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150:1.2 [[Jesus]] [[authorized]] these [[women]] to [[effect]] their own [[organization]] and directed [[Judas Iscariot|Judas]] to provide [[funds]] for their equipment and for [ pack animals]. The ten elected Susanna as their chief and Joanna as their treasurer. From this time on they furnished their own [[funds]]; never again did they draw upon [[Judas Iscariot|Judas]] for [[support]].
150:1.2 [[Jesus]] [[authorized]] these [[women]] to [[effect]] their own [[organization]] and directed [[Judas Iscariot|Judas]] to provide [[funds]] for their equipment and for [ pack animals]. The ten elected Susanna as their chief and Joanna as their treasurer. From this time on they furnished their own [[funds]]; never again did they draw upon [[Judas Iscariot|Judas]] for [[support]].
150:1.3 It was most astounding in that day, when [[women]] were not even allowed on the main floor of the [[synagogue]] (being confined to the [ women's gallery]), to behold them being [[recognized]] as [[authorized]] [[teachers]] of the new [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]]. The charge which [[Jesus]] gave these [[ten]] [[women]] as he set them apart for [[gospel]] teaching and [[ministry]] was the [ emancipation proclamation] which set [[free]] all [[women]] and for all time; no more was man to look upon [[woman]] as his [[spiritual]] inferior. This was a decided [[shock]] to even the [[twelve apostles]]. Notwithstanding they had many times heard [[the Master]] say that " in [[the kingdom]] of heaven there is neither [[rich]] nor [[poor]], [[free]] nor [[Slave|bond]], [[male]] nor [[female]], all are equally the [ sons and daughters of God], " they were [[literally]] stunned when he [[proposed]] [[formally]] to commission these [[ten]] [[women]] as [[religious]] [[teachers]] and even to [[permit]] their [[traveling]] about with them. The whole country was stirred up by this proceeding, the enemies of [[Jesus]] making great [[capital]] out of this move, but everywhere the [[women]] believers in the good news stood stanchly behind their chosen sisters and [[voiced]] no uncertain approval of this tardy acknowledgment of [[woman]]'s place in [[religious]] [[work]]. And this [[liberation]] of [[women]], giving them due [[recognition]], was [[practiced]] by [[the apostles]] [[immediately]] after [[the Master]]'s departure, albeit they fell back to the olden [[customs]] in subsequent [[generations]]. Throughout the [ early days of the Christian church] [[women]] [[teachers]] and ministers were called deaconesses and were accorded general [[recognition]]. But [[Paul, the Apostle|Paul]], despite the [[fact]] that he conceded all this in [[theory]], never really incorporated it into his own [[attitude]] and [[personally]] found it [[difficult]] to carry out in [[practice]].
150:1.3 It was most astounding in that day, when [[women]] were not even allowed on the main floor of the [[synagogue]] (being confined to the [ women's gallery]), to behold them being [[recognized]] as [[authorized]] [[teachers]] of the new [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]]. The charge which [[Jesus]] gave these [[ten]] [[women]] as he set them apart for [[gospel]] teaching and [[ministry]] was the [ emancipation proclamation] which set [[free]] all [[women]] and for all time; no more was man to look upon [[woman]] as his [[spiritual]] inferior. This was a decided [[shock]] to even the [[twelve apostles]]. Notwithstanding they had many times heard [[the Master]] say that " in [[the kingdom]] of heaven there is neither [[rich]] nor [[poor]], [[free]] nor [[Slave|bond]], [[male]] nor [[female]], all are equally the [ sons and daughters of God], " they were [[literally]] stunned when he [[proposed]] [[formally]] to commission these [[ten]] [[women]] as [[religious]] [[teachers]] and even to [[permit]] their [[traveling]] about with them. The whole country was stirred up by this proceeding, the enemies of [[Jesus]] making great [[capital]] out of this move, but everywhere the [[women]] believers in the good news stood stanchly behind their chosen sisters and [[voiced]] no uncertain approval of this tardy acknowledgment of [[woman]]'s place in [[religious]] [[work]]. And this [[liberation]] of [[women]], giving them due [[recognition]], was [[practiced]] by [[the apostles]] [[immediately]] after [[the Master]]'s departure, albeit they fell back to the olden [[customs]] in subsequent [[generations]]. Throughout the [ early days of the Christian church] [[women]] [[teachers]] and ministers were called deaconesses and were accorded general [[recognition]]. But [[Paul, the Apostle|Paul]], despite the [[fact]] that he conceded all this in [[theory]], never really incorporated it into his own [[attitude]] and [[personally]] found it [[difficult]] to carry out in [[practice]].
