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Topic: The Angels of the Nations and Enlightenment Building Cosmic Consciousness Upon the Planet

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Manotia

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



PRAYER: Mother and Father, we are so grateful for all the ways in which you support us and give us the ability to grow in your love. We ask that you connect us together as one in your love, heart to heart, soul to soul, Spirit to Spirit that our collaboration with our celestial helpers may continue to progress and grow ever stronger in the planet’s consciousness. We are ready to engage with them, and we thank you for your will being done for our efforts and theirs.

MANOTIA: Greetings, my dear brethren! This is Manotia. It gives me great pleasure to join you again in this forum of transformative change as humans and Seraphim collaborate together in the Father’s WILL for the enhancement of life upon all of Urantia.


Today will engage with the Angels of Enlightenment as well as the Angels of the Nations—those Seraphim who are dedicated to the nations of the world to progress in their understanding of the higher reality in which you all exist. This builds the way for human consciousness begin to perceive more of the way of the status of cosmic citizens. You are not only members of an evolutionary world; you are all citizens of the universe as we are all children of the family of Michael and Nebadonia. And it is in this intention today that we engage with these two particular Seraphic groups to engage the circuits of human consciousness to begin to perceive more of that status as cosmic citizens to help you outgrow the feelings of being so attached to the particular nations in which you reside.

This is a massive undertaking that we are about to embark upon. And we invite you to focus in your hearts. Feel your desire to share your heart energy with the Angels of the Nations and the Angels of Enlightenment for these higher circuits of mind to prevail all throughout the circuits of Urantian consciousness. If it is helpful in your focusing, you may simply see the words: I AM A COSMIC CITIZEN in your mind’s eye and project that idea and affirmation into the grid of planetary consciousness where we can take the human energies and elevate them to higher levels of those circuits of Spirit.

Take a few moments to take a few deep breaths. Focus in your hearts. We will begin with the imprinting into the circuits of consciousness by the Angels of Enlightenment and the Angels attached to national life. We begin. (Pause)

All around the globe many hearts are being impressed with the spiritual ideals of cosmic citizenship. As you affirm this in your own hearts that you are a member of this greater reality in which we all exist, if you desire, you may see the words COSMIC CITIZENSHIP in your mind’s eye and let them spiral around the planet. The Angels of Enlightenment and Nations can use what you are generating now for their holy purposes as we continue. (Pause)

Urantia is being prepared to accept its status as a member of the family of Nebadon. The concept of COSMIC CITIZENSHIP is now being woven into these circuits of planetary consciousness at deeper levels. Even though you were quarantined from the universe broadcasts during the rebellion period, this is all being changed even though there is still interference occurring among these circuits of consciousness to confuse people and keep them in this state of planetary isolation. Through this infusion today we are working in a greater collective bandwidth with these two Seraphic groups to expand the circuits that more people may begin to perceive that there is a broad array of life teeming throughout all creation and that you have a role to play in this far beyond the planetary culture.

This will help your brethren to begin to perceive that how they think about their status as a child of God is limited, and they can move beyond their own beliefs, conditioning and open to this wider bandwidth of love and support that the universe provides to these worlds of rebellion to outgrow that mindset of isolation and betrayal. More people will be willing to adjust their thinking to this type of heightened awareness to be a part of something far grander and greater than what they have previously conceived. So continue to focus on this desire for this COSMIC CITIZENSHIP to prevail throughout the circuits. Let them reach new depths and heights in expanding the breadth for individuals regardless of their national association to perceive the higher emanations of Spirit beckoning them into the universe where they are loved and nurtured. (Pause)

As you maintain this focus, know that you are receiving more upstepping in your own energy systems to support your increased awareness of what it means to be a cosmic citizen—a member of the family of Nebadon with various privileges and responsibilities that come your way. As you are the laborers in the field of your planet helping your brothers and sisters open to Spirit, there will be those placed before you who are ready to perceive this bigger picture of reality. And you have been given many, many resources to direct these hungry truth-seeking souls to those various places where they can receive the information they need to not only grow them in their conceptual understanding of the nature of reality but the love and support that exists for them as individuals.

