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Topic: Q and A with Michael

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



Prayer: Mother and Father, we come here today to receive your presence and your counsel in our lives. We thank you for your presence in us, especially now to help us grow to in your stature of spirit, that we may be here more on this earth plane aligned in your image and your will. We open our hearts now to receive you now that your will may be done. Thank you.


MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children. This is Michael. Many hearts are indeed opening now on Urantia. We see the tiny buds of spiritual light begin to sprout more within the sacred place of the human energy system. It is indeed a glorious time to see these internal lights begin to shine more brightly, for as you tune your attention towards spirit, you receive more of what you need of this level of energy. It will help you grow; it will foster in your creative intuitive place of consciousness new ideas, heightened ideals, and a more serious desire to seek the Father within.

Today before I invite you to come to me with your questions or concerns, let me minister to you through the Spirit of Truth, that you may sense my love growing stronger within your beings. My love is shared with you freely, openly, generously, and your hearts are expanding to be larger containers for my love to be shared with your brothers and sisters that our family may indeed grow. As you focus in your hearts, feel your desire to share more love with your brothers and sisters. Hold that focus on the outward expression of love to those around you. It is not so important that you try to love the entire world as it to deepen your love for those around you. For in this deepening, there is this other counter-balancing measure of expansion—though as you deepen you are also allowing what you might call a expansion of the width or breadth of your ability to love.

Let me minister in your hearts now, my children as you receive me. Fill yourselves in me. Receive my love. (Pause)

What our world needs most is LOVE. As you are able to express it more in whatever activity you find yourself, whether it is a solitary activity that you enjoy or a simple activity let your love for being in the moment expand your capacity. When you are engaged with your brothers and sisters, focus on your heart and invite my love to flow through you to them. This is a very simple way in which to use your mindal currents. The more you stay focused on me as a provider for spiritual energy, your thoughts will increasingly attune to the Father within you, and allow what the Father wishes to convey to your conscious mind become more easily discernible and perceivable.

So in this season when you remember my presence here on Urantia as Jesus, remember my love, and simply ask for more when you feel your own human reserves has been depleted, for you will expand as you ask for more and keep you in that state of grace where life becomes more filled with beauty and a desire to serve. As I speak words of counsel and comfort to you today, stay focused in your hearts and continue to allow me to minister to you both through words and through the energies of LOVE itself. For those of you who wish to speak to me now, you may do so. But if you feel if you wish to remain in experience with me, please do so as well. Who would like to begin?


Student: Good afternoon, Michael, this is Bonnie. As you well know, a lot of changes are taking place—not only everywhere on Urantia, but I'm experiencing many, many changes within my own self. These are changes that I have desired so, and I know that they are changes that you have desired for me. In these last 12 days significant things have happened to me...within me. I feel as if I am on this accelerated plan of change. It is wonderful, but yet it seems foreign. As the world—or at least many of the lightworker groups of the world—have been preparing for this momentous time in our history, I assumed I would be so excited in participating in a lot of these things - watching videos, reading transcripts - in whatever way I could. And yet I found myself yesterday morning not desiring to be part of the huge festivities, but rather I feel I am in a place where I would rather be more contemplative about this. This feels good, but at the same time so strange for someone like myself who is much more an extrovert. So my question today is for advice - or how do I work through this? As these days come to pass and as we head into the Christmas holiday, I don't feel bad, I feel great, but I feel different. That is about the only way I can explain it. Thank you.

Michael: My dear daughter, Bonnie. I call your attention to a word you used about “working” through something. I say to you that this is an experience where you simply allow the presence of Spirit to enhance your being in many ways. Of course, it would feel strange or foreign to you because of the changes that are now unfolding in you. You are moving in a way where your mindal currents are being attuned to those higher emanations of the Father within you. There is nothing you need to do. There is no work to perform. There is no effort that you need to put forth other than your continued practice of quieting your mind that you may provide that environment where you meet your Creator and receive His love for you. This is a movement from the complexities of the mindal constructs that have dominated much of your adult life, to a much more simplistic way of thinking and responding to your day-to-day activities.

So you will find this type of simplicity continue to unfold within you as you let go more and more of what does not serve you at this time and juncture in your conscious evolution and ascension. You have used your mind to make sense of your outer environment and those experiences that colored and shaped you through the course of your life. And now it is time to allow that to, for the most part, fall by the wayside and to continue to develop in that simple child-like state, the mind of which affords you greater receptivity to the Father within you.

