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===Topic: ''Walking More in Faith''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we are here once again to receive the information you provide to us, as well as to imprint upon your divine natures. We grow in your being. We grow in the presence of LOVE within us that comes from our direct Source through this personality circuit. The imprinting of your essence upon our human natures is of utmost importance to us now as we undergo more transformation upon this planet. So we thank you for what you are providing to us today, and we open ourselves to you now that we may receive more of what we need to help us grow, and to come into that place of mastering our energy systems in fulfilment of our human potential. Thank you so much for what you provide. May your WILL be done.
MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children! This is your Father Michael. In today’s focusing I invite you to place your attention and your desire for self-mastery to be encircuited in my human life experience as your brother Jesus. There is much to be gained from your being more centered in my human life experience to support you in the cultivation of your own human potential as a goal of self-mastery. I walked the path you now trod, and it is a path indeed. It is a step-by-step alignment in the action of the Divine Presence within you.

This is not then easily achieved by the humans of this world, and while there are many influences that may interfere with your achievement of self-mastery, you are also given much support and help to accomplish this one day if this is truly and sincerely the desire of your heart. Your Mother and I provide the means by which you accomplish this step by step. You are actually imprinting upon a certain quality of spiritual frequencies that provide you this path that you may walk more in FAITH and in assurance that you are indeed on the road to accomplishing your spiritual objectives.

As we begin I invite you to merely focus on my life as your brother, as one who was dedicated fully to unifying with the Father’s WILL, and to achieve the objective contained within my divine life plan. Each one of you has a specific divine life plan, purpose, objective. But the means by which you achieve this is very similar. It is always a matter of going within and seeking the edification from your Indwelling Spirit to condition your thoughts and uplift your emotions to those realms of LOVE and WISDOM.

If this is your true and sincere intention today, place your focus on my human life and the memories and the energies that I left here for my human brethren of this world to imprint upon to help you in your own growth process. Center your thoughts on the energies of fulfilling your human potential as you focus on me as your devoted brother Jesus. Your Mother and I will move in you now, my beloved children. (Pause)

Within each individual is a rich vein of potential. This is for you to tap into at a certain point in your life and to open to how you may express this potential throughout the experiences of your lives. So few humans of this world are able to tap into this treasure trove, you might call it. So few people are aware that this even exists within themselves because it is at such a deep place within their psyches that they cannot perceive this, especially when they are encumbered by negative emotions and disquieting thoughts that speak of being disempowered.

But this is not so. And you, my children, are aware that you have this within, but the question now becomes, “Do I wish to fulfill this? Do I have it in me to achieve my human potential during this human lifetime?” I say to you: you do have it within you, and you can indeed achieve this. But you must have faith in yourselves, in the presence of God Within you. Because this is a collaboration of the human will aligning with the Divine Presence that says: “Yes I can, and I will achieve this through my day-to-day living experiences, through my interactions with my brothers and sisters, and through my practice of quieting my mind to make contact with the Divine Presence seated in my inner core and running through my consciousness.”

The process is simple, you might say, but the effort is arduous. Because it is a thought-by-thought, moment-by-moment adjusting your thinking to that of the Divine Presence within. It is a habit. It is a pattern, and in my human life I practiced this pattern. Now, was I able to do this overnight? Of course not! It took many years of devotion, of communing with my Father’s Presence that enabled me to achieve this state of self-mastery. But I did this as a human, just as you do each and every day. But the advantage you have is that my Spirit of Truth lives within you, and your Mother is cleansing the circuits of your planet’s consciousness through a massive spiritual infusion that did not occurring during my human lifetime.

So the question expands a little further in saying, “Do you dare to achieve your human potential?” With all of the help you have around you, it is so possible, and even evident that this is an inevitability that will come to pass one day on this planet. And you will have participated in preparing the circuits of the planet’s consciousness by your own life path, in contribution of how you think and feel and act to this collective circuit for others to be supported through human effort, just as I am providing this to you through my own human life experience. I will pause here and give you some time to consider what has been conveyed as your Mother and I continue to imprint upon you, my children, for your edification and upliftment. (Pause)

Now, your Mother and I are well aware of the distractions and impediments you face in attempting to achieve your human potential. This is not an easy passage to go through as there is so much spiritual pressure being applied upon the circuits of your human consciousness that you may perceive the error and evil that has plagued you for so many millennia. But when you focus upon this distraction, you are actually weakening your spiritual potential. Do you recognize that you have within you a Spirit of Courage that is designed to support you, condition your thoughts and uplift your emotions to a realm where all that you wish to achieve in alignment with divine WILL is possible? Do you dare to tap into that COURAGE and use it in fulfillment of self-mastery? Yes, there are times when you do feel weak, discouraged, isolated, but this is the voice of distraction, and you have a choice to make: “To which voice will I listen?”
Now, we understand that your emotions come into play here, that these distracting voices do foster feelings of unworthiness and disempowerment. But that is because it is tied to a false perception, and the more you feed that, the worse it gets. And the more you feed the Spirit of Courage through your aligned decisions, the more powerful you become. Now, in my human life I had to make these decisions as well. And there were times when it was challenging, and I had to take myself away from the distractions that my human family put upon me, their opinions, their beliefs, and go off by myself to obtain clarity and direction. You may have a few more distractions in your culture than I had, but you are also getting more support and encouragement.

I say these words to you, my children, but they are meant for all of your brethren. You are now at that point of decision in your collective consciousness—what voice will you listen to? Will you heed the Inner Voice that is urging you on to fulfill your human potential and achieve self-mastery? It is all possible, and we are simply awaiting the decision of each person.

Continue to receive as you focus on my life, and if you wish, also appeal to the presence of the Father Within and ask for more help that you may move deeper into this objective of the fulfilment of your potential and self-mastery, allowing yourselves to be illuminated in mind and heart. (Pause)

Should you wish to address me with your concerns or questions regarding this subject matter, please feel free to bring them forward. However, if you wish to engage with me in silence that is also perfectly acceptable. It is your choice.

My beloved children, during this particular phase of the Correcting Time, there is so much for you to achieve. You have a wealth of support right by your side. So conquer your fears! Avoid the distractions of your culture! Set your course firmly and forever more on the Presence of the Father, who will gently, steadfastly, patiently guide you to the fulfillment of what you have within you to achieve that supports the manifestation of the divine plan upon Urantia.
You are active participants in this undertaking now, and your Mother and I desire to see you fully operative in this way, that you may be our ambassadors and the agents of change upon your world. Is this a mighty call to action? Yes, it is! Will you rise to the occasion? Only you can answer that. But you are mightily fortified in Spirit, and you are ably and expertly guided by all of the help you have around you and within you. So now I leave it in your hands.

Take time to ponder this message, my children. Take it in, reflect upon it, seek guidance, and then move forward to the best of your ability. Your Mother and I are there to support you as you take these steps of faith each day, ever more moving forward to achieve that goal of self-mastery and expressing the RICHNESS, the BEAUTY, the GOODNESS, the TRUTH and the LOVE that is your human potential. I leave you with that consideration, my children, and I wish you a most joyful good day in growing in the Father’s WILL.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2017]]