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Topic: Imprinting Upon Faith in the Universe

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael, Nebadonia

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



PRAYER: Mother and Father, we thank you for this opportunity to gather under your wings, to imprint upon those energies of your being and of other circuits that you know we need for our continued development as sons and daughters of God. We thank you for making available these energies to us, and we thank you for all the help we receive as we incorporate these into our systems—into our bodies, into our minds, that our Indwelling Spirit may use them for greater revelations of truth. Thank you for helping us serve you in this Correcting Time in the ways we are being guided. We are ready to receive you now, and thank you for your WILL being done.


MICHAEL: Greetings my beloved children! My PEACE is upon you. This is Michael. Today I wish to address a topic that we will be developing in the months to come—that is your relationship to the universe. Those of you participating on this call are aware that you exist in a vast starry realm known as the universe of Nebadon. Your world is coming into a greater awareness of the relationship it has to this greater picture of reality which is our home. I address this call to those who will listen and read the transcript, because this is a time of awakening—awakening to who you are as children of God, and awakening to your rightful place in our universe family of Nebadon.

Our home is a place of LOVE. Your Mother and I as your Spirit Parents are devoted to your welfare. We are responsible to help you grow as cosmic citizens, becoming aware of your responsibilities to the expanding, evolving mind of God that is a part of the First Source and Center, the Creator of all there is. Your world, by participating in a path of rebellion, deviated from the divine plan many millennia ago, and we are instituting a plan of rehabilitation to bring this world back into the family of LOVE and LIFE.

This is occurring in all arenas of life now, and you are in the process of a great outworking of an agenda that not only deviated from the divine plans of evolution and creation, but created a schism in your beings to interfere with your innate relationship to Deity. Part of the correction is designed to foster the reconnection of your energy systems to Deity: what is Deity, who is Deity and what is your relationship to the creators of the universe. Your Mother and I have given you many lessons and come close to you to help you experience a loving Spirit Mother and Father who are intimately concerned with you welfare.

There is another aspect of this, and your relationship to the universe family is one that I invite you to explore now, as you become more aware of who you are in our universe family of LOVE and LIFE—to take your rightful place and to come into loving relationships with the various levels of personality types of spirit beings and other beings who are your universe siblings, who love you and who wish to get to know you in intimate relationships.

One of the first qualities that is necessary for this relationship to develop is trust—to trust in the universe, to trust in its friendliness, to trust in those personalities who wish to act as a support system to guide you as you become more aware of who you are in relationship to the greater whole of LIFE.

Most of you on this call are aware of these concepts, and in today’s infusion you will certainly expand in that quality of trust, but it is my desire to help those who will listen to this call and read the transcript to grow in the requisite level of faith that you can begin to trust in the universe and its concern and love and appreciation of who you are as a child of God. Those of you on the call can set up some circuits within your own energy systems to convey that trust out into the planetary spectrum of consciousness to help your brothers and sisters move beyond the limitations and the confines of being members of a planet, and to come into the greater awareness of their rightful place in our universe family.

So take some deep breathes now. Focus on your hearts. Allow the energies of TRUST IN THE UNIVERSE to go deeper into your energy systems. Allow these circuits to embrace you, that the Spirit Within may use this to further your awareness of your rightful place in our loving family. We begin. Allow your internal gaze to focus on TRUST IN THE UNIVERSE as you breathe in what we are providing to you now, my beloved children. (Pause)

You have within your beings an innate quality of FAITH that allows you to develop your ability to trust, especially to trust in the GOODNESS of God and the friendliness of the universe. Living on a world that has deviated from the divine plan, it can be very difficult to trust because your minds have been manipulated to be fearful of developing certain relationships of Deity and to the universe. I encourage you to let this go now and seek that spark of curiosity within you that wishes to develop this faith quality within you that the TRUST endowment may continue to support you into looking at your relationship to reality with new eyes and enhanced perspective—to see through the lens of TRUTH and GOODNESS. Here is where you begin to move beyond the planetary spectrum of consciousness into the greater reality that exists beyond this world, and this is where you begin to meet those heavenly helpers who are devoted to your welfare and wish to support your spiritual growth.

You are being encouraged and enticed, but never coerced. It is your choice whether or not to open this door. But it is hoped that you would feel the TRUTH and the GOODNESS of these infusions to render you more spiritually adventurous. When you begin to open yourselves to what we have to offer you, not only as your Universe Parents but to also open to your universe siblings, as you do this you will encounter certain feelings of fear or anxiety or hesitation, and this is all normal because you have been conditioned to fear and that which it discloses into your hearts about awakening to what we have to offer you. Therefore in today’s infusion, TRUST IN THE UNIVERSE, we are helping you move beyond this fear that you may begin to experience the glimmers of TRUTH and GOODNESS in the friendliness of the universe and the LOVE we have for you.