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*5. 150:3.7 [ Casting lots], while it may be a convenient way of settling many minor [[difficulties]], is not a [[method]] designed to [[disclose]] the [[divine]] will. Such outcomes are purely matters of [[material]] [[chance]]. The only means of [[communion]] with the [[spiritual]] world is [[embraced]] in the spirit [[endowment]] of [[mankind]], the [[indwelling spirit]] of [[the Father]], together with the [[Spirit of Truth|outpoured spirit of the Son]] and the [[omnipresent]] [[influence]] of the [[Infinite Spirit]].
*5. 150:3.7 [ Casting lots], while it may be a convenient way of settling many minor [[difficulties]], is not a [[method]] designed to [[disclose]] the [[divine]] will. Such outcomes are purely matters of [[material]] [[chance]]. The only means of [[communion]] with the [[spiritual]] world is [[embraced]] in the spirit [[endowment]] of [[mankind]], the [[indwelling spirit]] of [[the Father]], together with the [[Spirit of Truth|outpoured spirit of the Son]] and the [[omnipresent]] [[influence]] of the [[Infinite Spirit]].
*6. 150:3.8 [ Divination], [ sorcery], and [ witchcraft] are [[superstitions]] of [[ignorant]] [[minds]], as also are the [[delusions]] of [[magic]]. The [[belief]] in [ magic numbers], [ omens] of [[good]] [[luck]], and harbingers of bad luck, is [[pure]] and unfounded [[superstition]].
*6. 150:3.8 [ Divination], [ sorcery], and [ witchcraft] are [[superstitions]] of [[ignorant]] [[minds]], as also are the [[delusions]] of [[magic]]. The [[belief]] in [ magic numbers], [ omens] of [[good]] [[luck]], and harbingers of bad luck, is [[pure]] and unfounded [[superstition]].
*7. 150:3.9 The [[interpretation]] of [[dreams]] is largely a [[superstitious]] and groundless [[system]] of [[ignorant]] and [[fantastic]] [[speculation]]. The [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]] must have nothing in common with the [ soothsayer priests] of [ primitive religion].
*7. 150:3.9 The [[interpretation]] of [[dreams]] is largely a [[superstitious]] and groundless [[system]] of [[ignorant]] and [[fantastic]] [[speculation]]. The [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]] must have nothing in common with the [ soothsayer priests] of [ primitive religion].
*8. 150:3.10 The spirits of [[good]] or [[evil]] cannot dwell within [[material]] [[symbols]] of clay, wood, or metal; [[idols]] are nothing more than the [[material]] of which they are made.
*8. 150:3.10 The spirits of [[good]] or [[evil]] cannot dwell within [[material]] [[symbols]] of clay, wood, or metal; [[idols]] are nothing more than the [[material]] of which they are made.
*9. 150:3.11 The [[practices]] of the [[Incantation|enchanters]], the [ wizards], the [[magic]]ians, and the [ sorcerers], were derived from the [[superstitions]] of the [ Egyptians], the [ Assyrians], the [ Babylonians], and the [ ancient Canaanites]. [ Amulets] and all sorts of [[incantation]]s are futile either to win the [[protection]] of [[good]] spirits or to ward off supposed [[evil]] spirits.
*9. 150:3.11 The [[practices]] of the [[Incantation|enchanters]], the [ wizards], the [[magic]]ians, and the [ sorcerers], were derived from the [[superstitions]] of the [ Egyptians], the [ Assyrians], the [ Babylonians], and the [ ancient Canaanites]. [ Amulets] and all sorts of [[incantation]]s are futile either to win the [[protection]] of [[good]] spirits or to ward off supposed [[evil]] spirits.
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150:4.1 The next evening, having gathered [[together]] the [[twelve apostles]], the apostles of [[John the Baptist|John]], and the newly commissioned [ women's group], [[Jesus]] said: " You see for yourselves that the [[harvest]] is plenteous, but the laborers are few. Let us all, therefore, [[pray]] the Lord of the [[harvest]] that he send forth still more laborers into his fields.[] While I remain to [[comfort]] and instruct the younger [[teachers]], I would send out the older ones [[two]] and two that they may pass quickly over all [[Galilee]] [[preaching]] the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]] while it is yet convenient and [[peaceful]]. " Then he designated the pairs of [[apostles]] as he [[desired]] them to go forth, and they were: [[Andrew, the Apostle|Andrew]] and [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]], [[James, the Apostle|James]] and [[John Zebedee]], [[Philip, the Apostle|Philip]] and [[Nathaniel]], [[Thomas, the Apostle|Thomas]] and [[Matthew, the Apostle|Matthew]], [[James and Judas Alpheus]], [[Simon Zelotes]] and [[Judas Iscariot]].
