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S.E. Idaho TeaM
===Topic: ''Christ Forgave Me, Paul''===
Paul of Tarsus
===Group: [[SE Idaho TeaM]]===
Christ Forgave Me
===Teachers: [[Paul]], [[Daniel]], [[Mineasia]]===
===TR: [[Bill K.]]===
Group Suffers From False Modesty
Stop Contemplating Your Own Progress
May 06, 2003
Paul(Bill): May the grace, mercy, and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ overshadow us as He reflects to us the nature of His and our Father. I am Paul. Let us pray.
Paul(Bill): May the grace, mercy, and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ overshadow us as He reflects to us the nature of His and our Father. I am Paul. Let us pray.
Grand and glorious, high and mighty, but beloved and close are You, dear Lord. Your majesty is not aloof, nor Your mercy condescending. We, Your children, rejoice to have Your name in our hearts. Tonight, settle upon these, my morontia associates, and these, my mortal associates, with Your gracious presence. May we all learn a little more about Your majesty, accept a little more the profundity of Your love, and be energized a little more to serve each other in humility and in joy. Amen.
Grand and glorious, high and mighty, but beloved and close are You, dear Lord. Your majesty is not aloof, nor Your mercy condescending. We, Your children, rejoice to have Your name in our hearts. Tonight, settle upon these, my morontia associates, and these, my mortal associates, with Your gracious presence. May we all learn a little more about Your majesty, accept a little more the profundity of Your love, and be energized a little more to serve each other in humility and in joy. Amen.
Paul(Bill): Dear friends it is I, your brother Paul, granted once again the chance to visit with you, to socialize, to fraternize. My, you are a lively bunch these days! (Laughter) And your maturity is displayed in your willingness to share your true thoughts and feelings with those whom you perceive to be, as they are, at a more advanced level of ascension or of status. Believe me, I am no stranger to controversy! In fact, I was willing to take on the other "apostles" when my authority, which I had received from our Lord Jesus, was challenged.
Paul(Bill): Dear friends it is I, your brother Paul, granted once again the chance to visit with you, to socialize, to fraternize. My, you are a lively bunch these days! (Laughter) And your maturity is displayed in your willingness to share your true thoughts and feelings with those whom you perceive to be, as they are, at a more advanced level of ascension or of status. Believe me, I am no stranger to controversy! In fact, I was willing to take on the other "apostles" when my authority, which I had received from our Lord Jesus, was challenged.
There is no shame or virtue in disagreement, per se. It is really not a moral issue. It is your right as a mortal faith son to present your point of view and your understanding. It is wise, however, always to present your understanding cognizant of your own limitations. As long as you accept in humility the fact that you are finite, incomplete, evolving, and you don't know it all, there is no problem in presenting your point of view. As I just said, it is neither virtuous nor shameful. My sense of your comradery these days is that it has moved past the polite stage to true family feelings, where the underlying love that you each have for the other supports your true importance as individuals, to the extent that you can each express yourselves, and in your diversity of thought your bonds of love keep you from fragmenting and shattering as a group. You have enough love and enough trust in each other and in your teachers that you can voice your doubts and protest when you do not understand. The original apostles reached that level of intimacy. In fact, as a result of some of their challenging questions such as Nathaniel gave in regard to the golden rule, Jesus' best teaching was called forth. So, should there be any lingering worry or amazement at the fact that you are now confident enough in your relationship to the Father, to Michael, the Son, to Mother Spirit and to your celestial staff that you can express your doubts, this we can regard as evidence of maturity. [Ed. Note: Paul is referring to the earlier discussion of the previous transcript where there was much doubt and protest to the announcement of "graduating".]
