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Topic: Allowing Michael's Presence into the Body

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael, Nebadonia

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



Prayer: Mother and Father, we’re very grateful to be here to receive you in the ways you make contact with us through your Spirits. We open ourselves to receive what you share with us that we may grow and become more like you in the various ways you know we are able to perceive. We also ask that our Adjusters weave into our being more of those energies of your presence that they have more opportunity to make direct and conscious contact with our minds. Lead us into those areas of service where we can be of most use to you and our planet. Thank you, and may your will be done.


Michael: Greetings, my beloved children. This is Michael. As I minister to each one of you today, feel your desire for my presence to penetrate more deeply into the very physical fabric of your bodies. You were designed to evolve in truth and in goodness, albeit the various influences of the rebellion have greatly curtailed your abilities to perceive certain subtle spiritual frequencies. Nevertheless, your Mother and I are here to reorient your being to those subtle frequencies now, and help you reclaim what was always yours to enjoy, discover, and use for your own life as you participate in the evolving Supreme Being of the universe.

Allow my presence to soak into the very cellular particles of your body. There is a continuum whereby these spirit energies are translated into signals into your physical fabric. All it takes for you to receive this is the constant, consistent, and conscious application of your thoughts upon me and your Mother to receive what is indeed yours to experience.

As these words settle upon your mind, invite them to penetrate deeply into your body; that the very essence of my being would communicate with the cellular structure of your material makeup and nourish you at levels heretofore you may not yet have received. Receive me now, my children. Let my fatherly presence embrace you and imprint its mark of love upon your being. (Pause)

Who am I?, you might say to yourself, as my presence goes deeper into your being. It begins to alter the way in which you perceive your own individual personality. Self-concept begins to grow, begins to expand from the lonely individual into a more heightened understanding in awareness of the intricacies of self and the vast pool of personalities existent within the body of our Creator Father. You, as growing evolutionary children beginning your ascension career on this earth plane, are also expanding your perspective to embrace this self-unity consciousness.

Today as I move within you, ask for the quality of my being that helps you become more tuned to this unity consciousness to impress more deeply upon your cellular makeup and memory. You do not necessarily need to be concerned about how this will react in you, what this means, and whether or not you understand its implications at this time. I merely ask you that you desire this that I may share myself more deeply, more intimately with each one of you. Receive me now, precious children. (Pause)

There are so many wonderful attributes that you are accumulating as you allow yourselves and your cellular makeup to reverberate in me. Gains you make are imperceptible for the most part. But then there are those moments when Father’s presence within you is able to use what you have received from me to expand certain quality of your being and relate it to divine values in helping you determine higher meaning. It is at those moments that you feel alive, joyful, excited, and energized for life. I invite you to truly relax into this process, as you are in the most loving and capable hands possible, and that much of your own mindal and mental consternation is caused because you use a quality of your mindal current anticipating what is to come or trying to discern meanings and values without having the experience which teaches you what you wish to know. How can I encourage you more fully to let go into this organic unfolding of your soul self, my children?

Much of what you achieve is through your own efforts and desires. I wait for you to come to me that you may indeed receive what I share with you openly, freely, and eternally. There is no time factor on my end. It is merely your own attention that either diverts your focus or attracts what you need to you. Let this be an exhortation today to remember what it is you need and to turn your attention to me that Mother in Her grace and Her love hold you in the circuit of the Holy Spirit wherein my presence can expand you into those lovely attributes you desire and seek to embody.

Allow these words to settle upon your minds. Invite these ideas to penetrate deeply into how you perceive your reality that it may alter the course of your mindal momentum, bring you closer to your Adjusters wherein the Father may disclose into your being more light, more truth, more love and goodness. (Pause)

There are many changes coming to your world, my children, some of which you will be participating in building. We encourage you to seek those opportunities when the time is upon you. In preparation for these changes there are new morontia circuits being wired into the planet, you might say, to avail you of more of these life enhancing circuits you may be successful in your tasks of ministry.

Do not fear these times of change and to help you to outwork some of this primal fear that is still resident within your being. I invite you to allow your Mother and me to move in these circuits to help you outgrow these primitive reactive states and come into a deeper ability to respond with love, faith, courage, conviction, and strength. Allow us to move in you now, my children, that you may be less influenced by these primal energies. (Pause)

Fear is an emotional response that you experience when you are confronted with something that seems to be dangerous or unfamiliar. This innate reflex has been modified by the rebellion to perpetuate certain diseased states of inaction and inability. Many of you are familiar with why this response has been so conditioned, and yet I say to you it is time to release this conditioning from the memory makeup of your being and step into the spiritual dynamic of courageous living and faith.

