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===Topic: ''The Value of Human Nature''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
Prayer: Mother and Father, we’re so grateful to have this opportunity to come before you to receive your words and your guidance, as well as to receive that which you provide to us of your personalities. We open ourselves to receive you now and we thank you for all ways in which you help us: that which is perceived and that which is unperceived. We welcome the presence of our celestial helpers to weave us in the circuits of your being. We thank them as well. May your Will be done through your GRACE and LOVE. Thank you.
MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children. This is Michael. Arduous times are part of life. They come before you in many challenges. Your lives during this transformational phase on Urantia can be quite challenging, especially when you live in cultural climates that are conditioned by many influences that do not follow the divine plan of LIFE. Your culture is in such a position now, and it behooves you to become steadfast in your spirit that you may indeed ride out these waves of change with hope, faith, strength, courage, and a spiritual vitality that will render you immune to what you see occurring before you.

The humans of this world have not had an easy time in their evolutionary ascension. That is not to say that evolutionary life is easy, but on your world it is more difficult. There are many influences that try to deter your spiritual growth. But spiritual growth is not insurmountable. Those of you who have awakened to the presence of Father Within know the truth of this. You are all being carefully guided that you may achieve more vital soul development and spiritual growth during this brief but intense human life experience.

To support you in your efforts, your Mother and I are here to provide you with more what you need, opening you to various circuits of spiritual life and energy to nurture and sustain as you continue to undergo inner transformation and development. We have been guiding you on the path of self mastery for several months. We will continue in this vein for this is the single most important aspect of your life—to gain this mastery over your selves. This will give you such a great joy of accomplishment, and you only have to turn to me as your brother Jesus to help you understand and experience what you must in order to gain this heightened state of consciousness and living.

We have been helping you perceive your innate human value—this significance of why humans have been created for the evolutionary adventure. And today I will help you with this further that you may imprint upon these energies of HUMAN VALUE to come into the deeper relationship with who you are as this individuated spark of LOVE from the Paradise Father Himself. It is my responsibility to guide you on this path. And your relationship with me will continue for many, many epochs of your life, moving from translation to translation from morontia career to your early spirit life. But that is for a future age. I am here to support you as you move into more transformation in your own lives of what it means to be this evolutionary human having this very rugged experience on my beloved Urantia.

So settle in. Focus in your hearts. Take some deep breaths. Allow your desire for your HUMAN VALUE to take deeper root into your beings. Let it move into those areas of your mind where you may still harbor feelings of confusion, doubt. If you find there are still feelings of unworthiness, acknowledge them and let this VALUE energy move into them. It is time for the children of this world to know their immense worth and value to the evolutionary plan of creation. And you are among those who are on the forefront who are able to perceive this. But is it not only to perceive it, we want you to live it, embody it, demonstrate this by the very fact of your lives, the very presence among your brothers and sisters. So let these words form around you—HUMAN VALUE. Your Mother and I will minster to you, my beloved children. (Pause)

As you imprint these energies of HUMAN VALUE, it will help you in your perception of the Father’s LOVE for you, not only help you experience a deeper sense of His LOVE to help you demonstrate this LOVE out in the world more and more to your brothers and sisters who are in desperate need for love. You are being groomed to carry this as a charge of spirit to catalyze others when you are in close proximity to them, especially when you begin to perceive them as this beloved child of the Father who has an eternal destiny, who has much goodness and truth within them. You can do much to activate another human being, just as I activated many during my human life as Jesus. It is the same for you. We are helping move into these more profound levels of LOVE consciousness that your value may become commensurate with the love you perceive from the Father.

Continue to focus on this as these words settle in. Feel your need for your true value to resonate deeply down to the core of your being. (Pause)

Human value is at the core of who you are. It is a perception of the significance of what it means to be an evolutionary ascender having a life on a material world. This is unique order of life in the universe. It is no less valuable than my personality order or any other personality order. It is all the same to the Father. Your function is vital to the unfolding of His creative plan. The more you invest in your human value will you grow in love, gain in spiritual comprehension, intellectual development of your role in this massive creative undertaking.

Moving from your present state of awareness into this deeper level of your value gives you a great assistance in your soul development. People who wallow in unworthiness, guilt and shame have a more difficult time growing spiritually because they do not recognize who they are and that spiritual vitality cannot penetrate through these emotions unless superhuman help is sought and the inner eye perceives something of greater value.

How many people do you know operate in these states of unworthiness or shame about who they are? Some people hide it very well under what you might call the ego sense of bravado or even a sense of self-deprecation. When you encounter individuals such as these do your best to shine that essence of HUMAN VALUE into their hearts. You do not have to do this with words for they may fail you at times. When you radiate this essence of HUMAN VALUE that you contain into them, it will alter them. It might be subtle, but their Adjusters will pick up on that and help them in the ways they are able to perceive.

So you see, my children, much good is gained when you invest in this energy, when you seek it, when you acknowledge that this is your divine birthright. And over time as you grow in this when you have certain experiences to share love with others will you gain more power and strength in your own sense of self and how you can be here on the planet more in keeping with the life that I embodied for you as Jesus. (Pause)

Your world is so loved. You cannot yet comprehend all of the mercy ministry streaming into this planet. One day you will know, but it is still a matter of faith for you to participate with us in this time of correction. The great change comes in the human family growing this recognition of the value you have to the unfolding of this correcting time and your relationship to the universe as a whole. There are many who are being prepared to be the teachers of this new age and there are many truths to be shared to illuminate human consciousness to perceive this innate value. But more than that, it is important for your hearts to be opened that you may receive this VALUE, gain strength and grow from these energies. They are so nurturing to your entire beings.

So continue to drink deeply of your HUMAN VALUE. In a few moments I will invite you to ask your questions or relay your concerns if you have any. (Pause)

I invite you now to bring your questions forward if you feel so inclined. You may remain in this meditative state if you wish and continue to imprint upon these energies of HUMAN VALUE. I am ready whenever you are. (Pause)

Beloved children, so much is changing within you. Allow these changes to unfold. The presence of the Father within you is ready to lead you into the fields of sacred service where your happiness will grow and reach new heights. Urantia is well poised for change, and you are among those who will be making these changes. Even though you may not see all of the consequences your efforts make, they are recorded and one day you will know all of the good that you have produced here.
From time to time you will still question your inner strength and ability. From time to time you may still feel very human and make mistakes. But that is acceptable. It is normal and natural. Never doubt your value! Never question the beauty of who you are! When you find yourself succumbing to your own shortcomings, simply acknowledge them and ask for help to perceive the better way. Truly, it is this simple. But even though you may still fall short from time to time, as you allow and meditate on these energies of HUMAN VALUE will you see this become strengthened in your mind and heart, and the limitations of your humanity will seem less significant, and the Father’s presence and action in you take deeper root and grow.

This is as it should be. You are living in a time when more of this is possible, and the supportive energies around you give you more impetus to live these lives of dynamic love and service to your brothers and sisters. So enjoy this session of receiving your HUMAN VALUE and ask the Father’s presence within you to illuminate your heart and mind of how the Father perceives you. Allow your faith to grow. Allow trust in this process of becoming more beautiful and Father-like each and every day, and you will be able to do great things in service of the Correcting Time in loyal devotion to the edification and spiritual development of your brothers and sisters. It is all before you, my children. It is only upon you to walk this path with sincerity and faith and the Father’s LOVE paving the way for you. I leave you in His LOVE, my children, and I thank you for your participation in my plan of correction. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2015]]