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Unison Prayer: [ Prayer of St. Francis]
Unison Prayer: [ Prayer of St. Francis]
Daniel: "Good evening my [[friends]]. I am Daniel, your [[teacher]], your friend. Wow! is what I must say to your [[dialogue]] and [[conversation]] before this meeting! For you to come [[together]] as a group and [[share]] openly is a sign of your [[growth]] and your turning yourselves over, indeed. You have all come a great length in the past year, the past few months, especially in your coming to terms with the [[relationship]] you have with the [[First Source and Center]] and your [[commitment]] to following Him. The time you spend in [[sharing]] should not be one that should cause any of you [[anxiety]] in [[reference]] to it taking a long time to go through the [[group]], for when you do [[share]] you allow yourself to fulfill your [[humanness]]. Have you not [[thought]] that you are, indeed, human be-ings, you are [[becoming]]? [[Being|Be-ing]] requires that you know what it means to be. In speaking frankly with one another, in allowing yourself the time to [[speak]] that which you are at any given time, lets you take another step in be-ing in your [[growing]] toward your [[potential]]. And so I [[congratulate]] you on your [[ability]] to be.
Daniel: "Good evening my [[friends]]. I am Daniel, your [[teacher]], your friend. Wow! is what I must say to your [[dialogue]] and [[conversation]] before this meeting! For you to come [[together]] as a group and [[share]] openly is a sign of your [[growth]] and your turning yourselves over, indeed. You have all come a great length in the past year, the past few months, especially in your coming to terms with the [[relationship]] you have with the [[First Source and Center]] and your [[commitment]] to following Him. The time you spend in [[sharing]] should not be one that should cause any of you [[anxiety]] in [[reference]] to it taking a long time to go through the [[group]], for when you do [[share]] you allow yourself to fulfill your [[humanness]]. Have you not [[thought]] that you are, indeed, human be-ings, you are [[becoming]]? [[Being|Be-ing]] requires that you know what it means to be. In speaking frankly with one another, in allowing yourself the time to [[speak]] that which you are at any given time, lets you take another step in be-ing in your [[growing]] toward your [[potential]]. And so I [[congratulate]] you on your [[ability]] to be.
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Daniel: "All must answer this question in their own way. What you have put forth is very well stated, very well [[thought]] out. Know also that as you are a [[physical]] [[being]], so also are you a [[spiritual]] being, so also are you part of the [[intelligence]] of [[the universe]]. Those [[thoughts]] that are part of one's thought pattern are [[projected]] into the outer and become a part of [[collective consciousness]]. And know also that there is the genetic code that happens from one [[generation]] to another, the imprint of the [[ancestors]]. Many ways of speaking of [[reincarnation]] have been put forth. Your [[statements]] clearly have [[validity]] for you and will help others also. Does this help?"
Daniel: "All must answer this question in their own way. What you have put forth is very well stated, very well [[thought]] out. Know also that as you are a [[physical]] [[being]], so also are you a [[spiritual]] being, so also are you part of the [[intelligence]] of [[the universe]]. Those [[thoughts]] that are part of one's thought pattern are [[projected]] into the outer and become a part of [[collective consciousness]]. And know also that there is the genetic code that happens from one [[generation]] to another, the imprint of the [[ancestors]]. Many ways of speaking of [[reincarnation]] have been put forth. Your [[statements]] clearly have [[validity]] for you and will help others also. Does this help?"
B2: "Yes, thank you very much. I have one other [[question]]. I had a really interesting [[experience]], I don't know if you are [[aware]] or not. I believe it was on Saturday, a week ago. I [[woke]] up and had a [[conversation]] with B9 while she was making breakfast and we talked about the [ Native American] [[culture]] and [[lore]] and how it is interesting to each of us even though it is not our [[path]], maybe as an [[anthropologist]] would find it interesting to [[study]] another [[culture]]. But as I went through the day I [[thought]] about birds and owls being of special importance to me and as I went through the day I had four people talk about owls. And it just seemed more than way beyond a [[coincidence]]. Is there something more that I haven't gained from that [[experience]]? I mean, it was really [[fascinating]] that that happened."
