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===Topic: '''''Time to Manifest'''''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
Michael: Greetings, my beloved children. This is Michael. What a wonderful time Urantia is impinging upon as She continues to evolve out of the Luciferic legacy and takes her rightful place in our universe family. You cannot quite yet fathom the orchestration of divine help that has been afforded to you to help this beleaguered planet heal from its long dark evolutionary past. But as you know, all things exist within the Father; and rebellion, while not a commonplace occurrence throughout the far-flung universe, does occur from time to time. While you may at some point in your own development look at living on this world as a challenge, and even succumb to frustration and anger at its situations, truly you are very fortunate to grow up in this place, for the benefits that you accrue here and now in this very rugged environment will take you to the far reaches of the universe that so few ascended mortals ever get to experience because you have been tried and tested as sons and daughters of faith.

Faith, as you live each and every day, is building your spiritual muscles. You cannot always see how these spiritual muscles are growing stronger. It is only when you are in circumstances where you are perhaps a little bit out of your comfort zone and you respond in ways that are more demonstrative of the ways of the Father that you see that you have indeed grown in this faith stature. In the coming days this faith will serve you well—hold you steady while others around may, as you say, lose it. But not you! You will remain calm, hopeful, trusting that the WILL of Father is indeed moving its mighty hand throughout the planet and awakening these slumbering hearts of Urantian mortals to the call of Spirit within.

So rejoice, my children, at your status as Agondonters. Come to a deeper appreciation of what it means to grow up on this world. You have my Personalized Adjuster to liaise with your own Father Fragments to provide you with an expanded perspective of this, and to help begin to see this world more as I experienced it during my human life, gaining a greater depth and range of compassion, forgiveness, understanding and mercy toward this world and its beloved inhabitants. So let me minister in your minds now, my children, that your status as Agondonters may be more securely ensconced in faith. Allow your Mother and me access to your minds now as we move in and through you. Receive us, my children. Receive us. (Pause)

Trust as my hand of MERCY touches those places where sin and iniquity reside on your fabric of planetary consciousness. You will see many occurrences happen that may challenge your existing belief systems. I am here to encourage you and support you as you let old things wash away as new life is sprouted within the human heart. You might say that this being done at a more collective level, and since all of you have spent time in communion with me, with your Mother, with your helpers, and with your Father Fragments, you will gain mightily as these new energies show themselves more fully on the planet.

Let this truly be the time of renewal and rebirth, not only in your hearts, but in many hearts. Trust that the Father within you is guiding you to experience ways that you gain to demonstrate the fruits of the spirit to your brothers and sisters. Continue to receive from us. Let these words settle into your minds, helping you to let go of what no longer serves you in this world. Allow what you need now continue to be woven into your consciousness structures, allowing your Mother and me to satisfy those deep needs of your soul. (Pause)

My hand gently guides Urantia into those circuits where LIGHT and LIFE showers the planet in divine radiance and glory. Be prepared to receive these infusions—to play your parts well as awakened sons and daughters of the Paradise Father, representing not only me, but Him to your brothers and sisters who need to be shown the way, who need to be guided on the path until they are more firmly enmeshed in their own faith. Let your faith be a living inspiration to them. This is not necessarily something you can speak of in terms of how they can achieve it other than sharing your own experiences. But when you demonstrate the fruits of the spirit in the midst of change and even calamity, it will make a mighty impact upon their own psyches to stimulate their spiritual potential, and perhaps even move them to ask your questions about your composure and how they can receive that for themselves.

So enter this time of the awakened human heart with joy, delight, appreciation. You will see and experience something that has never before happened upon Urantia. It will bear witness to the glory of the Father. You wonder about what might happen—how this will come about. I say to you: be patient. Wait and see. Watch and witness. Be obedient to the leadings within that nudge you into action—service oriented action to help your brothers and sisters. What delights you will experience when you are obedient to the divine promptings. You already have had some taste of this and that was to whet your appetites for more. While you have read in your Urantia text that service truly is the joy of life, I now encourage you to desire to taste this more fully—to let these flavors of service envelope your emotions, for here is where you will truly find the satisfaction your hearts desire, your souls crave. Let these words settle as your Mother and I continue to nourish you, sustain you and prepare you. (Pause)

Many helpers will come to your side when you are engaged in service. You are all being prepared in various ways. Remember that your time in stillness is of the utmost importance to keep those spiritual connections strong, and to help you increasingly feel the experience of celestial and divine contact—to help your bodies attune to those higher energy signatures so that you know without a shadow of a doubt that you are with us. You are not alone. We are helping you achieve wondrous feats of service to heal this world and its citizenry.

