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== April 25, 2014 ==
'''Byron Belitsos wrote:On Apr 25, 2014, at 11:48 PM'''
I agree with Rob about this distinction, as the MM is indeed pointed toward the social and political dimensions as well as spiritual.
However, Rob, I don't quite get your point about appeals to money, masses, etc. Don't see anything different than the usual here.
But I do think the equation of Putin and Hitler is way off. And Putin is not the only aggressor; we now know that the West spent billions covertly to disrupt the existing regime in Kiev, and ironically, the current Kiev government has fascist tendencies and even has open Nazis in its supporters. Putin has become aggressive in part BECAUSE of this pro-Hitler element the fomented a coup against the elected government.
That's my 2 cents,
PS  In connection with my conference out here in mid-June, I got in touch with Jeff Cutler and Liz Engstrom Cratty who were mentioned in NEC 18 for their work of bringing the SSDT model to University of Oregon. They agreed to drive south and speak on the subject at our conference and I am thrilled about that. Have a look at the current schedule which is shaping up quite well: