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You at this point have some [[consciousness]] of the extent of the universe, not simply its [[physical]] breadth, but the depth of [[personal]] [[experience]] that may be acquired while traversing this universe. Let us speak about the search for [[truth]] for a while.
You at this point have some [[consciousness]] of the extent of the universe, not simply its [[physical]] breadth, but the depth of [[personal]] [[experience]] that may be acquired while traversing this universe. Let us speak about the search for [[truth]] for a while.
To some seeking truth is an exercise of discerning what is true from what is false. The endeavor is a [[discipline]] of separating one from the other as you would separate curds from whey, juice from pulp, discarding what does not conform to the goal of the search and retaining that which applies. This undertaking is a method of discernment useful to the [[intellect]] of the [[human]] [[mind]]. Sorting and sifting is a [[function]] of [[mind]] that enjoys categorical understanding. It is a [[process]] that you will continue to use over the course of many lifetimes [[Ascension Career|ascending many worlds]]. Each episode of discernment, while contributing to the [[organization]] of your mind; and each episode, while contributing to additional mind capacity, also contributes significantly to [[soul]] enlargement. This enlargement of soul is another level of truth discernment. I do not seek to downplay the [[value]] of truth discernment to the mind, for it is quite important in your search for [[cosmic]] understanding. I wish, however, to focus upon the soul level, for it is a little less tangible to you at this time.
To some seeking [[truth]] is an exercise of [[discerning]] what is true from what is false. The endeavor is a [[discipline]] of separating one from the other as you would separate [[curds]] from [[whey]], juice from pulp, discarding what does not conform to the goal of the search and retaining that which applies. This undertaking is a method of discernment useful to the [[intellect]] of the [[human mind]]. Sorting and sifting is a [[function]] of [[mind]] that enjoys categorical understanding. It is a [[process]] that you will continue to use over the course of many lifetimes [[Ascension Career|ascending many worlds]]. Each episode of discernment, while contributing to the [[organization]] of your mind; and each episode, while contributing to additional mind capacity, also contributes significantly to [[soul]] enlargement. This enlargement of soul is another level of truth discernment. I do not seek to downplay the [[value]] of truth discernment to the mind, for it is quite important in your search for [[cosmic]] understanding. I wish, however, to focus upon [[the soul]] level, for it is a little less tangible to you at this time.
I mention separating curds from whey. To the discerning mind these distinctions are clear based on qualities of manifestation of the two [[product]]s derived from the same source, in this case, milk. When the mind clearly discerns these distinctions it quickly can apply these distinct products to uses beneficial to the mind. The soul does not discern the truth qualities as does the mind. The mind will contact, observe, [[analyze]], verify, accept, and reject truth elements.
I mention separating [[curds]] from [[whey]]. To the discerning [[mind]] these distinctions are clear based on [[qualities]] of manifestation of the two [[product]]s derived from the same source, in this case, milk. When the mind clearly discerns these distinctions it quickly can apply these distinct products to uses beneficial to the mind. [[The soul]] does not discern the truth qualities as does the mind. The mind will contact, [[observe]], [[analyze]], verify, [[accept]], and [[reject]] truth elements.
The [[soul]] -- perhaps at a risk of crude comparison -- rather feels, [[experiences]], a living [[quality]] at each [[phase]] of the discernment [[process]]. It will in a sense appreciate milk as milk, curds as curds, and whey as whey. It will appreciate the process of separation as well as the process of homogenization. It overviews all of the elements. The mind will discern use and non use; the soul accepts both usefulness and non- usefulness as an integrated oneness. So, the mind seeks for truth resulting in [[meaning]]. The soul finds truth that results in [[value]]. The greater the ability of the mind, the keener it is to sort truth from the erroneous. The greater the development of the soul, the larger its encompassment of all [[things]] real. In [[time]] and [[space]] [[reality]] must contain the unreal, for this is the [[duality]] that energies life, that stimulates the mind and inspires the soul.
