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Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame '''Science fictio'''n is a genre of fiction. It differs from fantasy in that, within the context of the [...'

'''Science fictio'''n is a [[genre]] of [[fiction]]. It differs from [[fantasy]] in that, within the [[context]] of the [[narrative]], its imaginary elements are largely possible within [[scientific]]ally-established or scientifically-postulated laws of [[nature]] (though some elements in a story might still be pure imaginative speculation). Exploring the consequences of such [[difference]]s is the [[tradition]]al [[purpose]] of science fiction, making it a "literature of [[ideas]]".[1] Science fiction is largely based on writing entertainingly and [[rationa]]lly about alternate possibilities[2] in settings that are contrary to known [[reality]].

These may include:

*A setting in the future, in alternative [[timelines]], or in a historical past that contradicts known [[facts]] of [[history]] or the [[Archaeology|archeological]] record
*A setting in [[outer space]], on other worlds, or involving aliens[3]
*Stories that involve [[technology]] or scientific principles that contradict known [[laws]] of [[nature]][4] (compare [[Miracles]])
*Stories that involve [[discovery]] or application of new scientific principles, such as [[time travel]] or [[psionics]], or new technology, such as [[nanotechnology]], faster-than-light travel or robots, or of new and different [[political]] or social [[systems]] (e.g., a dystopia, or a situation where organized society has collapsed)[5]
Science fiction is difficult to define, as it includes a wide range of subgenres and themes. [[Author]] and [[editor]] Damon Knight summed up the difficulty by stating that "science fiction is what we point to when we say it",[6] a definition echoed by author Mark C. Glassy, who argues that the definition of science fiction is like the definition of pornography: you don't know what it is, but you know it when you see it.[7] [[Vladimir Nabokov]] argued that if we were rigorous with our definitions, Shakespeare's play The Tempest would have to be termed science fiction.[8]

According to science fiction writer [[Robert A. Heinlein]], "a handy short definition of almost all science fiction might read: realistic speculation about possible future events, based solidly on adequate [[knowledge]] of the real world, past and present, and on a thorough understanding of the nature and significance of the [[scientific method]]."[9] [[Rod Serling]]'s definition is "fantasy is the impossible made probable. Science Fiction is the improbable made possible."[10] Lester Del Rey wrote, "Even the devoted aficionado– or fan- has a hard time trying to explain what science fiction is", and that the reason for there not being a "full satisfactory definition" is that "there are no easily delineated limits to science fiction."[11]

Forrest J. Ackerman used the term "sci-fi" at UCLA in 1954.[12] As science fiction entered [[popular culture]], writers and fans active in the field came to associate the term with low-budget, low-tech "B-movies" and with low-quality pulp science fiction.[13][14][15] By the 1970s, critics within the field such as Terry Carr and Damon Knight were using "sci-fi" to distinguish hack-work from serious science fiction,[16] and around 1978, Susan Wood and others introduced the pronunciation "skiffy". Peter Nicholls writes that "SF" (or "sf") is "the preferred abbreviation within the [[community]] of sf writers and readers".[17] David Langford's monthly fanzine Ansible includes a regular section "As Others See Us" which offers numerous examples of "sci-fi" being used in a pejorative sense by people outside the genre.[18]
As a means of understanding the world through speculation and storytelling, science fiction has antecedents back to [[mythology]], though precursors to science fiction as [[literature]] can be seen in Lucian's True History in the 2nd century,[19][20][21][22][23] some of the Arabian Nights tales,[24][25] The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter in the 10th century,[25] Ibn al-Nafis' Theologus Autodidactus in the 13th century,[26] and Cyrano de Bergerac' Voyage de la Terre à la Lune and Des états de la Lune et du Soleil in the 17th century. Following the Age of Reason and the development of modern science itself, [[Jonathan Swift's]] Gulliver's Travels[27] was one of the first true science fiction works, together with Voltaire's Micromégas and Kepler's Somnium. This latter work is considered by Carl Sagan and [[Isaac Asimov]] to be the first science fiction story. It depicts a journey to the Moon and how the Earth's motion is seen from there.

