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===Topic: ''Self Mastery''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we're grateful to be you children and to receive from you. Thank you for this opportunity today that we may grow in your likeness and become more aware of the presence of our indwelling Father fragments. You know the challenges that we face on this world during this particular time, and we're here to receive from you that we may continue to, not only heal in our own sense of self, but transform our lives and be a healing balm for this world, that it may one day reach the era of Light and Life. Thank you. May your WILL be done now.
NEBADONIA: My precious children, my blessings are upon you! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. There are many opportunities for growth upon your world at this present stage of its evolution. Never before has so much spiritual pressure been applied to the circuits of human consciousness to help you awaken to your spiritual potential and the gift of your personalities at the core of your beings.

We have been sharing ideas as well as energies for you to master yourselves: master your minds, learn how to control your thoughts, and how you interact with one another. One of the components of self-mastery is to discipline yourselves and to maintain a certain level of control in your emotional state wherein you are not only feeling love, peace, joy, compassion, patience and tolerance, and other fruits of the Spirit, but you are actually able to demonstrate them more and more each day—more consistently, and more wholeheartedly.

Self-mastery is certainly not an endeavor that has been a high priority for your planetary cultural development. But you as awakened sons and daughters know the meaning of this, if not the whole—the full value. But your Father and I continue to support your efforts on this path and we hope that each day you are discovering new aspects about yourself that you may grow in self-understanding, cooperation with your Spirit that eventually leads to this masterful state of controlling your energy system and knowing how to use it in alignment with the Father's WILL.

One of the challenges that you face (and by you I not only mean yourselves but your brothers and sisters) is to manage your emotions appropriately. As you know, disruptive emotions such as anger, fear, doubt are all Spirit poisons, and they do mar your ability to remain in a state of peace and openness in the flow of LOVE. As you know, your brothers and sisters are feeling spiritual pressure and this is applying a certain amount of disruption within their own emotions because they have felt things, experienced circumstances that have been detrimental, and they do not know how to transfer these feeling into more positive states.

You will see more such disruptive emotions emerge as your world undergoes this transition in its healing so it behooves you to become more aware of your own emotional states so that you can learn how to better control and change your emotions when you feel certain feelings such as anger or fear.

Your brothers and sisters need to see people who are able to manage themselves in this way. There are too few leaders upon your world who are acting along what you might call more spiritual emotions, those feelings of peace and joy, love and compassion. Many of the leaders of your world are still reacting like children, and this is something that needs to be addressed and changed. So we look to you to help in this great transition stage.

Today, your Father and I are here to help you receive more from us, especially in this place of your emotions. You have a very profound emotional component to your energy systems. You feel things. You experience these emotions, sometimes very deeply. You respond from those places and it affects your behaviors. I encourage you to go within and spend a few moments with your Spirit asking, what are those emotional disruptors that are still operative within your own energy systems that need this realignment in our LOVE and PEACE.

Take a few moments and commune with the Spirit Within. Ask this question, "What emotions do I need to realign in the WILL of Father?" And even if you do not get a specific answer, we will certainly be able to minister to you in the areas you need because we see where you may need some assistance from us. Take your time as you commune with your Spirit as we move in you now my beloved children. (Pause)

There are many emotional disruptors upon your planet. Many of the children of this world continue to foster these emotional disruptors such as fear and animosity. Yet this is all correctable through our LOVE and the peace that comes from that state of deep emotional security which our LOVE provides to you. Your brothers and sisters act out of fear or animosity because they do not have this inner wellspring of peace and love feeding them. There are many impediments in the way and they have not dealt with all of their emotional disruptors. But this is a time of correction, and it is in coming to us as Parents that we can provide our children with this deeper inner validation that will help to quell the inner emotional disturbances and help them find that deep wellspring of LOVE and PEACE they seek.

Your Father Michael in His human life as Jesus was well equipped to handle this type of emotional disruption in your brothers and sisters for those who were willing and ready to receive Him and to feel His presence envelope them and embrace them. Continue to receive. Continue to relax in our embrace that we may help your emotions attune to the higher frequencies of our LOVE. (Pause)

Your world has suffered a great betrayal of trust, and that has fueled a certain type of disconnection from Spirit. While this is all being corrected now, it does take time, and it requires a certain amount of loyal men and women dedicated to the Father's WILL to demonstrate the fruits of the Spirit to your brothers and sisters. There are many individuals who are now reacting to what you call fundamental states of fear and certain erroneous belief systems that stem from superstitions or traditions that are tied to the rebellion cause. They have difficulty letting go of these beliefs because the fear and insecurity they experience is so profound, and it is as if they cannot perceive other concepts because of this underlying emotional disturbance.

When you are engaged with such individuals do not contend with them with their beliefs. Instead ask them about their feelings: What is it they are perceiving? Help them to become more emotionally aware and to introduce ideas that will help them to relax and begin to feel that there is a presence within them that is beckoning them into a better way of perceiving reality. This is what will help them change their minds that the Father Within may introduce new thoughts. But when people live in fear it is very difficult to perceive higher truths because the emotions are so disturbed that that is all they can experience.