This dual focus is here to promote to emotional health of the individual and the intellectual expansion to higher universe ideals that grows the individual soul and imparts more spiritual energy into their own individual systems of consciousness. Here is where you can be of great service as you share with them what you have learned and where you have found the information that has been so highly beneficial and transformative to you.

So when a person is before you and you engage in conversation, let them speak what is upon their hearts and minds, and when you feel an inner prompting speak from the heart of what you have experienced that has helped you in your understanding of the nature of life, and ask them questions about what it is they wish to understand or where they are having difficulty in making sense of their own reality. Pay close attention to the words they say and the mannerisms they convey that you may be more infused with spiritual energy to convey to them something that will uplift them, give them great hope and stimulate their faith.

While we work in the collective of human consciousness, most of you will be working more at an individual level. But it all works together for the greater good. As more people heal and transform their lives individually, it builds the Planetary Supreme Mind upon the planet and allows for greater encircuitment of this mind to transform the current mindset of the planet, to reach and touch those divine notes of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty. So continue for a few more moments with this focus on COSMIC CITIZENSHIP through the Seraphim of National Life and Enlightenment and we will continue to minister into those areas where much good can be achieved. (Pause)

We invite you to shift your focus slightly. The Father’s WILL through Mother’s ACTION operates in the circuits of evolution all through the planet’s collective system of consciousness and individuals attached to it. What we invite you to do now is to focus on this stream of Father’s WILL operating in these evolutionary circuits. Feel your desire for Father’s WILL through Mother’s ACTION to prevail here and simply focus on the words COSMIC CITIZENSHIP IN THE SOVEREIGNTY AND FATHERHOOD OF CHRIST MICHAEL.

Feel your desire for this to take deeper root in the evolutionary circuits now going into those places where there is still rootedness in the rebellion agenda and mindset as we minister in these areas now. Simply maintain your focus on THE SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL AND HIS FATHERHOOD as COSMIC CITIZENSHIP forms in these circuits of Urantian consciousness. (Pause)

Thank our Mother Nebadonia for Her LOVE pervading this planet and ask for that mindedness of Her personality to go deeper into those areas where there is great need for transformation, redemption, and rehabilitation. (Pause)

We invite you now to appeal to your Mother Nebadonia with great faith and love. Simply invite Her to embrace all of these circuits that Her LOVE may pervade Urantian consciousness and spread far and wide throughout all of these circuits. Our Mother loves this world, and She delights when Her children come to Her with these very pure intentions of the human heart for more love to pervade the circuits of planetary consciousness. So simply feel your desire and need for this to occur as She embraces this world in Her Holy Spirit, setting forth a chain reaction of LOVE to ripple and reverberate throughout all circuits of consciousness now. (Pause)


Brothers and sisters, we have completed our objectives for today. There are many circuits that have been upgraded and spiritual energy is now radiating through them, vibrating and elevating human thought to reach higher levels of universal truths and divine values. Over time you will see the outworking of this at a more material level. But for now we will continue to seed in these energies and invite you to participate with us when you are in your moments of stillness communion with the Father. Dedicate a portion of your time to calling on us and sharing your love of this world for the world that we may continue to use human will energy in those areas to go into those place where there is greater need for spiritual expression.

We are so grateful for your participation today and we look forward to being with you again in two weeks as we again continue to build these circuits of LOVE that the divine administration of Urantia may continue to gain strength upon the planet and grow in its trajectory of manifesting on earth the Father’s WILL in the divine time that our Parents know is right. Thrive in their LOVE, my dear ones, and know that all things are returning to the evolutionary order established by the Father in Paradise. Our blessings are with you for a most enjoyable and peaceful good day.