150:4.1 The next evening, having gathered [[together]] the [[twelve apostles]], the apostles of [[John the Baptist|John]], and the newly commissioned [ women's group], [[Jesus]] said: " You see for yourselves that the [[harvest]] is plenteous, but the laborers are few. Let us all, therefore, [[pray]] the Lord of the [[harvest]] that he send forth still more laborers into his fields.[] While I remain to [[comfort]] and instruct the younger [[teachers]], I would send out the older ones [[two]] and two that they may pass quickly over all [[Galilee]] [[preaching]] the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]] while it is yet convenient and [[peaceful]]. " Then he designated the pairs of [[apostles]] as he [[desired]] them to go forth, and they were: [[Andrew, the Apostle|Andrew]] and [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]], [[James, the Apostle|James]] and [[John Zebedee]], [[Philip, the Apostle|Philip]] and [[Nathaniel]], [[Thomas, the Apostle|Thomas]] and [[Matthew, the Apostle|Matthew]], [[James and Judas Alpheus]], [[Simon Zelotes]] and [[Judas Iscariot]].
150:4.2 [[Jesus]] arranged the date for meeting [[the twelve]] at [[Nazareth]], and in parting, he said: " On this [[mission]] go not to any [[city]] of the [[gentiles]], neither go into [ Samaria], but go instead to the lost sheep of the house of [[Israel]]. [[Preach]] the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]] and [[proclaim]] the saving [[truth]] that man is a [ son of God]. [[Remember]] that the [[disciple]] is hardly above his master nor a servant greater than his lord. It is enough for the [[disciple]] to be [[equal]] with his master and the servant to become like his lord. If some people have [[dared]] to call the master of the house an [[associate]] of [ Beelzebub], how much more shall they so regard those of his household! But you should not [[fear]] these unbelieving enemies. I [[declare]] to you that there is nothing covered up that is not going to be [[revealed]]; there is nothing hidden that shall not be [[known]]. What I have taught you [[privately]], that [[preach]] with [[wisdom]] in the open. What I have [[revealed]] to you in the inner chamber, that you are to [[proclaim]] in due [[season]] from the housetops. And I say to you, my [[friends]] and [[disciples]], be not afraid of those who can kill the [[body]], but who are not able to destroy the [[soul]]; rather put your [[trust]] in Him who is able to sustain the [[body]] and save the [[soul]].[]
150:4.2 [[Jesus]] arranged the date for meeting [[the twelve]] at [[Nazareth]], and in parting, he said: " On this [[mission]] go not to any [[city]] of the [[gentiles]], neither go into [ Samaria], but go instead to the lost sheep of the house of [[Israel]]. [[Preach]] the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]] and [[proclaim]] the saving [[truth]] that man is a [ son of God]. [[Remember]] that the [[disciple]] is hardly above his master nor a servant greater than his lord. It is enough for the [[disciple]] to be [[equal]] with his master and the servant to become like his lord. If some people have [[dared]] to call the master of the house an [[associate]] of [ Beelzebub], how much more shall they so regard those of his household! But you should not [[fear]] these unbelieving enemies. I [[declare]] to you that there is nothing covered up that is not going to be [[revealed]]; there is nothing hidden that shall not be [[known]]. What I have taught you [[privately]], that [[preach]] with [[wisdom]] in the open. What I have [[revealed]] to you in the inner chamber, that you are to [[proclaim]] in due [[season]] from the housetops. And I say to you, my [[friends]] and [[disciples]], be not afraid of those who can kill the [[body]], but who are not able to destroy the [[soul]]; rather put your [[trust]] in Him who is able to sustain the [[body]] and save the [[soul]].[]
150:4.3 " Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And yet I [[declare]] that not one of them is forgotten in [[God]]'s [[sight]]. [[Know]] you not that the very hairs of your head are all numbered? [[Fear]] not, therefore; you are of more [[value]] than a great many sparrows. Be not [[ashamed]] of my teaching; go forth [[proclaiming]] [[peace]] and good will, but be not [[deceived]]—[[peace]] will not always attend your [[preaching]]. I came to bring [[peace]] on [[earth]], but when men reject my [[gift]], division and turmoil result. When all of a [[family]] [[receive]] the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]], truly [[peace]] abides in that house; but when some of the [[family]] enter [[the kingdom]] and others reject the [[gospel]], such division can produce only [[sorrow]] and sadness. Labor [[earnestly]] to save the whole [[family]] lest a man's foes become those of his own household. But, when you have done your utmost for all of every [[family]], I [[declare]] to you that he who [[loves]] [[father]] or [[mother]] more than this [[gospel]] is not [[worthy]] of [[the kingdom]]. "[]
150:4.3 " Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And yet I [[declare]] that not one of them is forgotten in [[God]]'s [[sight]]. [[Know]] you not that the very hairs of your head are all numbered? [[Fear]] not, therefore; you are of more [[value]] than a great many sparrows. Be not [[ashamed]] of my teaching; go forth [[proclaiming]] [[peace]] and good will, but be not [[deceived]]—[[peace]] will not always attend your [[preaching]]. I came to bring [[peace]] on [[earth]], but when men reject my [[gift]], division and turmoil result. When all of a [[family]] [[receive]] the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]], truly [[peace]] abides in that house; but when some of the [[family]] enter [[the kingdom]] and others reject the [[gospel]], such division can produce only [[sorrow]] and sadness. Labor [[earnestly]] to save the whole [[family]] lest a man's foes become those of his own household. But, when you have done your utmost for all of every [[family]], I [[declare]] to you that he who [[loves]] [[father]] or [[mother]] more than this [[gospel]] is not [[worthy]] of [[the kingdom]]. "[]
150:4.4 When [[the twelve]] had heard these [[words]], they made ready to depart. And they did not again come [[together]] until the time of their assembling at [[Nazareth]] to meet with [[Jesus]] and the other [[disciples]] as [[the Master]] had arranged.
