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Topic: Changes Planned in Social Life

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Monjoronson

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



DONNA: Thank you Mother and Father for this opportunity to gather as one united intention…to fall under the guidance of our Magisterial Son, Monjoronson…to receive his words and to receive the prompts and visualizations to foster and facilitate the healing of our planet. We thank you for encircuiting us in your mind and unifying our hearts and minds together as one cohesive field. Thank you for opening our hearts to your compassion, your understanding, your forgiveness, your peace, that we may be more filled with your essence and use that for the delivery of these energies to our world so in need. So, as we focus in our hearts, we welcome your presence, and thank you so much for giving us the strength, courage and fortitude we need. May the workers in the fields on this world bring your ways to this little peace of the universe in which we call home. Thank you.

We ask our indwelling Father Fragments to be united as one and we ask for the presence of Monjoronson to guide us and direct our thoughts under the will of our Father.

  • Expunge and Purify Fear from the Collective Unconsciousness of Humanity

MONJORONSON: Greetings to you, my brethren. This is Monjoronson who addresses you now. I am very appreciative of your taking time from your day to gather as a united front in service to Michael as your world goes through its thrilling times of rehabilitation. You know the joy of serving your Mother and Father during this time. We rely on you to carry this dedication forward into the material efforts of planetary transformation. The wide sweeping plan to bring Urantia into the era of Light and Life is an undertaking that requires much patience, endurance, courage, forthrightness, and far seeing. Your efforts pledged in love and dedication are so vital. We commend you and we acknowledge the challenges that you undergo each and every day to forge greater faith between you and your Mother and Father and your indwelling Father Fragment. We are here to help you become more clear vessels of Spirit to feed your brothers and sisters who are just beginning to awaken from the long slumber of spiritual darkness.


Today it is my desire and intention to lead you in another experience of focusing love, light and Michael’s will for this planet. As you know, there are changes planned for every institution of your planetary culture. Every phase of life is being uplifted. Every dimension of thought is being altered. It is as if the mind field of consciousness is being cleared of fear and depression. It is in this arena today that I desire to lead you in the clearing of this mind field of consciousness, where the long-entrenched fear mentality has scarred the hearts and minds of the children of this world. As you know, fear is a major, if not the most insidious, spirit toxin. It does not require that this fear be used as a weapon or a means to control or to educate or to even transform.

Today I would invite you to settle your thoughts on your desire for this fear mentality of your world, with all the cultural traditions long entrenched in it to be wiped clean; to wipe the slate clean of the human heart so that joy and freedom may reign supreme and find more room within the human psyche to predominate that the will of the Father become more active in the hearts and minds of your brethren.

Before we begin, I would ask you to focus on your heart centers. Feel your desire for this fear mentality to be expunged and purified and removed from the collective consciousness of humanity, for it to be replaced with joy and freedom. Feel your desire for this my brethren and we will begin in a few moments

  • We Use Your Heart Energy and Desire to Heal Your World

There are innumerable celestial presences whose function it is to eliminate the vestiges of fear. You provide the environment for them to perform their specific duties; and now it is time to allow them to enter into this collective field. As you hold this desire in your heart, you can feel your desire for freedom and joy to be the predominating mindset of the collective consciousness. Hold that deep within you. Feel your desire for this. We will use your energy to heal your world.

There are many tribal cultures on your planet that have traditions of superstition based on primitive raw survival and animal fear. These cultures are being slowly transformed; and yet, there are many within the social institutions of these cultures that would retain these ideas. It is time for the liberation of the human heart and mind from these antiquated beliefs albeit they did serve the evolutionary function of this planet at one time. Now it is time for them to be transformed into a new living reality. These cultures are seated all over the world. Here again, it is simply your desire for joy and freedom to reign in these cultures that can be your focus now as we take your hearts’ desires and plant these seeds of liberation within the belief system of these cultures. Focus on your desire for the liberation of these cultures, and the celestial brothers and sisters will do their fair share of what is necessary.

Now invite your Father Michael’s peace into your desires: for his peace and truth to begin to infiltrate these traditions. The world is hungry for Michael’s presence. The peaces that He laid here on this planet for the reclamation of this world into his family are now being more securely activated. Feel your desire for this, my brethren. Feel your heart swell with joy that Michael’s peace, Michael’s dominion, can be a living fabric in the mentality of this world; your hearts and minds to know the presence of our Father and Mother as the world changes its focus from fear to freedom, from sorrow to joy, from war to peace, from hate to love. Yes, my brethren, open your hearts and celebrate the liberation of Urantia. It is time.

