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===Topic: ''Q and A with Nebadonia''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
Prayer: Mother and Father, thank you for this time that we may come before you with our questions and receive your loving guidance. As we open ourselves to your presence, we ask for those changes that we need to be enlivened in our hearts and minds. We thank you for your ever present watchcare and guidance in our lives. May your will be done.
Nebadonia: My beloved children, greetings to each one of you. This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. My presence in you is commanding change in that which you might call your energy systems. The circuits of mind that connect you to me are receiving gentle upsteppings of LOVE. It is if your bodies are finally opening these subtle spirit fibers that emanate from the source of all LIFE in helping you to encode those new ideals of the Father into your being. You may notice, as time progresses, that your thoughts gravitate more to a higher perspective. As you ingest these ideas and allow them stir within your consciousness, the Father within you is able to impart those higher truths to your being for you to take out into the world and to live—to demonstrate and exemplify—to the best of your ability.

So in coming to you today in this way to exchange information with you and to help your beings become more attuned to those higher emanations of Spirit, I invite you to think about the questions you have of a particular nature focused toward your spiritual development. Take a few moments and go within to the Father. Take a few minutes to subtly perceive that which would be most beneficial to ask of me today, that you may indeed expand into these energies that I share with you. Take a few moments to do this now, my children, and when you feel ready, you ask your questions. Thank you.
Student: Hello this is H. My question to you is: what can I do to be brighter in thinking and in remembering things? Because I have a feeling I would like to be brighter in mind, more awakened and more active in thinking and remembering things. Thank you.

Nebadonia: H my son, the mere desire you have in your heart for more spiritual vibrancy is what is taking you on this inner journey to master your thoughts and how you relate to the world, and you know you gain this vibrancy one step—one experience at a time. You have been well trained by your celestial teachers that the practice of stilling your mind is a fundamental component of retaining this level of brightness, as you call it.

It is merely expanding those moments of stillness into the presence state of your consciousness where you live and think throughout most of the day. You might call this living in the present moment wherein the mindal chatter is quelled to a point where you can simply BE. The state of mind is more relaxed, more yielding to the internal call or direction of the Father within you.

Practice being more in the present moment. Monitor your thoughts throughout the day. If it helps use a simple visualization of the word "now," which is indicative of the present moment to help you remember that it is this state of mind—this moment of being in the presence—that helps you access the spirit within.

The Father within your mind looks for those openings to convey those higher thoughts. If you are using your mental current in a way that is projecting into the future or ruminating in the past, then it is more challenging for the Father within you to relay what the Father wishes you to think about or reflect upon during any given moment.

As you practice the stillness state, as you take yourself away from the chatter of your world, this will help you recognize when you are in that moment of NOW, and then begin to help you translate that feeling when you are in the state of normal consciousness going about your day-to-day activities.

So my advice to you is to hold that intention to stay focused in the present moment first and foremost in your mind, and practice going back to that word NOW time and again to help you cultivate that mental habit of being in the present moment. Does this help, my son?

Student: Yes, thank you very much. I would like to ask you if you could comment on the sentence I bumped into yesterday of the Urantia Book:"Work with the soil is not a curse, rather it is the highest blessing..." and so on. If you could say a few more words to that that would be nice. Thank you.

Nebadonia: You are a physical being living on a physical world. The planet is your home and the environment that supports you. Would it not then be a state or an environment that you would wish to cultivate a sacred relationship with the very land that supports you? Was not creation provided to you to uphold the physical and animal species with forms of life that would nourish the body? So much of the culture of your planet has forgotten this very sacred relationship of what the land means to support all life. And your planet is in peril because of this.

So it requires a change of heart and a change of mind to look at tending to the earth as one of the most sacred obligations that you have: to continue to allow the earth to do what it does best which is to uphold you. Therefore occupations such as agriculture, learning how to use the natural elements of the planet in a way that is renewing and life-enhancing are very important roles that humans need to fulfill.

This world has suffered much at the hands of an idea that has used the resources of the planet that only benefit a very powerful minority. And yet this planet was meant for all to be supported and nurtured, nourished and to thrive here on this earth plane.

So I hope you will take this information into your heart and recognize the intrinsic bond you have with this planet and do your best each day to make choices about your use of the resources you have access to in a way that supports renewal and re-creation and does not squander the resources of this beautiful world. Does this help, my son?

Student: Thank you very much. This was very helpful. Thank you.

Nebadonia: And be in my peace, my son.

