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While we haven’t heard from Byron, it does appear that the overwhelming consensus is to withhold these, “sidelining" them in the Scriptorium "at this time”. It seems these lessons serve as an object lesson in the exercise of personal and group discernment where divergent opinions can be respectfully gathered.
While we haven’t heard from Byron, it does appear that the overwhelming consensus is to withhold these, “sidelining" them in the Scriptorium "at this time”. It seems these lessons serve as an object lesson in the exercise of personal and group discernment where divergent opinions can be respectfully gathered.
==Sunday, September 27, 2015==
'''Byron wrote: On Sep 27, 2015, at 12:12 AM'''
Rob, I’ll keep it simple. I agree with others that you should ignore this material and not even engage with it at this time. It is in a category all of its own and Ron’s current trajectory is far outside of the lineage that you have tracked so diligently. His unique category is what I would call “unfathomability."
'''Rob wrote: On Sep 27, 2015, at 4:32 PM'''
Thank you Byron! It seems sharing responsibility for the largest collection of Teaching Mission lessons precludes ignoring altogether lessons attributed to our universe government re: a New Teaching Mission. However, making an empty record of the lesson with comments in its talkpage as to why it is empty will assist readers unaware of the discrepancy between any personal claims to officially represent the TM/MM and the body of evidence to the contrary. Otherwise, the categories assigned to the two recent pieces are:
:The Teaching Mission: Dialogues
:At Large (York TeaM & ABC Summaries are the other ‘group’ categories for Ron’s work)
:Andromadeus, Michael, Abraham, Machiventa, Nebadonia
:Ron Besser
I do use a category called “Unknown”, but it is primarily for unidentified sources - teachers, tr’s, groups, etc. There are also a number of ‘groups’ outside the ‘TeaM' network whose lessons are featured. These are:
:11:11 Progress Group
:ABC Summaries
:Abundant Hope
:Center for Christ Consciousness
:Long View Project
:Mezza Verde Group
:Philippines Mission
:School of Light and Life

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