So you, in coming into greater states of emotional equilibrium, will provide what you might call a smoother playing field emotionally for your brothers and sisters to perceive. For when you are in a state of great PEACE and LOVE, you emit a signal and it is perceivable, and especially for someone in great fear, there is a part of them that will recognize that LOVE. It is the Spirit and that Spirit will help them open up to what you have to share with them.

I will pause here to let these words settle in as you continue to receive, and as the Father Within you continues to minister to you in your emotions, help you find and reach deeper states of PEACE. (Pause)

Now if you wish, you may bring forward your questions or concerns regarding this topic of emotional disturbances and maintaining equilibrium. I am here to help you, my children, if you need some words to settle your hearts and minds.
QUESTION: This is L. I do have something on my mind. I know a lot of people are on antidepressants, and I'm thinking specifically of my two daughters who are on medical antidepressants and have been for years. I'm just wondering how this affects their spiritual growth, especially at this time of transition and transformation now—if it helps them personally or if it’s a great hindrance. I'm just curious about what's going on here culturally too with the use of pharmaceutical antidepressants and whatever you might be able to help me understand what's going on here. Thank you.

NEBADONIA: There are many components to your question, my daughter. This is a cultural phenomenon, as you know, heightened especially during this correction time because the spiritual pressure upon the planet is bringing up to the surface of one's consciousness, especially in the emotions, the pain of separation from Spirit and the universe.

Most people, because they do not know where to find peace within turn to the external culture and the ways that your institutions have developed to find the answer to their emotional disturbances. We well understand that this is your, what you might call, best intention. But it does not serve individuals well because what it tends to do is to diminish the emotional sensitivity so a person may go through life feeling half alive, only going through the motions of life and not enjoying it fully.

Each individual experiences the pharmaceuticals in their own unique way. Each person has what you might call his or her own unique body chemistry, and so it is challenging for physicians and therapists to find the right mix of substances that will help them. Keep in mind that nature has provided you with all of the natural remedies necessary to restore one's physical, emotional, and mental health. But it is being suppressed, as you know, because of the profit motive in the industries of your culture, and so this is a big challenge for people to undergo and to recognize that there are alternatives and better means to address one's emotional disturbances.

You well understand the practice of stillness during this time to make contact with the Spirit to receive that greater love and healing. You well understand the nature of developing a relationship with Father and me as your Divine Parents to help you perceive and receive all of the love that you need. These are the antidotes for your cultural dilemma, and it will take more time and the development of these concepts in order for more individuals to participate in corrective measures that are positive and healthy.

Now as to your particular children, I would encourage you to pray for them and to hold them in your arms as you envision my LOVE embracing them. Invite Michael into their energy systems and ask Him to uplift them and validate them in the ways that they need. This way they are receiving spiritual energy, and that spiritual energy is registered in their energy systems. The Spirit Within will use that to convey to them that there are other ways in which to address what they are undergoing. This is one of the ways in which you can help them without overtly stepping on their toes, as you say. For if they will not hear the words you speak and are closed to that, then what other ways can you reach them? It is through prayer. Does this help, my daughter?

Q: Oh yes. It helps very much. Thank you, and I will do exactly as you suggested.

NEBADONIA: And as you hold them in your arms, feel for them the love that you felt when they were first newborn and you held them in your arms for the first time. Let those feelings swell. I will enhance them. I will help you perceive that deeper LOVE for them, and when you are at that place ask your Father Michael to step in and uplift them. Be patient, but you will see results if you do this every day and help them receive the love that they so earnestly desire and deserve, and then watch how they blossom in it.

Q: Oh, that's so beautiful. Thank you!

NEBADONIA: Has this answer satisfied you?

Q: Very much so. Thank you. I'm very encouraged.

NEBADONIA: Be in my PEACE my daughter.

My children, you are all so dearly loved, and it is our desire as your Parents to perceive the fullness of our LOVE for you. You grow into this, especially now during this Correcting Time when there is so much available to you. As you walk upon this path of self-mastery, pay attention to your emotional states of heart. When you feel anxious, angry, frustrated, simply come to us and admit what you are feeling and experiencing, and ask us to provide you with something better—an alternative perspective and the concomitant spiritual emotion you need to elevate you above the din of your planetary culture.

This takes time and practice and awareness on your part. But do not berate yourselves when you feel you still harbor these lower emotional states. Your planet is undergoing a cleansing and these states of emotion are very, very superficial now. People are experiencing these emotions, and it scares them because they do not know what to do. But do not be disempowered by what they are undergoing, and learn and master the practice of going within and asking us as your Parents and the Spirit Within to elevate you beyond this. And you will be mightily served and grow in your own emotional equilibrium and be able to sustain those states of peace and love for longer periods each and every day.
I have given you much to consider, much to ponder and incorporate into your own hearts and minds. Continue to grow and flourish in our LOVE, and as you walk this path of transformation and self-mastery you will find new components of yourselves to explore and to demonstrate the fruits of the Spirit into the world. Be light of heart as you go about your transformational journeys, my children, for we are with you. We are watching and helping you grow a little bit more each and every day. My blessings are upon you, and I leave you in my LOVE. Good day!

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2017]]