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Ron Besser wrote: Tue, May 15, 2012 at 10:52 PM

I will be posting this in the archive when I get time, but it is so timely to do it now I will not wait until then. I would just mention that there has been confirmation of the arrival of the first Melchizedeks in the flesh who will set up those necessary errands to accomplish before Monjoronson arrives incarnate. These are a group of specially selected Melchizedeks, 24 in number, who will be doing the human contact to obtain the necessary documentation such as passports and other papers required of the State (nations) for those who will be working with Monjoronson on staff. While we have confirmation of the Melchizedek 24, we do not have confirmation of the human staff who will number about 100 or less to begin with. This information has been forthcoming from the area of the seventh superuniverse known as Uversa and even beyond and was received a few days ago as well. I have not had time to place these transcriptions in the archives yet.

Monjoronson has decided to place this information in the public domain in order to show everyone a good example of what it is to be found wanting by the world with regard to who he is and what his work entails. His appearance will be misunderstood, and it will create havoc, in all places, in America and China. Some information has been presented to the higher officials of both countries and we can state there is no way they understand what will be asked of them. It is unfortunate that Monjoronson must rely upon those who came up through the Teaching Mission and other programs you are familiar with to cover the lack of support from those who normally would prepare the way for such a mission on an evolutionary sphere. No one will be left behind when Monjoronson appears and he wishes all to understand that the Melchizedeks who approach humans on the planet will be fair and honest about the mission and who they are.

Jerry Lane has done Monjoronson a service and he is thanked whole heartedly for his efforts in these matters. All who read these words also need to think about what it is they could do to help Monjoronson make his case before groups and institutions and the world press and mass media when the time comes. The appearance of Michael is imminent and it must follow Monjoronson's appearance and after his organization is in place to support the huge enterprise this appearance of Michael will require. We propose that he, Michael, be called Jesus to those who are to be contacted for outreach in whatever terms it requires to alert people who care spiritually that Jesus is returning.

Thanks Ron

Steffani Murray wrote: Wed, May 16, 2012 at 9:35 AM

I very much appreciate that the human recipient of this transmission, in his introductory statement witnesses truth regarding Jesus/Christ Michael of Nebadon, instead of the recent demeaning of his role and status put forth in more than a few others...

To an extent the UB validates the possibilities outlined within it...However, it does seem to me that Michael's mission to Urantia, the pouring out of HIS Spirit of Truth, and facilitating the Father's universal bestowal of Thought Adjusters is the double blessing which prepares the way for his return...and/OR the fulfillment of the FER being another Son being sent to judge the realm for HIM.

(We have UB and bibical confirmation in other places that the Creator avoids "sitting in judgment" upon his creatures, and in another place that he "judges no man", but has one who "does it for me"...If anyone wants these quotes I'll be glad to find and provide them:-) 176:2.3-5

I'm one who has seen no valid reason to replace the message given in the Urantia Papers a mere 77 years ago, doubtless less than a perceptual nanosecond to the eternally living celestial beings who delivered it, with conflicting material introduced by mortal Urantians who have rather obviously not comprehended and integrated the reliable information given within its pages...yet. I still follow the teachers sage advice to consider overtly conflicting material transmitted through mortals as "T/R error"...and this obviously requires me to know what the text actually says.

That said, NOW I'm going to put a very serious question out there to those who have seriously studied the Papers...and I would truly appreciate it if anyone willing to respond to this inquiry would give it some thought first!

It concerns this statement in the transmission Ron posted from the unidentified T/R...just how "physical" are we meaning here?

"However, before this promise to return can be fulfilled, the Avonal Son of Paradise known as Monjoronson, who will be accompanied by a team of Melchizedek teachers and a good number of other celestial personalities specially selected to assist him; all will appear on this sphere in a physical body. ... "

Here are a few 'desiderata':

We're informed that Melchizedeks can easily make themselves VISIBLE to mortals...