B2: "Yes, thank you very much. I have one other [[question]]. I had a really interesting [[experience]], I don't know if you are [[aware]] or not. I believe it was on Saturday, a week ago. I [[woke]] up and had a [[conversation]] with B9 while she was making breakfast and we talked about the [ Native American] [[culture]] and [[lore]] and how it is interesting to each of us even though it is not our [[path]], maybe as an [[anthropologist]] would find it interesting to [[study]] another [[culture]]. But as I went through the day I [[thought]] about birds and owls being of special importance to me and as I went through the day I had four people talk about owls. And it just seemed more than way beyond a [[coincidence]]. Is there something more that I haven't gained from that [[experience]]? I mean, it was really [[fascinating]] that that happened."
Daniel: "Again you must [[realize]] that [[thoughts]] are real, as real as your [[physical]] body, as real as your [[spiritual]] [[body]]. And as you [[project]], others who are [[sensitive]] are going to be open to [[perceive]] thoughts. Of course, [[coincidence]] could play a part. Four times in one day does not seem to go along with your [[science]] of [[probability]], does it? And so must you in your own being come to terms with whatever lessons, whatever [[truth]] can be [[revealed]] to you by whatever measure."
Daniel: "Again you must [[realize]] that [[thoughts]] are real, as real as your [[physical]] body, as real as your [[spiritual]] [[body]]. And as you [[project]], others who are [[sensitive]] are going to be open to [[perceive]] thoughts. Of course, [[coincidence]] could play a part. Four times in one day does not seem to go along with your [[science]] of [[probability]], does it? And so must you in your own being come to terms with whatever lessons, whatever [[truth]] can be [[revealed]] to you by whatever measure."
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N1: "Daniel, along those same lines, maybe not exactly, but I'm still [[experiencing]] [[repeating]] [[numbers]] everywhere. And it was interesting to me, too, because when W1 was here she told me that she had started seeing [[numbers]]. She didn't call them repeating numbers, she called them doubled numbers. And I gave her the [[word]] [[repeating]]. Is there any significance in both W1 and I seeing them? You have told me that they are part of my own [[subconscious]] and does that mean that my subconscious is just not resolved on certain issues and when I get those things resolved that the [[repetitions]] will stop? Or can you tell me anything more about that?"
N1: "Daniel, along those same lines, maybe not exactly, but I'm still [[experiencing]] [[repeating]] [[numbers]] everywhere. And it was interesting to me, too, because when W1 was here she told me that she had started seeing [[numbers]]. She didn't call them repeating numbers, she called them doubled numbers. And I gave her the [[word]] [[repeating]]. Is there any significance in both W1 and I seeing them? You have told me that they are part of my own [[subconscious]] and does that mean that my subconscious is just not resolved on certain issues and when I get those things resolved that the [[repetitions]] will stop? Or can you tell me anything more about that?"
Daniel: "It is likely that you will, when you have resolved your [[problems]], you will not be relying on other outside input to help you to be [[focused]] on [[being]] or [[becoming]], on growing and [[healing]]. Numbers are capable of [[repetition]] quite frequently. Often it is because of a person's inner [[vision]] and inner being trying to resolve issues that the inner vision triggers your [[physical]] apparatus or eyesight to notice these sorts of happenings time and again. Others view them in other ways. [[Repeating]] [[numbers]] happens to be one vehicle that you have taken further. Does this help?"[ (see 11:11)]
Daniel: "It is likely that you will, when you have resolved your [[problems]], you will not be relying on other outside input to help you to be [[focused]] on [[being]] or [[becoming]], on growing and [[healing]]. Numbers are capable of [[repetition]] quite frequently. Often it is because of a person's inner [[vision]] and inner being trying to resolve issues that the inner vision triggers your [[physical]] apparatus or eyesight to notice these sorts of happenings time and again. Others view them in other ways. [[Repeating]] [[numbers]] happens to be one vehicle that you have taken further. Does this help?"[ (see 11:11)]
C2: "Daniel, while we are [[talking]] about these kinds of [[phenomena]] I'm [[wondering]] about hearing the phone ringing?"