Following the 18th century development of the [[novel]] as a literary form, in the early 19th century, [[Mary Shelley]]'s books ''Frankenstein'' and ''The Last Man'' helped define the form of the science fiction novel;[28] later Edgar Allan Poe wrote a story about a flight to the moon.[29] More examples appeared throughout the 19th century.

Then with the dawn of new technologies such as [[electricity]], the telegraph, and new forms of [[power]]ed transportation, writers like Jules Verne and H. G. Wells created a body of work that became popular across broad cross-sections of society[30] Wells [[The War of the Worlds]] describing an invasion of late Victorian England by Martians using tripod fighting machines, equipped with advanced weaponry. It is a seminal depiction of an alien invasion of Earth.

In the late 19th century, the term "scientific [[romance]]" was used in Britain to describe much of this [[fiction]]. This produced additional offshoots, such as the 1884 novella Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions by Edwin Abbott Abbott. The term would continue to be used into the early 20th century for writers such as Olaf Stapledon.

In the early 20th century, pulp magazines helped develop a new generation of mainly American SF writers, influenced by Hugo Gernsback, the founder of Amazing Stories magazine.[31] In the late 1930s, John W. Campbell became editor of Astounding Science Fiction, and a [[critical mass]] of new writers emerged in [[New York Cit]]y in a group called the Futurians, including Isaac Asimov, Damon Knight, Donald A. Wollheim, Frederik Pohl, James Blish, Judith Merril, and others.[32] Other important writers during this period included Robert A. Heinlein, Arthur C. Clarke, A. E. van Vogt and Stanisław Lem. Campbell's tenure at Astounding is considered to be the beginning of the Golden Age of science fiction, characterized by hard SF stories celebrating scientific achievement and progress.[31] This lasted until postwar technological advances, new magazines like Galaxy under Pohl as editor, and a new generation of writers began writing stories outside the Campbell mode.

In the 1950s, the Beat generation included speculative writers like William S. Burroughs. In the 1960s and early 1970s, writers like Frank Herbert, Samuel R. Delany, Roger Zelazny, and Harlan Ellison explored new trends, ideas, and writing styles, while a group of writers, mainly in Britain, became known as the New Wave.[27] In the 1970s, writers like Larry Niven and Poul Anderson began to redefine hard SF.[33] Ursula K. Le Guin and others pioneered soft science fiction.[34]

In the 1980s, cyberpunk authors like William Gibson turned away from the [[tradition]]al optimism and support for progress of traditional science fiction.[35] Star Wars helped spark a new interest in [[space opera]],[36] focusing more on story and character than on scientific accuracy. C. J. Cherryh's detailed explorations of [[Extraterrestrial|alien life]] and complex scientific challenges influenced a generation of writers.[37] Emerging themes in the 1990s included environmental issues, the implications of the global [[Internet]] and the expanding [[information]] universe, questions about [[biotechnology]] and [[nanotechnology]], as well as a post-Cold War interest in post-scarcity societies; Neal Stephenson's The Diamond Age comprehensively explores these themes. Lois McMaster Bujold's Vorkosigan novels brought the character-driven story back into prominence.[38] The television series Star Trek: The Next Generation began a torrent of new SF shows, of which Babylon 5 was among the most highly acclaimed in the decade.[39][40] Concern about the rapid pace of technological change crystallized around the [[concept]] of the technological [[singularity]], popularized by Vernor Vinge's novel Marooned in Realtime and then taken up by other authors.

