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===Topic: ''Q & A with Nebadonia''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, it’s so wonderful to be here with you, so wonderful to receive what you continue to provide to us as part of this wonderful transformation that is occurring within ourselves and within the planet. As we open these circuits to receive from you, we thank you for upstepping us in the ways we need through your presence, your counsel and guidance and that it is your will that is done. We thank you for protecting this circuit from any outside interference.
NEBADONIA: Greetings, my beloved children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks! There is a charge of light energy that is now being provided your physical and consciousness systems. It is part of the life currents that are in me, as your Mother, connecting you to the circuits of reality, and it is part of your birthright to grow in the amalgamation of these circuits to sponsor and foster your soul development. Much of what you receive happens beyond the realms of your waking consciousness. These energies are subtle, but they are powerful and capable of creating mighty changes within you, especially when it is your desire to follow the leadings of the Father within you and to make the development of your soul as a priority for your human life. Soul growth is predicated upon doing the Father’s WILL, being in alignment in following the course of that WILL. It also affords you an upstepped perception of what it is to be an evolving/evolutionary child of the Father starting out on this earth plane.

Before we go into the Q&A portion of today’s session, I invite you to simply relax. Set that intention to receive from me as your Mother, and set that intention, if it feels that you wish to do, to grow your soul here on this earth plane—this material level of reality in which you begin your life. Take a few deep breaths. Let your heart feel your intention, desiring this, and your Father and I will move in you now. Receive us, my beloved children. (Pause)

Your souls are so precious to us. Are they precious to you? Do you acknowledge and honor what is growing inside you? As we move in you now, let some of your focus fall on this idea to honor and love your evolving soul, and to sense its precious quality—its beauty, its delicacy in terms of how delicious it is to your Father and to me. (Pause)

You are children of CREATION. Think about that word—CREATION. What is it you are creating but your God-self through your experiences. The creation energy is indeed a powerful force. We share this with you. We provide this to you that you may learn what this means, how it functions as a means of evolution of building the Father’s WILL here on this material level of reality. You might call it the soil of your consciousness where you use this creation energy. You go to the Father within and invite lessons to come your way to teach you how to use this. Then you play, you work, you experience. All the while you are in the midst of growing this beautiful jewel of the soul, and it is unique. No on else is quite like the same type of jewel that you are.

So it is our desire that you would become more emotionally attached to this experience of growing your soul, and to make it as the focus and as the driving force for your human life experience. It is, after all, the Father’s WILL for you! As these words settle in, continue to receive. Let the energies you are receiving weave you into enhanced perception of what it means to grow your soul during this first phase of your life. (Pause)

What is it you wish to create during this human life experience? There are so many unique and wonderful options for you to explore. The limitations of your culture may create certain barriers to developing your true potential, but know that if it is in your heart’s desire to create something with the Father, that you will sometime in your career have ample and every opportunity to satisfy that.

So release and remove any sense of frustration and barrier you may perceive, and trust that your soul will grow based on how the Father within you is able to guide you through this maze of human experience. Do not worry about the timeline of when you experience that which is in your heart, for it will surely come to pass whether it is in this lifetime or in the ages to come. Trust in this journey. Trust in the Father who is helping you create this beautiful jewel of soul, and know that your Father and I support your efforts and give you many brothers and sisters of spirit to assist you along the way. (Pause)

Let us now open the forum for your questions. Please bring them forward when you ready to speak. I delight in helping my children grow in their comprehension, so you may bring to me anything that presses upon your heart and mind.
Student: Hello this is H. I am very happy to be here and what is on my mind for the last few days, I am reading this wonderful book of the German writer Lessing, written around the year 1800. It is a play called "Nathan the Wise Man." What really got into my heart was the allegory of the Father and his three sons and who he loved most, handing over the traditional ring to the eldest son, and because he loved them all, he asked for two new rings to be created. I cannot tell the whole story now, but these three sons are symbolically the Jewish, the Christian and the Muslim men.

I like to draw a line to what I deeply feel related to is the "word," is that the Eternal Son and maybe that relates to also what you said, growing my soul. It feels like that is part of an aspect of my soul that I am learning to deal and to create with words and to see that what good comes through a word and what bad can come through a word. Maybe you could comment on that. Thank you.

Nebadonia: H, my son, language is a means of expression, and it is part of the evolutionary development of humanity to learn what you might call the language of LOVE. You go through a very long period of growth—expansion and understanding the ways of the universe and how you co-create with your Adjuster to birth your soul and to operate more fully from that place of who you are as an evolving child of God.

Language plays an important part because it provides an internal structure of the concepts that your Father Fragment translates within your mind through this portal of language. There must be a way in which humans understand the nature of reality. And so, through the adjutant mind circuits, one of the phases of development is to create this means of conveying this information. You know that through the evolution of how these circuits function within the human consciousness system. There is also this sorting of what is truth from what is error that is given to you as a means to increasingly explore what is real, what has value, what is of the Father and what is not.

Language provides you a means of exploration—of asking questions and receiving answers—to help you decide what strikes that note of truth within your mind and what it is that you can discard. There are many, what you might call, stories of inspiration to move individuals to relationship with the Father. You, in and of yourself, are creating your own story, and that is a rich tapestry of the concepts that you have co-created with your Adjuster of who and what the Father is, what the universe is, and how it functions. And it is all a part of this language, or you might even call it, this weaving of concepts through words. It helps you grow your soul.

