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Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 119:1.1 It was a solemn occasion on Salvington almost ['

119:1.1 It was a [[solemn]] occasion on [[Salvington]] almost [ one billion years] ago when the assembled directors and chiefs of the [[universe]] of [[Nebadon]] heard [[Michael]] announce that his elder [[brother]], [[Immanuel]], would presently [[assume]] [[authority]] in [[Nebadon]] while he (Michael) would be absent on an unexplained mission. No other [[announcement]] was made about this [[transaction]] except that the [[farewell]] [[broadcast]] to the [[Constellation Fathers]], among other instructions, said: "And for this period I place you under the [[care]] and keeping of [[Immanuel]] while I go to do the bidding of my [[Paradise Father]]."

119:1.2 After sending this [[farewell]] [[broadcast]], [[Michael]] appeared on the dispatching field of [[Salvington]], just as on many previous occasions when [[preparing]] for departure to [[Uversa]] or [[Paradise]] except that he came alone. He concluded his [[statement]] of departure with these [[words]]: "I leave you but for a short [[season]]. Many of you, I know, would go with me, but whither I go you cannot come. That which I am about to do, you cannot do. I go to do the will of the [[Paradise Deities]], and when I have finished my mission and have acquired this [[experience]], I will return to my place among you." And having thus spoken, [[Michael]] of [[Nebadon]] vanished from the [[sight]] of all those assembled and did not reappear for twenty years of [[standard]] [[time]]. In all [[Salvington]], only the [[Divine Minister]] and [[Immanuel]] knew what was taking place, and the [[Union of Days]] [[shared]] his [[secret]] only with the [[chief executive]] of the [[universe]], [[Gabriel]], the [[Bright and Morning Star]].

119:1.3 All the [[inhabitants]] of [[Salvington]] and those dwelling on the [[constellation]] and [ system headquarters] worlds assembled about their respective receiving stations for [[universe]] [[intelligence]], [[hoping]] to get some [[word]] of the mission and whereabouts of the [[Creator Son]]. Not until the third day after [[Michael]]'s departure was any [[message]] of possible significance received. On this day a [[communication]] was registered on [[Salvington]] from the [ Melchizedek sphere], the [[headquarters]] of that order in [[Nebadon]], which simply [[record]]ed this extraordinary and never-before-heard-of [[transaction]]: "At noon today there appeared on the receiving field of this world a strange [[Melchizedek]] Son, not of our [[number]] but wholly like our order. He was accompanied by a solitary [ omniaphim] who bore [[credentials]] from [[Uversa]] and presented orders addressed to our chief, derived from the [[Ancients of Days]] and concurred in by [[Immanuel]] of [[Salvington]], directing that this new [[Melchizedek]] Son be received into our order and assigned to the [ emergency service] of the [[Melchizedeks]] of [[Nebadon]]. And it has been so ordered; it has been done."

119:1.4 And this is about all that [[appears]] on the [[records]] of [[Salvington]] regarding the ''first Michael bestowal''. Nothing more appears until after one hundred years of [[Urantia]] [[time]], when there was recorded the [[fact]] of [[Michael]]'s return and unannounced resumption of the direction of [[universe]] affairs. But a strange [[record]] is to be found on the [ Melchizedek world], a [[recital]] of the [[service]] of this [[unique]] [ Melchizedek Son] of the [ emergency corps] of that age. This [[record]] is preserved in a [[simple]] [[temple]] which now occupies the foreground of the [[home]] of the [[Father Melchizedek]], and it comprises the [[narration]] of the [[service]] of this transitory [[Melchizedek]] Son in [[connection]] with his assignment to twenty-four missions of [[universe]] [[emergency]]. And this [[record]], which I have so recently reviewed, ends thus:

119:1.5 "And at noon on this day, without previous [[announcement]] and [[witnessed]] by only [[three]] of our brotherhood, this [[visiting]] Son of our order disappeared from our world as he came, accompanied only by a [ solitary omniaphim]; and this [[record]] is now closed with the certification that this [[visitor]] lived as a [[Melchizedek]], in the likeness of a Melchizedek he worked as a Melchizedek, and he [[faithfully]] [[performed]] all of his assignments as an [ emergency Son] of our order. By [[universal]] [[consent]] he has become chief of [[Melchizedeks]], having [[earned]] our [[love]] and [[adoration]] by his matchless [[wisdom]], [[supreme]] [[love]], and superb [[devotion]] to [[duty]]. He loved us, [[understood]] us, and served with us, and forever we are his [[loyal]] and [[devoted]] fellow [[Melchizedeks]], for this stranger on our world has now [[eternally]] become a [[universe]] minister of Melchizedek [[nature]]."[]

119:1.6 And that is all I am permitted to tell you of the ''first bestowal'' of [[Michael]]. We, of course, fully [[understand]] that this strange [[Melchizedek]] who so [[mysteriously]] served with the Melchizedeks a [ billion years ago] was none other than the [[incarnated]] [[Michael]] on the mission of his ''first bestowal''. The [[records]] do not specifically state that this [[unique]] and [[efficient]] [[Melchizedek]] was [[Michael]], but it is [[universally]] believed that he was. [[Probably]] the [[actual]] [[statement]] of that [[fact]] cannot be found outside of the [[records]] of [ Sonarington], and the [[records]] of that [[secret]] world are not open to us. Only on this [ sacred world] of the [[divine Sons]] are the [[mysteries]] of [[incarnation]] and [[bestowal]] fully known. We all know of the [[facts]] of the ''Michael bestowals'', but we do not [[understand]] how they are effected. We do not know how the ruler of a [[universe]], the [[creator]] of the [[Melchizedeks]], can so suddenly and [[mysteriously]] become one of their number and, as one of them, live among them and work as a [[Melchizedek]] Son for one hundred years. But it so happened.

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