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===Topic: ''Q & A with Mother''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, thank you for this time to be with you, to receive your words of guidance. Thank you for helping us open to more of these spiritual endowments that you make available to us as we grow in your grace and in the Father’s will. We’re so grateful for all of the energies that you share with us to support our transformation, that we may be here more as living expressions of Father’s will in thought, word, and deed. Thank you.
NEBADONIA: Greetings, my beloved children. This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. I invite you to open to a deeper expansion of who you hold the construct of self to be that which you know as the (person’s names) of your self-expression. The purpose of this is to help you delve into the energy of the Father’s WILL that shapes and conforms your personality expression in alignment to the creative potential seeded within you. There is a mighty force at play here. It is the force of LIFE itself. It is the power of expression and you are living representations of that expression, occupying a space in material reality at this point of your development.

This may be a large picture of ideas to hold in your mind’s awareness. But I invite you to simply relax your thoughts and allow the words I speak to you to take you into that deeper place of your self-concept, and allow me and your angelic sisters to help you grow in that which you are as an expression of Father’s WILL. Receive me, and allow the energies to move through you. (Pause)

That which you call “self” is merely a designation of the individuation of your being as a representation of the expression of God into material reality. The self-concept that you hold for yourself is created throughout your life through a vast and varied imprinting process: imprinting upon the energies of your human parents, your human siblings, friends, peers, colleagues, and the ideational energies of your culture.

What we are attempting to help you achieve today is to delve into that place pure “beingness” beyond the imprinting of your self-concept, and to help you experience your selves as pure expressions of the Father’s WILL. It is not important if you conceptually understand the impact of what this means as it is to hold the intention or desire to open more fully into that expression of yourself as the Father WILLS in material reality. So allow us to minister to you, my children, and relax as you are taken on this inner journey to the core of your beings, a place in which you exist as an expression of pure LOVE. (Pause)

My children of this world have spent lifetimes in their attempts to understand their innate beingness. And it exists within the deepest parts of your beings. There is a core to your self, and you can access that core with great humility and faith, trust and an appreciation for the evolving nature of your particular type of personality order. The evolutionary nature itself has much to disclose into your understanding of what it means to be a child of creation. Your world is undergoing an outworking of a type of thinking that has sequestered you into a very narrow frame of reference, keeping you locked in a type of systemic endemic structure that prevents you from fully realizing your potential. And now that that structure is breaking up, begin to see the errors and lies contained within it, and that the new reality dawning in your mind is simply a reconnection to the core of your being wherein you exist as an expression of the Father. Let these words settle in. (Pause)

Let your concepts of the self identity begin to open to a broader look at the Father’s WILL and your relationship to it and your relationship to Him in it. (Pause)

The human evolutionary nature is receiving an outpouring of spirit energies that foster this transformation of self-created identity to open it into a new realm of creative expression in the Father’s WILL. This is the time of the spiritual renaissance that you are now in—these are the early stages of this. And coming into this deeper understanding of who you truly are as an expression of Father’s WILL will ease some of the tension that you experience in your own sense of self and help you find a deeper peace and ability to allow yourself to be guided and follow the leadings to a greater sense of assurance—faith, trust, strength and love: love for the Father, love for the divine plan, love for your selves and for one another.

You begin to appreciate one another for the individuated expression of the Father’s WILL contained within the potential of that person’s self-concept, and you begin to look for it to find that gem of great truth and beauty. You not only mine for that in another person to acknowledge that, you provide that loving environment for that person to desire to mine that for himself or herself. This is how this world will truly heal and the relationships be forged more in accordance with divine will in the Father’s plans of evolution.