The healing has begun. Now it is time for a greater depth and breadth of it to occur. Spend time with your Adjusters each day that you may become more obedient to the will and call of Spirit that guides you into these service opportunities. Look for them. Be open to them. Sometimes they are very subtle, and you do not even know that this is a door opening for you. If you are not sure, simply ask for guidance in any circumstance you are engaged in, if you have the presence of mind to remember that this might be an opportunity to service—to minister. It could be something very small such as a smile to a stranger on the street. Remember to listen within. Allow your minds and bodies to respond.

Now in your mind’s eye allow this word of SERVICE to radiate into your heart. The benefit of receiving this energy coming from this living word will take you out of your own, as you say, “ego” and put you into that bigger container of SELF where all souls and selves operate. Here is how you grow into that ONENESS that responds to the will of the Father. As you make this transition more spiritual endowments will come your way. This will happen over time as you accrue new senses, new concepts, higher feelings, and make you more effective in loving and serving your brethren.

Let me embrace you one more time before I take my leave and hand you over to the care of your Mother. Prosper in my love, my children. You always have it! It is never withheld, but you must step up to receive, point your thoughts in my direction and you know I will respond. Receive me now and grow, thrive and blossom in my LOVE. (Pause) Good day.

Nebadonia: Hello, my children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. Continue to receive from us as you allow this energy of SERVICE to gain more presence within your consciousness. We use this term to help you appreciate that life is all about: sharing, helping, giving and receiving. This simple word contains within it a great power to transform. You are stepping out of your own limited self-awareness into the greater realm of SELFHOOD where all live and share in the Father’s LOVE.

While you do have an intellectual understanding of this, you have hardly exhausted the potentials within you for loving and devoted service to your brothers and sisters. I daresay you have barely scratched the surface, for the more you serve the greater will your love become. And who among you does not want more love? To be love? To embody love? This is what will happen when you share yourselves with your brothers and sisters in those ways that you feel you are being prompted. Share yourselves with them.

The desire and motivation for service will open doors for you for you to experience this—to practice sharing. While sometimes you will make misjudgments and missteps, do not worry about those for this is training to become cosmic citizens in good standing. The opportunities you have here and now during this pivotal time of change on Urantia will expand your capacities for love in geometric proportions you can hardly yet conceive.

Let this desire for service go deep today. Let my ministry in your minds expand into those places in your consciousness where you still may be retaining those desires of the smaller personal self. You may expand into the desires for serving the larger collective self—the SELFHOOD of the Father in which we all share. Simply focus on your desire to be of service and allow my ministry to permeate into your minds. (Pause)

Little Agondonters! How your Father and I celebrate your growth! We watch with growing delight as you rise above the darkness of your planet’s consciousness and ascend into the light of your universe family. You truly do not yet see all the good that you do and are through the choices you make every day. So it is this faith that helps you grow. It is your love that helps you serve. It is your compassion that helps you forgive. These are mighty, mighty ingredients, indeed, for the Agondonter status. So rejoice in this!

Sometimes your humanity still causes you consternation. I encourage you to laugh at it. Find the humor of being this evolving human soul starting out on a world that once lost its way and now is coming home. When you falter in your own human energy, call on us and we will show you. Particularly stay strong in your own sense of humor and let us strengthen that with the divine perspective of JOY and LIGHT and a light-heartedness that comes with that, that you may share and serve your brothers and sisters with this attitude they so desperately need.

As you keep these perspectives of FAITH and SERVICE foremost in your awareness, you will create many new opportunities to receive us and your helpers, and will grow exponentially in the Father’s LOVE. You know that there is this acceleration occurring now. While you are not necessarily avoiding any steps of growth, you are certainly accelerating them. Sometimes your lessons will seem to hit you fast and furious, but you are well equipped to handle these challenges to move through each and every experience with more spiritual stamina. Continue to allow this energy of SERVICE to move through you as we deepen those connections in your being to the currents of FAITH and LOVE. (Pause)

IT IS TIME TO MANIFEST WHAT FATHER WILLS UPON URANTIA. You are the ones who will take these bold faith steps of service-action along with many others to make these changes the world needs. We do not tell you what to do as much as how to do it. You ask for those opportunities for service to come your way when you feel so motivated. We imprint this living language of SERVICE into you to help this desire go deeper, to engage and envelope every cell of your body. You may indeed partake of the wonders that will come when you serve unselfishly from your heart. (Pause)

The time is about you to be about your Father’s business. Boldly go forth with love, faith, courage, and with a sense of adventure into these times of change. Know we are with you and we are helping impart these changes into the fabric of your planet’s consciousness. I AM NEBADONIA. I AM THE WOMB OF CONSCIOUSNESS of this universe, and I minister to my children, each and every one. But I use your voices to be the catalysts for my children. Allow me to speak through you as your desire for service finds a greater depth of expression and resonates upon your soul. Be in my peace, my children, and glory in my love. Go

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2012]]