So in the coming days if you feel like you being nudged or guided to be more contemplative, then follow those leadings, for you know that now you are moving from the Father within you from adjusting your thoughts to more the Father within you controlling your thoughts. Does this help, my daughter?

Student: Yes it does, Michael. It really does. It makes me realize that just in these last 24-48 hours why I have felt a strong calling to just sit in stillness, to do things that are very simple. As you know I love creating with my hands - that is one way I know I can connect deeply with Spirit. In these last couple days I have done that. I have pulled out things, projects, that allow me to do that, that I haven't done in years. I sat and did those things, knowing that I was connecting. When the 'Bonnie of before' would have been busy about the house - or busy about the office - doing a million other things, those things just don't seem important to me anymore. So, thank you, Michael. Thank you so much. Thank you for this gift that is unfolding within me. Thank you.

Michael: You will always receive the guidance that you are ready to appreciate and act upon. So relax more into this time where the Father within you is becoming more present and observable within your thoughts. Let your heart be light with the love you are experiencing in this wonderful Divine relationship. Be in my peace, my daughter.

Student: Hello Michael, this is H., I am very happy to be here at this time and this time of season and I don`t really have a question but I just like to ask you if you could comment on my current life situation or if you have any advice for me today, thank you.

Michael: H, my son, my advice is simple, grow in my love, grow in your Mother’s love and grow in the love of the Father within you. There are many ways to accomplish this in your path. Your desires, your intentions, motivations and actions are coming together in a more unified manner and you are learning to encounter these day to day activities and events with greater composure and peace, acceptance and a desire to learn.

These are all facets of love and as you continue to explore and experiment around you, I invite you to simply consider that word LOVE as a living energy form. Let it radiate out from your heart to whatever it is you are engaged or to whom you are engaged. Let that word you define as LOVE resonate deeply within your heart and focus it outward on whatever it is or whomever it is you are engaged.

Sometimes my children seek for advice that encourages you to do certain things or think of certain concepts, but truly the best advice that I or anyone can share with you is to be more Love. And there are many ways to help you express it. But the way in which you connect to it is by going within and going to those sources of LOVE that emanate from the Paradise Father. So as you continue to walk your path let LOVE guide your way. Hold that ideal in your mind’s eye and in your heart and you will be attuning yourself to Father-consciousness more and more each day. Does this help, my son?

Student: Yes, thank you and Merry Christmas.

Michael: And Merry Christmas to you, and may you enjoy the peace that I bring to this world during this season of Light and Love.

Student: Thank you.

Student: Michael, this is L. I am always in awe at this time of year when we observe your nativity and what you did for us, coming to earth in such a humble way. Recently we have been hearing more about the circuit that you left on the physical plane for Urantia. I'm wondering if you would like to tell us more about that, and personally what can I do to receive it's benefits? Thank you.

Michael: L. my daughter, this circuit is a gift that I imparted to this world of my life. While each one of my children is imbued with my Spirit of Truth, this circuit of my life as your elder brother Jesus is a type of residue you might say that has the capacity to imprint upon human consciousness when you focus on me as Jesus. The world so little understand these dimensions and aspects of personality energy. I use this term personality energy because each personality, each child of the Father has a particular signal, a frequency, you might say. I will not elaborate too much upon this, because this is an area of discovery that many of my children will learn about in the coming years as the component of energies and how they work, how they are designed and constructed becomes more available to the human mind circuits.

In advance of this time, we seed these ideas into your mind that you may play with them, experiment with them in your meditation and have a variety of experiences when you are engaged out in your day to day life, especially when you focus upon them. You have heard us speaking about walking in two worlds. Your outer focus is on the material realm, but your inner focus is on the spirit. So my counsel to you today is to advise you that when you wish to learn more about this circuitry that I left here upon Urantia, when you are engaged with other people, to focus on this and ask for your being to become more calibrated or attuned to this energy signature of my personality presence that is here upon Urantia. This is different than the relationship that you have with my Personalized Adjuster through the Adjuster circuit that ministers in your mind to your own personal indwelling Father Fragment. So you might consider this to be a new ideal that you have access to, and to learn to experiment and experience more of this part of the personality of Joshua ben Joseph on Urantia. This is a type of energy that you might say is more humanly accessible through the mindal circuits. You have access to this.

