from feeling the steadiness and security of my love. These bands of emotional energy are, you might say, excitated during this time of change as my spirit presence penetrates deeper into the fabric Urantian consciousness, hitting a nerve of error and distortion that renders the children of this world more susceptible feelings of insecurity, fear. But this too is a transitional phase, and soon this bandwidth, you might say, will be cleared and more peace will start to be perceived within the human heart. But you, who have learned to quiet your mind, go beyond the understanding and the feelings that you experience and are able to penetrate into these levels of my peace and become more immersed in that field. So feed upon this for the next few moments. Let my peace grow strong and mighty within you. Drink deeply of my peace, for I delight in sharing this with you, my children. (Pause)

Radical changes may seem to befall your world, but underlying this is my peace. It is my desire that my children begin to perceive that appearance of a new way to perceive their outer reality. It is through this deliverance of my peace that changes can be viewed in the true perspective of what is occurring upon Urantia. Let yourselves continue to expand in this growing depth of peace, anchoring you firmly in my love. You will not necessarily notice all of these spirit endowments at once as you continue to seek the stillness, commune with the Father within, come to me. Will you notice that you are staying more steady and secure throughout your day insofar as you remember to renew yourself in spirit each day my peace will continue to expand within you. Continue to feed upon me as I embrace you. The cells of your body drink this in deeply, feeding you body and soul with what you need. (Pause)

Grow strong in me, my children. There is truly nothing to fear. My presence in you holds you tightly and you are gaining more stature in me. I know the concerns of your heart, and I understand that the outer reality of this world is very troubled and chaotic. Yet I ask you to trust me that you may remain strong and faith-filled when changes seem to suddenly occur. Know what is happening is with my hand behind it, and that love as the power of universe begins to ring more deeply within the human heart. Take a few moments if you wish to bring your concerns to me in a more verbal format, and we will discuss those matters which are upon you.



Hi Michael, this is L and I want to thank you for what you’ve just given us. One thing that has weighed heavily on me recently is that there are a lot of things happening in my life that are future oriented. My husband and I are contemplating moving off the east coast and moving out west somewhere and I find it hard to think about the future too much, just knowing that we have some very difficult times coming up ahead. I just wondered of you could give me some advice. That’s not the only thing happening in my life that’s future oriented – there are a lot of things – but it’s hard to have a lot of enthusiasm or forward thinking about things when I then say to myself: “be realistic – some of these things just may not be possible.” I was just wondering if you have some advice for me on how to view these types of things and what kind of perspective I can gain to make me feel differently about all of this. Thank you.

Michael: L, my daughter, there is a very simple perspective and that is to be more focused in the present moment. Much of human thought is oriented toward planning for the future. You have been very much influenced by the conditions of your society to make provisions for your future lives as you age and prepare for this idea of retirement. As you learn to live in a new dynamic, a new way, the way of faith, you begin to sense that you have another perspective to view – to test you might say – and that is living in the present moment where what you need will come to you or you will be prompted to appreciate what it is that you must do that will foster your well being on all levels.

The Father within you truly knows what is occurring in all the intimate details of your life and when people are in relationships, the Adjusters of both people do endeavor to help you to become more harmonized or attuned to one another and your respective needs. My encouragement today is to help you to begin to make a stronger departure from the projection into the future and to live more faithfully in the present moment. And again, when you are in a relationship with a person who does not truly understand what this means, this will take a deal of your own inner strength and trust to allow this to unfold, you might say, in your relationship. I encourage you to spend time with your Adjuster asking for guidance in staying grounded in the present moment.

What this will help you gain is a greater range to see what might be advantageous for where your angels and where the Father within is guiding you. When you engage your own thoughts in trying to ascertain what is the best course of action, you do tend to thwart the energies of spirit, which are always going to help you see more broadly, more deeply and more objectively which is the best course of action to pursue. There are different sensing mechanisms within your being that will begin to resonate which is the correct path to help you make the decision that is based on the way that is conducive to your development and spiritual growth.

So let this be a time when you begin to trust in a level of reality – let us call this the time reality – where you stay more focused in the present moment. And should you need a focus to help you stay in the present moment, call on me and ask for my time, my timing to come into your being and calibrate you in a different relationship to the future. Do you understand my daughter? (Well, I think so. I’m going to write this all down and reread it a couple of times – I’m sure I’ll get it)

Donna: What I’m seeing is the word NOW and it’s kind of like an energy field being built over you and it’s like what you might call spirit range coming over your energy field to hold you in the present moment and I’m getting a sense that Michael wants to hold you in that energy so you can let the words that he was speaking to you come into you to understand this. He’s just filling you up with that right now.

