2014-06-01-Message for the Heart

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Topic: Message for the Heart

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



My beloved children, this is your Spirit Father Michael. All through the universe there is an established order for life to evolve. You might call it a divine plan, the law of life or universe principles, and it is time for the children of this world to come into a deeper understanding of what it means to follow this orderliness for the functioning of creation. There are many spiritual and celestial teachers who speak into the hearts and minds of men and women to help them awaken and open to what this means.

Your hearts are the first place to receive the impressions of this, to entice you to open to the greater reality of which you are a part. There is much to learn. Life is here to teach you about your relationship to the whole…not only to your world, but to the universe. When you awaken to your relationship to creation, you are ready to imprint upon information from the higher realms, lessons that feed your minds with TRUTH to help you broaden your perspectives and appreciate the principles that govern creation.

Then your minds increasingly become the fertile ground for a wealth of information to stream into your consciousness, nurturing and sustaining you with what you need to grow into healthy, vibrant godly men and women. As more individuals awaken to the spirit within them, the more divine information will seed the human streams of consciousness and invite humanity to choose the higher ways. For now you will not only perceive the truth, but have persistent desires to use it to create better lives for yourselves and your world. This establishes life upon the divine principles of creation and humanity grows in understanding and implementing the heavenly ways upon the earth plane.