C2: "Daniel, while we are [[talking]] about these kinds of [[phenomena]] I'm [[wondering]] about hearing the phone ringing?"
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Daniel: "This is not within my realm of being able to convey to you with any more [[clarity]] than is already presented in [[the book]]. Part of this is involved with [[Life Carriers]] [[reactions]] and the [[work]] they carry on with their fulfilling the will of [[the Father]]. There are many, many areas, many reasons that these things have occurred. Know, also, that what appears, often is to you with [[limited]] [[vision]], unequal; and given time and a broader [[perspective]], a more thorough [[understanding]] would come about. Do not place upon the greatness of [[the Father]] any set of [[limitations]], that He would place any [[ascending being]] at a greater [[advantage]] over another. It is most [[difficult]] to give these [[concepts]] given the limited [[understanding]] of Urantians at present. My [[thoughts]], my [[words]] to you are this. I [[understand]] where you coming from in asking this question. Give over, if you will, to [[the Father]]'s [[knowledge]] and greatness, that in time you will [[understand]] this [[concept]] more fully. Do not allow the [[thinking]] of [[the Father]] putting forth any injustices to hamper your [[spiritual growth]]. [[Trust]] and have [[faith]] in Him that as time goes by you will come to [[understanding]]. Do you see?"
Daniel: "This is not within my realm of being able to convey to you with any more [[clarity]] than is already presented in [[the book]]. Part of this is involved with [[Life Carriers]] [[reactions]] and the [[work]] they carry on with their fulfilling the will of [[the Father]]. There are many, many areas, many reasons that these things have occurred. Know, also, that what appears, often is to you with [[limited]] [[vision]], unequal; and given time and a broader [[perspective]], a more thorough [[understanding]] would come about. Do not place upon the greatness of [[the Father]] any set of [[limitations]], that He would place any [[ascending being]] at a greater [[advantage]] over another. It is most [[difficult]] to give these [[concepts]] given the limited [[understanding]] of Urantians at present. My [[thoughts]], my [[words]] to you are this. I [[understand]] where you coming from in asking this question. Give over, if you will, to [[the Father]]'s [[knowledge]] and greatness, that in time you will [[understand]] this [[concept]] more fully. Do not allow the [[thinking]] of [[the Father]] putting forth any injustices to hamper your [[spiritual growth]]. [[Trust]] and have [[faith]] in Him that as time goes by you will come to [[understanding]]. Do you see?"
N1: "Yes, I think I do. Maybe you could [[clarify]] for me how terms are viewed, and maybe not. Maybe it is an inappropriate [[question]]. I'm not sure I know what ''inferior'' and ''superior'' mean, and I am not sure what [[survival]] [[capability]]..what is being measured in survival capability. Can you tell me in what way the [[Urantia Book]] uses the terms superior and inferior and what give us [[survival]] capability? I know that I have been raised in a [ antisocial Darwinism] where this idea of [[competition]] and ability to [[survive]] has been used to justify atrocious [[behavior]]. And so when I hear superior and inferior and survival capability, and I know you just said that you [[understood]] from whence I came, I guess it triggers a lot of that social Darwinism for me and the [[atrocities]] in [[capitalism]] that are done in the name of superiority and survival ability in 'the [[survival]] of the fittest' crap. And I know that the [[Urantia Book]] must sounds like some of that is there but not certainly the [ social Darwinism] and [[capitalism]]. I may just have repeated my question which you have already answered. If I did, I apologize and I will [[accept]] your original answer."