In the coming days, be bold in your experimentation and when you are engaged with your brothers and sisters, your family and friends during this holiday season, have the thought in your mind to be engaged in this circuit of my personality presence as Jesus. Observe what it is you experience and see what happens. Does this help my daughter?

Student: Yes, it really does, it gives me something practical to work with. Yet I do enjoy the process of discovery, of self-discovering these truths and what they are here to help us with. It's exciting to learn that way through experience, and that's been my journey for many years, so I thank you for that, for not just answering all our questions straightforward, but giving us what we need and as much as we can receive at the time. Thank you.

Michael: My daughter, I wish to add one final comment. The teaching mechanism in the universe is to help you appreciate the ideals of the Father through direct living experience. You are seeded with these concept, these ideals, and then you are given a wide latitude you might say to experiment with this, to experience a very wide range of life where you get to practice what it is you are learning. Unfortunately, many of you have been conditioned by the educational system of your planetary culture which is more of an authoritarian structure. You are presented with ideas that you take as absolute facts and truths, and you memorize them and they become a part of your belief system.

But what I say to you today is that you develop your beliefs through an experiential system of doing, observing and growing. So let the ways in which you have been conditioned in the past yield to this better way of learning higher truths. This will not only deepen your understanding of the nature of reality, but broaden your faith and your ability to allow the Father within you to have more room within your consciousness to weave together a broader ideal picture of the Father's ways, the Father's plan and the love that moves the creative plan into action. Enjoy your time of experimentation and grow in my peace.

Student: Thank you, Michael. That is so true that we do look for concrete answers, answers that are black and white, and we interpret our world that way, so it's quite different for us to learn in a different way But it is a lot more exciting, I think, and we take into our very soul what we're learning, not just our minds. So thank you for that.

Michael: You are most welcome, my daughter.

Answer to Lisa’s question on gun control

Michael: The question of gun violence is of serious concern to us. But we look at this situation from a much different perspective than you. This tendency for violence is at the heart of a spiritual sickness. There are many emotions at play when people use these types of weapons to kill or maim. Resentment, revenge—these are all unspiritual and unspiritized emotions. It is coming from a place within the human consciousness where violence is seen as the only way to resolve a conflict.

As your culture debates how to handle these kinds of situations, it does not behoove you to try to use another means of violence to curtail this, such as putting in security guards in the schools—trying to create a fear-based deterrent from using these weapons as a means of resolving deep internal conflicts. This type of so-called solution truly does nothing to solve the deeper underlying void that exists within the human heart. Society must look at addressing the root cause of the tendency to resort to violence. Your culture has not yet truly come to the full awakening that violence begets violence, and love, mercy, compassion and understanding is the way to address this situation and ask for wisdom to prevail—that the spirit may be engaged in bringing more solutions.

The lack of love within the family environment is a source of many of these problems that are faced by so many of my children. When you have immature emotions at play within the human heart great inner turmoil and conflict can arise within the human mind—a yearning to get back, to get even. But this serves no one and is quite detrimental to society as a whole. Until your culture—not only in your country but as a planet—truly understands that violence is never a means to end any conflict, you will continue to see outbursts such as this.

Do know that we are addressing this in various ways by applying that spiritual pressure for the desire for peace to begin to deepen within the human heart—to overturn eventually the tendency toward violence to resolve conflicts. You can certainly do your part in your communities—in your churches, in your schools—to bring about the ideas of education for peaceful ways and means to address conflict. Some of these ideas are already being shared amongst the higher minds of Urantia, but it has not struck the chord within the planetary collective as of yet. We are helping you to open to this awareness. At some point the human heart will indeed grow weary for the tendency of violence and warfare and be willing to lay down the weapons of destruction in the human mind of resentment, revenge, and hate, and look towards the ways of the Father as means of solution. Thank you.


Are there any more questions or comments before we conclude for today? My children, my beautiful children, let the light that shines upon this world grow stronger within your hearts. Let my Spirit of Truth gain more predominance within your being—that you may feel my presence course through your being. Especially as this time when more human hearts are focused on my life as Jesus, rest assured that we are using human thought energy to build more of the circuits of love and peace upon Urantia.

I thank you for doing your part each day to focus on the Father and His ways and will that these attributes of divinity may indeed create a new reality for this world, so dear to my heart. So celebrate the days of Light and Life and know that at a little bit at a time they are growing stronger upon Urantia. As I take my leave of you, feel my peace, feel my love that you may grow in it each and every day, my precious children. Merry Christmas!