So as you explore and read more of the stories of life, this will add more new dimensions into your own understanding, give you food for thought, give you ways to express yourself, and all become a part of this beautiful jewel of the soul that you are co-creating. I will pause here now and ask if that has satisfied you, or if you wish me to further elaborate?

Student: No, thank you. That is quite something to think about. Thank you for now.

NEBADONIA: And grow your soul in joy, love and peace, my son. It is truly a beautiful treasure you have to share with your brothers and sisters. (Thank you)

Student: Thank you.

Student: Mother, this is L. Thank you for being with us today to answer our questions. Recently, Mother Urantia has been coming into personal sessions with Donna and I'm just wondering if you could tell us more about what our relationship with Mother Urantia is meant to be and how we can foster this relationship.

NEBADONIA: Thank you for your question my dear daughter, Leoma. Each one of you has a relationship and responsibility to grow the evolving mind of deity on the planet which you have come to understand as the mind of the Supreme Being of Urantia. You are connected to Spirit, spirit realms, through the circuits of mind. This is the arena of your life. It is where you deposit or construct those beliefs and experiences which are reflective of the values of the creative plan and the Paradise Deities. It is the evolving tapestry of life. It is a place of co-creation and it is evolving with each human's efforts, large and small, past, present and future.

When you make a conscious decision, especially to grow your soul and to follow the Father's will, it is as if you are activating a circuit within that planetary Supreme Mind and there is an energetic exchange of energy. You convey something of value into this fabric and it in turn can feed you with a sense of belonging with something higher and greater. Most of the time this happens beyond the realm of your consciousness. It is primarily in the superconsiousness level of your mind where this exchange occurs, but it begins to, after awhile, dawn within your conscious mind that you are actually participating in something very grand, something of great value. And you begin to recognize that you have not only a planetary responsibility but a cosmic responsibility to grow your own evolving divinity self you know as a soul that is then connected, woven into, the fabric of the Planetary Supreme Mind, and you participate more fully, more consciously until you reach the apex of human development where you are ready to advance to the next level.

So few humans of this world truly understand they are co-creating here in evolving this Planetary Supreme Mind and in growing the soul. There is a direct relationship between your soul and this evolving planetary mind. The more you desire to follow the Father's will and to grow your soul, it's as if this fabric of consciousness then becomes more responsive to you and is able to connect into those superconscious circuits wherein your Adjuster is able to help you make more significant growth in your comprehension of reality and what is the Father's will. I will pause here and ask if this has satisfied you or do you need to provide further clarification?

Student: Well, that's a lot to ponder. Also, could you comment on the various levels of connection; do we connect on physical, emotional, spiritual -- are there different levels with which we connect with the Planetary Supreme Mind?

NEBADONIA: Yes and no. This is somewhat difficult to translate into your consciousness at your level of understanding, my dear, because the structure of the Planetary Supreme Mind is multi-dimensional, yet it is also singular. Suffice it to say that when you come from that place of love, when you honor yourself as a child of God, as an evolving soul, and you consciously participate in the growing Planetary Supreme Mind, you are helping that construct grow. And over time as more people operate in this manner, it grows this consciousness construct tighter around the planet and it feeds the individuals here. It makes them, it compels them, it helps them seek truth, seek the Father's will. These effects are subtle, but over time they help to change the structure of the evolving mind of consciousness so the children of this world are being fed with more constructive, productive and healthy, what you might call, "food for thought" and growth.

Does this have an effect on your body? Yes. It will help you recognize you are creatures of light and that this light intake is a part of your nourishment. So there are many dimensions, but from your standpoint to keep it simple, I would suggest to you to spend more time consciously seeking to co-create the mind of the Planetary Supreme and allow your experiences to teach you more of what that means. Does this help my daughter?

Student: Yes, it does, thank you.

NEBADONIA: And enjoy yourself as you learn valuable lessons not only for this phase of your development, but as you progress and grow in the joy of what this means. Be in my peace. (Thank you, Mother.)
My children, your Father and I encourage you to enjoy your human experience more and more each day. This is a unique experience in all creation—to be an evolving child of Father hailing from a material world. Co-creating your soul with the Father is an invaluable expression of LOVE. It is one that we wish for you to fully experience—to feel the joy in that, to savor the effort, to cherish the strength in what you are crafting with the Father. The beauty of your soul is beyond compare to anything that humans can truly create. It is a work of art.

So what more words can we provide to you to stimulate you to seek this more and more as the goal of your earth life? To follow in the Father’s WILL provides you the means to develop this. You all have been impressed upon what it means to do the Father’s WILL, and now we are taking you into another realm of the value of what it means to do the Father’s WILL—you can begin to experience the beauty and the joy of what you are co-creating when you follow the Father’s WILL.

So in the coming days as you read this transcript and perhaps revisit this recording, your Father and I ask you to ponder this idea of your soul development as the purpose for your life. From there all else will follow. You will be truly amazed and astonished at how beautiful you can become, and you only have to look at your elder brother Jesus for the inspiration and help at a human level. Then you have your Father Michael, whose human experience of Jesus doubly supports your efforts. So consider these ideas carefully. Take them to your Adjusters, and most of all, go into your hearts and see if this is truly what is the will of the Father within you. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2013]]