N1: "Yes, I think I do. Maybe you could [[clarify]] for me how terms are viewed, and maybe not. Maybe it is an inappropriate [[question]]. I'm not sure I know what ''inferior'' and ''superior'' mean, and I am not sure what [[survival]] [[capability]]..what is being measured in survival capability. Can you tell me in what way the [[Urantia Book]] uses the terms superior and inferior and what give us [[survival]] capability? I know that I have been raised in a [ antisocial Darwinism] where this idea of [[competition]] and ability to [[survive]] has been used to justify atrocious [[behavior]]. And so when I hear superior and inferior and survival capability, and I know you just said that you [[understood]] from whence I came, I guess it triggers a lot of that social Darwinism for me and the [[atrocities]] in [[capitalism]] that are done in the name of superiority and survival ability in 'the [[survival]] of the fittest' crap. And I know that the [[Urantia Book]] must sounds like some of that is there but not certainly the [ social Darwinism] and [[capitalism]]. I may just have repeated my question which you have already answered. If I did, I apologize and I will [[accept]] your original answer."
Daniel: "In one short lifetime or one long lifetime, depending on the [[individual]] and their life span, each is given the [[ability]] to choose their [[path]]. Their path is such that in following the [[path]] that they gain [[individual]] [[experiences]]. Know this, know what experience, however important or significant that goes into bringing forth more [[soul growth]]; and so despite the outward [[appearances]] of life you have within the man, the [[individual]], it is the individual, himself, herself, no matter what the outlying circumstances may be that determines whether they will continue on. For you on this [[plane]] to try to understand the [[judgment]], so to speak, capabilities or [[picture]] overall would be like asking a [[child]] of five years old to [[understand]] [[Einstein]]'s [[Theory of Relativity]]. What you are asked to do is to [[work]] through your life knowing that you, the [[individual]], are only capable of your own [[actions]]; that the actions of the many are not what are important in whether or not there is [[survival]]. The [[atrocities]], the injustices are somehow minuscule in [[comparison]] to the [[individual]] soul who is far superior to any of other outward things. That you, because of your [[ability]] to choose are afforded that through all ages. [[The book]]'s lessons are not meant to show any one person as superior or inferior. What the book puts forth is that various [[races]] had abilities that could help them to [[progress]] and move forward; that it is within each [[race]], the [[individuals]] themselves, that count. And when the [[Spirit of Truth]] was poured out over the [[land]] then all who were capable of making a will [[choice]] of [[moral]] [[value]] [[received]] within them that [[Thought Adjuster|Fragment of the Father]] that would insure [[progression]] if so [[desired]]. [[The Father]] does not look upon any as being inferior or superior, but as His child and creation. Do not try to sit with the [[Ancients of Days]] and figure out that which you are not in full [[understanding]] of at this [[point]]; rather, all of you, strive to live your lives in whatever place of your [[being]]ness that you are. Does this help?"
Daniel: "In one short lifetime or one long lifetime, depending on the [[individual]] and their life span, each is given the [[ability]] to choose their [[path]]. Their path is such that in following the [[path]] that they gain [[individual]] [[experiences]]. Know this, know what experience, however important or significant that goes into bringing forth more [[soul growth]]; and so despite the outward [[appearances]] of life you have within the man, the [[individual]], it is the individual, himself, herself, no matter what the outlying circumstances may be that determines whether they will continue on. For you on this [[plane]] to try to understand the [[judgment]], so to speak, capabilities or [[picture]] overall would be like asking a [[child]] of five years old to [[understand]] [[Einstein]]'s [[Theory of Relativity]]. What you are asked to do is to [[work]] through your life knowing that you, the [[individual]], are only capable of your own [[actions]]; that the actions of the many are not what are important in whether or not there is [[survival]]. The [[atrocities]], the injustices are somehow minuscule in [[comparison]] to the [[individual]] soul who is far superior to any of other outward things. That you, because of your [[ability]] to choose are afforded that through all ages. [[The book]]'s lessons are not meant to show any one person as superior or inferior. What the book puts forth is that various [[races]] had abilities that could help them to [[progress]] and move forward; that it is within each [[race]], the [[individuals]] themselves, that count. And when the [[Spirit of Truth]] was poured out over the [[land]] then all who were capable of making a will [[choice]] of [[moral]] [[value]] [[received]] within them that [[Thought Adjuster|Fragment of the Father]] that would insure [[progression]] if so [[desired]]. [[The Father]] does not look upon any as being inferior or superior, but as His child and creation. Do not try to sit with the [[Ancients of Days]] and figure out that which you are not in full [[understanding]] of at this [[point]]; rather, all of you, strive to live your lives in whatever place of your [[being]]ness that you are. Does this help?"
