
From Nordan Symposia
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Agatha: While we are on the subject of community, this is a series of questions that were submitted from outside our group, sent by a person who is very much interested in the concepts of community.
Agatha: While we are on the subject of community, this is a series of questions that were submitted from outside our group, sent by a person who is very much interested in the concepts of community.
    "Foremost, I was intrigued with your discussions recently about the status of crime and punishment on our world at present. We have been taught and I believe that the condition of humanity on Urantia is beset with problems stemming from the "liberty without license" that is the hallmark of Lucifer's manifesto, and that criminal behavior -- whether rich or poor, black or white, physical or psychic -- is a reflection of the prisons of the mind.  I believe that freedom can only come through the spirit, as Jesus taught. I am told that prisoners are hungrily devouring the Urantia Papers, and this will certainly help the inmates, but what can we do about those "in charge" of prisons? Should private industry take over the task of rehabilitation?  It is my perception that for the most part, jailers enjoy having power over prisoners and have no use for compassion. They don't even teach the prisoners to read and write or to have self-respect.  Prisoners are not treated any better than -- in fact WORSE than animals in our zoos!
"Foremost, I was intrigued with your discussions recently about the status of crime and punishment on our world at present. We have been taught and I believe that the condition of humanity on Urantia is beset with problems stemming from the "liberty without license" that is the hallmark of Lucifer's manifesto, and that criminal behavior -- whether rich or poor, black or white, physical or psychic -- is a reflection of the prisons of the mind.  I believe that freedom can only come through the spirit, as Jesus taught. I am told that prisoners are hungrily devouring the Urantia Papers, and this will certainly help the inmates, but what can we do about those "in charge" of prisons? Should private industry take over the task of rehabilitation?  It is my perception that for the most part, jailers enjoy having power over prisoners and have no use for compassion. They don't even teach the prisoners to read and write or to have self-respect.  Prisoners are not treated any better than -- in fact WORSE than animals in our zoos!
    And, are there not tests that could be administered to determine the prisoner's capacity for rehabilitation? And if so, do you think it would be helpful to segregate those who can be rehabilitated from those who cannot?"
And, are there not tests that could be administered to determine the prisoner's capacity for rehabilitation? And if so, do you think it would be helpful to segregate those who can be rehabilitated from those who cannot?"
Rayson: Your society already has within its capacity the ability to transform your prisons into virtual gardens of humanity, yet these are not applied. This looks a great deal like many of your families, where couples are raising children without investing in them the values of themselves, their society, (the larger culture that upholds the continuance of the family,) of the community and of your nation. There are many within your prisons who are desperately in need of upliftment, yet they are not encouraged to seek out those values and beliefs, which would aid them greatly. This is a large, millions in number "family"—these children are dispossessed of the larger values. It is essential that your systems discern those who have the capacity and those who do not. There are means of truth telling without drugs, which are quite accurate, which can aid individuals and organizations, prisons, to sort those who have the capacity, from those who do not.
Rayson: Your society already has within its capacity the ability to transform your prisons into virtual gardens of humanity, yet these are not applied. This looks a great deal like many of your families, where couples are raising children without investing in them the values of themselves, their society, (the larger culture that upholds the continuance of the family,) of the community and of your nation. There are many within your prisons who are desperately in need of upliftment, yet they are not encouraged to seek out those values and beliefs, which would aid them greatly. This is a large, millions in number "family"—these children are dispossessed of the larger values. It is essential that your systems discern those who have the capacity and those who do not. There are means of truth telling without drugs, which are quite accurate, which can aid individuals and organizations, prisons, to sort those who have the capacity, from those who do not.
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Agatha: We can save the other questions till later.
Agatha: We can save the other questions till later.
Rayson: In all that we have discussed today, dear friends, hold true to the concepts, precepts, and commandments of Christ Michael when he was here in the flesh. Your primary behavior, those soul-deciding moments, come about to you when you decide to love or not to love your fellow brother and sister, and of course, yourself as well. You live on a difficult material world; we ask you simply to love the potential, to love another though their behaviors may be contentious and offensive. We do not expect you to accept those behaviors, but always lay ready to accept the potential to love what lies within. In some it is small; in others it is great. Always appeal to that which is there that can be loved. Guard against your own prejudice against others, for it may be applied to yourself as well.
Rayson: In all that we have discussed today, dear friends, hold true to the concepts, precepts, and commandments of Christ Michael when he was here in the flesh. Your primary behavior, those soul-deciding moments, come about to you when you decide to love or not to love your fellow brother and sister, and of course, yourself as well. You live on a difficult material world; we ask you simply to love the potential, to love another though their behaviors may be contentious and offensive. We do not expect you to accept those behaviors, but always lay ready to accept the potential to love what lies within. In some it is small; in others it is great. Always appeal to that which is there that can be loved. Guard against your own prejudice against others, for it may be applied to yourself as well.

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