As you allow your Mother and me to stir in this circuit, you may be unaware of what our presences are accomplishing in this very primal place of your being. Nevertheless, we ask you to trust us that you would respond in these situations with gusto, strength, and courage through the power I provide to you as my children. Let us continue to minister to you for the next few minutes as you increasingly feel this desire for this fear response to be reconditioned for what we want you to become. (Pause)

I will leave you now in the capable hands of your beloved Mother, who will further expand you in my presence that this fear stimulus may be altered and transformed. Grow in my love, my children. Grow in me each and everyday. I am your Creator Father, and your lives are very important to me. My love overshadows you, and as you grow in it, may it illuminate your being that others may see your love alive in the very fabric of your beautiful personalities. Good day.

Nebadonia: Joyful greetings to you, my children, on this beautiful day. This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. Yes, my children, allow for this outgrowth of the fear response in your being. The way you have adversely influenced by this is no longer necessary for you to retain or maintain as an emotional reaction. Instead feel your heart’s desire, the courage, the strength, fortitude, far-seeingness that divine perspective may indeed insert its life-expanding capacities to this place of primal instinctive reaction.

If you have difficulty in accepting this for yourselves, simply invite the power presence of Jesus to share with you those patterns of action that he portrayed and demonstrated during his human life. He was, as you might say, a fearless individual. His courage has never been exceeded by any human of this world. Yet how many times do you appeal to him to share this with you? It is all yours for the asking and for the receiving.

In your hearts and in your mental visualizing feel the word, see the word COURAGE being infused into this place where you may experience fear. Ask for the power presence of Jesus to resonate in this place. (Pause)

Ever faithful to the Father’s will, Jesus was able to transcend those baser human emotions and elevate them to a place courageous majesty. As he demonstrated this, especially in those final hours of his earth life, he left powerful patterns for you to tap into to help you through your own challenges. So see, children, you never have to face any of the inner or outer demons of this world alone. To think that you are alone is another one of those false representations that harbor in these secret places of your consciousness, and it is time to let these go to receive the new. (Pause)

You have read in your Urantia text that fear is a great deceiver and a fraud. But what does this truly mean for your own individual lives and spiritual development? Do you even comprehend the subtle ways it has impacted your ability to be in Father’s will—to flow in His grace and peace? As you allow these energies to outwork themselves you may be more consciously apprised about what this has done to alter the will of the Father within. When you see this, acknowledge its presence and ask me and your Father to transform this for you. You all have access to our power. You all have the capacity to learn to use this in service to the healing of this world through your own individual efforts of your own personal transformation as well as relating to your brothers and sisters in a more loving, compassionate, and merciful manner. Continue to allow me to minister in that deep place of your being that I may help you surmount this fear response and help you gain that power stature. (Pause)


Now feel the desire for your own sense of power which comes from the Father to elevate this area where the fear response has festered within you. If it helps, envision the word POWER in your mind’s eye and allow its energy form to soak in going deep into this place. (Pause)

Now my beautiful children, take a few moments to elevate your awareness to our Father in Paradise, spending these last moments together in worship, wherein you may be further expanded in His love and allowing these new energies to gain a more expansive depth and breadth within your being.

Creator Father, receive these children, who love you and are devoted to you. Let their hearts shine forth your glory in appreciation for what you are, how you share everything with them. Thank you for these little ones who are so dedicated to planetary transformation. May your presence gain greater predominance within them they may be your will in this strife torn world. Thank you. (Pause)

It is time to descend back to Urantia, little ones, wherein you may grow in your capacity for Father, expressing more of His will to the very presence on this world. You are needed; you are necessary to participate in this fabric of change that is penetrating the planet. So as your elder brother Jesus demonstrated as he ministered to many during his life, we ask you to go out boldly and demonstrate the good news, to be the good news, to allow all things to regain their rightful place within your mind and body.

Thank you for being here today to receive what we share with you. We have assigned many helpers around you to escort you in these ways of light and the paths of life. Thrive in me, my children. You are safe in your Mother. Good day.