The [[soul]] -- perhaps at a risk of crude comparison -- rather feels, [[experiences]], a living [[quality]] at each [[phase]] of the discernment [[process]]. It will in a sense appreciate milk as milk, curds as curds, and whey as whey. It will appreciate the process of [[separation]] as well as the process of [[homogenization]]. It overviews all of the elements. The mind will discern use and non use; the soul accepts both usefulness and non- usefulness as an [[integrated]] oneness. So, the mind seeks for truth resulting in [[meaning]]. The soul finds truth that results in [[value]]. The greater the ability of the mind, the keener it is to sort truth from the erroneous. The greater the development of the soul, the larger its encompassment of all [[things]] real. In [[time]] and [[space]], [[reality]] must contain the unreal, for this is the [[duality]] that energies life, that stimulates the mind and inspires the soul.
The [[mature]] mind will not fight the assertions of error by another but will discern the level of understanding and patiently pursue an opportunity for the offering of elimination and correction. A mature soul likewise discerns the [[context]] wherein an erroneous assumption lies. A soul which has grown for a significant period of time perceives the appropriateness of an erroneous assumption based upon the growth level of the [[personality]] pursuing [[truth]]. While the mind may wish to correct error, the soul embraces the one in error knowing through its own experience that this other [[individual]] will grow and shed what was useful for experience that is of greater use. The [[context]] will shift.
The [[mature]] mind will not fight the assertions of error by another but will discern the level of [[understanding]] and patiently pursue an opportunity for the offering of elimination and correction. A mature [[soul]] likewise discerns the [[context]] wherein an erroneous assumption lies. A soul which has grown for a significant period of time perceives the appropriateness of an erroneous assumption based upon the growth level of the [[personality]] pursuing [[truth]]. While the mind may wish to correct error, the soul embraces the one in error knowing through its own experience that this other [[individual]] will grow and shed what was useful for experience that is of greater use. The [[context]] will shift.
Sometimes a personality becomes confused when not discerning the [[difference]] between mind and soul. One may be perplexed or embarrassed over earlier [[concept]]ual [[belief]]s that are no longer possessed as truthful. But his soul does not discard these now outdated understandings; it incorporates them into the field of [[wisdom]], that broadened viewpoint.
Sometimes a personality becomes confused when not discerning the [[difference]] between mind and soul. One may be perplexed or embarrassed over earlier [[concept]]ual [[belief]]s that are no longer possessed as truthful. But his soul does not discard these now outdated understandings; it incorporates them into the field of [[wisdom]], that broadened viewpoint.
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I wish now to receive your input.
I wish now to receive your input.
===='''''[[Light and Life]]'''''====
Kirk: The beginnings of [[Light and Life]] would be for more individuals on the planet to accept all individuals for where they are and what they are doing. The wrongs and pathways against going back to the Father would fall away because you are accepting them for who they are, not for what they are doing. Help me with some words here.
Kirk: The beginnings of [[Light and Life]] would be for more individuals on the planet to accept all individuals for where they are and what they are doing. The wrongs and pathways against going back to the Father would fall away because you are accepting them for who they are, not for what they are doing. Help me with some words here.
Elyon: You are perceiving correctly. Let’s take an example of a young child. The child needs shoes. Today, given the state of affairs on your world, the confusion involved, one would mistakenly say, “This adult-sized shoe is the shoe you must wear when you are like me, a mature adult. You must therefore begin wearing them now.” Quickly you discern that this is not the truth. This child must be fitted with a sequence of sizes until it has grown to the point where it can wear that adult shoe. In the stages prior to Light and Life you go to [[war]] over which shoe is the appropriate shoe to wear. In Light and Life, as you have said, you discern the infant, the toddler, the child, the adolescent, and the adult and accept the appropriateness of each level. This is easy to see in this example. Applying it to your [[politics]], your social structures, your industry and economies, your [[religions]], is far more difficult to do.
Elyon: You are perceiving correctly. Let’s take an example of a young child. The child needs shoes. Today, given the state of affairs on your world, the confusion involved, one would mistakenly say, “This adult-sized shoe is the shoe you must wear when you are like me, a mature adult. You must therefore begin wearing them now.” Quickly you discern that this is not the truth. This child must be fitted with a sequence of sizes until it has grown to the point where it can wear that adult shoe. In the stages prior to Light and Life you go to [[war]] over which shoe is the appropriate shoe to wear. In Light and Life, as you have said, you discern the infant, the toddler, the child, the adolescent, and the adult and accept the appropriateness of each level. This is easy to see in this example. Applying it to your [[politics]], your social structures, your industry and economies, your [[religions]], is far more difficult to do.
