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Topic: Q and A with Michael

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



Prayer: Mother and Father, thank you for the opportunity to transmit your words of love and guidance to your children. We ask to be connected to you and to one another that the energies you send to your children may be amplified and that everyone receives what they need today from you in thought and in body. Thank you for your ever present grace into our lives. We open ourselves to receive you now.


Michael: Peace be upon you my children, this is Michael. This is a time when you may address me more directly as I am here to provide you with encouragement and words of wisdom to help you in your ongoing spiritual development. Spiritual pressure is increasingly being applied to each one of you. All of my children have access to me and the spiritual energy that is now pressing down upon Urantia. Some individuals have better receptivity, and I am here today to encourage you to continue to expand your base of receptivity that you would sense my presence within you to guide you through this maze of the various levels of energy that are outworking on Urantia. It is sometimes like going through a maze; you don`t necessarily see where the path is leading you and sometimes you run into blind corners and you must retrace your steps and find the path again.

But I am here to help you to get connected into those energies that will always guide your path most expertly and consistently. Each of you has within your being many circuits that are interrelated, multidimensional and connected to those higher spiritual forces of divine will and universe direction. It is important to spend time in the stillness state so that you are attuning your body to feel this subtle directional pull of divine will.

As you know sometimes it is very difficult to feel that subtle guiding force within you, especially when your mind is active or your own will becomes more dominant. But before we begin with the question component of today’s call, I invite you to take several very slow deliberate breaths, inviting Mother to expand you in this elongated extensive breath. Your bodies may perceive a subtle flow or direction of energy. We will move in you, children, and help you receive more of what you have access to. (Pause)

Divine will is to be sought by the earnest and sincere truth seeker; there is nothing to be feared or cautious in approaching divine will. We will always encourage you to become better individuals: God seeking, Father loving. Constraints within your body: fear, resistance—I again encourage you to appreciate that these are all those forces of the rebellion that operate outside of the divine order of things and it is normal that your bodies would perceive this as resistance.

Always allow yourself to breathe and relax and allow the resistance to gently evaporate by focusing on your desire for the divine will within you to become more predominant. As I move in you again children, receive, as these words settle in more deeply into your bodies. I know it is your hearts’ desires to follow me, but yet your physical bodies constrain you and inhibit this flow of energy, especially if you have not addressed this at very fundamental levels.

So let your Mother and I stir in your core, helping you to feel the safety, surety and the security of what being in divine will truly means for your overall whole being. (Pause)

I will give you a few moments to compile your questions, so take this time to reorient your awareness into your thoughts. You may address me when you feel so inclined.


Student: Hello this is H. I don`t have a special question but I feel very thankful. I want to express that today that I am very thankful for the last year and everything that happened. I had a chance to relax a lot. But I also feel like I got closer to myself and see the abilities especially to release all the conditionings; the things that conditioned me in my life up to now. I don`t have a special question. But I am very happy to be here in this moment and I just like to hear some words of advice, thank you.

Michael: H, my son, I very much value and appreciate the efforts you have made this year. You are gathering a great amount of information around you now as you study some of the laws of the physical reality that you inhabit that are in alignment with the working of the universe order and will. For the coming year as we approach a year of increased spiritual pressure, I encourage you to continue to open your heart and to exceedingly appreciate that there are so many potentials of creative spiritual ideals that you will start to see germinate in your mind. You have hardly scratched the surface of your creative potential as a child of the Father. You are awakening to the wonderful potentials you have within you, and more opportunities will be provided to you to help to see within the beauty that is indeed growing in soul expression.

It will be very important for you to spend time—that is even increasing the time you spend in communion with me and your indwelling Father Fragment to help you maximize your ability to express your creative potential, for this will give you a depth of satisfaction in your life that you have yet to fully achieve. These are simple things you can do each and every day. The outward expression of your potential will come as you increasingly open and relax and flow In the spiritual energy that is down-grasping into you.

You will find your body is more attuned now to wanting to spend time in communion; that you need this time in communion much as you need air to breathe or food to energize your body. This is what will separate you from so many of your brothers and sisters who so languish in spiritual darkness, thereby increasing your own internal radiance for your own light shine brightly and to shine upon those still who have to come to their own inner awareness.

So as you ponder these words, my son, know that you have every resource within you to accomplish great things in your human lifetime; that you are being prepared in many ways. Continue what you are doing and increase your time in stillness, and you will see yourself expand in the joy of life and the wonder of God’s love. Does this answer help, my son?

Student: Yes, very much. Thank you.

Michael: And be in my peace.

Student: Father Michael, I too like H do not necessarily have a specific question or topic or issue to address you today other than to express also my gratitude for the journey I have been on this past year, for the help you and Mother and all my teachers and my Adjuster have provided for me in my growth the past year. And I am especially grateful for even just these past two weeks of the deep cleansing and healing that I have been going through, though it has not been easy and though it has had some rather difficult physical ramifications, I am grateful that my Adjuster has been able to help me when fears and anxieties arise. I see that they are necessary and I am grateful for the difficult lessons that I have learned and I am grateful for the travels that I have experienced these last two month and the time, the precious time with family members, the growth that has happened through that.

I am eager and I am ready now, as I end my travels in these next few days and they put me home for a while. I am eager and ready to take more steps forward on this path that I am on. And so if there are any words of advice or wisdom that you could shine my way, I would also appreciate them. I love you Michael and I thank you for your presence in my life.

