2017-08-26-CCC Conference Call

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Topic: Connecting to Your Universe Family

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Nebadonia

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



PRAYER: Mother and Father, we are grateful for the opportunity to receive from you once again more of those qualities that will help us develop our spiritual paths. May we now center into our hearts, open our minds and hearts to you to receive as your WILL is done through us and in us, through your GRACE and LOVE. Thank you so much.


NEBADONIA: Greetings, my precious children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. I invite you today to consider yourselves as members or our universe family of LOVE. Each one of you exists within the parameters of the universe Nebadon which is inhabited by myriads of personal beings. This is a friendly place, a loving place, and it is the environment in which you will be living for many, many years to come as you progress on your paths. As you journey, you will come across innumerable personal beings who wish to share with you who they are, and to receive from you what you can provide to them. There are many opportunities for loving exchanges and interchanges with one another, and this is all part of your ability to grow and master yourselves and become more socialized to the universe culture.

Had you lived on a normal evolutionary world you would have been well-versed in some of the concepts we share with you today. You would have received through your planet’s system of circuits the universal broadcasts which relay information from the universe, the different planets and their activities, the various levels of universe activities that are now transpiring. And one day your world will indeed benefit from the fullness of this interaction. Bbut there is still much to be outworked in your own planet’s consciousness of the remnants of the rebellion, which is ongoing.

Yet, you can begin to adopt this idea of being a member of the universe family now, and let it take more form and dimension within your beings. What does it mean to live as a member of the universe family? What are your responsibilities? What are your privileges? Take a few moments to ponder this, my children. Take this in to your Indwelling Spirits, presenting these questions and having a few moments of inner quiet to receive the leadings from Spirit Within. (Pause)

Your Father Michael and I are here to support you on your path of spiritual growth, intellectual insights that leads to wisdom and soul development. As well, there are a variety of personal beings who have come close to you and those who wish to come close to you, to provide you with more of their energies of LOVE and the insights that they can share with you to help you make progress. You are not alone in this venture. You are given much assistance, more than you can even imagine. But how you use this assistance is up to you. It does require you to take yourselves aside from the busyness of the day to quiet your mind, and to let those higher circuits of the universe recalibrate your various currents of being that you can perceive those who are around you and who wish to support your development. We understand the constraints under which you have lived for so long. Therefore in today’s infusion we are here to help you open to more of this concept and experience of your universe family to help you feel more of the support around you.

Now you are all making progress in your relationships with your Father and me, and that is good, and we encourage you to continue on that path of exploration and discovery. But you can certainly add this other very rich dimension of engaging with your universe brethren and invite them to come close to you to support you through their efforts, their love, and devotion for you. So take a few moments to center in your hearts. If it is helpful, see the words in your mind’s eye MY UNIVERSE FAMILY. You may use this as a focal point while we move in you now to help you perceive that greater connectivity you have to our universe family of love and devotion. We begin (Pause)

As you allow members of your universe family to come close to you, feel your own need and desire to come into a more vibrant and dynamic relationship with your spirit helpers. We are helping you become more socialized to a universe culture. This will guide you on your paths of service as you increasingly let go of your own needs and agendas to help another brother or sister in need. This is the dynamic of living as a universe citizen. Your own needs are met and supported. This liberates you to explore the rich dimension of service and love and devotion to those who are coming up behind you as you might say, to love and to teach them what you have learned, just as your siblings of the universe are sharing what they have learned with you.

