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Fear is at bottom an animal urge for [[healing]], whether this manifests in actions such as flight or hiding, or in [[inner life|inner]] psychic fears impelling the mental urge toward help of some kind. It is always an impelling motive toward self-defense. It helps sustain the ego, speaking in psychiatric terms, fears, then, impel defense of the ego or conscious self. Often during life this fear mechanism tends to instruct the ego to actively separate itself from parts of itself which cause discomfort or fear to the conscious mind where the ego resides. Certainly there are some aspects of all [[human]]s which are frightening. Some of your dream states illustrate these fears to the ego. Sometimes suppressed conscious impulses enter into this area which is behind the wall of [[consciousness]]. Unresolved anxieties and certain behavioral traits also can be suppressed. Now the result is that there exist two selves: the self which is consciously allowed and the self which is not allowing the conscious and resides behind fear in the unconscious.
Fear is at bottom an animal urge for [[healing]], whether this manifests in actions such as flight or hiding, or in [[inner life|inner]] psychic fears impelling the mental urge toward help of some kind. It is always an impelling motive toward self-defense. It helps sustain the ego, speaking in psychiatric terms, fears, then, impel defense of the ego or conscious self. Often during life this fear mechanism tends to instruct the ego to actively separate itself from parts of itself which cause discomfort or fear to the conscious mind where the ego resides. Certainly there are some aspects of all [[human]]s which are frightening. Some of your dream states illustrate these fears to the ego. Sometimes suppressed conscious impulses enter into this area which is behind the wall of [[consciousness]]. Unresolved anxieties and certain behavioral traits also can be suppressed. Now the result is that there exist two selves: the self which is consciously allowed and the self which is not allowing the conscious and resides behind fear in the unconscious.
[[Personality]] is more basic than its [[psychology|psychological]] surroundings. The personality invariably strives for unity and balance. As the psychic levels of development, the [ seven circles], are traversed gradually there must occur an awakening to the consciousness of unconscious fears about the self. In this way the ego, that is conscious self, gradually expands into and includes self until eventually all is balanced and whole. There cannot be any dark corners left when the [[soul]] unites with the [[Thought Adjuster|pure fragment]] of the living [[God]]. Some of you, perhaps, are living through a process of exploring yourselves in these dark spaces. Though this may be painful and frightening, you must realize that fear is nothing more than a reaction of the ego, and that your core self, your personality, is the holder or possessor of all of you. Find this central point of calm and observe how fear has no more effect on you.
[[Personality]] is more basic than its [[psychology|psychological]] surroundings. The personality invariably strives for unity and balance. As the psychic levels of development, the [ seven circles], are traversed gradually there must occur an awakening to the consciousness of unconscious fears about the self. In this way the ego, that is conscious self, gradually expands into and includes self until eventually all is balanced and whole. There cannot be any dark corners left when the [[soul]] unites with the [[Thought Adjuster|pure fragment]] of the living [[God]]. Some of you, perhaps, are living through a process of exploring yourselves in these dark spaces. Though this may be painful and frightening, you must realize that fear is nothing more than a reaction of the ego, and that your core self, your personality, is the holder or possessor of all of you. Find this central point of calm and observe how fear has no more effect on you.
The imperative of the personality is to unify the self and to consciously unite with the spirit more and more, thereby creating the soul. Realize that there is nothing truly bad within you that cannot be unified, spiritualized, actualized and made perfect.
The imperative of the personality is to unify the self and to consciously unite with the spirit more and more, thereby creating the soul. Realize that there is nothing truly bad within you that cannot be unified, spiritualized, actualized and made perfect.