As these words settle in, recognize the importance of you—your own coming into this state of beingness as an expression of Father’s WILL. You only have to desire this sincerely and humbly and things are set in motion for you to accomplish this more fully, and that it becomes a soul possession as you live each day remembering and expressing yourself in the Father’s LOVE. (Pause)

I will pause here now; give you a few moments to collect your thoughts. If you wish to address with your concerns or questions or share anything that is on your heart and mind, you may bring that forward now. Or if you wish, you may maintain this meditative state and continue to receive. It is your choice.
Student: Hello Mother, I came on this call today not really with the intent of having any questions or saying anything, but being that it is such an intimate group I thought I would take this opportunity to do so, and I thank you so much for this time and this opportunity. As you know, I am going through a bit of overwhelm as I am launching a couple of other side businesses, business services, and learning them, trying to find the time and energy to do so and want to get your input at this stage of my development in this area about how to best serve business owners, as not just being a business that I am providing, but an actual service to help them – in a sense even a ministry - even though it is material thing or things that I am offering. So I welcome any input in any way through what I am experiencing and also as respects the support of O overseas and all the challenges there. Thank you so much.

NEBADONIA: D, my son, the question you present strikes deeply at the core of your material culture. It is the attitude you convey from your heart that people will respond to. So much of your current business model is directed and contains the energies of self-fulfillment, especially from a monetary point of view. I encourage you to take the essence, or energy, of money out of the equation and simply develop more of that attitude of wanting to make another person’s life a little bit better, to shine more light into that person’s heart, to feed their soul.

The challenge of this is that it takes you into a place of vulnerability, and it is important for you to come from a pure heart of wanting to help another person and to contain this desire to serve as the focus. For here is where the spirit empowers you and is able to help you convey true thoughts or words or language what that person needs to hear. It is as if you are able to hone in on their greatest need and giving them a lifeline that says you know how to fulfill it. When you practice this and become adept at this, what you are doing is providing that person with a foundation of trust. Trust in you. Trust in the fact that you are indeed a person of honesty, integrity; that you are trustworthy.

When a relationship is built on trust, a bond is forged, and that bond has spiritual value. It is, what you would might call, a solid bond. This secures you in friendship. When there is friendship, then you have a means to develop more of what you wish to accomplish more from the material sense of offering that person something that will improve their lives. This will take some practice on your part to get to that place of purity of wanting to serve.

It is challenging to move beyond the money energy of your culture because it is such a driving force for all business. But if you begin to turn this around and even use the words to look at this as a ministry, you will find that you have more capacity and hone the skill of finding what that person truly needs and to speak from that place, and then the resources that you need to accomplish fulfilling that need will be available to you to share with another person. I will pause here and ask if this has helped you, my son, or would you wish me to elaborate further?

Student: I think that it is perfect, as you are perfect. Ideas are streaming in and wrote something down that rhymes that is easy to remember. That is the level where I want to get – not so much focusing on the money; that will come. I agree fully that with honesty, integrity, and trustworthiness people make that bond anyway first, whether they consciously realize it or not, before even any deal is signed. So I appreciate laying that out and hope to implement that in my businesses. Thank you.

NEBADONIA: You are most welcome, my son. There is one other consideration I wish to share with you, and that is when you operate in this way, you are actually contributing to the change in the way business is conducted upon this world. You know from your reading the Urantia text that it is the service motive which forms the basis for universe functioning, and while your material world is undergoing this outworking of a culture that was created in a sinful manner, nevertheless, it is important for you to recognize that you are an agent of change, and you are participating in the change the more you move beyond the money culture and into the service motive.

You are adding something of great value to the Supreme Being of this world, and you are helping others to recognize that they too have the ability to change their thinking about the way that they conduct business. Remember that it is not only you who is changing, but by your very change you make another ripple effect into the planetary consciousness, and that allows those who endeavor on behalf of your culture behind the scenes to add more spirit vitality into what you have now seeded to the collective consciousness. So remember your responsibility to the growing fabric of the supreme mind. As you keep that in your focus, more resources will come your way. (Thank you again). And be in my love, my son.

