The Poets

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In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

[26.1] Ta Sin Mim.

[26.2] These are the verses of the Book that makes (things) clear.

[26.3] Perhaps you will kill yourself with grief because they do not believe.

[26.4] If We please, We should send down upon them a sign from the heaven so that their necks should stoop to it.

[26.5] And there does not come to them a new reminder from the Beneficent God but they turn aside from it.

[26.6] So they have indeed rejected (the truth), therefore the news of that which they mock shall soon come to them.

[26.7] Do they not see the earth, how many of every noble kind We have caused to grow in it?

[26.8] Most surely there is a sign in that, but most of them will not believe.

[26.9] And most surely your Lord is the Mighty, the Merciful.

[26.10] And when your Lord called out to Musa, saying: Go to the unjust people,

[26.11] The people of Firon: Will they not guard (against evil)?

[26.12] He said: O my Lord! surely I fear that they will reject me;

[26.13] And by breast straitens, and my tongue is not eloquent, therefore send Thou to Haroun (to help me);

[26.14] And they have a crime against me, therefore I fear that they may slay me.

[26.15] He said: By no means, so go you both with Our signs; surely We are with you, hearing;

[26.16] Then come to Firon and say: Surely we are the messengers of the Lord of the worlds:

[26.17] Then send with us the children of Israel.

[26.18] (Firon) said: Did we not bring you up as a child among us, and you tarried among us for (many) years of your life?

[26.19] And you did (that) deed of yours which you did, and you are one of the ungrateful.

[26.20] He said: I did it then while I was of those unable to see the right course;

[26.21] So I fled from you when I feared you, then my Lord granted me wisdom and made me of the apostles;

[26.22] And is it a favor of which you remind me that you have enslaved the children of Israel?

[26.23] Firon said: And what is the Lord of the worlds?

[26.24] He said: The Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, if you would be sure.

[26.25] (Firon) said to those around him: Do you not hear?

[26.26] He said: Your Lord and the Lord of your fathers of old.

[26.27] Said he: Most surely your Apostle who is sent to you is mad.

[26.28] He said: The Lord of the east and the west and what is between them, if you understand.

[26.29] Said he: If you will take a god besides me, I will most certainly make you one of the imprisoned.

[26.30] He said: What! even if I bring to you something manifest?

[26.31] Said he: Bring it then, if you are of the truthful ones.

[26.32] So he cast down his rod, and lo! it was an obvious serpent,

[26.33] And he drew forth his hand, and lo! it appeared white to the onlookers.

[26.34] (Firon) said to the chiefs around him: Most surely this is a skillful magician,

[26.35] Who desires to turn you out of your land with his magic; what is it then that you advise?

[26.36] They said: Give him and his brother respite and send heralds into the cities

[26.37] That they should bring to you every skillful magician.

[26.38] So the magicians were gathered together at the appointed time on the fixed day,

[26.39] And it was said to the people: Will you gather together?

[26.40] Haply we may follow the magicians, if they are the vanquishers.

[26.41] And when the magicians came, they said to Firon: Shall we get a reward if we are the vanquishers?

[26.42] He said: Yes, and surely you will then be of those who are made near.

[26.43] Musa said to them: Cast what you are going to cast.

[26.44] So they cast down their cords and their rods and said: By Firon's power, we shall most surely be victorious.

[26.45] Then Musa cast down his staff and lo! it swallowed up the lies they told.

[26.46] And the magicians were thrown down prostrate;

[26.47] They said: We believe in the Lord of the worlds:

[26.48] The Lord of Musa and Haroun.

[26.49] Said he: You believe in him before I give you permission; most surely he is the chief of you who taught you the magic, so you shall know: certainly I will cut off your hands and your feet on opposite sides, and certainly I will crucify you all.

[26.50] They said: No harm; surely to our Lord we go back;

[26.51] Surely we hope that our Lord will forgive us our wrongs because we are the first of the believers.

[26.52] And We revealed to Musa, saying: Go away with My servants travelling by night, surely you will be pursued.

[26.53] So Firon sent heralds into the cities;

[26.54] Most surely these are a small company;

[26.55] And most surely they have enraged us;

[26.56] And most surely we are a vigilant multitude.

[26.57] So We turned them out of gardens and springs,

[26.58] And treasures and goodly dwellings,

[26.59] Even so. And We gave them as a heritage to the children of Israel.

[26.60] Then they pursued them at sunrise.

[26.61] So when the two hosts saw each other, the companions of Musa cried out: Most surely we are being overtaken.

[26.62] He said: By no means; surely my Lord is with me: He will show me a way out.

[26.63] Then We revealed to Musa: Strike the sea with your staff. So it had cloven asunder, and each part was like a huge


[26.64] And We brought near, there, the others.

[26.65] And We saved Musa and those with him, all of them.

[26.66] Then We drowned the others.

[26.67] Most surely there is a sign in this, but most of them do not believe.

[26.68] And most surely your Lord is the Mighty, the Merciful.

[26.69] And recite to them the story of Ibrahim.