  • Gain Back Your Child-like Nature and Innocence

The harmonization of the minds of Urantia will be a joy to behold. We watch and wait for you as humans, the inhabitants of this world, to come together in unity and harmony. It is a tremendous undertaking of transformation that will fill you with such hope and joy, and move you from the dreadful waste of everyday life into time of celebration, light-heartedness and playfulness. It will help you to change your perspectives on yourselves as adults of the realm to universe children, elongating your views on who you are and what your life is all about. You do not own your child-like nature to the degree you can, which will liberate your lives even more. This world for all of its intense horrors that it has suffered is at its core innocent and pure and so are you. It is our desire that you would tap into this innocence and purity, and become more beholden and attached to these ideas. You may begin to penetrate beyond the density and sorrow of your brothers and sisters; and see their purity and joy and innocence. So call forth out of the darkness to help them perceive truth, to liberate them and add to more of the freedom that is so necessary to build the ways of peace on Urantia.

Take a few moments and tap into that place of innocence within you. Feel the desire to be more child-like in your approach to life. Let your indwelling Spirit help you perceive this more throughout your day, to ease your burden to give you more hope, faith and strength. Live joyfully each day. Think of what your beloved Master achieved when He walked upon the earth. Michael knew so well the challenges of living on a rebellion sphere and yet He was a man of joy. He shared that as He passed by. He ministered joy. He helped his brethren to find that place within them. You may not always need to do this with words. The more joyful you feel inside by claiming this child-like nature of the innocence and purity of your own soul will become a living, dynamic force in you, and others will resonate, for is this not truly your God given nature?

So, think about these words, and allow us to move in you. Add these threads of joy into the growing body of freedom, the liberated Urantia and the hearts and minds of all its children. Feel your desire for this to spread. Put wild fire over this whole planet – fire that consumes all of these old beliefs and patterns, and liberates the mind, the heart and the soul with the joys of the Spirit. Yes, my brethren, feel your desires for this. Set the world ablaze with Michael’s Love in your hearts.

  • Envision the Planetary Destiny as an Intention of Love

In your mind’s eye, envision this depiction of transformative energy of love and liberation in the core of the earth. In this core there is an intention. It is an evolutionary, transformative dynamic that each planet is heated with as part of its eternal destiny. Feel your desire for this planetary destiny to bubble up from the core, break through the traditions of the past, spread over the earth like a wildfire. Let it burn away these old ideas. This new pattern that has been carefully planted here can begin to take deeper root – the living energy/mindal systems of humanity. It matters not where this occurs. Some places on the planet are more receptive. But your charge today is feel your desire for this take root deeper into the planet and to pour forth onto the surface, bringing new light, hope, pockets of peace, activating the will of Michael, wherever there is desire.

Feel your desire now for the mercy of the heavens to shower down upon the earth: the rains of love activating the seeds of life, watering those seeds, building the new thought structure that’s growing upon Urantia; shifts in consciousness that humanity has long been praying, hoping, desiring. It is time. Invite the glory of Michael and Nebadonia to embrace the earth in their radiance and beauty. Feel your desire for this to radiate within the hearts of all of the life forms of Urantia: human, animal, vegetable, mineral - all life.

My beloved brethren, one day you will see me in the flesh; and I will walk with you; and we will bring even more light and peace to Urantia as we labor in the fields together. In this interim period as this Magisterial Mission becomes more rooted on the planet, share this information with those of your brothers and sisters who are open and seeking. Invite them to participate in these calls, sending all of their prayers for the transformation of Urantia. Focus your thoughts on the healing of this world when you find yourself slipping into old habits and patterns. Bring your thoughts ever forward to the elevation of the human mind and heart with these vibrations of light.

The changes that are coming to Urantia are indeed a time of celebration. You will be thrilled to witness them and to participate. Live each day with this joyful anticipation and know that more opportunities to share love with your brothers and sisters are coming your way. There are so many who join in your efforts, both on the human level and on the celestial and divine. The worlds lost in the rebellion are now being returned to the family of Nebadon. Think about this when you find yourself holding to other people’s fear or suffering. Be sure that YOUR mind stays focused in the right direction; and more help will come to you.


On behalf of those who have participated on the other side of the curtain, as you might call it, we thank you. We honor your efforts. We are ever here to assist you. Call upon us to share the love of Michael and his peace, dear brother and sisters. We look forward to being with you again in our next session. I bid you a most joyous and blessed good afternoon.