150:4.4 When [[the twelve]] had heard these [[words]], they made ready to depart. And they did not again come [[together]] until the time of their assembling at [[Nazareth]] to meet with [[Jesus]] and the other [[disciples]] as [[the Master]] had arranged.
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150:5.1 One evening at [ Shunem], after [[John the Baptist|John]]'s apostles had returned to [ Hebron], and after [[Jesus]]' [[apostles]] had been sent out [[two]] and two, when [[the Master]] was [[engaged]] in teaching a [[group]] of twelve of the younger [[evangelists]] who were laboring under the direction of Jacob, together with the [ twelve women], Rachel asked [[Jesus]] this question: " Master, what shall we answer when [[women]] ask us, What shall I do to be [[Salvation|saved]]? " When [[Jesus]] heard this question, he answered:
150:5.1 One evening at [ Shunem], after [[John the Baptist|John]]'s apostles had returned to [ Hebron], and after [[Jesus]]' [[apostles]] had been sent out [[two]] and two, when [[the Master]] was [[engaged]] in teaching a [[group]] of twelve of the younger [[evangelists]] who were laboring under the direction of Jacob, together with the [ twelve women], Rachel asked [[Jesus]] this question: " Master, what shall we answer when [[women]] ask us, What shall I do to be [[Salvation|saved]]? " When [[Jesus]] heard this question, he answered:
150:5.2 " When [[men]] and [[women]] ask what shall we do to be [[Salvation|saved]], you shall answer, [[Believe]] this [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]]; [[accept]] [[divine]] [[forgiveness]]. By [[faith]] [[recognize]] the [[indwelling spirit]] of [[God]], whose [[acceptance]] makes you a [ son of God]. Have you not [[read]] in the [[Scriptures]] where it says, `In the Lord have I [[righteousness]] and [[strength]].'[] Also where the Father says, `My [[righteousness]] is near; my [[salvation]] has gone forth, and my arms shall enfold my people.' `My [[soul]] shall be [[joyful]] in the [[love]] of my [[God]], for he has clothed me with the garments of [[salvation]] and has covered me with the robe of his [[righteousness]].'[] Have you not also [[read]] of [[the Father]] that his name `shall be called the Lord our righteousness.'[] `Take away the filthy rags of [[self-righteousness]] and clothe my son with the robe of [[divine]] [[righteousness]] and [[eternal]] [[salvation]].'[] It is forever true, `the just shall live by [[faith]].' Entrance into [[the Father]]'s [[The kingdom|kingdom]] is wholly [[free]], but [[progress]]—[[growth]] in [[grace]]—is [[essential]] to continuance therein.
150:5.2 " When [[men]] and [[women]] ask what shall we do to be [[Salvation|saved]], you shall answer, [[Believe]] this [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]]; [[accept]] [[divine]] [[forgiveness]]. By [[faith]] [[recognize]] the [[indwelling spirit]] of [[God]], whose [[acceptance]] makes you a [ son of God]. Have you not [[read]] in the [[Scriptures]] where it says, `In the Lord have I [[righteousness]] and [[strength]].'[] Also where the Father says, `My [[righteousness]] is near; my [[salvation]] has gone forth, and my arms shall enfold my people.' `My [[soul]] shall be [[joyful]] in the [[love]] of my [[God]], for he has clothed me with the garments of [[salvation]] and has covered me with the robe of his [[righteousness]].'[] Have you not also [[read]] of [[the Father]] that his name `shall be called the Lord our righteousness.'[] `Take away the filthy rags of [[self-righteousness]] and clothe my son with the robe of [[divine]] [[righteousness]] and [[eternal]] [[salvation]].'[] It is forever true, `the just shall live by [[faith]].' Entrance into [[the Father]]'s [[The kingdom|kingdom]] is wholly [[free]], but [[progress]]—[[growth]] in [[grace]]—is [[essential]] to continuance therein.