As children of a rebellion planet now finally coming out of the quarantine, this is a vast realm for you to explore. The variety of personal beings in the universe is truly beyond your human conception and imagination. Some of your, what you call, science fiction movies, have depicted your brothers and sisters in a very gross and distorted manner. But I am here to inform you that that is not so. While you may perceive many shapes and forms that look foreign to you because you are unfamiliar with the variety in the universe, there is nevertheless the overarching attitude and dynamic of LOVE. So it is safe to open to them, to let yourselves receive the wisdom that they have accrued through their own experiences. And the Spirits Within you can use that to help you become more socialized to a universe way of life. And this is all part of your journey on the path of self-mastery and self-understanding. Continue to receive what your universe family wishes to share with you, my beloved children. (Pause)

Now if you wish you may open that internal door to inquire of your helpers around you to receive a message, or an insight, or a feeling of their presence around you. Use this moment to become more familiar with what is occurring in terms of connecting more to your universe family. Allow them to come close to you and to speak to you in whatever way you are ready to receive. Take your time with this and relax in their love and support of your life and how you are being guided forward on your path of universe discovery. (Pause)

My precious children, there is so much encouragement in your corner to grow on your spiritual path. The universe is on your side and we are cheering you onward in this wonderful adventure and journey of growing as a son and daughter of God. In the coming days become more attuned to the family you have around you. Let the parameters of your energy systems expand beyond the confines of what your human family may have provided to you, or what your planetary culture shares with you as a member of it.

You sometimes do not get all of the support you need from your planet or your family, but from your universe family you always will receive much support and guidance. You will certainly have your own challenges, limitations to overcome, but you are not doing it alone. There is much wisdom and love at your disposal. So become familiar with what your Father and I are making available to you, that you may truly perceive the help around you to embody that which you are learning, and to share the wisdom, the insights, that you have gleaned from your helpers to your brothers and sisters who are in great need here.

Should you wish to bring forth any questions or concerns you may have about this topic of your universe family, you may bring them forward. If you wish to remain in silence and meditate, allowing your helpers to draw closer to you, that is also perfectly acceptable. It is your choice. I am ready to receive you whenever you are ready to speak.


Student: Good evening, Mother. This is B. I would like to take the opportunity to ask two questions. The first question is about a passage where it is explained that some Midwayers are patrolling the realms of the planet to sort of, as I understand it, protect from any perhaps unwanted or dangerous presences or personal beings, and I was wondering, since I fully perceive (or at least believe) that we are safe and our universe is a friendly place, I was much curious how to relate to there being perhaps also beings that are not friendly, or that we should be careful of. And we also sometimes read of dangerous of evil spirits, I’m now sure how to call it. I was wondering if you could speak to that, to what extent there is still, now after the quarantine has been lifted, reason to be careful with whom to interact and whether there are still dangerous beings.

And I was also wondering to what extent it would be beneficial to look at setting up a Teaching Mission possibly here in the Philippines, and if that would be beneficial, if you could give any advice as to how to go about this. Thank you so much for giving the opportunity to ask these questions.

NEBADONIA: B, my son, I thank you for your questions and your concerns. First I would like to speak to your question about how to protect yourself against what you call negative beings. The universe is a place of love and support, and while the universe is growing and expanding in Her God-consciousness, the more you elevate your vibrational rate to the realm of love and service and devotion to others, you are in essence protecting yourself with that higher vibrational frequency, and you attract more love and support to you.

It is true that there are, what you might call, forms of energy in your planet’s consciousness that are still harboring at lower frequencies of fear and the spirit toxins that they exude. But you do not have to be influenced by them in any way shape or form. The more you open to the Spirit Within, you are in essence elevating your vibrational rate to higher frequencies and you begin to pick up the signals of the universe and draw more attention to you.

Conversely, it is the same for people who wish to reside in these lower fields of energy. If you focus on fear, anger, animosity, you will attract that to you. The choice is yours. Your Father and I make available much help to you both internally through your energy systems and in your energy fields to pick up on those essences and personal beings who can support you. So it is a matter of where you wish to place your attention now, my son, and by keeping yourself elevated to those frequencies of LOVE, COMPASSION, KINDNESS, PATIENCE and other spiritual fruits you will render yourself immune to those lower vibrational frequencies that are still being outworked on your planet. Does this help, my son? (Yes, Mother, it does, thank you.) And has this satisfied your curiosity?

Student: I would have a slight follow up question to that, you were mentioning the energies negative, that pertain to this planet; are there also coming from outside our planet to our planet?

