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===Topic: ''The Nature of Trust''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]], [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
Prayer: Mother and Father, we’re so grateful to have this opportunity to receive you in our bodies and in our minds. Thank you for preparing us as we open our lives to you, helping us imprint upon your natures and your words, supporting our efforts at transformation and soul development. We invite our celestial helpers into our systems of consciousness to bring in these energies that we need for our spiritual nourishment and transformation. Thank you for all the ways you support us during this very challenging time of planetary transformation. Strengthen for the challenges in the days ahead that we may stay positive and focused in you, and be able to help our brothers and sisters to open to the Father’s presence within them. Thank you. May your WILL be done.
MICHAEL: My beloved children, welcome! My PEACE is upon you. This is Michael. Take some deep breaths that your Mother’s presence may super-charge you with LIFE. Allow its currents to flow through you, bathing each cell with LIGHT and our LOVE. As you know, it is your birthright to be in relationship with us—to receive these energies. The qualities of these energies will impart new sparks of information into your beings at all levels of your consciousness, ranging from the physical to the spiritual. And it is important for you to receive this now at deeper levels of your being as more LIGHT bathes this planet, bringing in the transformational energies you require to continue to grow in the Father’s LOVE and build a new planetary culture for Urantia.

You are all being guided in various ways. Your personalities are unique and therefore your guidance will be tailored to your specific needs of character/spiritual development. So in today’s infusion your Mother and I invite you to relax. Breathe deeply. Simply be in that state of reception where we share ourselves with you, you share yourselves with us, you may grow in this relationship bond to help you achieve more of your spiritual potential and soul development. Receive us now, my dear children. Allow the energies to circulate, penetrate deeply into your entire beings. (Pause)

What you bring to us is trust. This comes from your innate faith relationship in which you exist as children of the First Source and Center. Trust is the crucial element that you bring to us that says that you appreciate that you are connected to a divine Source, that you have this inner assurance that we love you and support you in positive and loving ways. It is paramount to your self-mastery to grow in this trust, to tap into that intrinsic faith nature of your human potential. You may achieve greatness through the Father’s presence within you.

Your innate human nature is good. It is beautiful. It was designed in perfection, and it is perfectly evolving through your inner strivings and yearnings to become Father-like. In today’s infusion of our spiritual natures into your own systems of consciousness, your Mother and I invite you to trust more fully in your innate human nature. The Father Himself put this into play, speaking into creation: “BE YOU PERFECT AS I AM PERFECT.” Your perfecting nature is a wondrous and wonderful unfolding to behold and to enjoy. But do you really enjoy your human nature? Do you really enjoy what you are embarked upon?

I say this to you encourage you to trust more fully in yourselves and the order of your human nature of how you were designed to experience creation, to explore reality, and to one day stand face to face in the presence of the Father Himself. Even though the energies of the rebellion have done their utmost to deter you from this achievement, now as those energies are stripped away from your planet’s consciousness, are you in more favorable positions to go deeper into this exploration of your humanity that you may grow in the perfection of your human nature. And of course, I am here to support you not only as your Father but as your brother Jesus, and to share with you my experiences as a human to help you achieve that personality symmetry in alignment of the Father’s WILL within your own beings.

We have been encouraging you in this process of self-mastery. We desire that you come into a more full comprehension of what this means that you may achieve this through your strivings and efforts. And how beautiful it is for your Mother and I to behold your efforts, to cheer you on, to provide you with the support you need to shake off the rebellion mindset and move into more Father-likeness.

So with that being said, I now invite you to simply return to your focusing and your desires to attain more of that inner recognition of your evolving human nature and the beauty that you are co-creating through the Father’s presence within. Allow your Mother and me to minister to you now, my children, seeding these words into your minds that they may produce wonderful fruits of the spirit through your efforts. (Pause)

Love your human nature, my children. It is such a beautiful gift. Even though you may still from time to time succumb to feelings of doubt or insecurity, more and more will these feelings dissipate as you accept and love your human nature. As you do this, it will provide the perspective of what this means from a divine standpoint to come into view. The Father’s presence within you will be able to illuminate greater cosmic truths to shine into your minds to help you perceive this human nature from a broader viewpoint of reality.

So few humans truly understand who they are, and when you carry this comprehension and the accompanying value of your human nature you will be able to help your brothers and sisters come out of their unworthiness, come out of their insecurity, be piqued by curiosity in how you maintain your composure—your innate sense of self when things around you seem to fall away. As the old planetary consciousness structure crumbles many people will be rocked by insecurity and there you stand—strong, stable, secure, ready to help them establish their inner connection and bring them into their inner understanding of who they are as children of God.

As these words settle in, continue to value your human nature. Take a few moments to ask the Father Within to provide you with that enhanced perspective of the value of who you are as an evolutionary ascender having this material life experience here upon Urantia. (Pause)

Yes, my children, love your human nature! It is a beautiful gift. We do not expect you to understand all of the cosmic reasons for your evolutionary ascension journey. You will grow in this as you move from level to level. But first and foremost, you are here upon Urantia and have a planetary assignment. It is simple, truly! To come to love the Father, take time to commune with Him each day, to love yourself, to love your human nature, to serve your brothers and sisters interacting with them with love, compassion, patience, tolerance. It really is a simple recipe for achieving success in life.