150:5.3 " [[Salvation]] is the [[gift]] of [[the Father]] and is [[revealed]] by [ his Sons]. [[Acceptance]] by [[faith]] on your [[part]] makes you a partaker of the [[divine]] [[nature]], a son or a daughter of [[God]]. By [[faith]] you are [[justified]]; by [[faith]] are you saved[]; and by this same [[faith]] are you eternally advanced in the way of [[progressive]] and [[divine]] [[perfection]]. By [[faith]] was [[Abraham]] [[justified]] and made [[aware]] of [[salvation]] by the [ teachings of Melchizedek]. All down through the [[ages]] has this same [[faith]] saved the sons of men, but now has a [[Creator Son|Son]] come forth from [[the Father]] to make [[salvation]] more [[real]] and [[acceptable]]. "
150:5.3 " [[Salvation]] is the [[gift]] of [[the Father]] and is [[revealed]] by [ his Sons]. [[Acceptance]] by [[faith]] on your [[part]] makes you a partaker of the [[divine]] [[nature]], a son or a daughter of [[God]]. By [[faith]] you are [[justified]]; by [[faith]] are you saved[]; and by this same [[faith]] are you eternally advanced in the way of [[progressive]] and [[divine]] [[perfection]]. By [[faith]] was [[Abraham]] [[justified]] and made [[aware]] of [[salvation]] by the [ teachings of Melchizedek]. All down through the [[ages]] has this same [[faith]] saved the sons of men, but now has a [[Creator Son|Son]] come forth from [[the Father]] to make [[salvation]] more [[real]] and [[acceptable]]. "
150:5.4 When [[Jesus]] had left off [[speaking]], there was great [[rejoicing]] among those who had heard these [[gracious]] [[words]], and they all went on in the days that followed [[proclaiming]] the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]] with new [[power]] and with [[renewed]] [[energy]] and [[enthusiasm]]. And the [[women]] [[rejoiced]] all the more to know they were included in these [[plans]] for the [[establishment]] of [[the kingdom]] on [[earth]].
150:5.4 When [[Jesus]] had left off [[speaking]], there was great [[rejoicing]] among those who had heard these [[gracious]] [[words]], and they all went on in the days that followed [[proclaiming]] the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]] with new [[power]] and with [[renewed]] [[energy]] and [[enthusiasm]]. And the [[women]] [[rejoiced]] all the more to know they were included in these [[plans]] for the [[establishment]] of [[the kingdom]] on [[earth]].
150:5.5 In summing up his final [[statement]], [[Jesus]] said: " You cannot buy [[salvation]]; you cannot [[earn]] [[righteousness]]. [[Salvation]] is the [[gift]] of [[God]],[] and [[righteousness]] is the [[natural]] fruit of the [[spirit]]-[[born]] life of [[sonship]] in [[the kingdom]]. You are not to be saved because you live a [[righteous]] life; rather is it that you live a [[righteous]] life because you have already been [[Salvation|saved]], have [[recognized]] [[sonship]] as the [[gift]] of [[God]] and [[service]] in [[the kingdom]] as the [[supreme]] delight of life on [[earth]]. When men [[believe]] this [[gospel]], which is a [[revelation]] of the [[goodness]] of [[God]], they will be led to [[voluntary]] [[repentance]] of all known [[sin]]. [[Realization]] of sonship is incompatible with the [[desire]] to [[sin]]. Kingdom believers [[hunger]] for [[righteousness]] and [[thirst]] for [[divine]] [[perfection]]. "
150:5.5 In summing up his final [[statement]], [[Jesus]] said: " You cannot buy [[salvation]]; you cannot [[earn]] [[righteousness]]. [[Salvation]] is the [[gift]] of [[God]],[] and [[righteousness]] is the [[natural]] fruit of the [[spirit]]-[[born]] life of [[sonship]] in [[the kingdom]]. You are not to be saved because you live a [[righteous]] life; rather is it that you live a [[righteous]] life because you have already been [[Salvation|saved]], have [[recognized]] [[sonship]] as the [[gift]] of [[God]] and [[service]] in [[the kingdom]] as the [[supreme]] delight of life on [[earth]]. When men [[believe]] this [[gospel]], which is a [[revelation]] of the [[goodness]] of [[God]], they will be led to [[voluntary]] [[repentance]] of all known [[sin]]. [[Realization]] of sonship is incompatible with the [[desire]] to [[sin]]. Kingdom believers [[hunger]] for [[righteousness]] and [[thirst]] for [[divine]] [[perfection]]. "
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150:6.2 After spending two or three days with one [[group]] of twelve [[evangelists]], [[Jesus]] would move on to join another [[group]], being informed as to the whereabouts and movements of all these workers by [[David Zebedee|David]]'s [[messengers]]. This being their first tour, the [[women]] remained much of the [[time]] with [[Jesus]]. Through the [[messenger]] [[service]] each of these [[groups]] was kept fully informed concerning the [[progress]] of the tour, and the receipt of news from other groups was always a [[source]] of [[encouragement]] to these scattered and separated workers.