We're told that a Melchizedek had only 7 times "incarnated in the likeness of mortal flesh" when Machiventa did this is a "special planetary service" type material form that sustained itself via material food, etc. ...35:4.4

THEN we are also informed that VISIBLE Melchizedeks accompany EVERY Avonal on a bestowal OR Magisterial Mission. It does NOT specify that they are visible to mortals during a "born of a woman" bestowal "incarnation"...but IF a Magisterial Son opts for an "incarnation" where he appears as an adult being taking on the semblence of human form, the Melchizedeks will ALSO be visible...but it's not specific that they will necessarily be manifest in the same type of 'form'. 35:2.6 20:4.1

Putting 1+1+1 here my sum adds up to visible Melchizedeks who cannot be "flesh and blood" physical as we understand it, since there have been numerous such Avonal magisterial missions to planets in Nebadon...and 12 Melchizedeks accompany every time any Paradise Son except the Creator incarnates, but only 7 times in the history of Nebadon did one "incarnate" as did Machiventa.

Any one else able to read this differently for reaching another conclusion? That is of those who as yet regard the UB material as valid and aren't adjusting facts to fit their own theories, or interpretations of personal revelations of what is to come, over those of what has been given an 'epochal' revelation?

Frankly, I do not see how or why the next divine Son mission to a barbaric planet such as Urantia would believe that it would be wise or survivable to take on ordinary "flesh and blood" physical forms...but it doesn't seem that anyone has considered that there might be an alternative not entirely familiar nor thought of yet as being possible?

(morontia 'forms' that can phase in and out of material reality as the midwayers and angels are recorded as doing under certain circumstances for example?)

Grateful for the Adjudication,

...however it unfolds in accord with Father's Will, Way, and Christ Michael's Plan


Ron Besser wrote: Wed, May 16, 2012 at 10:18 AM

Hi Steffani,

You bring a lot of good questions to the table with regard to the implementation of Michael's return. While you and others are contemplating these things, you ought to include the following conditions that exist now that were not realized at the time of the writing of the Urantia Book in 1934.

1) Urantia is in default itself. This is different from the Lucifer and Adam and Eve defaults. They are related only as cause and effect to the Urantia planetary default because they helped cause the situation that has to be corrected today.

2) Urantia is lying at the bottom of a pit of remorse and confusion over Jesus. There is no religious understanding of the world and its purpose. The combination of guilt and the regeneration of materialism is effective enough to cause a break in the continuity of the Spirit of Truth and the divine mandate that all shall be made well again. This means that truth, while viable and necessary, takes a second seat to achievement in the material world. Achievement first: Truth second. On a normal world those priorities could be reversed, but Urantia is without a physical representation of the divine government and its educational universities and schools. This reversal of priorities exists and has to be dealt with as quickly as possible.

3) Only the Father and Jesus (Michael) knew of the when and why of his second return. The Urantia Book echoes this sentiment and the statement continued to be true up until the last half of the 20th century when the Caligastia default and the Lucifer rebellion were declared null and void by the Ancients of Days. In spite of several adjudications by the Michael government and the superuniverse government, Urantia continued to harbor victims and perpetrators of the rebellion in large numbers. The return of Michael has a great deal to do with the hemorrhage of truth on Urantia because no one could stem the flow of man's desire for improvement away from the very thing that would destroy him. Michael sees his return as imminent and necessary beyond just fulfilling a promise made 2,000 years ago.

4) The First Source and Center has decreed that Urantia will become an architectural sphere. That alone changes the destiny of the planet. Michael's return is, in part, a response to those architectural preparations to bring Urantia back to the flock and change the planet into a status sphere of the Nebadon local universe for ascension activities.

What was not known in the Urantia Book as it was written years ago is mostly the plans that the consequences of history have put into place on Urantia. In other words, the conditions and results of so many defaults, the intention to change the destiny of Urantia, and the Father's will for future developments, could not be codified into a revelatory text that was not meant to tell the future, but to establish the rule of God on Urantia once more.

We now live in the future - at least that is how it feels to me - and we now all sit in the seats that can view the end of an era and the beginning of a new one which has numerous elements of surprise to some. I am not uncomfortable with any of it, but I can tell that most people including those who read the Urantia Book, are not going to have a party about it. Somehow, someway, everyone of us alive now will have to understand that the planet we began our lives on, is too ill to continue and that drastic medicine is to be applied. How all of this is to materialize is still very hazy even in some minds of the spiritual hierarchy. Regardless of that, the top levels of the spiritual powers and movers see it clearly, and they are going to make Urantia over.