Student: Hello, Mother, this is B. I want to thank you for your attention to us today and the bestowal of energies and the gifts you are giving us. I, like D, did not think I had a question, but I will ask one today. The other day, as you know, in Body Talk Some new procedures were done to me. I was wondering if you could speak to them. Specifically about the concept now of the light coming down into the earth and then into me, so that I may become more physical - that I may manifest more into the physical realm. Secondly, the re-organization that is taking place within me in these next couple weeks of all of the things that have been gifted to me regarding sacred geometry, crystals, weaving, flowers, nature, and goodness knows everything else - and how they will be more easily accessible to me. Could you speak to these? Also, do they play a part in my art ministry? Thank you.

NEBADONIA: My dear daughter, your questions always contain a very heartfelt expression of curiosity in your unfolding process. What you are undergoing and experiencing is the normal outworking of your self-ideation to the deeper realization of who you are as an expression of the Father’s WILL. As you know this is a mighty transformation you are currently undergoing, but of course, there is a period of time when curiosity—the mind that hungers for truth and understanding –is at play here and wants answers.

But I daresay that you have already answered the questions yourself even before you asked it. The truth lies within you, and the Father’s presence within you diligently is at play here to weave all these facets together in your self-awareness to help you express what you have been gifted, what you have been integrating out into material reality. You are on the right path. You are in the midst of this marvelous unfolding and revelation of yourself in material reality. Since this is such a different way to perceive yourself, of course it begs the question, “What will I be doing? How do I do this?” But you already have experience with this through the daily living process and that will continue to unfold one step at a time, one day at a time, one experience at a time.

So you are being encouraged just to continue to make those forward strides on your path—to stay focused on where you are on your path, looking neither to the left nor right, forward nor backward, but in the actual savoring of where you are. There is a depth of love that wants to anchor you on that particular step, and this is where I would encourage you to focus your attention—to allow the depth of meaning of what you are accomplishing at any given moment to speak into your heart, deepen your understanding for what it means to live in the moment. There is such a richness to mind here. You are beginning to understand. You are beginning to truly acknowledge the depth of who you are in this place. It is an important part of your developmental journey.

It is a significant departure from the person who is always trying to figure out what to do next, moving ahead in your trajectory before you have actually experienced where you are in the present moment that will then disclose to you the next step. I will pause here and ask if you understand my meaning and if this has answered your question even though it is perhaps moving you in a different direction than what you originally queried me on.

Student: Yes, it does answer the question even though, as you said, it moves me in a different direction. I do understand what you are saying. It is resonating within me. AlI I can add is thank you. My curious nature gets the best of me and I must remember to keep it in check.

NEBADONIA: Your curious nature is a wonderful gift. It is not so much trying to control it, but to recognize how to use this gift in the manner that will be the most productive and conducive to your spiritual growth. Let your curiosity take you into that place of true expansion into what it means to live in the moment. Direct your curiosity there. Let it take you deeper. Let it expand you in a broader way so that a perspective comes to mind that gives you a greater range of understanding. From that place you will be moved forward. Does this help, my daughter?

Student: Yes it does, Mother, thank you very much. It truly helps. Thank you.

NEBADONIA: Be in my love, my daughter.
My children, what a wonderful time for you to experience life on Urantia! Truly this is a unique age. And there is so much help at your disposal for you to grow in your spiritual understanding of what you experience on a daily basis. Let that understanding be the source of your motivation, for in that desire you are moved more into that realm of the Father’s WILL. You step out of your own self-created awareness and you move into the mystery of expressing what the Father wishes to accomplish through you. This will engage you in so many different dimensions of your being to achieve great heights of personality expression that your Father Fragments can then weave into this beautiful symmetry. And you only have to look to the personality of your brother Jesus to see what you can accomplish in your own human lives.

What glory are you bringing forth of the Father’s WILL? It is alive in you! And so, take these words, take these energies with you into this day, and as your helpers help you integrate what you have received, let it form around your self-awareness and move you into the greater expression of the Father’s WILL that you are becoming. And enjoy yourselves, and enjoy how the Father is moving you into a greater mystery of the unfolding of His will on this world. I leave you with that consideration, my children, and support you as you play, create and enjoy your lives here on Urantia. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2014]]