L: I guess what is confusing at times now is that we are being made so aware of the correcting time and what it means, which sort of makes you want to prepare for it and think about what’s coming, but on the other hand, we’re told that the best thing to do is stay in the now. It’s not an easy thing to do, I guess.

Michael: When you stay in the present moment, you have a greater receptivity to perceiving the guidance that you need to support you in the various levels of your life. This does not mean that you sit by and watch events pass by you for there are times when you will need to take action. But what this will help you achieve is a greater sense of trust, that you are not alone and that you are receiving help to get you through those circumstances of your life which would seem to be beyond your abilities at any given stage in your development.

Think about your own children when they were young and they were in a new experience and you helped them, gave them a sense of perspective, helped them learn different ways. If they were crying or speaking, you could not inform them of what was going to be helpful to them and so this is truly no different. What we are asking you is to stay focused in a state of mental receptivity by quieting your mind so what you need can be perceived. Does this help you further understand what I was referring to? (Yes, yes it does. Thank you very much) And be in my peace. (Thank you.)

Student: Hello this is H. Thank you very much for being here and what you just said to Lisa is already a very good answer to my second question, because I am also looking for some changes or some decisions I want to make. And maybe you can comment on that again if you want or if you see something you want to say to me or as an advice.

But I would like to ask my first question because that relates to my teeth problems right now and I would like to ask you how much is it relevant for you in a more spiritual point of view, the idea of psychosomatic reasons of a disease? Like when I look at my teeth problems, I was thinking many times of the idea of, you know, in German language we say "Verbissenheit" relate to tensions in my jaw. That is my first question and my third question is relating to the adjutant mind spirit or circuits. Is there an idea of how I can visualize them? The circuits, how they enter the chakras? Thank you.

Michael: H, my son, there are many energies that are (Donna: I am seeing the word "excitated" in my mind’s eye and I keep trying to find a word to convey this information to you)

Henry, my son, your entire being is being, you might say, recalibrated to a higher bandwidth of frequencies that is coming from the system level to attune to those energies necessary for this world to begin to transform itself. Does this have an effect on the physical body? Yes, indeed it does! And much tension, you might say, is at the surface of this denser physical level that is being outworked over time.

It is helpful for you to spend time simply relaxing your body as much as possible. Some people find that they need more periods of rest and regeneration to help this attenuation into these new frequencies, and there are certain natural substances and remedies that you can take to help your body recalibrate if you do not have the ability to receive what you get from your simple meditative practice.

Please understand that there are many exchanges of energy happening in your body at any given time. Most of this is happening at a level that you are not truly aware of. Sometimes these you might say flare-ups of pain occur because there are changes occurring at more subtle levels, but do your best to seek help from those people who can perhaps help you relieve the tension at this physical level so that you find more peace and steadiness to take you through the day.

As to your relationship with the adjutant spirits that converges in your mind: it is not something that you can see you might say or necessarily even perceive. But what I would recommend that you focus on is simply asking for Mother’s presence to grow in you and that for each one of the circuits if you will, to be filled with love and light, and allow yourself to, as you might say, recharge your battery through Her ministration in your being. There are many changes that you will be undergoing over the next few years.

So as you might say, you are being upgraded, you will perceive new ideas and different frequencies being more harmoniously calibrated together that you are able to perceive the leadings of the Father within you to make those adjustments in your own self concepts, you become more Father-led and Father-like.

But simply relax and try not become overly concerned about what is happening within you and trusting more in that you will go through these times of change, sometimes they are a little bit uncomfortable as your body becomes more accustomed to these higher frequencies that truly heal and penetrate through all the levels of distortion and error to bring into your awareness a newness that is truly regenerating. Does this help, my son?

Student: Yes, thank you very much, that was very helpful.


Michael’s Closing Comments:

My children, I applaud your courage and your faith for truly you are among what we would call a limited number of humans of this world who are beginning to understand the enormity of what is occurring on this planet and the changes that must be made and your relationship to them. But as the old energies begin to lose their grasp within you, and the light of life and love continue to grow, ensure you are giving your bodies the proper rest, nutrition, hydration and exercise so that these reverberations of the past can more easily stream out of your being.

Know that I am with you, my love lives within you, and that you may come to me at any moment, at any moment and receive my presence to steady you. Let my hand bathe Urantia in my love, and let your Mother hold this planet in Her womb of life as we continue to minister to this beloved sphere in ways you can hardly conceive. We simply ask you to trust us and be a beacon of love to those people around you. Thrive in us, my children, and enjoy your time of humanity. Good day.