It has been revealed to you that Light and Life entails one [[language]], one [[religion]]. It is not that you are standardized to one tongue, one [[orthodoxy]]. You are one in your [[acceptance]] of your [[difference]]s, one in your understanding of your [[origin]]s, united in the commonality of the [[divine]] overcare, your source and origin. You may speak with differing [[sound]]s, but you [[communicate]]. And this is the one language you must reach for there to be Light and Life.
It has been revealed to you that [[Light and Life]] entails one [[language]], one [[religion]]. It is not that you are standardized to one tongue, one [[orthodoxy]]. You are one in your [[acceptance]] of your [[difference]]s, one in your understanding of your [[origin]]s, united in the commonality of the [[divine]] [[overcare]], your source and origin. You may speak with differing [[sound]]s, but you [[communicate]]. And this is the one language you must reach for there to be Light and Life.
Harold: When you were speaking about the difference between mind and soul I imagined workers building, working on a scaffolding. Each worker was like mind on its particular level of the scaffolding, whereas soul is more like the production manager who can see what previous scaffolding you have been on, also what scaffolding you will progress to as you build higher. Also he has access to the blueprints of what the final building will look like. Is that somewhat accurate?
Harold: When you were speaking about the [[difference]] between [[mind]] and [[soul]] I imagined workers building, working on a [[scaffolding]]. Each worker was like mind on its particular level of the scaffolding, whereas soul is more like the production manager who can see what previous scaffolding you have been on, also what scaffolding you will progress to as you build higher. Also he has access to the [[blueprints]] of what the final building will look like. Is that somewhat [[accurate]]?
Elyon: Well said, my friend, for this production manager even sees the roof of the building before it exists. The mind in the discernment of truth may not find a tangible, discernible [[quality]] and therefore dismiss it as untrue. The [[soul]], however, as you have exemplified, tends to look to the end as well as throughout the process and can verify truth yet un- manifest. I applaud you for your example.
Elyon: Well said, my friend, for this production manager even sees the roof of the building before it exists. The mind in the discernment of truth may not find a tangible, discernible [[quality]] and therefore dismiss it as untrue. The [[soul]], however, as you have exemplified, tends to look to the end as well as throughout the process and can verify truth yet un- manifest. I applaud you for your example.
Harold: There’s a danger in [[accepting]] everyone for where they are in that there would be no [[challenge]] to help them [[progress]]. If someone is seen doing something wrong or that doesn’t make sense even in their own definition, isn’t it our responsibility either by example or otherwise to [[explain]] that they need to change what they are doing?
Harold: There’s a danger in accepting everyone for where they are in that there would be no challenge to help them progress. If someone is seen doing something wrong or that doesn’t make sense even in their own definition, isn’t it our responsibility either by example or otherwise to explain that they need to change what they are doing?
Elyon: Yes, this is quite true. This is why [[the universe]] is designed as an [[education]]al system, each one teaching to the level from which they have just emerged. Because of this [[process]] those in need of correction, realignment, or [[adjustment]] to higher levels are better receptive to one so near in experience. The one so near in experience offering a [[revelation]] of a higher way is more understanding of that particular [[orientation]] that is being corrected.
Elyon: Yes, this is quite true. This is why the [[universe]] is designed as an [[education]]al system, each one teaching to the level from which they have just emerged. Because of this process those in need of correction, realignment, or adjustment to higher levels are better receptive to one so near in experience. The one so near in experience offering a [[revelation]] of a higher way is more understanding of that particular orientation that is being corrected.
Much that drives the [[mortal]] [[creature]] that is so important and all consuming in your life today I have long lost [[sensitivity]] to, for it has been far too long since I have been in [[mortal]] form. So, your fellows are far more capable of uplifting you to the next level than I can be.
I am glad that you pointed out that [[acceptance]] does not imply complacency or [[condoning]] of [[behavior]] that is disruptive to [[spiritual]] [[harmony]]. With this understanding and the application of [[compassion]] you then become led to minister rather than [[condemn]], to display an alternate and perhaps progressing position for another. To turn this around, each one of you is likewise at a [[stage]] of [[error]], and someone will come your way to offer advancement. Discern with [[your soul]] the acceptance of [[the Father]] of where you are now, the [[grace]] of His offering through a fellow of that which you can [[attain]] immediately.
