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Topic: Infusing Planetary Mind and Memory

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



PRAYER:  Divine Parents, we thank you for the gift of LIFE that comes from our Paradise Creator Deities at the center of all reality. And for the ways in which you have given this gift to explore this vast realm of this mighty creation that we all share together. We thank you for the gift of the Magisterial Son who is here to help us in this time of great change, that more of the activities of DIVINE JUSTICE many continue to uphold this planet and assist human mind in overcoming the deficits of what we have encountered due to our deviation from the divine plans of all life. And now we are here today to celebrate with the celestial realms this very important day when you Father transcended death and demonstrated to us that we have the ability to live and that is eternal. And we thank you for helping us celebrate your life in remembrance of who you were as a human and why you were here to demonstrate the love in which we all exist that comes from the Father of all. And now we ask for your WILL to prevail and for the ministry of the Holy Spirit to bathe our minds and hold us firmly and squarely in the intention of today’s call that we may give you our hearts’ motivations to use in furtherance of planetary rehabilitation. We ask to be unified as one in your WILL through the circuits of Personality, Spirit, Soul and Mind, that we may be as one in holding this focus today as your WILL is done through your MERCY and GRACE. Thank you so much.


MICHAEL: My beloved children, my PEACE is upon you! This is your Father Michael, and I join with you in the celebration of the remembrance of my life and resurrection here on this beautiful world. You are moving through a very challenging phase of planetary rehabilitation. While many of you may not be fully aware of the implications of what is occurring on this planet, it behooves to remain trusting and peaceful within that you may continue add more peace and light and love into the circuits of planetary mind that we use to cultivate the conditions for true planetary reclamation and transformation.

You have joined with us over the years to hold the focus for spiritual energies to be added into this planetary system of consciousness. Divine ideals and values which you need to cultivate your human natures into expressions of radiant divine spiritual glory. In my human life, I paved the way for you to follow—to learn my ways of love and compassion, and to share this with your brothers and sisters throughout your day to day activities. And you have learned some very important lessons along the way. This is good because it adds to the value of your soul and the might and power you can wield from your soul to add into the growing spiritual energies of planetary consciousness.

In today’s focus, we will start at the personal level today. I invite to focus on these words, place them over your heart centers. Take a few deep breaths and allow these words to settle into your hearts: Let the FOUNDATION OF SPIRITUAL LIFE move in you now broadening and deepening its presence within you that your spiritual foundation may be enhanced and increased and draw you closer into relationship with the Spirit of God indwelling your minds. Let your spiritual foundation expand gently as you focus on these words: FOUNDATION OF SPIRITUAL LIFE. (Pause)

All life begins at the spiritual level. There is a complex interlacing of energies that evolve from the Spirit into the material realm to animate your bodies and to generate your minds to function according the divine plans of all life. In focusing these words today, I invite you to simply allow the energetic infusion to move into your human natures, building you in a foundation of what it truly means to be alive and functioning as a human from your spiritual foundation. Allow the deeper meaning and value to simply generate what it is here to accomplish in you. However, if you do have questions about what this means, and I know you do, simply elevate your gaze to your Indwelling Spirit, asking your Spirit provide you with insight and clarity that you may perceive what is underway now in what you are asking to imprint upon your human nature. (Pause)

The ministry of your Holy Mother Spirit deepens Her presence within you that your spiritual foundation may generate new vitality into your bodies, helping your mindal current and frequencies adjust to these higher endowments, that the spiritual circuitry that your human natures need may operate more fully within you, opening you to deeper awareness of the love in which you were all created and exist. (Pause)

Your spiritual foundations are your divine birthright. Simply affirm your need to have this deepen within you that your human energy systems may truly be renewed and refreshed in what your Mother is sending forth into your beings. (Pause)

As Her ministrations continue within you, I also encourage you to focus on me as the VINE of your spiritual foundation and you as the branch to receive more of my LOVE and my upholding of who you are as my son and daughter. (Pause)

Continue to receive from your Mother and me as your spiritual foundation deepens and helps you gain more access to the Spirit Within. (Pause)

As your Universe Parents, your Mother and I welcome you to come to us with your human problems. We are here to provide you with the spiritual foundation you need to walk this human life and come into a more enhanced appreciation of what your human life is here to help you sow. You are citizens of this universe—our home and our family. And we are here to help you gain greater stature in who you as an evolving citizen and family member. So, continue to feel that need for your spiritual to take deeper root in you and bring you into greater union with your Spirit Within—your eternal guide and companion on this beautiful ascension journey. (Pause)

Let us know turn our focus to the collective. From your hearts feel that need for the SPIRITUAL FOUNDATIONS OF LIFE to spiral around the planet. Feel that need for this to move into mind and memory, letting the FOUNDATION OF SPIRIT spring forth new life within the hearts and minds of all humanity. Thank your seraphim of this world and all of the heavenly helpers for their ministrations now as you feel the need, the motivation, the desire, and the intention for all life here to return its SPIRITUAL FOUNDATIONS that is part of the planet’s Divine Life Purpose on its evolutionary trajectory toward its destiny of Light and Life. (Pause)

Feel that deep, deep desire within your heart for all life here to receive more of its SPIRITUAL FOUNDATION all around the globe. (Pause)