150:6.2 After spending two or three days with one [[group]] of twelve [[evangelists]], [[Jesus]] would move on to join another [[group]], being informed as to the whereabouts and movements of all these workers by [[David Zebedee|David]]'s [[messengers]]. This being their first tour, the [[women]] remained much of the [[time]] with [[Jesus]]. Through the [[messenger]] [[service]] each of these [[groups]] was kept fully informed concerning the [[progress]] of the tour, and the receipt of news from other groups was always a [[source]] of [[encouragement]] to these scattered and separated workers.
150:6.3 Before their [[separation]] it had been arranged that the [[twelve apostles]], [[together]] with the [[evangelists]] and the [ women's corps], should assemble at [[Nazareth]] to meet [[the Master]] on Friday, March 4. Accordingly, about this time, from all parts of central and southern [[Galilee]] these various groups of [[apostles]] and [[evangelists]] began moving toward [[Nazareth]]. By midafternoon, [[Andrew, the Apostle|Andrew]] and [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]], the last to arrive, had reached the encampment [[prepared]] by the early arrivals and situated on the highlands to the north of the [[city]]. And this was the first time [[Jesus]] had visited [[Nazareth]] since the beginning of his [[public]] [[ministry]].
150:6.3 Before their [[separation]] it had been arranged that the [[twelve apostles]], [[together]] with the [[evangelists]] and the [ women's corps], should assemble at [[Nazareth]] to meet [[the Master]] on Friday, March 4. Accordingly, about this time, from all parts of central and southern [[Galilee]] these various groups of [[apostles]] and [[evangelists]] began moving toward [[Nazareth]]. By midafternoon, [[Andrew, the Apostle|Andrew]] and [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]], the last to arrive, had reached the encampment [[prepared]] by the early arrivals and situated on the highlands to the north of the [[city]]. And this was the first time [[Jesus]] had visited [[Nazareth]] since the beginning of his [[public]] [[ministry]].
150:7.1 This Friday afternoon [[Jesus]] walked about [[Nazareth]] quite unobserved and wholly unrecognized. He passed by the [[home]] of his [[childhood]] and the [[carpenter]] shop and spent a half hour on the hill which he so much enjoyed when a lad. Not since the [ day of his baptism]] by [[John the Baptist|John]] in the [ Jordan] had the [ Son of Man] had such a flood of [[human]] [[emotion]] stirred up within his [[soul]]. While coming down from the mount, he heard the familiar [[sounds]] of the trumpet blast announcing the going down of the [[sun]], just as he had so many, many times heard it when a boy growing up in [[Nazareth]]. Before returning to the encampment, he walked down by the [[synagogue]] where he had gone to [[school]] and indulged his [[mind]] in many [[reminiscences]] of his [[childhood]] days. Earlier in the day [[Jesus]] had sent [[Thomas, the Apostle|Thomas]] to arrange with the ruler of the [[synagogue]] for his [[preaching]] at the [[Sabbath]] morning service.
150:7.1 This Friday afternoon [[Jesus]] walked about [[Nazareth]] quite unobserved and wholly unrecognized. He passed by the [[home]] of his [[childhood]] and the [[carpenter]] shop and spent a half hour on the hill which he so much enjoyed when a lad. Not since the [ day of his baptism]] by [[John the Baptist|John]] in the [ Jordan] had the [ Son of Man] had such a flood of [[human]] [[emotion]] stirred up within his [[soul]]. While coming down from the mount, he heard the familiar [[sounds]] of the trumpet blast announcing the going down of the [[sun]], just as he had so many, many times heard it when a boy growing up in [[Nazareth]]. Before returning to the encampment, he walked down by the [[synagogue]] where he had gone to [[school]] and indulged his [[mind]] in many [[reminiscences]] of his [[childhood]] days. Earlier in the day [[Jesus]] had sent [[Thomas, the Apostle|Thomas]] to arrange with the ruler of the [[synagogue]] for his [[preaching]] at the [[Sabbath]] morning service.
