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Topic: Seeding the Energies of Peace

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Manotia

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



PRAYER: Mother and Father, we center ourselves in our hearts, coming into that union with Spirit that we may we project from our hearts today the intention for your WILL to be done in the circuits of Urantian consciousness. Thank you for connecting us heart-to-heart, soul-to-soul, Spirit-to-Spirit that we may operate as one in your holy WILL. We ask that our Seraphic helpers come close to us now that we may be ready to collaborate with them and to bring more of your presence into the circuits of Urantian consciousness. Thank you for this opportunity to serve. May your WILL be done now.


MANOTIA: My dear brethren, greetings to you all! This is Manotia, and on behalf of the Seraphic Corps, I welcome you to this forum with our love and devotion to you as we continue to impart more spiritual energy into the circuits of Urantian consciousness.

Before we begin, I invite you to take a few deep breaths. Let your internal gaze settle upon your hearts. This center of your energy beings is a mighty producer of intentional energies, and we ask that you use this center very mindfully, becoming more aware of the thoughts you emit and the feelings you convey that more of the divine plans for Urantian consciousness may be imparted into these vast circuits all around the planet. Focusing from your hearts your intention to bring more peace, compassion and harmony into these circuits will induce more change to occur.

So let us now reach out and focus on the Angels of the Races. Feel your desire for their work to become more effective through your desires for more PEACE, COMPASSION and HARMONY to reverberate in these circuits that the racial endowments of planetary circuits may be further upstepped in these mighty spiritual forces and energies.

If it is helpful, you may stream the energies of PEACE, COMPASSION and HARMONY from your hearts to engage with the planetary circuits. That familiar counter-clockwise spiral around the globe can be helpful in your focused efforts. You may use that if you wish or whatever other visualization comes to mind. What is more significant is to have that intentional desire for these energies to foster better relationships within the racial constructs of this world as we begin now, my dear brethren. (Pause)

As you continue to project energies from your heart, allow yourselves to be gently expanded in the heart energies of our loving Mother Nebadonia. Let your attachments to Her gently swell within your beings as you continue to project that desire for more PEACE, COMPASSION and HARMONY to interface among these circuits of Urantian consciousness for the labors of the Angels of the Races can produce much good. (Pause)

The ministry of the Angels of the Races is to induce more cooperation, tolerance and fraternity among the various groupings and cultural traditions that are part of the racial inheritance. There is a great outworking of the influence of separation now occurring within Urantian consciousness. This will continue for some time to come as it is such a large insidious influence in your planet’s constructs of consciousness. These infusions today are designed to foster a disintegration of these separation energies and to truly help humanity embrace the living reality of the brotherhood and sisterhood of all humanity.

Continue to gently expand in our Mother as you send forth these desires for more PEACE, COMPASSION and HARMONY to flood the circuits of Urantian consciousness. (Pause)

If you wish, you may alter your gaze slightly by inviting Father Christ Michael to gently expand you in His qualities of PEACE and COMPASSION that more HARMONY may exist among the racial divisions of the planet. Allow Him to convey into your beings the quality of His PEACE and COMPASSION that this may become a larger form to, not only support the expression of your Father-bestowed personality, but to also help your brothers and sisters gain a greater awareness of His PEACE and COMPASSION that dwells within them through the Spirit of Truth. Feel your desire for His presence to bathe these circuits through the influence of the Angels of the Races. Allow yourselves to receive more of what our Father wishes to provide to you now, my dear ones. (Pause)

We now draw your attention to the energies of HARMONY IN THE SOVEREIGNTY AND FATHERHOOD OF CHRIST MICHAEL. See these words and energies project from your hearts to spiral around the planet north to south poles counter-clockwise. Feel your desire for this to take more presence in the circuits of planetary consciousness. Our Mother Nebadonia can expand these circuits as the Angels of the Races and other planetary Seraphim minister in these circuits, my dear brethren. (Pause)

As Michael minsters in this circuit, feel your desire for His presence to take greater space within all Urantian hearts. This will support the individual’s Father Fragment to convey something of great value into that person’s mind for them to receive, acknowledge and experience. (Pause)

Feel your desire for your brothers and sisters to experience more harmonization of Spirit within their own energy systems that they may perceive something of higher value—of Spirit. (Pause)

The divine plans of planetary redemption and rehabilitation are well underway. You will see more evidence of this when you look within, see with the spirit eyes of the Father that more people are remarking that the way of life upon Urantia is no longer supporting them. While there are certain forms of fear attempting to maintain their control upon Urantian consciousness, more and more the change within is awakening the heart’s potential of a human race and will continue to do so until these energies of PEACE, COMPASSION and HARMONY and the fruits they produce are the order of the day.

Take a few moments to perceive yourselves standing in these energy fields of PEACE, COMPASSION and HARMONY. Let this be your own external environments while your own internal spiritual circuitry secures you more in the LOVE of the Father of Paradise in the SOVEREIGNTY AND FATHERHOOD of Christ Michael through the presence of your Holy Spirit Mother Nebadonia. Stand in their LOVE and ask for these energies of PEACE, COMPASSION and HARMONY to move down into the earth through their planetary root system, you might call it, going down, down into the core. Let this planetary root system of consciousness receive these energies from the Father through Michael and Nebadonia and may they blaze through this root system illuminating the way of TRUTH, BEAUTY and GOODNESS to outwork that of separation and disloyalty to the Father’s WILL. We will join you there and do what we can to continue to liberate Urantian consciousness. (Pause)


The tethers of separation and sin are losing their grasps. We invite you to continue to focus on your planet as a whole and ask for these energies of PEACE, COMPASSION and HARMONY in the FATHERHOOD AND SOVEREIGNTY of Christ Michael to continue to upstep all of these circuits, all around the world in and through the globe at various dimensional frequencies. You have power in the Spirit, my brethren, and when you focus thusly you are engaging with mighty powers of creativity and healing and transformation.

It is your divine birthright to use these energies in concert with the Father’s WILL of your personality expression. It is up to you to come into a better learning experience through your daily efforts and relationships with your brothers and sisters. And we invite you to continue to minister with us in these fields of consciousness during your daily stillness that more healing may occur, more hearts be opened, more lives saved by the truths of eternal realities.

We have completed our objectives for this call today. On behalf of the mighty angelic forces who lovingly serve this world and you, I thank you. Together we are forging a mighty bright future for Michael’s sentimental shrine, and what a joy it is to see more of the internal lights of the heart sparking anew within these circuits of consciousness.

May you all prosper and flourish in this thrilling time of change, and continue to keep your focus on the Father’s presence within knowing that Michael and Nebadonia are steering this world in her rightful trajectory into the circuits of Light and Life. May their PEACE rest easy upon you, and I wish you a most blessed good day!