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Topic: Q and A with Michael

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



Opening Prayer: Mother and Father, thank you for this opportunity to provide that environment for your children to receive you in the ways you know they need, and to come to you with the questions on their hearts and minds. Thank you for helping us receive you in word and body, that your love may grow deeper in your children. Thank you so much.


Michael: Peace by upon you, my children! This is Michael. Today as you come to me with those concerns weighing upon you, I invite you to look at those situations of your lives that perhaps may seem to be a little more challenging or rugged. I encourage you to look at these scenarios of your life as those golden moments when the Father within you strives to teach you something about your human nature and the personality you have as His gift to you.

The experiential evolutionary course of mortal will creation was designed to master life’s lessons one at a time. And that you would be placed in circumstances which are new to help you develop those skills and understandings that would bolster your faith-trust in where the Father within you sees these arenas as ways to develop your potential. No two people are alike, so each individual will have his and her own path, but the commonality of experience is in the sharing of how you were able to look at a challenge in your life and overcome it with certain spiritual qualities that you bring to life through your endeavors. So keep this in mind when asking your questions today, as it is my desire to help you enjoy those moments of struggle and to help you see the pearl of great value that you will come to obtain as you have moved through this experience successfully.

So before we begin, take a few moments to settle into your hearts. Simply breathe and relax as your Mother gently expands you in Her breath of life that I may infuse you with more of my presence. Receive us now, my beloved children. (Pause)

Allow my presence to impress more deeply upon your energy systems. Know that I am with you through all of your struggles, all the events of your life. Call upon me when you need to bolster yourself in that spiritual vitality that will sustain you through any new or daunting experience. Go to the Father within you and ask that you be opened to see the deeper meaning and value of the experience in which you are engaged.

Enjoy these experiences, my children. They are the ways you truly master living and come into a deeper appreciation of what it means to be alive. Of course, you may also come to me as your brother Jesus, that I may share the human perspective with you to further fortify your staying the course through your struggles. In so doing you will find a greater perspective that will help you cease to see the circumstances as a struggle, but to recognize that there is a great treasure for you to experience as you move through what life places in your path.

So come to me with your questions now keeping this idea in the forefront of your awareness. Let my words and my presence emit in you a greater appreciation of what it means to be an evolutionary will child of the Father living this human life on such a rugged sphere. I am ready to receive your questions now.


Student: Hello this is H. Dear Michael thank you for your words—supporting words, uplifting words. They were very helpful already before, almost like an answer to my question. And I don`t really know if I have a question but maybe like to hear some comments on my current life situation working on the farm. The only thing I want to say is that, as it has been before that mainly when I am physically exhausted, I am sometimes just not able to think of a solution so that is the main problem I can think of right now. Thank you.

Michael: H, my son, any kind of exhaustion is a signal to rest and regain your strength and vitality. When you are in a situation that requires your full use of your faculties—physical, emotional and mental, and you experience any kind of exhaustion, let that be your signal to take yourself away from the circumstance and receive rejuvenation. It is good to exhaust your human efforts from time to time because in the renewal process you are emptying yourself and stretching yourself for new information to come in, and the recommended practice of stillness is one way that you can train yourself to physically relax, emotionally stabilize, mentally recharge, and spiritually receive.

It does not serve you well to get to the point of exhausting where you are not able to have a satisfying stillness experience. I encourage you to take these breaks throughout the day that you may rest and refuel in spirit, that your body receive the necessary vitality that comes from the type of refueling at the spiritual level. Your bodies are capable of engaging in much physical labor, but remember that you do need to rest throughout the day. It does not have to be long periods, but when you feel that you are using your physical reserves let that be your reminder to take yourself off to a quiet place, and if possible, a very beautiful and inspirational place, where you may sit, breathe deeply, relax and open to the flow of energy you have access to.

So work hard, my son, and know that in engaging in your regular practice of stillness throughout the day you will receive the renewal and refreshment, and make you increasingly more productive in all areas of your life. Does this help, my son?

Student: Yes thank you, there is only one thing that comes to my mind, but I think that is part of the transformation process we are in—the current life situation, the old system is still there that people want to; like this farmer, they have their time frame to work in. So it is maybe a challenge to take some time in the day during work time, take some time off to get into stillness, that is the only thing I can think of now. Thank you.

Michael: Talk to the people you work for and let them know that sometimes you need to renew yourself, and encourage them to look at this as another way to go through the day with more sustain vitality at all levels. Do your best to ask for the words to speak to them so that you feel unencumbered or unpressured by their standards; that you may have a very satisfying stillness experience without guilt or pressure. Does this help, my son?

Student: Yes, thank you very much.

Michael: And be in my peace, my dear H.

