
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 187:4.1 One of the brigands railed at Jesus, saying, " If you are the Son of God, w...'

187:4.1 One of the [[brigands]] railed at [[Jesus]], saying, " If you are the [[Creator Son|Son of God]], why do you not save yourself and us? "[] But when he had reproached [[Jesus]], the other [[thief]], who had many times heard [[the Master]] teach, said: " Do you have no [[fear]] even of [[God]]? Do you not see that we are [[suffering]] [[justly]] for our [[deeds]], but that this man suffers unjustly? Better that we should seek [[forgiveness]] for our [[sins]] and [[salvation]] for our [[souls]]. " When [[Jesus]] heard the [[thief]] say this, he turned his [[face]] toward him and smiled approvingly. When the malefactor saw the [[face]] of [[Jesus]] turned toward him, he mustered up his [[courage]], fanned the flickering [[flame]] of his [[faith]], and said, " Lord, remember me when you come into [[the Kingdom|your kingdom]]. " And then [[Jesus]] said, " Verily, verily, I say to you today, you shall sometime be with me in [[Paradise]]. "[]

187:4.2 [[The Master]] had time amidst the pangs of [[mortal]] [[death]] to [[listen]] to the [[faith]] [[confession]] of the [[believing]] [[brigand]]. When this [[thief]] reached out for [[salvation]], he found [[deliverance]]. Many times before this he had been constrained to [[believe]] in [[Jesus]], but only in these last hours of [[consciousness]] did he turn with a whole [[heart]] toward [[the Master]]'s teaching. When he saw the [[manner]] in which [[Jesus]] faced [[death]] upon the [[cross]], this [[thief]] could no longer [[resist]] the [[conviction]] that this [ Son of Man] was indeed the [ Son of God].

187:4.3 During this [[episode]] of the [[conversion]] and [[reception]] of the [[thief]] into [[the kingdom]] by [[Jesus]], the [[Apostle John]] was [[absent]], having gone into the [[city]] to bring his [[mother]] and her [[friends]] to the scene of the [[crucifixion]]. [ Luke] subsequently heard this [[story]] from the [[converted]] [ Roman captain] of the guard.

187:4.4 The [[Apostle John]] told about the [[crucifixion]] as he [[remembered]] the [[event]] [ two thirds of a century after its occurrence]. The [ other records] were based upon the [[recital]] of the [ Roman centurion] on [[duty]] who, because of what he saw and heard, subsequently [[believed]] in [[Jesus]] and entered into the full [[fellowship]] of [[the kingdom]] of [[heaven]] on [[earth]].

187:4.5 This [[young man]], the [[penitent]] [[brigand]], had been led into a life of [[violence]] and wrongdoing by those who extolled such a [[career]] of [[robbery]] as an [[effective]] [[patriotic]] [[protest]] against [[political]] [[oppression]] and [ social injustice]. And this sort of teaching, plus the urge for [[adventure]], led many otherwise well-meaning [[youths]] to enlist in these daring expeditions of [[robbery]]. This [[young man]] had looked upon [ Barabbas] as a [[hero]]. Now he saw that he had been mistaken. Here on the [[cross]] beside him he saw a really [[Nobility|great]] man, a true [[hero]]. Here was a [[hero]] who fired his [[zeal]] and [[inspired]] his highest [[ideas]] of [[moral]] [[self]]-[[respect]] and quickened all his [[ideals]] of [[courage]], [[manhood]], and [[bravery]]. In beholding [[Jesus]], there sprang up in his [[heart]] an overwhelming sense of [[love]], [[loyalty]], and genuine [[Nobility|greatness]].

187:4.6 And if any other [[person]] among the [[Mob|jeering crowd]] had [[experienced]] the [[birth]] of [[faith]] within his [[soul]] and had [[appealed]] to the [[mercy]] of [[Jesus]], he would have been [[received]] with the same loving [[consideration]] that was displayed toward the believing [[brigand]].

187:4.7 Just after the [[repentant]] [[thief]] heard [[the Master]]'s [[promise]] that they should sometime meet in [[Paradise]], [[John, the Apostle|John]] returned from the [[city]], bringing with him his [[mother]] and a company of almost a [[dozen]] [[women]] [[believers]]. [[John, the Apostle|John]] took up his position near [[Mother Mary|Mary]] the [[mother]] of [[Jesus]], [[supporting]] her. Her son [,_brother_of_Jesus Jude] stood on the [[other]] side. As Jesus looked down upon this scene, it was noontide, and he said to his mother, " Woman, behold your son! " And [[speaking]] to [[John, the Apostle|John]], he said, " My son, behold your [[mother]]! "[] And then he addressed them both, saying, " I [[desire]] that you depart from this place. " And so [[John, the Apostle|John]] and [,_brother_of_Jesus Jude] led [[Mother Mary|Mary]] away from [ Golgotha]. [[John, the Apostle|John]] took the [[mother]] of [[Jesus]] to the place where he tarried in [[Jerusalem]] and then hastened back to the scene of the [[crucifixion]]. After the [[Passover]] [[Mother Mary|Mary]] returned to [ Bethsaida], where she lived at [[John, the Apostle|John]]'s [[home]] for the rest of her natural life. [[Mother Mary|Mary]] did not live quite one year after the [[death]] of [[Jesus]].

187:4.8 After [[Mother Mary|Mary]] left, the other [[women]] withdrew for a short distance and remained in attendance upon [[Jesus]] until he expired on the [[cross]], and they were yet standing by when the [[body]] of [[the Master]] was taken down for [[burial]].

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