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I would lay that on the wisdom of God. It was a bit chaotic because so many thought nothing happened except for them fooling themselves and got emotional. Had he materialized, however, the chaos would likely have been greater. Just my idea.--rdavis 17:05, 17 October 2011 (UTC)
I would lay that on the wisdom of God. It was a bit chaotic because so many thought nothing happened except for them fooling themselves and got emotional. Had he materialized, however, the chaos would likely have been greater. Just my idea.--rdavis 17:05, 17 October 2011 (UTC)
== susan's transmission & jim's further thoughts ==
Hi Rob, Isee one of the lessons I have  below; the other may have been private from Susan to Thern.
Melchizedek's appearance is a great event for your planet. Allow time for meditation on your part that morning. Recovering...Turning your attention from earthly matters to this great event is appropriate. Quiet meditation, receptivity, is fine. Allow time for this event to happen. Nothing can occur without the cooperation of loving mortals aligned in their desire to behold this Morontial appearance. Requesting information from others is fine. Their experiences may differ. All your energy goes toward healing now. Rest your body. Goodbye.'Urantia Booklessons on faithThe Urantia Book. Tell Thern forbearance is important at this time. Many differing viewpoints exist regarding today's event. Machiventa Melchizedek assumed his role in this experiment, which functioned appropriately. Light waves drew energy directly from his Morontial body, causing interference with his materializationMelchizedekMachiventa's materialization;. This did not preclude his exposure to the group from occurring. It impeded the mortal ability to see him. Regardless of this problem, there occurred a remarkable demonstration of faith and trust among the believers in the room. Learning can come through disappointments also. We regret this occurrence's failure to establish further credibility in this work, in this Mission. However, do not forget the many other manifestations of integrity that warrant your belief. Abide with us in our endeavors to materialize a Melchizedek teacher for you. This is not the only planned materialization. Other events will take place. Have faith in this Mission. God's plan continues to unfold within the boundaries of free will choice and human faith. Neglect not...Do not neglect to ponder the many challenges we all face in our attempts to do the Father's will. Regrettably, some are hurt, some sorrow now; but, they will be cheered in good time. Remain constant in your efforts to spread the loving concepts of the Teaching Mission. God reaches toward you. Lift up your hands in faith toward him. Regular stillness practice helps in our efforts to facilitate the circuit opening. Everyone involved in this practice gives energy toward circuit opening. Remember.....We love you.
The transmission confirms that Machiventa did indeed assume his planetary role as he said that day in his transmission via Marilyn. I believe he would have come forth in a morontian-like form.
My presence and subsequent conversation with people informs that a number of people were doubtful, suspicious and full of curiosity and would have contributed little or nothing toward any ceremony to enhance energy. The transmission said that 'nothing can occur without the cooperation of loving mortals aligned in their desire to behold a Morontia appearance'  But then, on the other hand,  it says that all happened according to their plan anyway and people had various experiences. True. (Some person said later that the people weren't supposed to turn out the lights in the room, that impeding vision.) Perhaps people get what they are thinking and looking for ... a power of intention.
I noted with interest the plan to try other materializatrions. After this, perhaps they dropped those plans. Itr became known as 'naperville' just like we now refer to 'watergate' and people know what you mean with that one word .... and don't like it.
I noted also that a transmission said that AIDS will not ravage humanity as Caligastia had hoped. This references a transmission with Rayson from Joan Levine in Malibu that said AIDS was Caligastia's parting curse on the planet when he was hauled away or dematerialized. Her husband once noted to me with a chuckle that they had kinda dismissed that comment and thought it might have 'been just Joanie."
Some of our critics say that our lessons may be 'cross-fertilized' between groups, with a transmitter, having read other transmissions, reflecting that material. However, I've observed a lot of material transmitted on or about the same day across the country and it's compatible. And, of course, compatibility to others is simply verifying. I still wonder a bit .... did Caligastia inflict us with AIDS and why would he be permitted to do so after being called to task by God? Did he have free will and the ability to do it, and would God allow this plague as a part of the plan? My personal opinion is NO.
Don't know your reference to distribution of these papers. Appears that they are already distributed via your network here.
I don't believe the TeaM history book has space to dissect and discuss this event, although after publication some critics will say that we bypassed our materialization fiascos. But I could write a chapter on this and interview Marilyn and they would say the same thing. Some people are material, with just a tinge of spirit, and they have to relate materiallly to all things. Conversely, Ms. Green and others who came from Sedona, Arizona, to Naperville are not just Urantia Book students per se but rather spiritual new agers who explore the realms of spiritual energy. Some will say that they led UB readers astray into these realms. And yet we know that the book only provides an overview to spiritual energies with much to learn and experience beyond its pages.
There is also a transmission somewhere that indicates that the Waco tragedy made a materialization inappropriate. I am far from convinced of that.
I do believe teacher Andrew, a friend of mine, who transmitted after the event via Susan Minarik of Pittsburgh. He said the morontian teachers did not know why they had pulled the plug and had to sort it all out. He said his vision was a human holding a pencil and a clipboard and scratching his head.
Before reading the transmission above about light waves, I kinda thought that a non-materialization would be hands-down the best choice that the celestials could have made. It might have spawned everything from fright to wailing to production of a cadre of ill-prepared zealots.
I went to Chicago (Naperville suburb) to enhance my spiritual growth. Steps of faith and good intention are always rewarded.  It was plain to me that no human being involved with that event could provide true spiritual guidance to me or anyone else, although Bob Slagle delivered a fine speech. They are humans. From the woman who seemed in a beatific daze because she saw Machiventa and could describe him, to the ones who stormed out in verification that the devil was behind it all,  it is true what Rayson once said: to go to another human being for spiritual guidance is baffling.
Another idea is that the celestials want us to remain Agondonters for awhile, for that is indeed a special state of being.
Onward as Explorers ...... jim--rdavis 18:05, 8 February 2012 (UTC)

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