150:7.2 The people of [[Nazareth]] were never [[Reputation|reputed]] for [[piety]] and [[righteous]] living. As the years passed, this village became increasingly contaminated by the low [[moral]] [[standards]] of near-by [ Sepphoris]. Throughout [[Jesus]]' [[youth]] and [[Youth|young manhood]] there had been a division of [[opinion]] in [[Nazareth]] regarding him; there was much resentment when he moved to [ Capernaum]. While the inhabitants of [[Nazareth]] had heard much about the doings of their former [[carpenter]], they were [[offended]] that he had never included his native village in any of his earlier [[preaching]] tours. They had indeed heard of [[Jesus]]' [[fame]], but the [[majority]] of the [[citizens]] were [[angry]] because he had done none of his great works in the [[city]] of his [[youth]]. For months the people of [[Nazareth]] had [[discussed]] [[Jesus]] much, but their [[opinions]] were, on the whole, unfavorable to him.
150:7.2 The people of [[Nazareth]] were never [[Reputation|reputed]] for [[piety]] and [[righteous]] living. As the years passed, this village became increasingly contaminated by the low [[moral]] [[standards]] of near-by [ Sepphoris]. Throughout [[Jesus]]' [[youth]] and [[Youth|young manhood]] there had been a division of [[opinion]] in [[Nazareth]] regarding him; there was much resentment when he moved to [ Capernaum]. While the inhabitants of [[Nazareth]] had heard much about the doings of their former [[carpenter]], they were [[offended]] that he had never included his native village in any of his earlier [[preaching]] tours. They had indeed heard of [[Jesus]]' [[fame]], but the [[majority]] of the [[citizens]] were [[angry]] because he had done none of his great works in the [[city]] of his [[youth]]. For months the people of [[Nazareth]] had [[discussed]] [[Jesus]] much, but their [[opinions]] were, on the whole, unfavorable to him.
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150:8.7 Then followed the last benediction: " O bestow on your people [[Israel]] great [[peace]] forever, for you are King and the Lord of all [[peace]]. And it is [[good]] in your eyes to [[bless]] [[Israel]] at all times and at every hour with [[peace]]. Blessed are you, [[Yahweh]], who blesses his people [[Israel]] with [[peace]]. " The congregation looked not at the ruler as he recited the benedictions. Following the benedictions he offered an informal [[prayer]] suitable for the occasion, and when this was concluded, all the congregation joined in saying [[amen]].
150:8.7 Then followed the last benediction: " O bestow on your people [[Israel]] great [[peace]] forever, for you are King and the Lord of all [[peace]]. And it is [[good]] in your eyes to [[bless]] [[Israel]] at all times and at every hour with [[peace]]. Blessed are you, [[Yahweh]], who blesses his people [[Israel]] with [[peace]]. " The congregation looked not at the ruler as he recited the benedictions. Following the benedictions he offered an informal [[prayer]] suitable for the occasion, and when this was concluded, all the congregation joined in saying [[amen]].
150:8.8 Then the [ chazan] went over to [ the ark] and brought out a roll, which he presented to [[Jesus]] that he might [[read]] the [[Scripture]] lesson. It was customary to call upon [[seven]] persons to read not less than [[three]] verses of [ the law], but this [[practice]] was waived on this occasion that the [[visitor]] might read the lesson of his own selection. [[Jesus]], taking the roll, stood up and began to read from [ Deuteronomy]: " For this commandment which I give you this day is not hidden from you, neither is it far off. It is not in [[heaven]], that you should say, who shall go up for us to heaven and bring it down to us that we may hear and do it? Neither is it beyond the [[sea]], that you should say, who will go over the sea for us to bring the commandment to us that we may hear and do it? No, the [[word]] of life is very near to you, even in your [[presence]] and in your [[heart]], that you may know and [[obey]] it. "[]
150:8.8 Then the [ chazan] went over to [ the ark] and brought out a roll, which he presented to [[Jesus]] that he might [[read]] the [[Scripture]] lesson. It was customary to call upon [[seven]] persons to read not less than [[three]] verses of [ the law], but this [[practice]] was waived on this occasion that the [[visitor]] might read the lesson of his own selection. [[Jesus]], taking the roll, stood up and began to read from [ Deuteronomy]: " For this commandment which I give you this day is not hidden from you, neither is it far off. It is not in [[heaven]], that you should say, who shall go up for us to heaven and bring it down to us that we may hear and do it? Neither is it beyond the [[sea]], that you should say, who will go over the sea for us to bring the commandment to us that we may hear and do it? No, the [[word]] of life is very near to you, even in your [[presence]] and in your [[heart]], that you may know and [[obey]] it. "[]