Student: Good morning, Michael, this is B. [Good morning.] Thank you for all of the ways that your hand has been shown to J. and I on this first half of our sabbatical. Every day we were amazed at how people and events were placed on our path at the moment we needed them, and even at the moment we didn't think we needed them. So I thank you for that. The sabbatical has been wonderful in so many ways for both of us. We are half way through and still have many weeks to go before it ends. I come to you today with not so much a question, but maybe for some comments from you about the remainder of the sabbatical. But also for me personally as I begin to see a ministry unfolding for me. I sense that post sabbatical, this upcoming year, I may be increasing my activity in ministry/work - teaching more and becoming much more active in the studio than what I have been in recent years. I look forward to this, but I also wonder if there are some words of encouragement that you could provide for me as I continue to transition into this way. Thank you.

Michael: My daughter, doubt not your creativity and the wonderful gifts that the Father has given to you that are expressive of something very unique and valuable to the fabric of planetary consciousness. It is quite normal to not know all of what is inside of you, but let there not be any trepidation within your heart to express what is domiciled deeply within that place in your being where in the Father's voice lives.

I encourage you to be bold in allowing the desires of your heart to come forward. Perhaps it would be helpful for you to sit down and allow the heart's desires to flow from your pen onto paper that you have a visual reminder of what is within you, that you may activate your potential with more gusto and confidence, faith and hope. There is tension within the human mind between that which is known and that which is yet to be manifested in a material way, and you will somewhat - I will use the word here - struggle for a longer period of time until you recognize that this tension is natural and acts as a catalytic stimulus to move your creative gifts out into the world.

There is a restless, a strong sense of wanting to co-create. This is all good and natural. Do not let any fear or trepidations mar your confidence, because you have so many gifts to share and any type of lack of confidence or fear diminishes your ability. So let the door of your heart open ever wider. Let what is in the Father sing out a clear and strong voice as you co-create with Him beauty, joy, and a majestic artistry that will delight you and many others. Does this help, my daughter?

Student: Yes, it does, Michael, thank you very much. You describe exactly where I am at. I loved your phrase of allowing that tension - that struggle within - to become the catalyst; to not allow it to create fear or a road block, but to allow it to be the catalyst through which creativity comes through. That really speaks to my heart right now. I also appreciate your idea of putting pen to paper, allowing these desires of my heart to come through to help inspire and remind me what my heart is saying. I thank you so much. I thank you for all the doors that have been opened within me in these first 6-7 weeks of the sabbatical. I look forward to what the rest brings. Thank you.

Michael: There is much joy awaiting you, my daughter. So let these remaining weeks when you have freedom of time to lead you in many ways that will build upon what is to come once you get back to your normal routine. Be in my peace, my dear daughter, B.

Student: Hello this is H. again, I don`t have a question but I would like to share a picture I got this morning I love very much. It is that through all these years of spiritual teachings and the Urantia Book I got the picture this morning that I have received so many recipes and ingredients to make life a delicious meal, and I like this picture. Thank you.

Michael: Life is indeed delicious, my son, as you are beginning to experience, every opportunity can be a moment to savor. In that savoring comes a particular flavor of the Father`s love. Father knows perfectly well how to help you savor that flavor when you have that awareness to learn His ways and to be in that flow of divine will. There are many flavors to experience of life, textures, colors to mention, depth, breadth. You are still acclimating yourself to be at this table of abundance, for life is very full and you get to taste certain experiences as you sit at the table.

So in this metaphor as life as a meal, there are times when you will look at certain delicacies and perhaps not be ready for them, another times you may gorge yourself on too much flavor and then there is that awareness that perhaps you have mis-stepped; and it is all there for you to sample and try and learn what is the best approach for you. The Father within you may guide you through this, let`s just call it a million course, meal as you grow and learn to sit at the table of life and experience its bounties.


Michael’s closing comments:

So, my children, grow, thrive, prosper, and enjoy this experience of life and the many lessons you learn. In my human life as Jesus I did allow for the fullness of life to color human understanding: the heights of joy, the depths of sorrow and everything in-between. I squeezed every emotion and let it become a part of my soul. And so can you do the same, and learn from it. Let the beauty of your soul continue to grow and enhance the quality of your life as you become more attuned to where the Father is leading you, and the experiences will broaden and expand you and impart new luster into your developing morontia soul.

Let these words settle into you now, and imprint upon your heart. Let them circulate through your system that the Father within you may help you understand of what I speak from the highest levels of wisdom and truth. (Pause)

Allow the Father to guide you through life, my children. Enjoy this experience each and every day. It is the only true gift you can give to the Father—your faith in growing as a human and developing those qualities in the material level that He shares with you. Ever will I be with you to imprint upon those qualities of Spirit that you need to flourish and prosper. I leave you in my peace and love. Good day.