[26.70] When he said to his father and his people: What do you worship?

[26.71] They said: We worship idols, so we shall be their votaries.

[26.72] He said: Do they hear you when you call?

[26.73] Or do they profit you or cause you harm?

[26.74] They said: Nay, we found our fathers doing so.

[26.75] He said: Have you then considered what you have been worshipping:

[26.76] You and your ancient sires.

[26.77] Surely they are enemies to me, but not (so) the Lord of the worlds;

[26.78] Who created me, then He has shown me the way:

[26.79] And He Who gives me to eat and gives me to drink:

[26.80] And when I am sick, then He restores me to health

[26.81] And He Who will cause me to die, then give me life;

[26.82] And Who, I hope, will forgive me my mistakes on the day of judgment.

[26.83] My Lord: Grant me wisdom, and join me with the good

[26.84] And ordain for me a goodly mention among posterity

[26.85] And make me of the heirs of the garden of bliss

[26.86] And forgive my father, for surely he is of those who have gone astray;

[26.87] And disgrace me not on the day when they are raised

[26.88] The day on which property will not avail, nor sons

[26.89] Except him who comes to Allah with a heart free (from evil).

[26.90] And the garden shall be brought near for those who guard (against evil),

[26.91] And the hell shall be made manifest to the erring ones,

[26.92] And it shall be said to them: Where are those that you used to worship;

[26.93] Besides Allah? Can they help you or yet help themselves?

[26.94] So they shall be thrown down into it, they and the erring ones,

[26.95] And the hosts of the Shaitan, all.

[26.96] They shall say while they contend therein:

[26.97] By Allah! we were certainly in manifest error,

[26.98] When we made you equal to the Lord of the worlds;

[26.99] And none but the guilty led us astray;

[26.100] So we have no intercessors,

[26.101] Nor a true friend;

[26.102] But if we could but once return, we would be of the believers.

[26.103] Most surely there is a sign in this, but most of them do not believe.

[26.104] And most surely your Lord is the Mighty, the Merciful.

[26.105] The people of Nuh rejected the apostles.

[26.106] When their brother Nuh said to them: Will you not guard (against evil)?

[26.107] Surely I am a faithful apostle to you;

[26.108] Therefore guard against (the punishment of) Allah and obey me

[26.109] And I do not ask you any reward for it; my reward is only with the Lord of the worlds:

[26.110] So guard against (the punishment of) Allah and obey me.

[26.111] They said: Shall we believe in you while the meanest follow you?

[26.112] He said: And what knowledge have I of what they do?

[26.113] Their account is only with my Lord, if you could perceive

[26.114] And I am not going to drive away the believers;

[26.115] I am naught but a plain warner.

[26.116] They said: If you desist not, O Nuh, you shall most certainly be of those stoned to death.

[26.117] He said: My Lord! Surely my people give me the lie!

[26.118] Therefore judge Thou between me and them with a (just) judgment, and deliver me and those who are with me of the believers.

[26.119] So We delivered him and those with him in the laden ark.

[26.120] Then We drowned the rest afterwards

[26.121] Most surely there is a sign in this, but most of them do not believe.

[26.122] And most surely your Lord is the Mighty, the Merciful.

[26.123] Ad gave the lie to the apostles.

[26.124] When their brother Hud said to them: Will you not guard (against evil)?

[26.125] Surely I am a faithful apostle to you;

[26.126] Therefore guard against (the punishment of) Allah and obey me:

[26.127] And I do not ask you any reward for it; surely my reward is only with the Lord of the worlds

[26.128] Do you build on every height a monument? Vain is it that you do:

[26.129] And you make strong fortresses that perhaps you may

[26.130] And when you lay hands (on men) you lay hands (like) tyrants;

[26.131] So guard against (the punishment of) Allah and obey me

[26.132] And be careful of (your duty to) Him Who has given you abundance of what you know.

[26.133] He has given you abundance of cattle and children

[26.134] And gardens and fountains;

[26.135] Surely I fear for you the chastisement of a grievous day

[26.136] They said: It is the same to us whether you admonish or are not one of the admonishers

[26.137] This is naught but a custom of the ancients;

[26.138] And we are not going to be punished.

[26.139] So they gave him the lie, then We destroyed them. Most surely there is a sign in this, but most of them do not believe.

[26.140] And most surely your Lord is the Mighty, the Merciful.

[26.141] Samood gave the lie to the apostles

[26.142] When their brother Salih said to them: Will you not guard (against evil)?

[26.143] Surely I am a faithful apostle to you

[26.144] Therefore guard against (the punishment of) Allah and obey me:

[26.145] And I do not ask you any reward for it; my reward is only with the Lord of the worlds:

[26.146] Will you be left secure in what is here;

[26.147] In gardens and fountains,

[26.148] And cornfields and palm-trees having fine spadices?

[26.149] And you hew houses out of the mountains exultingly;

[26.15O] Therefore guard against (the punishment of) Allah and obey me;

[26.151] And do not obey the bidding of the extravagant,

[26.152] Who make mischief in the land and do not act aright.

