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'''Rob wrote at 9:39pm'''
Thanks again for sharing Marty!
I appreciate your efforts, and while I concur with the document as it pertains to the material endeavor of book publishing, I cannot but observe the thrust of the document focused upon the construction of ‘a’ religion with details as to how it should be made.
Here I remain as an observer of the chameleon like changes in the material forms attempting expression of a spiritual content that is eternal. While it may be that the religion ''about'' the Urantia Book is an evolutionary step forward, it remains a second hand religion.  Alas, religions are not made. The religions of human construction grow up over long periods of time while the revelations of God flash upon earth in the lives of those who reveal God to their fellows. And just as those who heard these words uttered by Jesus did not comprehend them then, neither it seems do those who read these words today.
Looking forward,