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B1: "OK."
B1: "OK."
V1: "Daniel, I just want to thank you for your teaching. It always seems to say the things we need. And I [[appreciate]] all the [[questions]] that are asked in the [[group]]. Somehow the answers are for the needs I also have. And just a [[thought]], [ Mind Walk], the [[film]] we watched yesterday . .there were two things that I remember as a result of our [[conversation]] and [[discussion]]. Number one..'[[healing]] the [[universe]] begins within' was one of the phrases in the film and of course that is what you just said. And I couldn't help but think of some of the [[races]] that are treated inferiorly by our [[culture]], the [ Native Americans] in particular. In the [[film]] yesterday it said that [in their [[culture]]] they would do nothing that would have harmed the seventh [[generation]]. And of [[course]] we [white man] don't even [[think]] about the next [[generation]]. And so I am not sure which [culture/race] is inferior or superior as we look at those things."
V1: "Daniel, I just want to thank you for your teaching. It always seems to say the things we need. And I [[appreciate]] all the [[questions]] that are asked in the [[group]]. Somehow the answers are for the needs I also have. And just a [[thought]], [ Mind Walk], the [[film]] we watched yesterday . .there were two things that I remember as a result of our [[conversation]] and [[discussion]]. Number one..'[[healing]] the [[universe]] begins within' was one of the phrases in the film and of course that is what you just said. And I couldn't help but think of some of the [[races]] that are treated inferiorly by our [[culture]], the [ Native Americans] in particular. In the [[film]] yesterday it said that [in their [[culture]]] they would do nothing that would have harmed the seventh [[generation]]. And of [[course]] we [white man] don't even [[think]] about the next [[generation]]. And so I am not sure which [culture/race] is inferior or superior as we look at those things."
Daniel: "Indeed. You are beginning to see. One cannot ever [[judge]] by [[appearances]] or judge another for what they appear to be as to their [[being]]. That is not any of your jobs. You have so much to do on this [[plane]]. Give up this baggage of judging, ever! For it is only the [[work]] of others, that [[the Father]] [[decrees]] to others in that regard. For you to [[assume]] a role that is not rightfully yours is taking on more than you can, is being [[self]] [[prideful]]. You are all coming into [[beautiful]] [[awareness]]es of the [[poison]] that judging another brings into your life and into the [[society]]'s life in general. Your awarenesses are indeed [[growing]]. I congratulate you all in this regard."
Daniel: "Indeed. You are beginning to see. One cannot ever [[judge]] by [[appearances]] or judge another for what they appear to be as to their [[being]]. That is not any of your jobs. You have so much to do on this [[plane]]. Give up this baggage of judging, ever! For it is only the [[work]] of others, that [[the Father]] [[decrees]] to others in that regard. For you to [[assume]] a role that is not rightfully yours is taking on more than you can, is being [[self]] [[prideful]]. You are all coming into [[beautiful]] [[awareness]]es of the [[poison]] that judging another brings into your life and into the [[society]]'s life in general. Your awarenesses are indeed [[growing]]. I congratulate you all in this regard."