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===Topic: ''Q & A with Mother''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we’re very grateful to be here today to receive your words of counsel and to receive your personality essence imprinting upon us. Thank you for fortifying us in Spirit in our bodies to engage more fully with the light that is streaming into this world to help us grow and conform to the Father’s WILL more fully in our daily lives. We are ready to receive you as we open our hearts in appreciation and faith. May your will be done. Thank you.
NEBADONIA: Greetings, my precious children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. There is growing demand on the planet for serious and fruitful positive change. You see it in all corners of life now. The human heart is longing for something better, something that will support and guide this process of transformation into higher realms of understanding your place in the universe and in the universe itself.

The human system of consciousness is beginning to perceive that light which is coming into world from the higher realms in the recent past, and this light energy is creating an impactful resonance in the human system of consciousness. This resonance can be disturbing to some individuals. The resistance within the human mind to yield to the Spirit can be very recalcitrant. We look to you, our dear children, to heighten your own ability to maintain that consciousness structure of Spirit that when you engage with your brothers and sisters, they would begin to feel more safe and secure around you, and this will help the resistance to melt away.

You might say that we are coming upon a time in your planet’s evolutionary history where this internal resistance will indeed begin to receive more Spirit activation that it may indeed open and melt away for your brothers and sisters and the love, compassion, and understanding they will need will be supplied by you.

So prepare yourselves now. Allow the energies of CHANGE we have been seeded into the planet to move in you, and help you maintain a particular charge of the energies within this infusion to catalyze within your abilities—your minds and hearts—for the flow of Spirit to support your brothers and sisters when you are engaged with them.

Take a few moments to focus on this word CHANGE, allowing the energies to move in you, receiving this endowment for several minutes before we move into our question and answer component of this call today. Let us begin. Drink deeply of this energy of CHANGE as I supply this to you. It is a gift, and it will help you in ways that you may not yet perceive to foster new meanings and understanding as you go about your day augmented by the ministry of your indwelling Father Fragments. (Pause)

This CHANGE endowment can act as a catalyzing spark of light to help an individual open to the power potential of Spirit within them. We ask you to hold these energies that we may send you out into the world in a more spiritually enhanced manner to be these agents of CHANGE, to bring the good news forward of the Father’s LOVE for each individual. Your Father Michael desires His children to come to know Him. And the time is upon where more and more people are ready to hear this message, even though they may not yet appreciate it is Spirit they seek to help them with their various problems and circumstances of life they face.

So enjoy these energies of CHANGE as we impart them to you, and welcome and celebrate your potential as agents of CHANGE ministering with and for your brothers and sisters. We will supply you with what you need: to speak the words the individuals need to hear, to convey the feelings of LOVE the individuals need to receive, and give you more inner confidence that you are up to the task of being these agents of CHANGE for us. It is all awaiting you now, my children, and we desire that you more fully embrace and embody these CHANGE energies and use them in ways you will be guided by the Father’s presence within you. (Pause)

Change is all around you, my children! You cannot avoid it, so it is fully acceptable to relax into these energies of CHANGE and become comfortable at what they can mean for your own lives and your lives in ministry. Savor the CHANGE energy and allow yourselves to become more fully immersed in it.

Sometimes you may feel it as a great wave pushing you forward. Sometimes it is a gentle touch, inviting you into something new. There is much to feel and experience in this energy of CHANGE. We encourage you to explore how you use this, how to apply it when you are with another person. You may ask questions such as, “Does this person need? What is this person ready to experience? Help me to become more adept at perceiving how I may hold this energy to catalyze an awakening or opening within them.” We will help you. But it is you who must desire to act in this manner as the agent of CHANGE, and to further develop internal listening skills that you may perceive how to use this potent force in ministry to another person. The experiences you have with another individual will further secure you in these energies of CHANGE that you may be used more effectively and broadly by the higher realms to evoke more change to the planet’s consciousness.

So as these words settle in. Allow my energies to penetrate with this dynamic, and let yourself relax in what it means to be an agent of CHANGE upon Urantia during this time of correction and upliftment. (Pause)

Change is good. Change is for the betterment of yourselves and humanity, so welcome this in now. And as this transformation continues to unfold, you will change in many ways as you grow closer to the Father Within and demonstrate more of the fruits of the Spirit throughout your lives.

I invite your questions now if you wish to address me. But feel free to stay in this meditative state receiving this energy if that is your preference. You may begin now. (Pause)

(No questions were offered)
My children, CHANGE is real and it is upon you now. So I encourage you to more fully engage with these energies and allow them to steer you in the direction where your angels are guiding you and where the Father wishes to show His way through your actions.

As you move into your celebration of Christmas, may your Father Michael’s PEACE and LOVE be ablaze in your hearts, and I will fan the flames of LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE to make it a more vivid reality within your very beings. Enjoy your time with family and friends, and remember to thank the Father for His gift of Michael to this world and to share their PEACE and JOY to those around you. My blessings are upon you. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2014]]