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Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame ==Origin== Latin ''deprecatus'', past participle of ''deprecari'' to avert by prayer, from ''...'

[[Latin]] ''deprecatus'', past participle of ''deprecari'' to avert by [[prayer]], from ''de''- + ''precari'' to pray
*[ 1628]
*1a archaic : to [[pray]] against (as an [[evil]])
:b : to seek to avert <deprecate the [[wrath]] … of the [[Roman]] people — Tobias Smollett>
*2: to [[express]] disapproval of
*3a : play down : make little of <speaks five languages … but deprecates this facility — Time>
:b : belittle, disparage <the most [[reluctantly]] admired and least easily deprecated of … novelists — New Yorker>
'''Self-deprecating''' [[humor]] relies on the [[observation]] of something supposedly [[negative]] about the person delivering the [[commentary]]. Many comedians use ''self-deprecating'' [[humor]] to avoid seeming arrogant or pompous, and to help the [[audience]] identify with them. In this way, the use of ''self-deprecating'' humor could be seen as an [[application]] of the [[rhetorical]] concept of [[ethos]]. This is seen as a major component of the comedy of comedians such as [ Joan Rivers], [ Louis C.K.], [ Don Knotts], and [ Woody Allen].

The [[technique]] is often used to [[balance]] the [[audience]] [[judgment]] on a performer, after exhibiting conspicuous displays of [[arrogance]].

[[Professionals]] in any given field will also either avoid typical [[jargon]] and use lay terms to be [[understood]] and therefore appreciated by [[the masses]].

Self-deprecation is an important aspect to [[clowns]]. Unlike other forms of [[comedy]], an [[audience]] is typically [[supposed]] to laugh at the plight of the clown, not with it.

[[Category: Theatre]]
[[Category: General Reference]]

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