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Topic: Imprinting Upon Life Energies

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael, Nebadonia

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



Prayer: Mother and Father, we are so grateful that we can come to you in this manner and be fed with your spiritual sustenance. We are so grateful that you make those adjustments in our energy systems to open our minds and bodies further to your presence. We thank you for what you give us today, what we are about to receive. We ask to become more clear, more focused, more direct conduits of your love in the situations of our lives that we face everyday. Thank you.


Michael: Greetings, my children. This is Michael. I invite you today to have a deeper level of communion with me. There are places within your overall system that still require my healing presence. The very cells of your body are hardwired for life. It is in keeping with my desires, my children, that they would have life - have it abundantly – that I wish to infuse more of this dynamic presence into your being now. Settle into the places where you are resting and invite your body to open to my life, my beingness, and your Mother and I will move in you. Receive us now, my children. (Pause)

Drink deeply of this word LIFE. What does it mean to you? How are you receiving this energy language? Let it settle into yourselves, hooking into those places in your sub-electronic nature, your being, that this presence of life would infuse more vitality into you. Envision in your mind’s eye falling like gentle rain watering your body opening new places of receptivity into the very molecules of your corporeal existence. (Pause)

When I walked on your world as your brother Jesus, I embraced this energy of LIFE to its fullest. I did not shy away from the problems and pains of humanity. Rather I looked to my Father within me as the means and source of understanding and solution. It is this very embrace of LIFE that will foster your Adjuster’s greater expression in your understanding. Many of you have situations in which you are still mystified by these exising in your lives. I am here to encourage you to help you embrace these circumstances and to relish what they are teaching you energetically. Because the human mind, when confronted with situations that seem daunting or overwhelming, will revert to a fear mechanistic response. Yet it is the very opposite emotional reaction that will stimulate your mind to produce new levels understanding, the very biochemical reaction of your physiology would produce certain neuro-transmitting signals that stimulate your intuition that you will receive help to overcome whatever problem is facing you.

I did this with relish. I did not shy away from the problems I faced. I looked them squarely in the face and asked my Father to help me. I had to muster my own sense of courage, of faith, of appreciation that I was being trained and tested in many ways. My children, you have these same dynamics occurring in your lives. The circumstances are different. You do not face the same situations that I faced over 2,000 years ago. Nevertheless, there are still insurmountable problems on your world that are still part and parcel of the legacy of the rebellion that you must face squarely and be not daunted by them. Know that there is within you a powerful force that will reconcile all if you approach it with the proper attitude.

This is what I speak of today. It is not that you will understand everything in your logical, reasoning, analytical mind, but when you look at these situations of your lives, and ask to be fed with courage, with strength, with power, with confidence, with faith, with hope, these are the requisite attitudes of the heart that stimulate your mind opened to the Adjuster’s presence within you. You are not shying away from your problems; you are saying to the Father, “I may not understand how to overcome these, but I am ready to deal with this and I need your help.” Allow these words to settle in. Allow this awareness, this heartfelt yearning, to face your situations with increased spiritual vitality that your Mother and I may amplify these energies of your heart and help your attitude convey a more favorable position of looking at these situations. (Pause)

The easy path to spiritual development is largely attributed to your attitude. The more you embrace your life circumstances with a sense of, “Boy, oh boy, Father, what I am going to learn today? What wonderful lessons will you be sharing with me for my benefit?” This is a lighthearted approach to that what you conceive of as life. Life is so much bigger than the confines of your cultural, societal, planetary environment. It is much bigger than that because it is filled with love and light. These energies of the Father create a dynamic interplay of energy that your heart absolutely requires so that your attitude is adjusted. This is one of the reasons the term Thought Adjuster was employed in the development of the Urantia papers. So much of human thought and feeling is so negatively directed and is not conducive to your spiritual attainment. Think of these tables being turned now, as this energy of life comes into you, to help you become more fully, enthusiastically embracing your life in all of its dimensions, all of its ways of revealing itself. Receive this word and let it going deeper, deeper into your being. (Pause)

My children, savor this first life. Enjoy yourselves more. We have urged you to be more lighthearted. Create and play more. Even though you must labor at certain jobs, you can find a more lighthearted approach to them when you tell yourself that something valuable is occurring here. Opening your heart and allowing spiritual renewing energies of LIFE to bolster your attitude towards that of gratefulness are important to prepare you for the time ahead, for the situations before you that you will see and some of you will face as Urantia continues to open herself up to the circuits of Light and Life. This energy will serve you well, but it is up to you to remember that all things work for the greater good and be grateful for what is occurring even though it may appear through your physical eyes that the old ways are crumbling around you. LIFE is renewal and regeneration, rebirth and always disclosing something wonderful of the Father’s plan to all of creation.

