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*Video : [ Ascension Chronicles]
As a prerequisite it is recommended you first read [ Blue Lament for Humanity] if you have not already done so.

:With only 3 blinks of an eye remaining before 2017
:With which an event greater than anything you have seen
:Shall descend upon you and infuse all frequencies

:This event will mark the birth of a new vibration
:Within the consiousness of the Earth's biosphere
:The energy contained within will transform ALL

:This transmission began rippling through your morphgenetic fields in 1967
:With an octave shift in 1987 and a harmonic fifth in 2006-2007
:Wave after pulsing wave shall come until she Earth has given birth in 2017

:No ascension finds us where descension has left us
:And no space contains us where time has touched us
:The gathering shall be the departure

:We departed these dimensional and material realms
:Before the universal rift and the polarisation of Gaia
:Where Earth, daughter of Gaia became separated and hostage

:Hiroshima your echoes forever frozen in time
:Enola's kiss is never going to fade away
:Her radiating light caused soul amnesia
:Forever stuck in a repeating time loop

:Hiroshima signalled the urgency and our descension began
:Our blue angels began arriving slowly but surely
:The winter of 1963 it seemed the Earth would freeze
:With John F Kennedy and the Beatles

:A new wave en-mass from 1967 a large influx began
:Each decade brought more and each wave unique and different
:Your children and their chldren are now conduits for what is to arrive
:The ground-force is almost established just a few more blinks

:New harmonics and pulsations of awareness will enter
:The human atomsphere to break down the prison walls
:That enshrouds your minds, hearts and souls

:There is none to fear with this coming event
:Your unique individuality shall not be dissolved
:Instead it will flower and blossom
:To its full and intended potential

:The purpose of this is to set free your your souls and temples
:From recycled reincarnation within this fallen system
:Which is a tool trap used by your enslavers to harvest
:The bio etheric energy of your souls

:The human spirit was not designed for recycled reincarnation
:Repeating and looping over and over the same life and drama
:To tell you that this is a normal condition is a dark lie

:Your bio etheric temples were not designed for such short life spans
:Your enslavers downgraded your genetic template in the garden of Eden
:Your new age institutions are the same harvest trap as your religions
:Your arch-angels are demons and your serpents are your saving angels


:Your duality is two sides of the same coin
:As your enslavers play you off against each other
:An illusion to keep the harvest fresh and thriving

:Your souls are likened unto black-box recorders
:Storing the memory of experiences life after life
:Uploading your experience to your spirit (bio etheric feedback)

:The purpose of this is to fine tune and improve
:Your bio etheric templates for further DNA activation
:Increasing bandwidth and storage capacity allowing
:For further download of your greater spirit into this realm

:They wiped your soul memory lifetime after lifetime
:The longer you have been reincarnating here
:The greater the difficulty to pull away from their gravity

:Ever seeking creations's arrow
:We travel on the edge of ultraviolet supernova light
:As we await creation's signal

:When divine creation shall send a heart-pulse
:A supernova wave encoded with the spirit of humankind

:In that moment the light of a million suns
:Shall birth a majestic supernova
:And it shall wash your souls
:With ultraviolet blue waves

:This light shall be isomorphic by design
:Resonant and tuned only to the spirit of humanity

:All that is not in resonance
:Shall fall and fade away

:As you stand upon Earth's shores
:Listening to her oceans roar
:A sea of ultraviolet blue light shall descend upon you

:A raging wave will wash away the veils of yesterday
:With the vibrations of divine creation

:Pulsar one to pulsar two
:The Vela and the Crab

:Upon our departure from these dimensions
:We left behind synchronised pulsars in your galaxy

:These are time and space markers
:Synchronised to the heart beat of the galactic core

:Communicate with the flicker of distant stars
:Telling tales of your long lost histories

:When the frequency of these pulsars begin to flux
:Your past shall be your future and the future your past

:For you shall not know the depth of your oneness
:Until the very moment of your separation

:When humanity shall rise again and be stripped of the chains
:that have bound and wound it to this fallen time and space

:Humanity encoded holds the secrets of life
:From before the moment of creation
:In your sleep we sing these secrets to your souls
:So they may be remembered like a long forgotten melody

:All that has been taken shall be given
:And all that has been stolen shall be returned
:Humanity's gift has been its curse
:And this curse shall be the fire that ignites its transformation

:Earth is beautiful blue, until another time, another place
:Where silence and peace shall speak as loud as war once did
:And Mother Earth ascends to what she was once before, GAIA.

:And one morning in an unguarded moment
:As you gaze upon your reflection
:In the drop of a morning dew

:You shall realise (realeyes) that the divine
:Is about to birth inside its own creation = YOU

:In the flash of that moment ... All that is Done will be Undone

[[Category: Raphiem]]