Continue to receive and allow these energies to go deep into your systems, help you outwork any hesitation that may exist at deeper levels of your being, that you may release any concerns about what this means for your lives. The family of LOVE is beckoning you forward to explore this realm of what it means to live as a member of our family of LOVE. Trust in the universe, my beloved children, this is your home. You have a right to live here and to express your gifts of being. (Pause)

As you attune to these circuits of TRUST IN THE UNIVERSE, you may from time to time experience fear with some of the manipulative energies of your planet’s consciousness which seek to deter you from opening to a wider perspective of what it means to live as a citizen of our loving family. When you experience these feelings, come to me and ask for a reality check. Query whether or not what you are experiencing is real and valid. I will help you perceive something of a greater and broader concept. Our relationship, through the Spirit of TRUTH, is designed to render you more aware of a higher picture of what it means to live as a citizen of our universe family.

You do not have to make great leaps and bounds in understanding of your rightful place. You can take these small incremental steps and take as much time as you need. I do encourage you to open this door, however, and let your minds be cleansed of a great deception and distortion of reality, that you may move beyond the fear that you experience and open yourselves to your rightful place in our home. Here is where you will experience a greater level of safety and security in who you are, and give you greater power in yourselves to trust in the GOODNESS of Spirit Within that is guiding you forward on your journey as a cosmic citizen. We are helping you today by sharing these circuits that the TRUST IN THE UNIVERSE may expand and help you release the past and step into the bright future that lies before you. Continue to receive for a few more moments. (Pause)

Slowly but surely the conditions on your planet that have fostered paths of deception and destruction are being renewed in Spirit and are coming alive in the GOODNESS and the TRUTH of the BEAUTY of the divine plans of evolution. You are all a part of this, and your Mother and I encourage you to celebrate your evolutionary natures, for they are truly good and something of great value is growing inside of you that you will come to cherish more and more over time as you gain more of that internal trust in the benevolence of LIFE and the GOODNESS of God and the GLORY of creation.

I leave you now in this manner, my children, that your Mother Nebadonia may address you. Come to me whenever you feel fearful, disconsolate and confused, and I will steady you in PEACE and TRUTH and FAITH that you may stand upright and walk as a noble and valuable member of our loving family. Take your rightful place in it, and know that you have more support and encouragement that you can even fathom. Thrive in this awareness, my children, prosper in my LOVE and abide in my PEACE. Good day.

NEBADONIA: Greetings my precious children, this is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. What your Father and I are providing to you today is part of the socialization endowments you need to continue to grow as universe citizens. During the course of your long ascension journeys you will learn new facets about the universe family in which you live. There are many, many lessons and concepts of great import about how the creative plan operates throughout the vast starry realms. One of the first lessons you master is in the socialization process. The universe family operates upon energies of LOVE, PEACE, TOLERANCE, FAIRNESS, KINDNESS, COMPASSION, and EQUALTY. You are all equally loved and you are all equally given an opportunity to develop your God-bestowed personality gifts with the rest of creation.

The socialization process is fundamental for you to learn the lessons of universe import, and it begins here on the earth plane in your families of origin. The family is the basic unit of the social order, but we understand the experiences that many of the children of this world have in your families where there are energies very discordant and unhealthy for the development of a spiritual personality.

Therefore, your Father and I have encouraged the development of your relationship to us to help you outwork the influence of parents who may not have loved you and supported you the way you have needed. Also the development of TRUST IN THE UNIVERSE will help you outwork those sibling relationships, not only in your own families but with those of your social peers to help you become more spiritually fragrant; that you may attract other people to share with you what you have learned and the gifts that you have to offer them of love and compassion and validation. The TRUST IN THE UNIVERSE is a vital component of this, so we encourage you to continue to receive as these words settle in and help you in your own socialization to the culture of our universe family. (Pause)

As you continue to open this door to your rightful place in our family, allow those helpers who wish to continue to support you come close to you and share with you vital information from their perspective of what it means to live as a growing, flourishing member. There is so much to learn, my children, so much to be gained from this type of relationship. Allow yourselves to grow upright and steadfast in who you are as a member of our family, and let the energies of TRUST guide you forward to move beyond any fear constructs that you may be holding within your own energy systems, albeit unconsciously. Release the past and step into the universe who welcomes you with open arms and hearts. We are your family and we love you. Allow these energies to continue to settle in for a few more moments. (Pause)


Dearest children, you are indeed embarked upon a glorious adventure into the ways of LOVE, and it will be your delight and joy to grow, in not only who you are as a member of our family, but what this means for your lives here on this world. As you develop this requisite TRUST IN THE UNIVERSE, let those around you speak words of guidance and wisdom to help you perceive with higher vision the truths of what it means to live as a member in the family of LOVE. And know that you are being carefully guided and watched over as you make these faith steps each and every day.

Your Father and I love you dearly. We are devoted to you as are your universe siblings. Gain much during this time of change upon your world that you may continue to foster those social and spiritual fruits and fragrance to attract others to you whom you can serve with love, and help others awaken to the truth that lives within them, as they are beloved and important members of our family just as you.

I leave you with much to consider and integrate, and come to me when you need a refreshing boost of LIGHT and LIFE and LOVE that you may continue to renew yourselves in the truth of living as a member of our family. Good day.