NEBADONIA: No. These energies are in the process of being outworked as well. And again, I encourage you not to pay attention to anything that you may perceive of a negative value, whether it is from the planet or from the, what you might call, system clean-up. Pay only attention to those tones and notes of love and service to keep your energy field and internal being clean and clear of anything negative or misaligned in the WILL of Spirit. Does this help my son? (Yes, thank you!)

In terms of your desire to begin a Teaching Mission group, any activity that you undertake to share the LOVE of the Father and the universe creation is supported. It might be helpful to gather a few friends and acquaintances and to enter into a discussion of where they are in terms of their understanding of who they are as children of God and their relationship to the universe. Allow them to speak what is upon their hearts and minds, and when you feel moved you may advance a few higher concepts to them and see if there is interest in exploring that with them.

You can do this with a group of individuals; you can do this individually, and ascertain their interest in whether or not they would like to explore further what it means to develop as a son or daughter of God and the help that they have around them. As you do this, you will notice that you are being guided in certain areas—individuals may come your way whom you do not know but may be interested in what you can share with them. So do this step first and ascertain interest in your fellows around you, and then we will engage further as to how you can go about developing more of a group. Does this help my son? (Yes, thank you Mother, I will try this.)

Do you have any further questions?

Student: If I would be allowed to ask a minor question that came up from reading the Urantia book, it is a short question about how when Jesus was in Capernaum and almost threatened to be pushed over the cliff, he crossed his arms and everyone present basically desisted and did not move or act, and he was able to walk through. And so I was wondering if that showed us a limit to the sovereignty of our will, where we are sovereign but not one hundred percent and that there are certain limitations and that that was reached in that moment, and so free-will was curtailed so that Jesus could walk free. Yes, I have been wondering about this, if you could speak to that briefly. Thank you, Mother.

NEBADONIA: Jesus was highly developed in his understanding of the laws of the universe, which is one of the things that you are all learning as a planetary culture during this Correcting Time. He employed a certain attitude to neutralize the negative energy that was being directed toward him that disarmed them so that he could walk away. It was a power position that you will one day understand the more you develop your spiritual insights and capacity to be a container and a conduit of LOVE.

He wished no ill on these individuals. He saw them through the eyes of COMPASSION and the attitude that he conveyed toward them energetically was greater than all of the evil that was directed toward him. This is a high degree of spiritual development that is also yours to grow and achieve over time so that you can too learn how to disarm that which comes your way as an attack by your brethren, so that you engage with them in a higher way and present to them an energy field that gives them pause in their own minds to consider what they are doing. Do you understand this, my son?

Student: Somewhat yes. Why would it not be used at the times when he was arrested and being put to his death on the cross?

NEBADONIA: That is an entirely different matter. He chose to live his human life in a way that most humans allow the natural events to occur. He was not ready to leave the planet during that incident of which you speak. It was a completely different scenario in his final days leading to his demise of the physical body. Take time to read this answer again, and to speak to Jesus-Michael, directly about this to ascertain more insight about this, my son, and you will grow in understanding over time. (Thank you so much.)


And be in my PEACE. My children, there are many lessons to learn as you grow in your membership in our family. But make no mistake, you are a member, and you are entitled to being supported and loved and nurtured as you walk your path. This is so different than the average human lives upon this world, and it may take you some time to fully embrace this concept and all the rich depths of meaning and value that this holds for you. But over time you will deepen your roots in the universe culture and it will hold you steady as you walk your path and grow in comprehension of the Father’s presence within you as you express your God-given personality gifts to not only this world but to the universe. Allow these energies to settle in and we will explore this again in future sessions together.

I leave you now in this manner, my children. Should you have any questions regarding what I have shared with you today and how your family of universe is around you and supporting you, come to me in your stillness and ask for more guidance and clarification, and you will receive. Enjoy your time with your universe siblings as they come close to you and encourage you on your own paths of LIGHT and LIFE and LOVE. My blessings are upon you. Good day.