To do this there has to be transcendental application of the life forces. That is partially why the Father himself has taken control of Urantia. When Harry Truman said of his presidency, "The buck stops here," the same can be said of the Father. He alone has the full power to transcend antecedent cause - the very definition of transcendental reality - and he alone will condition Urantia in ways that are unprecedented in the history of the local universe and even in the history of the seventh superuniverse.

All of these things should be taken into consideration when evaluating the present circumstances and the dictation of our spiritual administrators as to what they are putting into place to accomplish the demands of Paradise that all be made well again on Urantia.

Some things are hard to get one's head around. We are so inexperienced and have so little facts to compare with other situations where remediation is essential on a planet, that we are easily persuaded to doubt and fear what sounds so unfamiliar to what we were expected to believe a few short decades ago. Yet, in my own personal experience, I have been awed by the power and mercy of Monjoronson and the love of a Creator Son who never doubts us even when we feel like running away. He believes in us more that we believe in ourselves that we can stand up and take the shower in full force to clean Urantia and its population. In the final analysis, it does come down to "regardless of what I think and what I do, may your will be done Father."


Gerdean O'Dell wrote: Wed, May 16, 2012 at 12:00 PM

Thanks, Steffani.

Dear Ron.

I am not even going to attempt to be diplomatic. I am just going to call bullshit. Vilify me for my honesty if you must, but it is this kind of sophistry that had me up in arms in the first place, years ago, and it still bugs me that you, Ron Besser, continue to create a destiny for our planet which many of us do not believe in, and you have the audacity to have built this contraption on the transcripts that have been given to Urantia in good faith whether we T/R's like it or not. I wonder if the same thing -- manipulation -- is not happening now to Jerry Lane.

You say: "It is unfortunate that Monjoronson must rely upon those who came up through the Teaching Mission and other programs you are familiar with to cover the lack of support from those who normally would prepare the way for such a mission on an evolutionary sphere."

Unfortunate? Unfortunate that he must now ask a favor of those he has kicked in the teeth? Other programs like Abundant Hope? I don't feel sorry for him! He is a construct! In that paragraph you admit you could not have pulled off the Monjoronson mission without the Teaching Mission, and you know you cannot push it under the bus, so deal with the fact that YOUR authority is not sufficient to direct MY destiny, nor that of anyone. I defy your timeline and your compromised visions -- they are visions of grandeur.

Honest to God, Ron, do you realize the effect your ideas have on people outside of your own immediate frame of reference? And how we have to go around cleaning up after you in order to let the light of truth shine through? Where do you get some of your ideas? For example, that Urantia will be turned into an architectural sphere? That plays right into the ignorance of those who feel it's okay to destroy mother earth because everyone will be lifted in the rapture and the planet will live forever as a visitor's center. Never mind that people worked overtime to create light and life on this world! ... And you say 12 Melchizedeks are not enough. We need 24 now. Why stop there? Why not go all the way to 144,000 and capture the hearts and minds of many others?

I could speculate and hypothesize with you all day, til I am blue in the face, over many things that you set forth to tml, to Steffani, to me, but there is no point. We will never have a meeting of the minds. I thought maybe we could learn to work cooperatively because of our unity of goals but when I hear crap like you dish out, I know we are not working for the same goals at all. I will not even venture to suggest what your goals might be. A seat on the Council of 24 would not be good enough for you.

But here is mostly why I am calling bullshit on this theory. I have already seen Jesus. He is already here. He has already appeared to me. I was not hallucinating and I am not an hysterical female. I am a faith child and the Master appeared before me, and you see I did not have to wait for Monjoronson or anybody else to clear the way. And I am not going to support such a cock-a-mamy story. Michael is Master Son. He is our Creator, the creator of our very existence -- our universe, our world, our bodies, even our consciousness. He does not need Monjoronson to do squat before he can act.

Give it a rest.
