
Created page with 'Image:lighterstill.jpg right|frame ==Heading== ===Topic: ''Quickening Time''=== ===Group: At Large=== ==Facilitators== ===Teacher: [...'

===Topic: ''Quickening Time''===
===Group: [[At Large]]===
===Teacher: [[Serena]]===
===TR: [[Leoma Sparer]]===
"The [[time]]s are quickening now in the [[spirit]] [[plane]]. Spirits and [[hearts]] of people are being [[united]] in [[divine]] [[love]] to herald a [[new age]] of [[enlightened]] living. The veil between the worlds of [[spirit]] and [[physical]] becomes [[translucent]] as those of your [[persuasion]] come into greater [[attunement]] with their [[Thought Adjusters]]. In time, the veil will dissipate for many more ones now [[awakening]] to their [[destiny]] inheritance which is [[love]], [[altruism]] and [[clear]] [[sight]].

"The strands of [[evolution]] we are weaving [[together]] now for all of the [[awakening]] ones are varied and [[complex]] to your [[comprehension]], yet [[simple]] in [[design]] by our estimation. This is a [[unique]] [[experience]] for all involved, in a sense re-[[writing]] the 'instruction manual'.

"Unprecedented [[celestial]] and [[Adam and Eve|Adamic assistance]] and upliftment is being allowed for the acceleration of [[transformation]] in these [[Correcting Time]]s. Though it appears to most [[humans]] on your [[planet]] that matters of [[economy]], [[health]], [ international relations] and [[environmental]] concerns continue to decline into decay, we remind you these are the labor pains of a new dispensation being [[birth]]ed. [[Pressure]] upon those [[institutions]], [[practices]] and [[beliefs]] that are not in [[alignment]] with the [[purer]] [[energies]] now encircuiting on [[Urantia]] will no longer hold sway. They are engaging in the final throes of desperate attempts at grasping [[power]], all the while losing their grip on the [[ability]] to [[control]] the [[minds]] and [[actions]] of an [[awakening]] [[Population|populace]].

"The imbalance will be tipped when those now rubbing the slumber of apathy and blind [[trust]] in falsehood from their eyes no longer stand by while the few hold [[power]], fed by greed, over the many.

"So continue on, my dear [[friends]]. Push on to the prize of [[Light and Life]] on [[Urantia]]. We [[encourage]] you to hold fast to the [[ideals]] [[Michael]] has set before you, the [[values]] of [ Truth, Beauty and Goodness] he exemplifies.

"Though the path may be [[difficult]], each step you take toward the goal is one that brings all of your [[brothers and sisters]] along with you.
"In [[grace]] and [[peace]] may you be opened to the [[Light]] that shines for all to receive.

"In the [[Love]] that radiates among us, Serena"

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: At Large]]
[[Category: Serena]]
[[Category: Leoma]]
[[Category: Preparation]]
[[Category: Change]]
[[Category: 2010]]
[[Category: March]]