Even though your planetary culture speaks otherwise, you are gaining a greater assurance in the truths of this simplistic type of living that you may seek it, achieve it, live it and demonstrate its value more and more each day. And the fragrance you exude in living this type of Father-centered life is so beautiful, and it expresses itself in ways that you still have yet to truly comprehend. So enjoy your human experience. When you feel strained, confused, come to me both as Father and brother and I will help you. I will share my human life experience with you; help you know with more assuredly of the beauty of what it means to be a human living on a material world.

I will leave you now, my children, that your Mother may speak you, encourage you, continue to shine Her LOVE into your beings that you may imprint upon the energies you need and move into this understanding that will catalyze more soul development and help you live here upon Urantia as a living soul having a most wonderful human experience. Savor that experience, my children. It is the Father’s gift to you. My PEACE is upon you, and my LOVE is flowing through you now, helping you achieve greater inner understanding of the beauty of who you are. Good day!

NEBADONIA: Greetings, my precious children. This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks! Circuits of LIGHT and LIFE connect you to the greater reality of the universe in which you live. The energies of the rebellion mindset are leaving your consciousness, helping you to acquire that broader and deeper understanding and feeling of the innate loveliness of what it means to be a human.

To help you fully invest yourself in this human nature, it is more important to simply desire this than to intellectually ascertain all of the ramifications of what it means to be a human. Father’s presence within you is well equipped to guide you through this material life and convey those wonderful insights you need to make sense of it all, especially from the broader perspective.

Your Father shared much information with you, and now I invite you to quiet your minds, focus in your hearts that I may weave into you these words to imprint upon your energy systems and to give you more of that spiritual bandwidth, you might say, for your bodies to adapt to what we would like you to experience of loving your human nature, trusting in this process of evolution. (Pause)

The beauty of your human nature is that each one of you will experience it uniquely based on your personality relationship to the Paradise Father and the presence your Father Fragment’s moving you into creative self-expression. It is all unfolding in this larger container of ONENESS—the unity and harmony contained within divine plans of creation. Your energy systems are being recalibrated to attune to this true reality. And more and more you lose the grasp that the rebellion energies had within your systems of consciousness. So it is courage you all hold that desire to move into this deeper relationship with your human nature. It is so good. And one day you will experience the goodness of what this means to be a human, affording you more spiritual energy to be about the Father’s business and express your beautiful personality potential, especially demonstrating this to your brothers and sisters of what it means to be fully alive and engaged with LIFE.

This is what the world needs to see, my children! You are among those most fortunate to receive the restructuring of your consciousness that will enable you to live more fully as a human, helping human potential in the collective to develop all according to the Father’s plans. Continue to receive from me and your angelic sisters who are helping you open to these new circuits. (Pause)

Over time as these circuits continue to integrate into you, you will experience a different type of enthusiasm and vigor for living the spiritual life. You will become infectious as now you are super-charged with the benign virus of LOVE—carrying that, exuding that, catalyzing your brothers and sisters in ways that will support their spiritual growth and transformation. So you have everything to gain by loving and accepting your human nature. And it is one more step on the path of self-mastery.

Your Father Michael is expert in guiding you along this path through His human life. So avail yourselves fully of His life experience, and ask Him to share with you how He felt about His human life. You might be very surprised at what He wishes to convey to you! But you will be well-equipped to handle any challenges that come your way when you are indeed flowing and full of His perspective. It will strengthen you. It will gladden your heart, edify your mind, and stimulate your soul. So stand tall, proud, strong that you are a human child of the First Source and Center having this incredible life experience on tiny Urantia.

Let the complaints of the past about your lives fall away as you gain this greater strength of heart and mind in the joy of what it means to be fully human. How many children of this planet have truly experienced this and lived from this attitude? Very few! So let yourselves be among the first who dare to live as a fully engaged human. You all have it within you, and your Father and I are helping you, activating you, catalyzing these energies to help you awaken to your potential and live as best you can each day.

Some days you will feel you are making progress and other days it seem slow or even immobile. As long as you keep this attitude and desire within your heart, you will grow and you will be successful, for this is our desire for you and it is the universe’s for you. Your cosmic siblings desire this for you and are helping you open and achieve this. Some of the recognition on your part is conscious, and some of it is not. But the most important factor for you is to set that agenda for yourself and be willing to walk the path of human soul development and to know-trust that you will get the support you need to achieve this.

Let these words settle in now as I continue you imprint upon these energies and ideas. Relax and breathe deeply as I move in you through the help of your angelic sisters. (Pause)
My children, it is such a joy for me to witness your development. Revel in your evolutionary adventure for it truly is the most marvelous experience you will ever have. The cosmic unfolding of a raw human nature into a glorified spirit expression of the Father is most wondrous to behold. And daily you are achieving this one step at a time. But it is a long journey, and now it is time for you to truly awaken and accept this nature and the pacing of it; that you have the broader and expansive perspective of who you are and where you are headed.

We will continue to help you in your endeavors, and I encourage you to keep this concept of loving your human nature in the forefront of your minds that you may increasingly expand your comprehension and help you with the requisite patience you need to achieve this one celebratory step at a time.

My children, you are all so beautiful! My Mother’s LOVE supports you. You are safe and secure. Walk boldly and proudly in your human nature and demonstrate the joys of what it means to live this life on Michael’s beloved world. Be the gifts you are to your brothers and sisters that they may too see the beauty of what it means to be a human living this life in creative expression of the Father. I bid you a most wonderful and joyful good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2017]]