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Group: Pocatello, Idaho
Teachers: Daniel, Tanare
Topic: The Career Beyond
September 22, 2000
===Topic: ''The Career Beyond''===
===Group: [[Pocatello TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Daniel]], [[Tanare]], [[Minearsia]], [[Aaron]]===
===TR: [[Bill K.]], [[===
Tanare(Bill) Greetings. I am Tanare. I wish to lead you in the opening prayer.
Tanare(Bill) Greetings. I am Tanare. I wish to lead you in the opening prayer.
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Daniel(Bill): Greetings, my friends, I am Daniel, your teacher, your guide, your friend, and your companion. Welcome back to our fellowship, Barbara.. You have been missed and your presence is a delight to me as well as your peers assembled here this evening. Welcome, also, to the rest of you, and I send a welcome to those of you whom you do not ascertain through mortal eyes, but who are in here in large numbers.
Daniel(Bill): Greetings, my friends, I am Daniel, your teacher, your guide, your friend, and your companion. Welcome back to our fellowship, Barbara.. You have been missed and your presence is a delight to me as well as your peers assembled here this evening. Welcome, also, to the rest of you, and I send a welcome to those of you whom you do not ascertain through mortal eyes, but who are in here in large numbers.
One of the greatest joys of the ascension career is the discovery of loving companionship and joyful partnership/teamwork. Yes, unfortunately, it is often true on Urantia that true partnership and teamwork can be rare. Your culture, in particular, is rife with competition to the point of ruthless, ego deflating, personal worth degrading consequences. There is a healthy competition which can be obtained between oneself and another in which there is mutual admiration, sincere compliments and encouragement to the other person to achieve their best. In this type of competition the winner does not glory in their win and the looser does not wallow in their despair. The whole process is taken rather lightly as the purpose of the competition is to enhance one's motivation and effort. I wish to speak this evening on meaningful work. Isaac is mildly distressed for he was having a premonition that I might launch into some discussion of this topic.
One of the greatest joys of the ascension career is the discovery of loving companionship and joyful partnership/teamwork. Yes, unfortunately, it is often true on Urantia that true partnership and teamwork can be rare. Your culture, in particular, is rife with competition to the point of ruthless, ego deflating, personal worth degrading consequences. There is a healthy competition which can be obtained between oneself and another in which there is mutual admiration, sincere compliments and encouragement to the other person to achieve their best. In this type of competition the winner does not glory in their win and the looser does not wallow in their despair. The whole process is taken rather lightly as the purpose of the competition is to enhance one's motivation and effort. I wish to speak this evening on meaningful work. Isaac is mildly distressed for he was having a premonition that I might launch into some discussion of this topic.
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Daniel(Bill): Let us continue...I am Daniel. Are there questions or comments that you would like to make this evening? The floor is open.
Daniel(Bill): Let us continue...I am Daniel. Are there questions or comments that you would like to make this evening? The floor is open.
Virginia: Daniel, I would just like to say thank you for being present and being so patient with the questions and comments that I have asked over the last many years. I really appreciate the encouraging words that I listen to from you and the other teachers. I hope you see more growth than I have.
Virginia: Daniel, I would just like to say thank you for being present and being so patient with the questions and comments that I have asked over the last many years. I really appreciate the encouraging words that I listen to from you and the other teachers. I hope you see more growth than I have.
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Virginia: Daniel, along that same line we have been told that rehabilitated rebel midwayers might be returning to Urantia. Would you like to comment on that rumor?
Virginia: Daniel, along that same line we have been told that rehabilitated rebel midwayers might be returning to Urantia. Would you like to comment on that rumor?
Daniel: Mercy is never exhausted until there is no longer reception for mercy available in the mind of the individual toward whom the mercy is extended. Any being who had joined the rebellion was offered mercy until that mercy was finally refused forever. Many of the angels and midwayers were led astray by their confidence in the brilliance of Lucifer and Caligastia only to find out that they had been deceived, misled, and their trust had been abused. The confusion that was rampant in this System of Satania, which I was not a part of at the time, having come from another system, was beyond our understanding, for we had never had such a thing. So if there be rebel midwayers who have chosen to repudiate their disloyalty and express their heartfelt, fully repentant, mercifully resurrected love for their Creator, Michael/Nebadonia, should it surprise you that they could be offered a meaningful ministry, and even possibly a return to this planet? You will notice, however, that the text speaks of rehabilitation often in terms of new work and not a return to former. If it is to come to pass that rebel midwayers are welcomed back to Urantia, this might be a measure of mercy beyond the standard procedure. My advice is...let us all keep an open mind and if it should come to pass that this rumor gains substance we can be sure that the wisdom of the very highest sort has ordained it. These are my words.Virginia: Thank you Daniel.Daniel: And now I do take this moment for closure of this gathering this evening. My TR is depleted and I honor his unspoken request to complete our time together. My love to you all. Good evening.
Daniel: Mercy is never exhausted until there is no longer reception for mercy available in the mind of the individual toward whom the mercy is extended. Any being who had joined the rebellion was offered mercy until that mercy was finally refused forever. Many of the angels and midwayers were led astray by their confidence in the brilliance of Lucifer and Caligastia only to find out that they had been deceived, misled, and their trust had been abused. The confusion that was rampant in this System of Satania, which I was not a part of at the time, having come from another system, was beyond our understanding, for we had never had such a thing. So if there be rebel midwayers who have chosen to repudiate their disloyalty and express their heartfelt, fully repentant, mercifully resurrected love for their Creator, Michael/Nebadonia, should it surprise you that they could be offered a meaningful ministry, and even possibly a return to this planet? You will notice, however, that the text speaks of rehabilitation often in terms of new work and not a return to former. If it is to come to pass that rebel midwayers are welcomed back to Urantia, this might be a measure of mercy beyond the standard procedure. My advice is...let us all keep an open mind and if it should come to pass that this rumor gains substance we can be sure that the wisdom of the very highest sort has ordained it. These are my words.Virginia: Thank you Daniel.Daniel:  
And now I do take this moment for closure of this gathering this evening. My TR is depleted and I honor his unspoken request to complete our time together. My love to you all. Good evening.
Group: Good evening, Daniel.
Group: Good evening, Daniel.
[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Pocatello TeaM]]
[[Category: Daniel]]
[[Category: Tanare]]
[[Category: Minearsia]]
[[Category: Aaron]]
[[Category: Bill K.]]
[[Category: 2000]]