Michael: Receive my love, my dear daughter, and know that I appreciate your words of appreciation as I appreciate all of my children’s efforts to grow in Spirit. You are coming upon a specific season of slumber; the winter period is simply a time of rest while those Spirit potentials that have been activated and are beginning to actualize in your life deepen more and gain a greater rootedness within your being to burst forth new creative expressions in the spring season.

So as I expressed to your brother H, I encourage you to spend more time in the stillness and allow these new potentials that have started to become more aware in your consciousness, to have their time of deepening within you. Feel your desire for them to grow deep, deep into the core of who you are, deep into the personality potentials that the Father wishes to express through you.

My answer and advice is very similar to that of your brother H and this answer is certainly something that applies to all of you today, that you are moving into a physical recalibration time. And much of this is being done beyond your understanding but predicated upon your willingness to become more of who you are, if that is your sincere and utmost desire. Trust that this is an organic process. Just as a beautiful seed, planted in the soil has a time to rest in slumber while the nutrients in the soil are all working together to catalyze these seeds to sprout and grow during the spring season, this is a period of time when your mind will be infused with LIGHT, LOVE, with LIFE FORCE.

And all we ask of you is rest. See that patient little seed growing steadfastly, securely in your Mother. You have many of your own desires that you wish to manifest, and it is certainly in keeping with the Father’s will to increasingly envision and desire these potentials to come forth into physical dimension. So use this time of your winter month to spend truly going into your heart and see where your interests, desires are gaining strengths through the agency of your Adjuster, and use the time to become more Adjuster aware and focused.

It is a fertile time for this to occur now especially when some of you face climate conditions where you are more or less confined into the quiet of your own home. Let these words settle into your minds and hearts, let them fuel your soul to help you be patient as you grow in our love and in the life force of the creative drive of the universe. Does this help, my daughter?

Student: Yes, it does, Michael, thank you very much. I do know that I need to be spending more time in stillness. Recently of travel and schedule and that has preventing me from time that I truly wish to be spending in stillness, but I know that this is an area that I need to focus on and I understand the slumber as we head into the winter month and I will focus on this, thank you.

Michael: Be in my peace, my daughter.

Student: Greetings Father Michael, thank you so much for this lesson here today. Since we are a more intimate group today, I thought I would bring up something that D. and I were addressing of late and in terms of establishing a long distant relationship to someone in a distant land. And I have tried to implement some of the things that are being mentioned, some advice from my teacher Gregory and directly share that directly indirectly with my perspective partner.

And I think that helps and I was just wondering if you also have some tips or advice that you could share in terms of how I can move this faith adventure along now with one of your many special daughters, thank you.

Michael: D, son it is interesting that you would use the word "how may I move this along." I encourage you to use this idea only in terms of your desire to get to know and to love another human being. Do not have an agenda as much as you humanly possibly can, for there is innate in human relationships, especially when people are looking for a life partner, this innate energy of comingling that you do not have to force or manipulate.

It is an organic process. Some of you have used the term “chemistry” to describe this pairing of individuals that bring them into intimate relationships that last for a course of a lifetime. It is very important now for you to focus on your heart to increasingly allow any of those past disappointments and frustrations to recede, so that you are openhearted as possible. Now you will also open yourself up to a deeper wellspring of vulnerability; is this something that you can be comfortable in? I ask you.

You do not need to answer this; this is a question to ask yourself: How vulnerable I wish to be? As you know, there are many cultural differences that exist between you and R. and she is very on guard for those issues or those energies of the masculine society in which she lives. So it is very helpful for you to have that emotional vulnerability for her to really sense an energy from you, a feeling from you that says: "I am safe, I am trustworthy, you may confide in me, you may share with me, I will not judge you, I will not use you for my own selfish gain.”

This is very key to consider, and again, I encourage you to be patient with this process. As you explore this relationship and the dimensions of it, you will come to a deeper understanding of your own inner nature. She will help you become more attuned to that which is in you because of the conditions in her culture that require people to look at what is important, true and real. In your culture you have many barriers or impediments and you have done much to extricate yourself from your cultural influences. She can help you more and you can help her by providing that loving, trusting space for her to show her true spirit potential. And if you follow these words of guidance, you will be more satisfied in this journey that you are taking and be able to increasingly trust in this faith journey you are undertaking. Does this help, my son?

Student: Oh yes, very much, it looks like I have some more listening to do and transcribing to do, so I can let these words sink again. Thank you.

Michael: Learning to love another individual is always beset with many challenges. Learning to love another individual who comes from a very different culture will require you to go deeper into your own set of values and judgments and look at them more objectively. This is something to anticipate with joy and eagerness. Do not fear in any way what is transpiring in your life, for this is your soul urging you on, and the more you let go into this process, into this journey, you will be allowing love truly to take its course. And be in my peace, my son.


My children, what delight you all are to your Mother and me. I well remember times of my earth life as your elder brother Jesus, so neglect not to call upon me and my Adjuster to help you through all of the experiences and activities of your life. When the pressure of your world seems too much for you to take, know that there is one who truly understands what you are going through, what this world is like and what it does to diminish the Spirit. And I will help you; I will lift you up and help you increasingly remember whence comes your strength. Live in that strength my children, it is yours; no one can take that from you, unless you really relinquish your own power. And I encourage you to grow in this power and strength to understand that this is part of your divine birthright, it enables the potentials in your personality to galvanize and activate. So allow yourselves to more fully commit to the life in Spirit.

I will be there to walk with you each step of the way, as the Father within you paves the way for you to take these steps of faith each and every day. I leave you in my love, my children. Let me embrace you one more time that you may feel my love for you and my jy in you. (Pause) Grow and play in our universe home, my children. Good day.