My beloved children, I will leave you now in the capable hands of your Mother who will address your comments and questions and to give you an infusion of her presence to commingle with mine today and deepen your appreciation for this subject matter in its various dimensions. Be in my peace. Good day. (Pause)

Nebadonia: My children, this is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. As your circuits open to this quality of LIFE we infuse into you, appreciate that there will be more changes occurring within your lives. Some will have physical ramifications. Some will seem to be more mental adjustments, more emotional openings of more love and peace and a certain satisfaction with life coming into you. It does not matter at what level these changes occur but welcome and celebrate with a light heart that you are being upstepped in many ways you have still yet to experience and understand. Today, as I continue to share more of myself with you, my love, my appreciation, my gift of mind with you, feel your desires to expand in this circuitry. Feel your desires to grow spiritually, morally, intellectually, and allow me to share more of myself with you. Receive me now, my beautiful children. Breathe and relax. Feel the hand of Mother expanding you in many dimensions. (Pause)

You are learning how to thrive within my being while you still live on a world that suffers from many misfortunes and derivations of the Father’s plan. It is important that you continue to learn and to engage with your Father and me to build you in this quality of life that will support and sustain you through the times of transition. The multi-dimensionality of your being will bring you to a vibrational rate that will set you apart from many of your brothers and sisters, and there will be perhaps more demands made upon you by them because they will want what you have. You must grow strong in me in these circuits of life. Hold your own; stand firm against the tides of fear or oppression. We are here to bolster you, comfort you, to guide you, to uplift you into that realm. You are the carriers of this new reality that is growing on Urantia. More and more you will be connected to people who are also laboring to change these conditions. Grow strong in my life and receive. Drink them in now; drink them in and be filled. (Pause)

Recognize, my children, in your being that the universe is a loving, nurturing, supportive place. The energies of your planet that have been mired in war and oppression do not represent what life is about. These are unfortunate derivations in the Father’s plan that have contorted your reality, held you in a form of energy that makes you feel that this is what the world and reality is about. As these energies of LIFE come into you, recognize in your mind--your conscious thoughts--there is more to reality than what you see and experience here on this plane. You are being upstepped to help you embrace more of your universe cosmic consciousness. It does set you apart from your brothers and sisters. It gives you more stamina and more vitality to serve them. If this is your heart’s desire, if this is an energy you desire you need to feed on me. In a few moments I will ask you to bring your attention to your mind that you may address me with your comments. Receive me now. Let these words soak in and bear the good fruits of the Spirit. (Pause)

Let us now engage your thoughts at a more practical level. If you feel you wish to make that step to your mind to address me, please do so. However, if you are satisfied, stay in this place of reception, then I encourage you to do that as well. I am here to contact you in all levels of your being. If you feel you wish to address me now, please do so.


Student: This is D. I get the sense that Mother and Father are asking us to look upon our lives with a sense of adventure. That goes along with a lesson that I’m preparing to give to my church and something that I had forgotten about until Mother and Father spoke, and that’s to approach each day with an attitude of “What do you want to do today, Father,” like a new adventure or playtime together. I know that I’ve gotten very buried down with my stresses, but I like being reminded of what the better attitude is. I thank Mother and Father for this.

Nebadonia: My daughter, we understand the limitations of your humanity, further constrained by your planetary environment. We rejoice when you remember what your lessons are, what you remember when you turn those sour grapes into sweet wine, when you remember to love even when you are tired in your body. Let these words of today’s lesson settle deep, deep into your cells. The energies of LIFE have a quality of renewal in your body when you adjust your attitude to relishing what life brings your way, even in the trying circumstances of your work environment, embracing that and recognizing that this is fertile environment for your soul growth. We encourage you, each and every one of you, to look at these situations not with disdain or dread or drudgery, but with optimism, joy, and that sense of adventure. You will master this in time with your renewed desires. You must remember it is your desires for this that make it so. Know when you falter, become discouraged at times, that the desires can seem to be constrained a great deal. It is only a simple matter of turning your energy around, your heart energy around, saying, “I will do this. I will conquer this. I will master this,” and you will get the help you need. Be in my peace, my daughter, and allow yourself time of renewal as we continue to move in you.

Student: Thank you, Mother.


Nebadonia: We have given you food for thought, for your heart, food for your soul. Savor these throughout the day. Know that your Father and I continue to support you and that your circuitry is being upgraded, as you say, to a new level of beingness. Thrive in this beingness, being a child of the Father, a child of light, life, love. Above all else, be grateful for what you have received; share it freely with those around you who need our love in their lives. I leave you in my peace, my children. Enjoy your day. Good afternoon.