The study of science fiction, or science fiction studies, is the critical assessment, interpretation, and discussion of science fiction [[literature]], [[film]], new media, fandom, and fan fiction. Science fiction scholars take science fiction as an object of study in order to better understand it and its relationship to [[science]], [[technology]], [[politics]], and [[culture]]-at-large. Science fiction studies has a long history dating back to the turn of the twentieth century, but it was not until later that science fiction studies solidified as a [[discipline]] with the publication of the academic journals Extrapolation (1959), Foundation - The International Review of Science Fiction (1972), and Science Fiction Studies (1973), and the establishment of the oldest organizations devoted to the study of science fiction, the Science Fiction Research Association and the Science Fiction Foundation, in 1970. The field has grown considerably since the 1970s with the establishment of more journals, organizations, and conferences with ties to the science fiction scholarship community, and science fiction degree-granting programs such as those offered by the University of Liverpool and Kansas University.

The National Science Foundation has conducted surveys of "Public Attitudes and Public Understanding" of "Science Fiction and Pseudoscience".[88] They write that "Interest in science fiction may affect the way people think about or relate to study found a strong relationship between preference for science fiction novels and support for the space program...The same study also found that students who read science fiction are much more likely than other students to believe that contacting [[extraterrestrial]] [[civilization]]s is both possible and desirable (Bainbridge 1982).[89]

# Marg Gilks, Paula Fleming, and Moira Allen (2003). "Science Fiction: The Literature of Ideas".
# Del Rey, Lester (1979). The World of Science Fiction: 1926–1976. Ballantine Books. p. 5. ISBN 0-345-25452-x.
# Sterling, Bruce. "Science fiction" in Encyclopædia Britannica 2008 [1]
# Card, Scott (1990). How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy. Writer's Digest Books. p. 17. ISBN 0-89879-416-1.
# Hartwell, David G. (1996). Age of Wonders: Exploring the World of Science Fiction. Tor Books. pp. 109–131. ISBN 0-312-86235-0.
# Knight, Damon Francis (1967). In Search of Wonder: Essays on Modern Science Fiction. Advent Publishing, Inc.. pp. pg xiii. ISBN 0911682317.
# Glassy, Mark C. (2001). The Biology of Science Fiction Cinema. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland. ISBN 0-7864-0998-3.
# Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovich (1973). Strong opinions. McGraw-Hill. pp. pg. 3 et seq. ISBN 0070457379.
# Heinlein, Robert A.; Cyril Kornbluth, Alfred Bester, and Robert Bloch (1959). "Science Fiction: Its Nature, Faults and Virtues". The Science Fiction Novel: Imagination and Social Criticism. University of Chicago: Advent Publishers.
# Rod Serling.. The Twilight Zone, "The Fugitive".
# Del Rey, Lester (1980). The World of Science Fiction 1926–1976. Garland Publishing.
# The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company. 2000.
# Whittier, Terry (1987). Neo-Fan's Guidebook.
# Scalzi, John (2005). The Rough Guide to Sci-Fi Movies.
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# Fredericks, S.C.: "Lucian's True History as SF", Science Fiction Studies, Vol. 3, No. 1 (March 1976), pp. 49–60
# Swanson, Roy Arthur: "The True, the False, and the Truly False: Lucian's Philosophical Science Fiction", Science Fiction Studies, Vol. 3, No. 3 (Nov. 1976), pp. 227–239
# Georgiadou, Aristoula & Larmour, David H.J.: "Lucian's Science Fiction Novel True Histories. Interpretation and Commentary", Mnemosyne Supplement 179, Leiden 1998, ISBN 9004106677, Introduction
# Gunn, James E.: "The New Encyclopedia of Science Fiction", Publisher: Viking 1988, ISBN 9780670810413, p.249 calls it "Proto-Science Fiction"
# Irwin, Robert (2003), The Arabian Nights: A Companion, Tauris Parke Paperbacks, pp. 209–13, ISBN 1860649831
# Richardson, Matthew (2001), The Halstead Treasury of Ancient Science Fiction, Rushcutters Bay, New South Wales: Halstead Press, ISBN 1875684646 (cf. "Once Upon a Time", Emerald City (85), September 2002, retrieved on 2008-09-17)
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