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'''Oliver Deux wrote: Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 7:16 PM'''
Dear STuTe
The style of your provocation hit me as to be resembling to what an aficionado of a spectator sport would say.
Discernment is something that needs to be practiced regularly and lends itself readily to personal value manifestations. It is definitely very personal, and thusly unique.
The most important values clearly come from Jesus himself. He said, "...And so send I you abroad to preach this salvation of sonship. Salvation is the free gift of God, but those who are born of the spirit will immediately begin to show forth the fruits of the spirit in loving service to their fellow creatures. And the fruits of the divine spirit which are yielded in the lives of spirit-born and God-knowing mortals are: loving service, unselfish devotion, courageous loyalty, sincere fairness, enlightened honesty, undying hope, confiding trust, merciful ministry, unfailing goodness, forgiving tolerance, and enduring peace." (2054.3) 193:2.2
Discernment can have at its root a courageous loyalty to the values and meaning that have allowed a person to grow spiritually. Can you imagine a time where all interested in the Teaching Mission also studied The Urantia Book? When you said, "I thought the UB says..." it really only reflects on you and your values concerning an epochal revelation that I still recommend to invest as much time with as humanly possible.
All else, ALL ELSE, is at best a co-creation between a human mind and what it allows to filter through its built-in filters. And the human mind is always involved. Daniel prooved this the other day when he listened in to what was being said, and adviced the questioner that the teacher had already answered well enough. The transcriber then continue to point out how really different Daniel's syntax was from that of the channeled teacher, as further proof for Daniel's authenticity. Who needs to be convinced? And the teacher, how very human, allegedly confirmed that Daniel gets it all the worlds right. How convenient it is for the ego to pad itself on its back. A celestial teacher will hardly feed human ego dramas. Basic human phsycholgy, well understood by any teacher worth his or her salt. (And why are there more male teachers than female, when all the world knows that unless the female gender is completely integrated in culture and society and leadership positions, the males will continue to spread teresterone-based thinking, which got us where we are?)
The names of teachers are ever so relative. It is my experience and those of several receivers that I have exchange with and tested this premise with, that, yes, we can open ourselves to lessons, and as the mind desires to speak to a certain teacher that it can accept, that teacher will be there -- no matter what the name is. The celestial downpour will feed into every human crack that opens up. My mind has a whole list of personalities it wants to avoid because I am human and I have my prejudices and personal values, which are not always spirit values. I can only perpetually yearn for the latter to manifest increasingly in my life. I can pray that I get help to manifest them each day more.
New teacher names are often difficult to understand. We have tried spelling, and a co-R/T and I received different spellings. My spirit name was equally difficult to get right. So was it with the Melchizdek Ahmoran, who first was A-moran -- no kidding.
Discernment can grow when you study the revelation and also recall what you recall from hundreds of transmissions you read over time. You look for unfailing consistency. What sticks out too far is very probably mind generated. I think that Churchill was the most advanced leader of his time and not Eisenhower. After Stalin's death Churchill wanted the recently elected president Eisenhower to open towards the Soviet Union. Eisenhower's mentor, John Forster Dulles, opposed that. Going at the present rate, it is only a question of time before we hear from Dulles and Stalin, even Hitler, because questioning minds just want to know what happened to these minds that influenced and killed so many. And why Eisenhower? Was he living the fruits of the spirit then, or was he retrained in the few years since? All that stuff is not the Teaching Mission that I subscribed to, not at all.
Was my mind focused and inclined to speak with personalities that live as close to the Universal Father as we know, and then a bit later talk to historic figures, as Ron has demonstrated, I definitely would have picked Churchill. You see how personal this gets when you set yourself up as a leader in receiving alledged messages from former mortals, who had just a few years, or in the case of brother Jonathan, months to become a teacher. The message will sound okay as long as the spirit values and their fruits are expressed. I am discerningly convinced that teachers could care less if we get names right, or make up phantasy names, as long as spiritual fruits are fed to a planet that is in such desperation for light and life.