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===Topic: ''Glory and Majesty''===
===Group: [[At Large]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]]===
===TR: [[Paul Conklin]]===
My child this is your Master Sovereign Michael. I say that as it has taken me many billions of years to accomplish that goal. But I need to tell you child that becoming as my various creations has brought me great joy and an increased understanding of what it means to be you. As you know child my seventh and final bestowal was as a human being. A mortal child of the realm. A Urantian. Just as all the previous six bestowals shall ever live within me, so shall my seventh and final bestowal ever live within me. Forever and ever that life will live within my heart. There is no way to extract what you are. For what you are resides upon the inside of all of you. Just as what I am resides upon the insides of me.

You may think that I had to go to the bottom of the basement, so to speak, to commune with all my human children. That is so far from the truth my child. Each one of you is just as deeply loved as any other of my children. Those of your brethren in the lighted realms live and work for the same One that I work for. There are no distinctions. We all work for the common good. There are no hierarchies. There are no classes. There are differences in makeup and in the order of one’s being. There are Seraphim and Cherubim, Melchizedeks and Brilliant Evening Stars, just to name a few. But do you think that these ones are so far above you that you can’t possibly reach the stratosphere that they have reached?

Of course my child, they have reached these plateaus as a result of their undying love. Each one of my children progress, not as a result of any evident status. No. Each one of my children, whether of the lighted realms or of the material worlds progress as a result of their love. Each of you are learning to reflect the love that resides in all of your hearts. If you, being mortals of the realms, were somehow viewed as being at the bottom of all things, then how is it that you are all indwelt by the mightiest and most glorious of all? How is it that you children of mortality are indwelt by a fragment of the living and dynamic God? That in itself my children should indicate to you all that there are no distinctions. There are no hierarchies. There are no classes. You each progress as individuals as you learn to give out the love that the Eternal One is teaching you all to give out. The Eternal Father is no respecter of persons. He plays no favorites.

My children, my children, if you could see just an inkling of His majesty and His glory you would be amazed. You are beginning to experience a small smidgen of that majesty and glory through his fragments that come to live in your hearts and in your souls. You mortals of the realm would be unable to withstand even the glory of your Eternal Father’s fragments such is their superlative glory and sublime majesty. Your seraphic guardians bow to the glory of that pilot light that exists outside of your animal minds. But imagine my children that you are learning to be a part of that majesty and glory. What Father is there that does not want to share with his children everything that he has? A loving father is eager to give everything away. A loving father will give everything away that lives in his heart and in his soul. Our Eternal Father is eager to give everything that He is to all of His children. That includes His mortal children of time and space.

When a child of yours is born you react with such joy and love. You cuddle that child in your arms and you kiss it on the cheek. You hold that one close to your breast because that one is a part of you. My children, my children, do you somehow think that the Eternal One feels differently? Never! Never, my children. The love that the Eternal One has for you is inexpressible. That is hard for you all to accept since you have all lived on this hard scrabble rock stained by rebellion. You may have been cut off from the system circuits, but you were never cut off from your Father’s eternal love. Lucifer was powerless to stop the love of these fragments of the Eternal Father. There were no powers on heaven or upon earth that could ever stop that force. That force of love was an irresistible tidal wave. This irresistible force was always on the lookout for its children. “Let the young children come to me, for such is the Kingdom of God.” Yes, these are my words, but more importantly they are the words of your Eternal Father. He has such an affection and love for you that I cannot express it to you using mere words. He wants the young children to come to Him, playing and laughing. For such is the kindheartedness of this One. His greatness, His majesty and His glory are not in His eternal power. His greatness, His majesty and His glory are in His supernal love. So, what is the lesson to be learned my children? The lesson to be learned is that your own power or lack thereof is dependent upon the love that you give out. For if you are lacking in love then the power of the Almighty One is not in your hands. But if that love resides in your hearts and you give it out freely then you have the power of the universe at your disposal.

So, my children, where is this transmission leading you? Well, do you think that there is anything impossible for our beloved Eternal Father? Do you think that He can choose whomever He wants to choose to become a ruler of worlds? He chose me through my birthright you could say. For this purpose I was created. To go out into the universe to start my own kingdom. To birth a kingdom of countless beings celestial and mortal that would work for the glory and the majesty of the One. I am now in a settled period where I continue to work tirelessly for my children. I work to bring them into a relationship with that One. I work to expose them to His indefatigable love and tireless mercy and forgiveness.

You all know that the Urantia book speaks about the fact that there are seven hundred thousand Unions of Days. These Paradise representatives are the advisors of the Creator Sons. These Unions of Days helps those of us in this position to stay on track with the plan of Paradise for our own worlds and kingdoms. There are not anymore Unions of Days that are in existence save for those seven hundred thousand. You also have read in that same book that there are more than seven hundred thousand Creator Sons now in existence. Why is that? Each superuniverse has one hundred thousand of these Creator Sons. Each one of these beings rule over their own local creations. Right now there are seven hundred thousand Creator Sons in seven superuniverses.

Would it surprise you to know that there are many budding Creator Sons waiting in the wings? Why, have you ever taken a look at the universe lately? The physical size of that universe is beyond our comprehension. How long would it take for the physical cosmos to be inhabited and to have local creations overseen by other Creator Sons? It seemingly would take an eternity. But some time in the very far, far eternal future these budding worlds, yet uninhabited, will be populated by beings unimaginable.

Who will look after these ones? Some of you will be looking after these ones. Impossible, you say. How can that be? Nothing is impossible for the Eternal Father. He chooses whomever He wishes to choose. There are some of you that are starting from the bottom up, so to speak. You can say that some of you are going to Paradise in the reverse order that your Creator Son has gone. I cannot tell you who will be chosen and why. That information is in the keeping of the Eternal One.

But my children I offer that by way of encouragement. Now is the time to enjoy being the tadpoles that you are. There is no reason to get ahead of ourselves. Be human. Enjoy your journey and enjoy your life. The Eternal Father wants that for all of you. But do not forget that the Father of us all wishes to share with you all His majesty and His glory. It is not impossible my children. It does take courage to share information that does not appear on the pages of a book. When something new is presented there is the tendency to dismiss that new information. That is OK my children, I understand. But I would recommend going within to the Father. In the stillness connect with Him.

It matters not what your finality of destiny may be. It matters not because our Eternal Father loves each and every one of you equally. He does not put one above another because of perceived differences or status. Whether your finality of destiny is as a finaliter or a mighty messenger matters not. Whether your finality of destiny will be a fledgling Creator Son matters not. For in the Father is where the true majesty and the true glory lies. In that One you will find the majesty and the glory that you seek. In that One you will find the unconditional love which will be your true power through all of the endless days to come.
In the coming days think about these things my children. Take them to your Father. Until that time always and forever be in my peace.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: At Large]]
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[[Category: Paul Conklin]]
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