Much that drives the [[mortal]] [[creature]] that is so important and all consuming in your life today I have long lost sensitivity to, for it has been far too long since I have been in [[mortal]] form. So, your fellows are far more capable of uplifting you to the next level than I can be.
In a world that is structured with penalty for wrong action, it breeds in a sense of [[guilt]], a protection from punishment, a shrinking from facing [[reality]]. As your lives [[unfold]] over the [[mansion worlds]] you will discover that there is great delight by the [[morontia]] personalities each time one finds something to correct in themselves. It is joyful to [[discover]] these elements to fix, to [[discover]] that which is lacking and provide the substance required to become a [[mature]] [[morontia]] [[being]]. There is no [[judgment]].
I am glad that you pointed out that acceptance does not imply complacency or condoning of [[behavior]] that is disruptive to [[spiritual]] [[harmony]]. With this understanding and the application of compassion you then become led to minister rather than condemn, to display an alternate and perhaps progressing position for another. To turn this around, each one of you is likewise at a stage of error, and someone will come your way to offer advancement. Discern with your soul the acceptance of the Father of where you are now, the [[grace]] of His offering through a fellow of that which you can attain immediately.
While you understand from your [[Urantia Papers]] that there is a vast [[structure]] and order of beings, we do not pass greater [[worth]] and lesser worth upon any one of them. This is the [[acceptance]] I speak of. However, each order of being is always willing to [[express]] the divine qualities they [[manifest]] to others, knowing that uplifting another is part of the universe-wide [[process]] that is coming to them, too.
Kirk: Do the [[angels]] or other [[celestials]] put others in our pathway who are either going to help us or who we can help with their [[problem]] to evolve?
In a world that is structured with penalty for wrong action, it breeds in a sense of [[guilt]], a protection from punishment, a shrinking from facing [[reality]]. As your lives unfold over the [[mansion worlds]] you will discover that there is great delight by the morontia personalities each time one finds something to correct in themselves. It is joyful to discover these elements to fix, to [[discover]] that which is lacking and provide the substance required to become a [[mature]] [[morontia]] [[being]]. There is no [[judgment]].
Elyon: They take great delight in this undertaking and will do what they can, acknowledging the [[sanctity]] of [[freewill]] [[sovereignty]]. Not to devalue their work, it is a thrilling [[game]] for them. Important as it is each of these humans you speak of bringing you lessons or you to them, is of vital importance to the [[Soul growth|growth of souls]]. This is of great value in the efforts of [[the angels]]. If you could see the [[joy]] the angels have as they make their [[efforts]] to bring about these [[opportunities]], you would see a [[group]] of [[beings]] who are having a [[wonderful]] time. Just as you may undertake a game on earth such as your game of tennis and take delight in a score and likewise laugh at a misplaced ball, these angels do enjoy even the [[failures]], for every undertaking improves their [[skills]] and [[reveals]] to them the nature of [[mankind]].
While you understand from your [[Urantia Papers]] that there is a vast [[structure]] and order of beings, we do not pass greater worth and lesser worth upon any one of them. This is the acceptance I speak of. However, each order of being is always willing to express the divine qualities they manifest to others, knowing that uplifting another is part of the universe-wide process that is coming to them, too.
Kirk: We could improve the whole [[process]] if we had faith in [[the angels]], faith in the process, [[faith]] in whatever is happening in our lives; that we are being helped.
Kirk: Do the [[angels]] or other celestials put others in our pathway who are either going to help us or who we can help with their problem to evolve?
Elyon: Yes, and particularly when you feel [[resistance]] to stop yourself and say, “This is an opportunity brought my way perhaps by the [[angels]] themselves that I best [[listen]] and [[discern]].” While you might not recognize it, you may [[trust]] the angels will try again.
Elyon: They take great delight in this undertaking and will do what they can, acknowledging the sanctity of [[freewill]] [[sovereignty]]. Not to devalue their work, it is a thrilling game for them. Important as it is each of these humans you speak of bringing you lessons or you to them, is of vital importance to the growth of souls. This is of great value in the efforts of the [[angels]]. If you could see the [[joy]] the angels have as they make their efforts to bring about these opportunities, you would see a [[group]] of [[beings]] who are having a [[wonderful]] time. Just as you may undertake a game on earth such as your game of tennis and take delight in a score and likewise laugh at a misplaced ball, these angels do enjoy even the failures, for every undertaking improves their skills and reveals to them the nature of mankind.