Whether you recognize it or not, the SPIRITUAL FOUNDATIONS OF LIFE are what upholds you and animates you. There is an attempt to divert you from your spiritual inheritance by those who would wish to perpetuate the rebellion agenda. But now it is time for humanity to rise above this influence and to reclaim your divine inheritance and return to the spiritual way of living, which will enhance your human life experience immensely and immeasurably. We have encouraged you to seek the Spirit Within that you may develop your human potential. And now we ask you to hold as an intention for all of your brothers and sisters as we weave in this intention, bringing us into the deeper union of human life with that of the Spirit. It is my desire that all of my children would be returned to me and to know me as their loving Father, and as well as their loving human brother to help them on this rugged journey of becoming more of who you are. (Pause)

The conditions of this world have provided a very strenuous environment for you to grow your human nature into that of a higher spiritual expression. Irrespective of this, you have a spirit pilot and companion in you that is showing you the way. And now it is time for all humans to open up to this deeper presence of the Father Within and know of this deep companionship and intimacy with the Creator Father of all and with us as your Spirit Parents who support you on this particular part of your eternal sojourn. So, continue to deepen that feeling for all of your brothers and sisters to open to their spiritual foundations as we continue our ministrations into the planet as a whole. (Pause)

Invite this energy to go into memory that the planetary mindal and memory system may receive the deeper meaning and value of the SPIRITUAL FOUNDATION OF LIFE expressing itself on the planet. (Pause)

Invite the presence of Monjoronson and His personification of DIVINE JUSTICE to communicate into this circuit of intention as the SPIRITUAL FOUNDATION deepens into memory. Invite Him to conduct these activities of DIVINE JUSTICE that all of the heavenly helpers may minister in these circuits all around the globe, bringing you back into remembrance of who you are, why you are here in human form, and your relationships to us as your Spirit Parents and the divine indwelling of the presence of the Creator within you. (Pause)

Just as you have the seasons on your world, so are there seasons of spiritual life. You are in a time of Spring—of renewal and rebirth, which will lead you into the season of Summer, where those seeds have been planted will sprout and bloom and blossom. Then you have the season of Autumn—the time of the harvest. So too, allow these seeds that we are planting with you to take deeper root in planetary mind and memory, that this spiritual trajectory may move you into the season of blossom and then the harvest. This is all very necessary at this time to shored up in these SPIRITUAL FOUNDATIONS OF LIFE that you may participate in the great reclamation of this planet from the ways of evil and sin. (Pause)

There is one more focus I would invite you to place your gaze upon in your heart centers. That is the energy of RENEWAL. Invite your Mother to gently reverberate Her RENEWAL essence into you now. Let it radiate outwardly from your hearts into the planet as the planet is bathed in this RENEWAL dynamic. Let your part feed the whole with RENEWAL. (Pause)

If it is helpful, see this word RENEWAL in the core of the earth as the FOUNDATIONS OF SPIRITUAL LIFE reverberate in this, feeding the planet, letting life return to its plans of evolution and the corrections that I have put forth for this planet to be rehabilitated. (Pause)

My beloved children, there is so much spiritual activity underway upon this world at this time. Truly, if you had the spiritual vision to perceive this, you would be quite overwhelmed and astonished at how much love is directed toward Urantia! While this world has suffered many deprivations, let this now become a day of celebration for you as so much of what you have lost is being returned, and you have much to gain in today’s infusion.

So, as this moment is very ripe with gratitude for what is underway, let us elevate our gaze to the Paradise Creator Deities in whom all life exists and the patterns of their perfection shine forth the GLORY and RADIANCE of the FOUNDATIONS OF SPIRITUAL LIFE here on this world. Feel your gratitude for the divine plan of evolution now reaching down into this beautiful world and lifting it up into the bosom of the Paradise Trinity for their reflection to illuminate the hearts and minds of all humanity. (Pause)

Take a few moments to extend your appreciation to them in whatever way you feel motivated in your heart. And we will join you in that place of deep gratitude and love. (Pause)

My children, receive my LOVE as you descend from Paradise in your focus. Now, see yourselves standing on the earth plane in the most beautiful you can possibly imagine. You are standing in the SPIRITUAL FOUNDATION OF LIFE. It is pulsing beneath your feet. Ask for the LIVING LIFE ENERGIES OF THE SPIRIT to move upwardly into your bodies, connecting into your subtle energy systems, connecting you with all life. Hold that focus as we once again move in the collective. If you wish, you may see HUMAN NATURE standing in the SPIRITUAL FOUNDATIONS OF LIFE, that humanity may drink deeply of this well. (Pause)


My beloved children, as you continue remembering my life on this Easter Sunday, allow my presence to deepen within you. You have direct access to me through the Spirit of Truth, and as your Father, I am here to support, to encourage you, and to uphold you as you walk your human path and grow more beautiful each and every day in your spiritual nature that I have given to you to develop.

Enjoy this day with your friends and family. Be light of heart knowing that all things are being rectified and reconciled on Urantia, and that you have played a very important part in holding the space and focus and the willingness of this planet to be redeemed. We have completed our objectives for today. The mighty seraphim and other heavenly helpers thank you for your continued faithful participation. Know that there are many good things awaiting this planet as you go through this reckoning and reconciliation phase of my correcting plans. Stay focused on me and the Spirit Within. Ask your Mother to refresh and renew you when you feel downcast. Grow your faith at this time, for it is a mighty spiritual attribute that will take you far on this human journey and grow you into that beautiful spiritual nature that is at the core of your existence. Live in my LOVE. Thrive in my PEACE, and always be of good cheer! Farewell.