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Old English

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hǣlþ OHG. heilida, -itha, -idha:{em}WGer. type *haili{th}a, f. hail-s WHOLE, HALE: see -TH1.

  • 1. a. Soundness of body; that condition in which its functions are duly and efficiently discharged.
b. Colloq. phr. for one's health, used esp. in neg. contexts or with negative implication, e.g. to be not doing (something) for one's health: to have a serious purpose in doing something, to be doing something for one's material advantage. orig. U.S.
  • 2. a. By extension, The general condition of the body with respect to the efficient or inefficient discharge of functions: usually qualified as good, bad, weak, delicate, etc.
b. bill of health: see BILL n.3 10; formerly in Scotch Law, an application by an imprisoned debtor to be allowed to live out of prison, on the ground of bad health (Bell Dict. Law Scotl.). board of health, (a) in the United Kingdom: a Government Board which existed 1848-58 for the control of matters affecting the public health: its duties are now discharged by the Local Government Board; (b) in the United States: the name of boards of commissioners for controlling sanitary matters, esp. in reference to contagious and infectious diseases. office, officer of health: see health-office, -officer in 8.
  • 5. Well-being, welfare, safety; deliverance.
  • 6. A salutation or wish expressed for a person's welfare or prosperity; a toast drunk in a person's honour.
  • 7. Healthiness, wholesomeness, salubrity. Obs.