Kirk: We could improve the whole process if we had faith in the angels, faith in the process, [[faith]] in whatever is happening in our lives; that we are being helped.
Elyon: Yes, and particularly when you feel [[resistance]] to stop yourself and say, “This is an opportunity brought my way perhaps by the [[angels]] themselves that I best listen and discern.” While you might not recognize it, you may [[trust]] the angels will try again.
Kirk: Sometimes the human way is to fear that the angels will try again!
Kirk: Sometimes the human way is to fear that the angels will try again!
Elyon: Yes, along with the [[feeling]] that if you did not discover it the first time you have been thrown off the team.
Elyon: Yes, along with the [[feeling]] that if you did not [[discover]] it the first time you have been thrown off the team.
Harold: There’s [[personal]] [[revelation]] tailored to the [[individual]], and there’s group revelation such as The [[Urantia Papers]] which is for the individual and for the entire group. Is there an organization overseeing group revelation? If so, have there been other revelations that might be pointed out as helpful for our growth?
Harold: There’s [[personal]] [[revelation]] tailored to the individual, and there’s group revelation such as The Urantia Papers which is for the individual and for the entire group. Is there an organization overseeing group revelation? If so, have there been other revelations that might be pointed out as helpful for our growth?
Elyon: There are numerous [[collectives]] of celestial beings who undertake revelation processes. [[92:4 The Gift of Revelation|It has been portrayed in The Urantia Papers those of epochal consequence]], significance. Yet these are the revelations intended for global impact. But revelation does occur with smaller [[focal point]]s to benefit a region or a [[population]] for their intermediate upliftment, regardless of the understanding and [[illumination]] of peoples elsewhere. These do diminish in size down to smaller and smaller groups. However these encounter increased [[danger]] of a [[fanatical]] [[reaction]], because the base of [[receptivity]], the narrower it becomes, has less ability to [[balance]] itself, to have that corrective counter balance among its members.
Elyon: There are numerous [[collectives]] of celestial beings who undertake revelation processes. It has been portrayed in The Urantia Papers those of [[epoch]]al consequence, significance. Yet these are the revelations intended for global impact. But revelation does occur with smaller focal points to benefit a region or a population for their intermediate upliftment, regardless of the understanding and illumination of peoples elsewhere. These do diminish in size down to smaller and smaller groups. However these encounter increased danger of a fanatical reaction, because the base of receptivity, the narrower it becomes, has less ability to [[balance]] itself, to have that corrective counter balance among its members.
Those revelations projected on an epochal level [[unfold]] with [[adaptations]] from the input of many individuals, human and celestial, as you have witnessed with the [ unfolding of Christianity] subsequent to [[Michael’s bestowal]]. While these may alter the initial presentation, it adapts itself to mankind. A small group likewise adapts revelation. If one [[personality]] . .. that individual runs the risk of being the adaptor for the others . .. and herein enters the danger of a [[cult]], of a [[charismatic]] leader who will make the mistake of wavering, wandering away from the initial input into human agendas.
Those revelations projected on an epochal level unfold with adaptations from the input of many individuals, human and celestial, as you have witnessed with the unfolding of Christianity subsequent to Michael’s bestowal. While these may alter the initial presentation, it adapts itself to mankind. A small group likewise adapts revelation. If one personality . .. that individual runs the risk of being the adaptor for the others . .. and herein enters the danger of a [[cult]], of a [[charismatic]] leader who will make the mistake of wavering, wandering away from the initial input into [[human agendas]].
When a [[revelation]] is intended of global significance, much [[research]] is done on a world to discern the best [[timing]] and location for it to unfold. These revelations of such scope have specific [[agendas]] or [[curricula]] to present. Modifications are made to adapt to the world, but the world does not [[dictate]] what it will teach, only how it will be taught. There are great commissions involved on each world assessing the timing and location of these undertakings.
