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Rob Davis
Rob Davis
'''Rosemary Stallworth wrote: Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 8:05PM'''
Hello Precious Ones...
Well....Here's what I'm thinking about the message from Teacher Ophelius via Chris Maurus in Michigan...I'm thinking that the message from Ophelius is an IDEAL way to maximize healing of individuals (on Urantia)...which amounts to the "laying down of one's life for another,"  but I don't like the strategy and I hope I'm never called upon to try it.
Most of you who grew up in the Christian Tradition will remember that there is a Christian Scripture that insists that Jesus (on the Cross of Calvary)...BORE OUR SINS, HEALED ALL OUR he fulfilled the Will of the Father.  Two of these scriptures are...(if you're interested in reviewing these scriptures...See Isaiah 53:4-6;  I Peter 2:24)....All to say...
Here's a possibility....This "Guided Meditation for Healing" teaching of Ophelius, transmitted by Chris in Michigan, may represent a Christ Consciousness Power that will be available to those who will soon move about the earth...with the power of "The Christ" to heal.  Who knows?  I appreciate your cautions, Donna, Deborah, Bonnie.  I agree with you....And I don't even want to try this....but I am willing to entertain the idea that this power may be available to us as we move forward to BE as Jesus Christ WAS in the world when he visited us here on Urantia in order to reveal the LOVE of the Father...which includes, as all of us now know.....HEALING FOR THE NATIONS.
Again, I don't know what the Teacher Ophelius is instructing us to do with regard to healing here;  however, I am willing to accept the instructions as an ideal way for those among us who live as "little Christs" in the world to bring healing at real and desperately painful levels.  (Also...I HOPE I don't EVER feel the call to lay down my life in such a way.)
Just my thoughts...What do I know?...Not much.
"LIVE COURAGEOUSLY!  To control your future, take control of your choices, for they make up your future in the end."  Valdir Soares

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