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"Discernment", Elyon
"Sparks", Malvantra
"Patterns of Duality", Michael
June 10, 2001
* Elyon (Jonathan TR): Hearty greetings to you. This is Elyon. You have pleased me with your homework assignment and your ensuing discussions. You must understand that teacher bases undergo this same evaluation, as we group ourselves to be of service among your groupings. Although we do move around, attend other groups similar to yours, we also maintain a membership with a particular group, for we have developed compatible traits that make us work harmoniously.
===Topic: ''Patterns of Duality''===
===Group: [[N. Idaho TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Elyon]], [[Malvantra]], [[Michael]]===
===TR: [[Jonathan]], [[Mark Rogers]]===
Elyon (Jonathan TR): Hearty greetings to you. This is Elyon. You have pleased me with your homework assignment and your ensuing discussions. You must understand that teacher bases undergo this same evaluation, as we group ourselves to be of service among your groupings. Although we do move around, attend other groups similar to yours, we also maintain a membership with a particular group, for we have developed compatible traits that make us work harmoniously.
You have received lessons over the years on judgment with the cautions that can be attached to that discussion. I, today, would like to take a look from the perspective of discernment. That which is close to home, under your nose, while it would seem so near at hand that you should be able to detect, to discern, or to evaluate it, is often the most overlooked. I'm aware of your phrase that you judge in others that which you dislike in yourself. The functional aspect of this insight is that stepping back, looking afar across the board, in a sense, is where you can view enough to make a discerning picture or perspective.
You have received lessons over the years on judgment with the cautions that can be attached to that discussion. I, today, would like to take a look from the perspective of discernment. That which is close to home, under your nose, while it would seem so near at hand that you should be able to detect, to discern, or to evaluate it, is often the most overlooked. I'm aware of your phrase that you judge in others that which you dislike in yourself. The functional aspect of this insight is that stepping back, looking afar across the board, in a sense, is where you can view enough to make a discerning picture or perspective.
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Cooperation To Make Progress
Cooperation To Make Progress
* Malvantra (Mark): If there are no offerings at this point, then I will make one in terms of my contribution to this circle. I am Malvantra. As you may well know I am oriented toward tasks and making progress in gaining ground for this mission as my primary focus. While I am ever happy to be of assistance for progression on an individual basis with you, I do revel in the chances I might get to be involved with you in the outward ministry of any and all projects which may be on the table for consideration by you as individuals or as a group.
Malvantra (Mark): If there are no offerings at this point, then I will make one in terms of my contribution to this circle. I am Malvantra. As you may well know I am oriented toward tasks and making progress in gaining ground for this mission as my primary focus. While I am ever happy to be of assistance for progression on an individual basis with you, I do revel in the chances I might get to be involved with you in the outward ministry of any and all projects which may be on the table for consideration by you as individuals or as a group.
As you are aware, there are great benefits to be had in the coordinating, organizing, and eventual manifestation of any project undertaken in service by more than a single individual. Great opportunities arise for the polishing of many of life's skills of living when you have an agenda to pursue and a task at hand to be completed. There is certainly nothing wrong with working on tasks individually; tasks which are accomplished privately are of great value in this overall project of your personal spiritual growth, but tasks taken on as a group of volunteers offer expanded opportunities for this coordination and pooling together of resources, which always equal more than the sum of their combination. When you work together to complete any task you are including outside forces in your cooperative effort. When you seek direction and blaze a trail ahead you are creating opportunities which fly off as sparks from the grinding wheel. When one puts the stone to the metal with intent and purpose, it may appear as though much random activity occurs when the sparks fly off in all directions.
As you are aware, there are great benefits to be had in the coordinating, organizing, and eventual manifestation of any project undertaken in service by more than a single individual. Great opportunities arise for the polishing of many of life's skills of living when you have an agenda to pursue and a task at hand to be completed. There is certainly nothing wrong with working on tasks individually; tasks which are accomplished privately are of great value in this overall project of your personal spiritual growth, but tasks taken on as a group of volunteers offer expanded opportunities for this coordination and pooling together of resources, which always equal more than the sum of their combination. When you work together to complete any task you are including outside forces in your cooperative effort. When you seek direction and blaze a trail ahead you are creating opportunities which fly off as sparks from the grinding wheel. When one puts the stone to the metal with intent and purpose, it may appear as though much random activity occurs when the sparks fly off in all directions.
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Patterns of Duality
Patterns of Duality
* Michael (Jonathan): I have made known to you of my gift of a host of heavenly helpers, those who come to be at your side to guide, to strengthen. Today I wish to tell you that you are the helpers of heaven. There is a pattern used throughout my realm of partnership. It is evident in the various revelatory administrations that have taken place upon this world. The staff of your one-time prince, though hailing from your system, were associated with natives of this world in partnership. My Material Sons and Daughters likewise work in twos. Your revered Melchizedek chose Abraham to be with him. I always sent my apostles, two as a team. The master seraphim stationed on this world have a reserve corps of human associates, and the Father has given you Himself to be in partnership. Even your physical anatomy illustrates this twofold association. Your one hand may be composing; your other hand steadies the page. Your TR sits passively while the teacher expresses. There are times when the roles reverse; there are times when the heavenly helpers hail from above, and there are other times when these helpers of heaven have risen from the races of mankind. Even I do not rule alone; I share my sovereignty with Mother Spirit Nebadonia. I have finished.
Michael (Jonathan): I have made known to you of my gift of a host of heavenly helpers, those who come to be at your side to guide, to strengthen. Today I wish to tell you that you are the helpers of heaven. There is a pattern used throughout my realm of partnership. It is evident in the various revelatory administrations that have taken place upon this world. The staff of your one-time prince, though hailing from your system, were associated with natives of this world in partnership. My Material Sons and Daughters likewise work in twos. Your revered Melchizedek chose Abraham to be with him. I always sent my apostles, two as a team. The master seraphim stationed on this world have a reserve corps of human associates, and the Father has given you Himself to be in partnership. Even your physical anatomy illustrates this twofold association. Your one hand may be composing; your other hand steadies the page. Your TR sits passively while the teacher expresses. There are times when the roles reverse; there are times when the heavenly helpers hail from above, and there are other times when these helpers of heaven have risen from the races of mankind. Even I do not rule alone; I share my sovereignty with Mother Spirit Nebadonia. I have finished.
[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: N. Idaho TeaM]]
[[Category: Elyon]]
[[Category: Malvantra]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Jonathan]]
[[Category: Mark Rogers]]
[[Category: 2001]]