There is no shame or virtue in disagreement, per se. It is really not a moral issue. It is your right as a mortal faith son to present your point of view and your understanding. It is wise, however, always to present your understanding cognizant of your own limitations. As long as you accept in humility the fact that you are finite, incomplete, evolving, and you don't know it all, there is no problem in presenting your point of view. As I just said, it is neither virtuous nor shameful. My sense of your comradery these days is that it has moved past the polite stage to true family feelings, where the underlying love that you each have for the other supports your true importance as individuals, to the extent that you can each express yourselves, and in your diversity of thought your bonds of love keep you from fragmenting and shattering as a group. You have enough love and enough trust in each other and in your teachers that you can voice your doubts and protest when you do not understand. The original apostles reached that level of intimacy. In fact, as a result of some of their challenging questions such as Nathaniel gave in regard to the golden rule, Jesus' best teaching was called forth. So, should there be any lingering worry or amazement at the fact that you are now confident enough in your relationship to the Father, to Michael, the Son, to Mother Spirit and to your celestial staff that you can express your doubts, this we can regard as evidence of maturity. [Ed. Note: Paul is referring to the earlier discussion of the previous transcript where there was much doubt and protest to the announcement of "graduating".]
Now you say, "Paul, we welcome you, but we wonder why you are here?"
Now you say, "Paul, we welcome you, but we wonder why you are here?"
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Paul: Yes, you are correct. There is much greater understanding among your mindal scientists about these things. This is one of the results of evolution. What can be discovered by evolution does not require revelation, does it? Revelation is only necessary when information cannot be obtained from efforts of your science. Those probably were accurate descriptions of the process that went on in my mind. But most people do not understand their defense mechanisms in time to prevent them from working. (Hmmm!) However, it is one of the goals of the Correcting Time to thoroughly elucidate these processes, because the more fully you understand yourself, the greater the chance that you can give up your bad habits. Putting it otherwise: that which is unconscious cannot be changed. That which is conscious, can be. (Yes) Sigmund Freud, the great mindal scientist, is currently out of favor. However, his contributions are still very pertinent; and you may have noticed that the tactic of the teachers does in some ways resemble psychoanalysis, as well as other types of mindal therapies. I would prefer to think of them as "reality therapy", because that is their purpose.
Paul: Yes, you are correct. There is much greater understanding among your mindal scientists about these things. This is one of the results of evolution. What can be discovered by evolution does not require revelation, does it? Revelation is only necessary when information cannot be obtained from efforts of your science. Those probably were accurate descriptions of the process that went on in my mind. But most people do not understand their defense mechanisms in time to prevent them from working. (Hmmm!) However, it is one of the goals of the Correcting Time to thoroughly elucidate these processes, because the more fully you understand yourself, the greater the chance that you can give up your bad habits. Putting it otherwise: that which is unconscious cannot be changed. That which is conscious, can be. (Yes) Sigmund Freud, the great mindal scientist, is currently out of favor. However, his contributions are still very pertinent; and you may have noticed that the tactic of the teachers does in some ways resemble psychoanalysis, as well as other types of mindal therapies. I would prefer to think of them as "reality therapy", because that is their purpose.
My friends, our time period is past. This has been most pleasant for me. Once again, I am honored to be in your midst. As I said before, we are connected and one day will visit freely in the morontia worlds.
My friends, our time period is past. This has been most pleasant for me. Once again, I am honored to be in your midst. As I said before, we are connected and one day will visit freely in the morontia worlds.
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Minearisa(Bill): Let us pray in the words of your hymn. Almighty, Invisible, God only wise, in light inaccessible, hid from our eyes. Let our hearts relax and rest in You. Help us to remember the touch of the hand, its comfort and its obligation, to take comfort in each other and bear each other's burdens. Now, my Father, I thank You for the universe of Nebadon in which I am privileged to live and serve. I join with all the enthusiasm of our team to bring Christ Michael's era of Light and Life to this, His home planet. Send these brothers and sisters forth to their work of joy, their harvest of peace, and their life of love. Amen.
Minearisa(Bill): Let us pray in the words of your hymn. Almighty, Invisible, God only wise, in light inaccessible, hid from our eyes. Let our hearts relax and rest in You. Help us to remember the touch of the hand, its comfort and its obligation, to take comfort in each other and bear each other's burdens. Now, my Father, I thank You for the universe of Nebadon in which I am privileged to live and serve. I join with all the enthusiasm of our team to bring Christ Michael's era of Light and Life to this, His home planet. Send these brothers and sisters forth to their work of joy, their harvest of peace, and their life of love. Amen.
[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Pocatello TeaM]]
[[Category: Paul]]
[[Category: Daniel]]
[[Category: Minearsia]]
[[Category: Bill K.]]
[[Category: 2003]]