[26.153] They said: You are only of the deluded ones;

[26.154] You are naught but a mortal like ourselves; so bring a sign if you are one of the truthful.

[26.155] He said: This is a she-camel; she shall have her portion of water, and you have your portion of water on an appointed time;

[26.156] And do not touch her with evil, lest the punishment of a grievous day should overtake you.

[26.157] But they hamstrung her, then regretted;

[26.158] So the punishment overtook them. Most surely there is a sign in this, but most of them do not believe.

[26.159] And most surely your Lord is the Mighty, the Merciful.

[26.160] The people of Lut gave the lie to the apostles.

[26.161] When their brother Lut said to them: Will you not guard (against evil)?

[26.162] Surely I am a faithful apostle to you;

[26.163] Therefore guard against (the punishment of) Allah and obey me:

[26.164] And I do not ask you any reward for it; my reward is only with the Lord of the worlds;

[26.165] What! do you come to the males from among the creatures

[26.166] And leave what your Lord has created for you of your wives? Nay, you are a people exceeding limits.

[26.167] They said: If you desist not, O Lut! you shall surely be of those who are expelled.

[26.168] He said: Surely I am of those who utterly abhor your

[26.169] My Lord ! deliver me and my followers from what they do.

[26.17O] So We delivered him and his followers all,

[26.171] Except an old woman, among those who remained behind.

[26.172] Then We utterly destroyed the others.

[26.173] And We rained down upon them a rain, and evil was the rain on those warned.

[26.174] Most surely there is a sign in this, but most of them do not believe.

[26.175] And most surely your Lord is the Mighty, the Merciful.

[26.176] The dwellers of the thicket gave the lie to the apostles.

[26.177] When Shu'aib said to them: Will you not guard (against evil)?

[26.178] Surely I am a faithful apostle to you;

[26.179] Therefore guard against (the punishment of) Allah and obey me:

[26.180] And I do not ask you any reward for it, my reward is only with the Lord of the worlds;

[26.181] Give a full measure and be not of those who diminish;

[26.182] And weigh (things) with a right balance,

[26.183] And do not wrong men of their things, and do not act corruptly in the earth, making mischief.

[26.184] And guard against (the punishment of) Him who created you and the former nations.

[26.185] They said: You are only of those deluded;

[26.186] And you are naught but a mortal like ourselves, and we know you to be certainly of the liars.

[26.187] Therefore cause a portion of the heaven to come down upon us, if you are one of the truthful.

[26.188] He said: My Lord knows best what you do.

[26.189] But they called him a liar, so the punishment of the day of covering overtook them; surely it was the punishment of a grievous day.

[26.190] Most surely there is a sign in this, but most of them do not believe.

[26.191] And most surely your Lord is Mighty, the Merciful.

[26.192] And most surely this is a revelation from the Lord of the worlds.

[26.193] The Faithful Spirit has descended with it,

[26.194] Upon your heart that you may be of the warners

[26.195] In plain Arabic language.

[26.196] And most surely the same is in the scriptures of the ancients.

[26.197] Is it not a sign to them that the learned men of the Israelites know it?

[26.198] And if we had revealed it to any of the foreigners

[26.199] So that he should have recited it to them, they would not have believed therein.

[26.200] Thus have We caused it to enter into the hearts of the guilty.

[26.201] They will not believe in it until they see the painful punishment.

[26.202] And it shall come to them all of a sudden, while they shall not perceive;

[26.203] Then they will say: Shall we be respited?

[26.204] What! do they still seek to hasten on Our punishment?

[26.205] Have you then considered if We let them enjoy themselves for years,

[26.206] Then there comes to them that with which they are threatened,

[26.207] That which they were made to enjoy shall not avail them?

[26.208] And We did not destroy any town but it had (its) warners,

[26.209] To remind, and We are never unjust.

[26.210] And the Shaitans have not come down with it.

[26.211] And it behoves them not, and they have not the power to do (it).

[26.212] Most surely they are far removed from the hearing of it.

[26.213] So call not upon another god with Allah, lest you be of those who are punished.

[26.214] And warn your nearest relations,

[26.215] And be kind to him who follows you of the believers.

[26.216] But if they disobey you, then say: Surely I am clear of what you do.

[26.217] And rely on the Mighty, the Merciful,

[26.218] Who sees you when you stand up.

[26.219] And your turning over and over among those who prostrate themselves before Allah.

[26.220] Surely He is the Hearing, the Knowing.

[26.221] Shall I inform you (of him) upon whom the Shaitans descend?

[26.222] They descend upon every lying, sinful one,

[26.223] They incline their ears, and most of them are liars.

[26.224] And as to the poets, those who go astray follow them.

[26.225] Do you not see that they wander about bewildered in every valley?

[26.226] And that they say that which they do not do,

[26.227] Except those who believe and do good and remember Allah much, and defend themselves after they are oppressed; and they who act unjustly shall know to what final place of turning they shall turn back.