When a [[revelation]] is intended of global significance, much [[research]] is done on a world to discern the best timing and location for it to unfold. These revelation of such scope have specific agendas or [[curricula]] to present. Modifications are made to adapt to the world, but the world does not dictate what it will teach, only how it will be taught. There are great commissions involved on each world assessing the timing and location of these undertakings.
When it comes to [[personal]] revelation there is only one single great entity involved, and that is the [[Thought Adjuster|Divine Presence]] dwelling within you. It needs no [[counsel]]; it needs no committee, for the Presence of God knows fully what the individual needs to have [[bestowed]] upon them for greater [[insight]] and for spiritual [[unfoldment]].
When it comes to [[personal]] [[revelation]] there is only one single great entity involved, and that is the [[Thought Adjuster|Divine Presence]] dwelling within you. It needs no counsel; it needs no committee, for the Presence of God knows fully what the individual needs to have bestowed upon them for greater [[insight]] and for spiritual unfoldment.
Since these revelatory commissions are not of the caliber of God they must undertake [[studies]], do tests, and run [[trials]] in order to [[discern]] the when and the where of a [[revelation]]. There have been times when these trials have [[failed]] or needed to be halted, for they were unfolding in a detrimental [[manner]]. <u>These commissions will wait, will undertake these smaller group revelations you speak of, to greater prepare the world for the larger presentation.</u>
Since these revelatory commissions are not of the caliber of God they must undertake studies, do tests, and run trials in order to discern the when and the where of a revelation. There have been times when these trials have failed or needed to be halted, for they were unfolding in a detrimental [[manner]]. <u>These commissions will wait, will undertake these smaller group revelations you speak of, to greater prepare the world for the larger presentation.</u>
Harold: I wonder if the [ LDS] represented one of those preparatory [[steps]] or trials of revelation.
Harold: I wonder if the LDS represented one of those preparatory steps or trials of revelation.
Elyon: Yes.
Elyon: Yes.
Harold: There was some revelation somewhere in the core that got lost or superseded by others.
Harold: There was some [[revelation]] somewhere in the core that got lost or [[superseded]] by others.
Elyon: It was one element in the testing phase for an epochal revelation. It is among numerous similar endeavors of that time and before. Each one of these tests, while benefitting from the reception of celestial input, was not necessarily intended to be the point of epochal presentation. They were what you might call dry runs. But any dry run is compensated with truth and light. You are never taken advantage of; always will you be given some reward for being part of the process of bringing a greater revelation of God to the world.
Elyon: It was one element in the testing phase for an [[epochal revelation]]. It is among numerous similar endeavors of that time and before. Each one of these tests, while benefitting from the [[reception]] of celestial input, was not necessarily intended to be the point of epochal presentation. They were what you might call dry runs. But any dry run is compensated with [[truth]] and [[light]]. You are never taken [[advantage]] of; always will you be given some reward for being part of the [[process]] of bringing a greater revelation of God to the world.
Harold: Always the personal presentation is involved, right?
Harold: Always the personal presentation is involved, right?
Elyon: Yes. Personal revelation never ends. The [[periodicity]] of such [[revelation]] is up to the discerning ear of the [[human]] [[personality]]. However, when this interworking interfaces with an epochal undertaking therein enters uncertainty as to reaction by that individual in relation to the broader project.
Elyon: Yes. Personal revelation never ends. The [[periodicity]] of such [[revelation]] is up to the discerning ear of the [[human]] [[personality]]. However, when this interworking interfaces with an epochal undertaking therein enters [[uncertainty]] as to reaction by that individual in relation to the broader project.
Harold: Could you explain that a little more?
Harold: Could you explain that a little more?
Elyon: Let us return to the example of a child needing shoes. As revelators attempt to locate time and place for revelation, they must test to see if a receptive individual or individuals are capable of processing, managing, a revelation. Personal revelation is the efforts of the Divine Indweller to help you grow out of your current pair of shoes to get you ready to put on a larger size. Epochal revelation attempts to provide a rack of shoe sizes so that many people may fit. So, one receiving such contact may mistake the variability of shoe sizes for their own particular size, confuse the two, and disrupt the process. A religion may begin that says all size five shoes are the right shoes. This is where a personal revelation can interrupt or halt an epochal undertaking.
