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===Topic: ''The Rhythm of Divine Will''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Nebadonia]], [[Michael]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, thank you for this time with you that we may be more aligned in your WILL and your LOVE. Thank you for weaving us together heart to heart, soul to soul, Adjuster to Adjuster as we come before you to receive you and to imprint upon your personality energies and essences. We’re so grateful for all the love and care you provide to us, and we thank you for strengthening us in your WILL that we may more receptive to the leadings of our Father Fragments and be here more in a Christ-like manner. You know what we need and we open ourselves up to you to receive with grateful hearts. Thank you and may your WILL be done.
NEBADONIA: Greetings, my little ones! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. Settle into the energies we provide to you now as your Father and I minister to you in these circuits of LOVE that emanate from the Father in Paradise. This is your time to rest and to receive the divine embrace. Your energy systems are being upstepped subtly, and yet there is more for you to absorb of who we are that you may become more of who you are in the presence of the Father Within you.

The circuits of the planet are gaining strength in spiritual energy. Many provisions are being made to you and your world to help you in this massive outworking of the legacy of the rebellion. And as you know, it is no small measure to help you receive more of your divine inheritance and grow in the leadings of the Father Within.

Take some deep breaths. Let your minds become more quiet and receptive. Allow your bodies to deepen in relaxation. This is a very receptive state of being for you to allow us to imprint upon what you need to grow. Receive us. Simply thank us for our presence in you and be as that little child of faith, trusting in our love for you and how we wish to support your lives during this time of transition and transformation. (Pause)

There is a rhythm of the Father’s WILL within your beings. I invite you to place your internal gaze at the solar plexus chakra that we may imprint more of our energies in this region of your beings. The gift of free will given to you by the Father as those individuated expressions of His LOVE affords you the ability to make the supreme choice to follow the ways of the Father—that which you might call divine WILL. This WILL has a rhythm. You might call it the evolutionary impulse for life that guides you ever forward.

Today, I invite you to relax into this rhythm of the Father’s WILL as you focus in this region of your beings. Sometimes your lives become so imbued with the hectic pace of your modern culture that you forget that there is another rhythm of life—a much slower pace. If you have challenges in relaxing your body that you cannot even feel this rhythm in your will center, you can always call on Jesus and ask Him to help you calibrate to this rhythm that He was able to magnificently live in and live His life from that place of following the Father’s WILL.

Even in your fast-paced modern culture you can find yourselves slowing down—slowing down your thoughts, slowing down your actions, that you create more mindfulness within your being that the Father’s presence within you would have more access within your consciousness to convey how to live more in alignment with that rhythm and what Father wishes to experience through you.

As these words settle in, feel your desire your bodies to open to more of the WILL of the Father through this energy center of the solar plexus chakra. Your Father and I will continue to minister to you. Breathe and relax. Feel your desire to slow down—to come into this divine alignment. (Pause)

Mindfulness is what you are cultivating. The circuits of your mind are able to expand when you are in this more relaxed slower rhythm. You might say that your bandwidth of your mind is being attuned to the superconscious currents, and you are acclimating your body rhythms to these energies.

So few humans of this world take the time to cultivate this mindful state, and it is our desire that you would be able to develop this as you work towards your goals of transformation and self-mastery. You only have to look to Jesus as the individual who was able to cultivate this and live from this state moment by moment. It is an endeavor worth undertaking, and it must be practiced, as you might say, mindfully, consciously with intention and desire with the recognition that you are allowing the Father’s presence within you to gain greater stature and more dominion over your own human thoughts—the thoughts the Father wishes to express through you would become more perceived and acted upon.

Continue to receive. Allow these subtle energies in your body to expand you in this quality of divine rhythm and mindfulness. (Pause)

Each moment of your lives is able to imprint upon the divine WILL. This is part of the process of self mastery, and your Father and I desire that you cultivate this state of mindfulness more and more each day. We certainly do not expect you to be perfect at this, but for you to truly desire this as a goal of your human experience.

You have pools of creative potential just waiting to be activated through this state of being. How do you know what can happen from moment to moment when you are more full alignment of the Father’s presence within you? Some of you are already gaining a sense what you can do in conjunction with the Father during the routines of your daily lives. And this infusion from us into your will centers is designed to help you relax in the rhythm of LIFE in the unfolding of the evolutionary plan for your lives by and through and with the Father’s presence within you. (Pause)

The circuits of LIFE are all around you, my children! There are there for you to come into a greater relationship. The Father Within will help you use these circuits of LIFE—help you understand them, help you perceive their function that you may not only heal your lives but grow and come into the greater understanding of how the energies of LIFE operate, that you may use them to help your brothers and sisters with their healing and transformation. So you see, we make everything available to you that the course of your lives may continue to change and move in alignment with the WILL of the Father, whose guiding hand in your life moves you ever forward one step at a time on your Paradise ascension journey.