Student: Hello, Mother. I was thinking during this session about how I have a critical mindset, and I’ve had it since I can remember. While that may help me solve certain material problems and so forth, applied to critical thinking, it also has a downside of being critical of others, their shortcomings, some of which I know others can’t control or even know they have. And also being critical of myself; it starts with myself as well. I would like to know how I can apply myself better in this mental arena so as to not be as critical of others and myself. Thank you.

Nebadonia: Thank you for your question, my son D. It is interesting to note your use of the word “critical,” for in terms of your reasoning analysis of the world around you, it is not necessarily something that you need to discard. The component of the critical thinking lies more in the realm of discernment, how you perceive what you have come to view as truth. You also recognize this truth is relative to your own development in where you are in understanding.

My advice to you is very simple. Let go of what you think you perceive in favor of simply observing without using a level of judgment that you have become familiar with. There is a higher truth that can be relayed into your mind from the Father within you when you are in a more objective state of mind. Now you may certainly use certain ideas such as: This is what I perceive about this situation, Father within me, and yet I know that there is another way to perceive this situation, and I ask that you relay your perspective into my understanding. This helps you develop that arena of more objectivity that you will actually grow in over time.

This has been very difficult for many of my children of this world because of various factors and because the perspective is so backward because of the rebellion and Adamic default. The view of reality is so limited and skewed as to render your observations of life also very limited and skewed. When you adopt this desire to be more objective, you are opening a greater pathway, you might say, within your consciousness for your Father to convey something of a higher nature. It is not to say this will come as a grand epiphany. More often than not, you will start to see some smaller, yet brighter, ideas come into your awareness – a simple thought that you may not have ever conceived or considered when it comes to your awareness.

The first component of this is to hold that intention to be more objective in your discernment and to ask with sincerity and honesty for your Adjuster’s help, to see the situation around you through the Father’s eyes and to practice these two elements of the intention and the desire to bring them to a more fertile mindal environment that the Father within you may indeed use this to expand his truth, his love, and his understanding into your being. Does this help, my son?

Student: Yes, it does. Thank you very much, Mother.

Nebadonia: As you practice this, be patient with yourself, and do not fear the mind of judgment. Do not feel ill about yourself for having this mind of judgment. Simply relax and know that in changing your mind to the desire for more objectivity, this critical voice within you will diminish over time. Be in my peace, my son.

Student: This is H again, I like to make one more comment and this is that I really enjoyed Michael’s words for Thanksgiving Day—getting into a deeper attitude of thankfulness. It was very uplifting and fulfilling. Thank you.

Nebadonia: We appreciate your acknowledgement of this idea, my son, and we do all we can to encourage you to be mindful of your thoughts and your attitudes. When you are in that state of appreciation, it creates that fertile environment for the energies of worship, and therein you have the greatest momentum within your consciousness for the Adjuster—the Father’s presence within you—to convey more truth and love into your mind and heart.

So with both of the questions that have been posed today, let me underscore my advice by suggesting that when you hold this attitude of appreciation for the Father within you, that that indeed will help the door of your mind expand into these ideas and help you to enjoy your lives more and more each day. Thank you, my son for your appreciation, and know that our appreciation for you and your ability to perceive it will be enhanced each time you hold that idea and that attitude within your heart and mind.

Student: Thank you for your love and I share my love with you. Thank you.
Let us conclude then. My children, the world is changing its mind, and along with that the energies of the heart are turning in the direction of LOVE and all that stems from that powerful energy that comes from the heart of the Father. Remember to stay in this state of appreciation as it will open new channels in your heart center for you to feel His deep abiding love for you and help you become more firmly enmeshed in what the Father wishes to co-create through you through your own individual unique personalities that are so dear to us, your Father and me.

We have encouraged you to look at these opportunities of change as those tremendous times of soul growth, and yet there is more to come. We uphold you in our LOVE and we stabilize you in our PEACE. We trust in your abilities ever graining strength and stature in spirit as you participate in this time of change, ever expanding its energies upon Urantia. Relish this time of change, my children, for in the ages to come when you are further along your evolutionary ascension path you will have many wonderful tales to regale to your cosmic brothers and sisters who know not what it is like to live on a rebellion sphere that is returning to the bosom of its universe family. You will have lived through this. You will have altered the course of history in your own unique way. Let us participate in these times together. As we conspire to come around you and share our love, you may gain strength and vision in it. As I take my leave of you, let yourselves expand in my LOVE, my children, and seed more peace into your hearts, that your Father Michael’s presence may grown and blossom in you. (Pause) Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2012]]