Elyon: Let us return to the example of a child needing shoes. As revelators attempt to locate [[time]] and place for [[revelation]], they must test to see if a receptive individual or individuals are capable of processing, managing, a revelation. Personal revelation is the efforts of the [[Divine Indweller]] to help you grow out of your current pair of shoes to get you ready to put on a larger size. [[Epochal revelation]] attempts to provide a rack of shoe sizes so that many people may fit. So, one receiving such contact may mistake the variability of shoe sizes for their own particular size, [[confuse]] the two, and disrupt the [[process]]. A religion may begin that says all size five shoes are the right shoes. This is where a personal revelation can interrupt or halt an epochal undertaking.
You know from our studies that several sites were selected for the [[Garden of Eden]], and several families were chosen to be the family wherein [[Jesus]] would be raised. These unselected options were not condemned.
You know from our studies that several sites were selected for the [[Garden of Eden]], and several [[families]] were chosen to be the family wherein [[Jesus]] would be raised. These unselected [[options]] were not [[condemned]].
Do you wish more clarification?
Do you wish more [[clarification]]?
Harold: I think you hit it.
Harold: I think you hit it.
Tom: When I read that [[truth]] itself is a [[revelation]] it brings to [[mind]] both [[personal]] and epochal revelation. Truth is like jewels, treasures, spread everywhere. A person’s willingness is required to follow that truth and something to maintain your [[equilibrium]] in pursuit of that like [[stillness]]. That would apply to personal truth or even to [[The Urantia Book]] as an epochal revelation. You still must open it and embrace it. Is that what we are talking about?
Tom: When I read that [[truth]] itself is a [[revelation]] it brings to [[mind]] both [[personal]] and [[epochal revelation]]. Truth is like jewels, treasures, spread everywhere. A person’s willingness is required to follow that truth and something to maintain your [[equilibrium]] in pursuit of that like [[stillness]]. That would apply to personal truth or even to [[The Urantia Book]] as an epochal revelation. You still must open it and [[embrace]] it. Is that what we are talking about?
Elyon: Yes, you have encapsulated my lesson of today. Well done. One may look at milk and see milk, to look at curds and see curds, and likewise for whey, but one also sees the others while observing the one. This all-embracing [[quality]] is that string of truth you speak of. It is the experiencing of this interrelatedness that is also truth, the living undertaking. Revelation in an outward form is truly only a presentation. It becomes revelation when it awakens the soul. That will happen all over over the course of time in many individuals. Therefore is the term applied “epochal”, not that it happened once to mark an epoch, but that it is presented once and continually is being revealed throughout an epoch.
Harold: Thank you, Elyon. That was very enlightening.
Elyon: Yes, you have encapsulated my lesson of today. Well done. One may look at milk and see milk, to look at curds and see curds, and likewise for whey, but one also sees the others while observing the one. This all-embracing [[quality]] is that string of truth you speak of. It is the experiencing of this interrelatedness that is also truth, the living undertaking. Revelation in an outward [[form]] is truly only a presentation. It becomes revelation when it awakens [[the soul]]. That will happen all over over the [[course]] of time in many individuals. Therefore is the term applied “epochal”, not that it happened once to mark an epoch, but that it is presented once and continually is being revealed throughout an epoch.
Harold: Thank you, Elyon. That was very [[enlightening]].
Elyon: You are welcome. I will withdraw. However, I wish to make one last comment.
Elyon: You are welcome. I will withdraw. However, I wish to make one last comment.
You have spoken of [[stillness]], and while I was present during your discussions, you discussed [[baptism]]. I would like to emphasize that stillness is a baptism. Submerging yourself in the presence of God, bringing about a marked point of transformation between an earlier [[moment]] to a moment that follows, to become infused with [[spirit]], to let the water of life pour upon you, this exercise allows you to begin anew, to rededicate, to gather strength to try again.
You have spoken of [[stillness]], and while I was present during your discussions, you discussed [[baptism]]. I would like to emphasize that stillness is a baptism. Submerging yourself in the [[presence]] of God, bringing about a marked point of [[transformation]] between an earlier [[moment]] to a moment that follows, to become [[infused]] with [[spirit]], to let the [[water of life]] pour upon you, this exercise allows you to begin anew, to rededicate, to gather strength to try again.
Take care.
Take care.
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