I will leave you in this manner now, my children, that your Father Michael may address you. But my LOVE and mercy ministry in your minds does not end. You only have to turn to me when you need that internal refreshment and renewal to help the currents of your mind grow in SPIRIT, flourish in LOVE. My blessings are upon you, my dear ones. I withdraw. Good day.

MICHAEL: My PEACE is upon you, my children! This is Michael. You bring joy to my Father’s heart as you open yourselves to receive our endowments of LIGHT and SPIRIT. How will you use these energies we impart to you? We watch you as you grow as you interpret the spirit sparks from your own indwelling Fathers to create new expressions of love and service out in the world.

Today, I wish to address this element the rhythm of the Father’s WILL, and to share with you more of my human experience as your brother Jesus that you may calibrate upon what I was able to understand and create in my own life of living more fully in the Father’s WILL.

So many of my children of this world think that they do something—pursue a certain course of life in order to follow the Father’s WILL. And partially this is true, but what is more true and more important for your lives is that you have this desire, this inclination-intention if you will—to become more attuned to the leadings of the Father: what is His desire for your life, what are His ways of doing things. This rhythm, though it may be subtle and sometimes even incomprehensible to you, is there to teach you that your mind is not yours alone--that it is inhabited by divine beings who have the ability to teach you the ways of the universe.

Now, you understand this intellectually. But there are subconscious influences within your being that interfere with you doing this more naturally, even you might say, reflexively in your lives. So it is my desire to help you perceive the more subtle levels this rhythm of the Father’s WILL—the way of creative evolution. So as you continue to focus your solar plexus chakra, we will now carve what you might call a deeper channel within that to help some of the subconscious resistance begin to open and yield to higher influences of the Father, and what your Mother and I can help you outwork as we continue to move in you. Feel your need—your true need—to be more aligned in this rhythm of the Father’s WILL that I may help you from my experience as Jesus to bring you into deeper alignment in your bodies and in the circuits of your minds. (Pause)

If you wish, you may focus on these words: IT IS GOOD TO DO THE FATHER’S WILL. Let this gently repeat in your minds’ focus. Let these energies help you release tension in your body resistance, helps you more deeply relax into the presence of your Father. (Pause)

It was no small feat in my human life to develop the state of mindfulness wherein I felt the presence of the Father Within me at all times. You too can achieve this. It is not insurmountable. The way is open. The path is laid before you. I will walk with you. I will teach you and show you how to achieve this. And you may come to me both as your Father Michael and as your brother Jesus to help you do this. But that is your focus during the day. Keep your eyes on me and the desire to be more aligned in the rhythm of the WILL of the Father. Each day make the honest attempt no matter how much time you can devote to this, whether you are in stillness or in activity. It is where you place your thoughts that will render this attempt more fruitful and productive.

Let these words settle in, my children, that they may create a deeper interest and desire on your part to do this more and more each day. (Pause)

The circuits of LIFE and LIGHT are imprinting into you, and over time you will more fully integrate into them and be able to discern and follow the leadings of the Father more effectively and consciously. Be patient with your evolutionary nature. It was designed to operate at a certain pace under the over-control of the Father Within you. The more you relax into this rhythm of divine WILL, the more peace you will achieve, the greater insights you will apprehend, the brighter the light will shine from your eyes and your soul, and you will be recognized amongst your fellow as one who has achieved the higher states of beingness that demonstrates the beauty of God out in the world.

I know these are your desires, and we appreciate your efforts by supporting you with these energies that you may learn how to use them by applying them in your own lives and then moving out in devoted service to your brothers and sisters in the ways you are being guided. So know that while this may be a new experience for you, you can become more attuned to the rhythm of the WILL of the Father Within. When you become more adept at discerning feeling and experiencing this, your lives will take on a richer dimension and bring you more joy and self-confidence and inner peace.
As I withdraw from this circuit today in this manner, know that there are many around you who will continue to support your transition into these energies to help you attune and calibrate to what your Mother and I have provided to you. So relax more into these unfolding of your lives. Find new joy and meaning in what is occurring within that you may be led more expertly, consciously where your angels and helpers are guiding you to be a blessing to all around you. You live in my LOVE, my children. There is nothing to fear.

Let yourselves move in this rhythm now. Let the presence of the Father grow in your lives and bring you into that state of consciousness that I was able to achieve here during my earth life. Grow in my PEACE and share my LOVE. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2015]]