150:8.9 And when he had ceased [[reading]] from [ the law], he turned to [ Isaiah] and began to [[read]]: " The [[spirit]] of the Lord is upon me because he has [[anointed]] me to [[preach]] good tidings to the [[poor]]. He has sent me to [[proclaim]] release to the captives and the recovering of sight to the blind, to set at [[liberty]] those who are bruised and to [[proclaim]] the acceptable year of the Lord. "[]
150:8.9 And when he had ceased [[reading]] from [ the law], he turned to [ Isaiah] and began to [[read]]: " The [[spirit]] of the Lord is upon me because he has [[anointed]] me to [[preach]] good tidings to the [[poor]]. He has sent me to [[proclaim]] release to the captives and the recovering of sight to the blind, to set at [[liberty]] those who are bruised and to [[proclaim]] the acceptable year of the Lord. "[]
150:8.10 [[Jesus]] closed the [[book]] and, after handing it back to the ruler of the [[synagogue]], sat down and began to [[discourse]] to the people. He began by saying: " Today are these [[Scriptures]] fulfilled. " And then [[Jesus]] spoke for almost fifteen minutes on " The Sons and Daughters of God. " Many of the people were pleased with the [[discourse]], and they marveled at his [[graciousness]] and [[wisdom]].
150:8.10 [[Jesus]] closed the [[book]] and, after handing it back to the ruler of the [[synagogue]], sat down and began to [[discourse]] to the people. He began by saying: " Today are these [[Scriptures]] fulfilled. " And then [[Jesus]] spoke for almost fifteen minutes on " The Sons and Daughters of God. " Many of the people were pleased with the [[discourse]], and they marveled at his [[graciousness]] and [[wisdom]].
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150:9.1 [[Jesus]] found himself [[surrounded]] in the [[synagogue]] by a great throng of his [[enemies]] and a sprinkling of his own followers, and in reply to their rude questions and sinister banterings he half humorously remarked: " Yes, I am [ Joseph]'s son; I am the [[carpenter]], and I am not surprised that you remind me of the [[proverb]], `[[Physician]] heal yourself,' and that you [[challenge]] me to do in [[Nazareth]] what you have heard I did at [ Capernaum]; but I call you to [[witness]] that even the [[Scriptures]] [[declare]] that `a [[prophet]] is not without [[honor]] save in his own country and among his own people.' "[]
150:9.1 [[Jesus]] found himself [[surrounded]] in the [[synagogue]] by a great throng of his [[enemies]] and a sprinkling of his own followers, and in reply to their rude questions and sinister banterings he half humorously remarked: " Yes, I am [ Joseph]'s son; I am the [[carpenter]], and I am not surprised that you remind me of the [[proverb]], `[[Physician]] heal yourself,' and that you [[challenge]] me to do in [[Nazareth]] what you have heard I did at [ Capernaum]; but I call you to [[witness]] that even the [[Scriptures]] [[declare]] that `a [[prophet]] is not without [[honor]] save in his own country and among his own people.' "[]
150:9.2 But they jostled him and, pointing [[accusing]] fingers at him, said: " You think you are better than the people of [[Nazareth]]; you moved away from us, but your [[brother]] is a common workman, and your sisters still live among us. We know your [[mother]], [ Mary]. Where are they today? We hear big things about you, but we notice that you do no [[wonders]] when you come back. " [[Jesus]] answered them: " I [[love]] the people who dwell in the [[city]] where I grew up, and I would [[rejoice]] to see you all enter [[the kingdom]] of heaven, but the doing of the [[works]] of [[God]] is not for me to determine. The [[transformations]] of [[grace]] are wrought in [[response]] to the living [[faith]] of those who are the beneficiaries. "
150:9.2 But they jostled him and, pointing [[accusing]] fingers at him, said: " You think you are better than the people of [[Nazareth]]; you moved away from us, but your [[brother]] is a common workman, and your sisters still live among us. We know your [[mother]], [ Mary]. Where are they today? We hear big things about you, but we notice that you do no [[wonders]] when you come back. " [[Jesus]] answered them: " I [[love]] the people who dwell in the [[city]] where I grew up, and I would [[rejoice]] to see you all enter [[the kingdom]] of heaven, but the doing of the [[works]] of [[God]] is not for me to determine. The [[transformations]] of [[grace]] are wrought in [[response]] to the living [[faith]] of those who are the beneficiaries. "
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